Drone Jammers
15852 26 2015-3-21
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Wildcat Willie


Just when you thought your main problems were DJI and props... I came across this site.


All you have to do is a Google Search for Drone Jammers...It apears that there are more and more people that are feeling their privacy is being invaded by drones to the point they are trying to block the frequencies between the UAV and controller...They are illegal but that doesnt seem to be stopping another growing industry.

Just one more thing to worry about...
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Says its only effective up to 60 Meters? and I doubt very much it would do even that. This likely doesn't have any more output than a common wifi system in your house. If it did, you would be broadcasting dangerously high levels of UHF radiation throughout your house, like a full time high output cell phone tower in your living room. Really if these people are willing to get cancer to stop the hoard of drones flying around their homes... giver!
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Wildcat Willie


Yeah, I saw that...However, if you do the Google Search it becomes a bit more concerning....I came across a Ham operator actively looking for a way to Jam Drones as well as others...There is unfortunately definite intent ... It got to depressing looking further.
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Colonel Angus

United States

Marketing is preying on the naïve public and their weak sheepish minds on this topic no doubt
Average person in the USA thinks this is their right to stop those who seek this as a hobby due to the fact they are uneducated ,same as most of the nation sadly.

Its idiocracy  in full bloom.

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Flight distance : 1500794 ft

Dangair Posted at 2015-3-22 11:42
Says its only effective up to 60 Meters? and I doubt very much it would do even that. This likely do ...

Sorry Dangair but do you have any reference (study) that proves a causal correlation of exposure to UHF frequencies (300 MHz - 3 GHz) and cancer?

Electromagnetic radiation can be separated into ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Only ionizing radiation has enough energy to liberate electrons from molecules/atoms. Ionizing radiation starts at the upper end of the visible light spectrum (ultra violet -> sun burn).
2,4 GHz is faaaar away from being Ionizing radiation - infrared starts at about 300 GHz, then we have the visible spectrum and at the end of the visible spectrum ultra violet (ionizing radiation) starts at 789 THz.

If I had the slightest fear that 2,4 GHz could cause cancer, I would never get close to any wireless access point, bluetooth devices, microwave ovens or the Inspire-1 sender ;)
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Don't worry Marco, give it time, they will make a correlation at some point. Microwave certainly causes cancer, long term EMF exposure causes cancer and so does welding. The sun does, the air we breath does, virtually everything humans look at causes it. I hope you sense my sarcastic tone here. The fact is this. For those devices to be even marginally effective in jamming our signal, they must use an amplifier because stock with a quarter wave antenna they won't be able to produce a signal strong enought to do much more than scramble their own wifi and cordless phones. But you are more than likely right, cell phone Cancer debate has been going on for quite some time. I see it like this the wave length at 2.4 GHz is too long to move particles in the body. But then who knows maybe extreme amplification can cause other problems like EMF radiation exposure beyond normal levels. Being below large transmission lines is definitely not good for anyone it can damage your mojo with long term exposure! oh, just to summarize I don't need to fear jammers in my hood, Smith and Wesson and Browning are way bigger threats! I live in the pot growing capital of central BC ... The Shuswap Lake area. I can't even cross the border without having my truck raped by the border nazis. I do know that the Whitehouse is using some drone jamming technology but I think it has bullets!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
  • >>>
United States

Anything that can "jam" a signal in America is illegal.  These devices have existed for years, it's really not a problem.
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Flight distance : 1500794 ft

Dangair Posted at 2015-3-23 00:29
Don't worry Marco, give it time, they will make a correlation at some point. Microwave certainly cau ...

I agree, life is deadly and having a jammer switched on at home is just stupid (and illegal)

One day somebody might correlate water/air/etc. with some forms of cancer - in the meantime I guide my decisions based on reason and science. To me this means pigs don't fly, homeopathy doesn't work, and 2,4 GHz microwaves do not kick electrons out of the molecules I am made of

People very often get causality and correlation mixed up - eg. "90% of all inspire-1 crashes happen during daylight so we can safely assume sunlight to be a primary cause of such accidents"

BTW. I envy you for calling BC home - I'd love to have these great landscapes around the corner!
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United States

I don't know about home jammers but I live where an occasional pair of Warthogs fly by. They will mess with your GPS for five minutes before they arrive and up to five minutes after they're gone.
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marco Posted at 2015-3-23 04:18
I agree, life is deadly and having a jammer switched on at home is just stupid (and illegal)

On ...

Where do you live?
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Yes Warthogs or A10 Thunderbolts as we in Canada call them are tank killers and they do use a special technology to protect them from rockets. But that's classified isn't it?
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Flight distance : 1500794 ft

Austria - too crowded for my taste
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United States

Missouri.  They can also drop your RC signal quite a bit.
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My pappy is from Missouri, related to the Cherokee people. Triplett clan. But I was born in Canada.
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http://ctstechnologys.com/category/drones-jammersDrones Jammer ?
I know a company http://ctstechnologys.com/
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United States

marco Posted at 2015-3-22 15:18
I agree, life is deadly and having a jammer switched on at home is just stupid (and illegal)

On ...

everything is labeled as causing cancer in the state of california usa, lol!!

sunlight causes cancer, eating well done steak causes cancer, eating canned food causes cancer, touching nearly any chemical causes cancer, its a bit ridiculous and blown out of proportion and it takes years and years of exposure, not 10 minutes.  basically a non issue for most sensible people.
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up to 1.5KM drone jammer,this is usually used by Law Enforcement  
http://www.gasiajammer.com/sale- ... -exspcially-fo.html
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Flight distance : 90459 ft
United Kingdom

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Flight distance : 90459 ft
United Kingdom

And now we need ANTI-JAMMING tech on our drones
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United States

phantom_of_the_ Posted at 2017-8-25 12:56
And now we need ANTI-JAMMING tech on our drones

Seriously, this type of garbage could be very serious for any future radio-controlled devices.

I have multiple neighbors that go on the neighborhood Facebook page and talk about making/buying signal jammers and other things to get rid of drones. It's pretty sad, the things they say. But regardless, this is inevitable and a terrible thing.

Without some serious changes, there will be no legitimate drone flying.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

i just came across this thread here and wanted to mention, it is sadly becoming pretty much common place to the point i hope FCC and the FAA start taking down people using jammers..  i know a few people (ham operators) that are getting into jamming wifi signals..basically on the attack against 2.4Ghz spectrum..  in my areas where i been flying i been marking down locations where i think im being jammed.. i found a few suspicious locations...    i'm flying a mavic pro so i have great range and decent switching tech..  2 stand out areas look like people probably ham users.. ham users tend to attack people for not being licensed and not obeying rules if not in their circle jerk of friends, so its extremely ironic that they also most likely to violate federal laws..     infact i was intending to become a ham until i had my first run in with one and changed my mind entirely..  sorry to all the nice welcoming hams out there....

anywho..  its sad people are resorting to this... its also sad that FCC will also very likely not go after this... the FCC isn't what it once was..  i personally reported the addressed and locations of suspected jammers.. i did mail letters with my po box i am renting... hopefully i hear back..   
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

They will eventually be found out.  Extremely long story short, my buddy narrowly avoided jail time years ago for using a 5W jammer.  The feds will find you if you use a jammer long enough.  My friend used it for about 16 hours straight.  He started it at night and when we got off the bus from school the feds were waiting in front of his house.  They took everything he owned and everything his parents owned.  It was absolutely insane.   
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United States

method007 Posted at 2017-8-29 10:50
They will eventually be found out.  Extremely long story short, my buddy narrowly avoided jail time years ago for using a 5W jammer.  The feds will find you if you use a jammer long enough.  My friend used it for about 16 hours straight.  He started it at night and when we got off the bus from school the feds were waiting in front of his house.  They took everything he owned and everything his parents owned.  It was absolutely insane.

That's crazy. I know of a few stories similar to this, but not regarding jammers ... Only kids getting into big trouble from the feds who were waiting for them when they came home from school.

I'd be interested in getting some sort of a RF analyzer that could also lead us towards where the signal is coming from. I've got a list of names from the neighborhood message boards, and would only need confirmation that they are disrupting these frequencies. They're the idiots posting to everyone about how great it would be if everyone had a jammer.

On the other side of things, for the same reason they are stupid enough to be speaking publicly about it, I'm doing whatever I can to ensure that these clowns do not know that we own a drone. It's funny, because at least 3 of these people are actual acquaintances of ours who do not know that we fly. And they'd all be pretty embarrassed to learn that they're constantly ripping into me (collectively, with the other drones they hate).

Anyways, what a joke. Would like to shove it up their ... As far as I'm concerned, they all need to get busted. This issue really has nothing against drone owners, but against people who think it's just fine to cause a public disturbance (or at worst case, manslaughter) in the name of "hating drones".
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TN Lone Wolf
Flight distance : 963251 ft
United States

I've never really thought about people attempting to jam drones.  I'd be more afraid of someone breaking out the 12 gauge.
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TN Lone Wolf
Flight distance : 963251 ft
United States

method007 Posted at 2017-8-29 10:50
They will eventually be found out.  Extremely long story short, my buddy narrowly avoided jail time years ago for using a 5W jammer.  The feds will find you if you use a jammer long enough.  My friend used it for about 16 hours straight.  He started it at night and when we got off the bus from school the feds were waiting in front of his house.  They took everything he owned and everything his parents owned.  It was absolutely insane.

If you'd be willing to post them, I'd love to read the finer details of that story.
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Alexey Dubkov

United States

Depends of where you are flying. I think it is unacceptable to fly in living areas because of other people privacy and risk of crashing drone to backyard where kids are playing.
I think FCC should regulate and enforce where drone can fly, that could be done trough specifying different perimeters zones and require all drone produced have chip now allowing them fly in certain zones, as well as it should allow identify drones global id wireslly, so FCC know if somebody break the rule.
Now, off course that chip can be removed and we already have plenty of drones without it, but I guess that could be regulated.
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United States

ImHereToCrash Posted at 2017-8-29 00:55
i just came across this thread here and wanted to mention, it is sadly becoming pretty much common place to the point i hope FCC and the FAA start taking down people using jammers..  i know a few people (ham operators) that are getting into jamming wifi signals..basically on the attack against 2.4Ghz spectrum..  in my areas where i been flying i been marking down locations where i think im being jammed.. i found a few suspicious locations...    i'm flying a mavic pro so i have great range and decent switching tech..  2 stand out areas look like people probably ham users.. ham users tend to attack people for not being licensed and not obeying rules if not in their circle jerk of friends, so its extremely ironic that they also most likely to violate federal laws..     infact i was intending to become a ham until i had my first run in with one and changed my mind entirely..  sorry to all the nice welcoming hams out there....

anywho..  its sad people are resorting to this... its also sad that FCC will also very likely not go after this... the FCC isn't what it once was..  i personally reported the addressed and locations of suspected jammers.. i did mail letters with my po box i am renting... hopefully i hear back..

"i know a few people" pass out their call signs, real operators will have a word with them. One of the things all operators learn up front is non-interference, you violate that rule you go to jail or pay fines worth a house. Real operators also know how to find the devices, if you suspect someone is jamming contact a local amateur radio club with the location information. The FCC can't be everywhere all the time, amateur radio operators are and most now have access to SDR equipment allowing reception of any RF at any frequency combine that with directional antennas on their shack make transmitter foxhunting fun.   
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