No live stream to phone
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77667 92 2015-1-11
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Flight distance : 14452 ft
United States

Thanks for the advise. That was a good idea. Unfortunately it didn't help in my case. I fully formatted the card in my PC, but still unable to get live video from the camera - just spinning wheel. And GS still crashing the app. I still believe the app 1.0.52 is bad, as I have the exact same problem as may others. I have not seen any acknowledgment from DJI yet, hopefully they will fix it sooner than later.
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Flight distance : 1732005 ft

Hey guys, just did some tests with my P2V+ and I think it's definitely overheating in the wi-fi module.

What I tested:
. Autopilot App (US$20,00)

I tried all the solution I saw people trying  with the phantom as you can see my first reply here:

What I did now:

1. Went outside my house and flew if the phantom, with the live video working. I flew it in a fast speed and big turns, so it could get a lot of air.

2. Landed the phantom and changed the battery after my first one ran out. The live video was still working.

3. Flew in very slow speed, like I was doing a "Point of interest" flight. This way, the phantom wasn't getting to much air to cool it down. The live video was still working.

4. Landed the phantom, and turned it of. The live video was still working.

5. Turned it on again and started flying fast for 5 minutes so it could get more air again. The live video was still working.

6. Landed the phantom, turned it off and turned it on. For my surprise, the live video was working again.
Both apps the live video didn't work after step 3. Both apps started working after step 6.

So, my conclusion is that it's a project error from DJI and if your phantom is still in warranty, explain that to them so they could change you wi-fi module. There are some people that did that. Unfortunately, I'm from Brazil and I won't be able to send it back to them. So, I will try a solution that I saw in a video, using thermal paste in the wi-fi board (). - Thanks to for the YouTube video

Let you guys now if this solved the problem.
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angusmacsac Posted at 2015-9-24 00:49
FIX that worked for me ....

On one forum on one thread dealing with the no FPV issue was a single  ...

I had tried most of the things that where suggested on this subject, but when I tried formating the
card on an computer as you suggested, it now works again. Thank you so much
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Bought my Phantom 2 Vision Plus last month November 2015...  (all I could afford)
Have the same problem like all of you folks... Phantom flies ok, can take picture and video, but no live stream on the mobile app...
Tried to reset/rebind ... different phone ... formatted the MicroSD ... still the same issue.
Feel cheated of my hard earned money, and get a defective product.
Why is a company like this still in business?
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Hi folks... like so many, what - hundreds, thousands? - I've got the Phantom Vision 2+, less than one year old, put it in the case, next time out of the case the video feed from the camera to the phone is gone. Tried 2 different phones. Did everything that's been suggested - re binded, updated the app, made sure I had the current firmware, changed SD cards etc. etc.

I first sent an email to support in China, and they sent the list of things to check, and referred me to US support. I then sent the same email to US support, and they sent me back the same list that China sent.

Went through the whole updating, rebinding etc., thing again, no change, and no wifi stream.

If, as I suspect from reading the forums, this issue is related to the WiFi Module burning out, why hasn't there been a fix? If the Phantom is still under warranty, why isn't this part replaced at no charge?

I have asked this question of DJI support US and China, and, like so many others have experienced, they don't even condescend to answering my emails.

Like many I've got an aerial job to do that requires the Phantom camera working. I cannot get any response from any DJI support source.

Can't help but think, as prospective buyers of flying cameras start doing their research on line, that many will find this thread, and decide to buy other than a DJI product. That's why I cannot understand their lack of response.

Good luck to us all. I may have to buy another quad. If I do, it sure WILL NOT be a DJI product.

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United States

If you have the Phantom 2 vision plus try repeating the flat grey cables that plug into the gimbal control module. The 6 position connector carries video signal to the wifi module. Possibly got dust in there and it's not making connection.
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United States

dj.davidj.209@g Posted at 2015-12-18 15:06
If you have the Phantom 2 vision plus try repeating the flat grey cables that plug into the gimbal c ...

Sorry. but I have the same issue and have done everything per DJI instructions, posted, recommended, suggested, reset, binding, format SD etc........ still no video "FPV to the iPad Mini nor and Android Note2. Everything was working and have less than 15 flights. Submitted an email to (North America) After-Service Policy to have them diagnose, verify and start repair form for RMA. Wi-Fi Extender have to be the culprit.
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United States

Simages Posted at 2015-12-28 20:36
Sorry. but I have the same issue and have done everything per DJI instructions, posted, recommende ...

Eureka! One last do over..... I uninstalled the iPad DJI App and did a clean install from the Apple Store and there is was..... video "FPV" live stream from camera.
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United States

Does anyone know of an alternate app that is compatible with the DJI Phantom 2 to use? It seems that the door is wide open for someone to create one. I'm having the same issue after being able to use the DJI Vision app successfully for over a year now and all of a sudden the preview screen stopped working. I tried everything from formatting my sd card to updating firmware to no avail. This company is going to lose in the long run if they don't figure out how to address issues like this.
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Hello, I experiment  same problem with my P2V+: no video link on my ipad, but all other functions are OK.
Just for the story: I have bought the P2V+ 10 months ago. Due to professional activities, my flights are not very intensive. I have made around 20 flights for about 5 hours of cumulated time. Two months ago, after a flight (video link was OK at this time), phantom has been stored in house in a special sweet case (during all flights since the beginning, no crash, no dammage and all was nominal).

Beginning of this week, I decide to do a new flight and I got the problem: no video link....

During these past two months: ipad was updated to IOS 9 and DJI vision to 3.14 version.
I have sent an email to the support in France. In parallel, after reading a lot of forums, it seems that the problem is not new, but, in my opinion, it is difficult to have an idea about the root cause:
  • software compatibility ?  but in this case why problem arrives on IOS but also on ANDROID OS ?
  • thermal problem ?  why not, but in this case, changing the component in default can solve the problem temporarly but I am not sure that the problem will not come again after some hours of flight ? In addition, if it is that, what about a default propagation to other components ?

I am waiting from a quick answer from the support because the P2V+ is under garantee and I don't want to put my fingers inside it but I am very upset about this situation.
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United States

After Roy's post , still no video!Video feed trouble shooting
Please try the following steps:
•        Ensure you have upgraded all DJI products to their latest firmware. Check updated, plus the camera firmware
•        Ensure you are connected to the wifi phantom-xxxx SID
.        Check bluetooth be sure it is off
•        Ensure your phone has been updated to the latest software.
•        Ensure you have closed all other multi-tasking applications.
•        Check the free space on your mobile device, it is recommend having at least 3GB available, less storage could be causing an issue.
•        Try deleting the app from your phone and downloading it again.
           Try reformatting the SD card with  full format.
•        Reduce the preview framerate from 30 fps to 15 fps in the Settings of the DJI Vision app.
Check your wifi battery level.
Check the three leads going to the gimbal to be sure they are tight. Check each one closely for any pins that may have pulled up and loose.
If the above don't get it then the only remaining check is the video feed plug on the wifi transmitter under the shell.

So I Ccontacted DJI through email.

This is their answer!

Thank you for contacting DJI, we do apologize for the inconvenience and delay. We recommend when having this issue that you make sure the operating system on the mobile device is updated, as well as the mobile app. then try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Then if that does not work try using a different USB cable. If you need further assistance you can reply to this email.

This is my email to them;
As I stated I the original email.  I have updated all software, phones, iPods, iPads, camera,quadcopter,transmitter, wifi extender, wifi repeater, battery firmware, imu, uninstalled app and reinstalled. Rebind ed the wifi controller with the scan QR. Turned off the cell data. No Bluetooth on.  Still get spinning circle on smart phone although camera will take photo and video.  I cannot see it FPV.  It is worthless for my Video business. I can not take video or pictures with accuracy!
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United States

winters.shaun@g Posted at 2015-12-31 11:51
Does anyone know of an alternate app that is compatible with the DJI Phantom 2 to use? It seems that ...

Perhaps the app "Litchi" is available for Apple?  I have it for Android.  It's amazing.
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United States

The last time I used the Phantom 2 was in October 2015 and it worked great.  Today...the same issue that has been documented so well here.  No FPV.  I followed all the recommendations and nothing has changed.  I even went out to the Apple App Store and purchased DJI Phantom Flight for $8.99 to see if it was something in the DJI Vision App, but no help there.  Waste of money for app.  

Anyone having any luck getting a fix for this.  It is a pile of junk without FPV.  
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Second Officer


bnewsome@albion Posted at 2016-1-20 08:40
The last time I used the Phantom 2 was in October 2015 and it worked great.  Today...the same issue  ...

Assume you are in airplane mode with Bluetooth off.

Turn on wifi and Disable any other networks and Can you see the Phantom in your networks?

Are you at least getting flight data on the phone? Sat's, battery etc?

I wonder if trying to reinstall the camera firmware would work?

Have you tried to rebind the camera through the ap?

Could it be your wifi module?
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United States

Hi everyone.  I am in the same boat as everyone else.  Vision 2 + and using a Galaxy 5 phone.  No feed on the screen but everything else works.  I had this problem after just purchasing it new from DJI, about a year ago, and ended up sending to the service center.  After a long time, finally received it back and worked fine till now.  I have no idea what they did at the service center but looks like it needs it again.  Whatever they did was to the craft itself and no external components.  

I cannot put up with this!  Once fixed, it goes up for sale to the first bidder!

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Second Officer

Offline Posted at 2016-1-20 09:30
Hi everyone.  I am in the same boat as everyone else.  Vision 2 + and using a Galaxy 5 phone.  No fe ...

Let us know what you find out...hope you get it fixed..
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winters.shaun@g Posted at 2015-12-31 13:51
Does anyone know of an alternate app that is compatible with the DJI Phantom 2 to use? It seems that ...

I have been using the 'dji ultimate flight' app. Good app and can download flight log to excel.
However I ,like everyone else, have no fpv on either app so suspect it is not an app problem
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United States

Northofthe49th Posted at 2016-1-20 00:50
Let us know what you find out...hope you get it fixed..

Thanks for replying.  After searching everything I could find and watching you tubes, I narrowed it down to the WIFI module must be bad.    I don't want to send it back to DJI only to sit there weeks as this did before.  It looks like they replaced the module last time I sent it to them.

So, ordered a module.  I already opened the drone and ready to remove the existing module.  When I receive the new, I'll install and let you know how it goes.  If it works, it will be listed on eBay quickly.  
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Second Officer


Good deal...thanks for the update
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United States

jjk-fl, "I narrowed it down to the WIFI module must be bad. "  Yep that is what it is.
Screen Shot 2016-01-27 at 3.39.45 PM.png
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United Kingdom
Offline Posted at 2016-1-20 01:30
Hi everyone.  I am in the same boat as everyone else.  Vision 2 + and using a Galaxy 5 phone.  No fe ...

I have the same problem but with a P2V - the livestream has stopped working. I last used my Phantom in November and when I went to fly this weekend I have no Live stream. Everything else is working.

  - Problem happens on both iPhone and iPad
  - Telemetry data works including showing which way drone is facing.
  - Can download photos and video without problems
  - No drone firmware has been updated (I've since updated everything with no change)
  - Reverted iPad/iPhone to earlier version of app (same one as November) - no change
  - connected iPhone directly to wifi camera (FC200_xxx) and Phantom_xxx - no difference. WIFI signal strong and working
  - Reformatted SD card on PC and Drone - no issues found - all good

The problem looks like the drone is failing to start the Live stream process on the FC200. Everything else from it is being sent fine from the drone to iPhone

I have updated everything now with the hope that this would fix the stream issue but no luck. This looks like the live stream fix that was delivered to the P2V+ but not the P2V.

Anyone have any suggestions?

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United States

spam@crossfamil Posted at 2016-1-31 15:05
I have the same problem but with a P2V - the livestream has stopped working. I last used my Phanto ...

Internal WiFi module! You can buy one online or let them fix it. Until it is replaced you will keep having that problem.
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Second Officer

United States

I'm sorry to say if you have tried all the recommended fixes and still no video your Wifi Transmitter in the Phantom for the video feed is probably toast. You can get telementry data still but no video as this is because there are two cards in the Tx. One for telementry and the other is the video feed. If you have tried all the below fixes and still no video it's Replacment time.
Video feed trouble shooting
Please try the following steps:
•        Ensure you have upgraded all DJI products to their latest firmware. Check updated, plus the camera firmware
•        Ensure you are connected to the wifi phantom-xxxx SID
.        Check bluetooth be sure it is off
•        Ensure your phone has been updated to the latest software.
•        Ensure you have closed all other multi-tasking applications.
•        Check the free space on your mobile device, it is recommend having at least 3GB available, less storage could be causing an issue.
•        Try deleting the app from your phone and downloading it again.
           Try reformatting the SD card with  full format.
•        Reduce the preview framerate from 30 fps to 15 fps in the Settings of the DJI Vision app.
Check your wifi battery level.
Check the three leads going to the gimbal to be sure they are tight. Check each one closely for any pins that may have pulled up and loose.
If the above don't get it then the only remaining check is the video feed plug on the wifi transmitter under the shell.
If that's ok then it's most likely a damaged or burnt out wifi transmitter if you still see the SID.


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Puerto Rico

Exact same problem as all those mentioned many times here. Tried many of the same things listed in these posts to no avail. It sounds like my only recourse is to replace the internal wifi module. :-(
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Flight distance : 1870 ft
United States

My problem is intermittent, it just started happening. Sometimes is works sometimes it doesn't. I assume it's the same problem so instead of soaking $200 into a repair I just bought a P3 standard.
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have same fault. Got it back from warranty rep. faulty wifimodule inside drone. i will open it up to se if they change it to a new one who hade hole on the metalcase for more cooling.
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Second Officer

United States

You can tell if the wifi module was changed. The wifi address used in binding it will be different that the ar coded one unless they gave you a new sticker too. You have to use the MAC address on top of the TX to bind.
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Looks like my problem as the same as all of my forum friends is fixed with internal WiFi module repair.
I will try to get one of this and change out by myself to fix it.
It is said I have no clue why this happen after 6 months of flying. And I do not know if will happen again in the future even if I replace the internal WiFi module.
I hope dji fix it on p3.
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Yes. they have changed to the new typ of wifimodule ☺
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Offline Posted at 2015-2-8 02:18
maybe this will help.

yes..mine seems to get hot...having the connection issue..but its random
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I had the same problem as everyone else, i tried everything and nothing worked, i think it is the cable because finally i took a dentapick, the kind you clean your teeth with and securely pressed all the connectors in, i actually heard one click finally.  I fired up my drone and the live feed was back on! i think this may help some people, i had previously tried with my finger to push all the pins in but that did not work, maybe i got fat fingers but the dentapick worked like a charm and its an easy and cheap fix.  The Dentapick is strong made of stainless steel and has a sharp point to keep it from slipping and damaging anything on the drone.  I was so frustrated and in a foreign country with the live feed not working before i found this fix, I wish DJI would take more ownership of this super common problem.
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Hi.I had the same trouble. Exactly the same trouble with the same model. No solution and no answer from DJI. Iwas committed an error (I bought TWO Phamtons) but I did some tests interchanging some parts. Tha damage component is the "DJIPVP-03 DJI Phantom 2 Vision Plus Wifi Signal Transmission Module". I was interchange that part from a drone to other and the problem was solved... I just have to buy the part in Amazon market for USD199 and import it to my country. Very easy! Meanwhile DJI guys ignored me (and you as I see). My Phantom didn't suffer any kind of accident and it wasn't the onle issue (one engine was damaged at the first start (without a fly!).
I learned the lesson I will never buy any other DJI product again.
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No live video feed anymore.
Such a fucking scam. Everyone has the same problem and DJI isn't doing shit can't find a decent explanation, can't email those idiots. I payed fucking €1500 for this stupid drone and it doesn't work anymore?

Is this some kind of joke?

Or myebe they just want me to buy the new one wich is sooo much better. For a few months at least then they release a better one just to keep the poor civilians paying. DJI i'm so disappointed in your failure because i know you can fix the problem. you just don't want to.
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North Macedonia

Hi, take a look at this one, live streaming app -
Follow us on FaceBook -
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Hello. I have the same probleme! I think is the last version of DJI app.

Please DJI solve this problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All people need to solve!
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Hi @ all,

i have the same issue. But one thing is not clear. Why can I watch the Videos from the SD Card over WIFI in my DJI App and Live Stream is not working. It is the same Wifi or not?
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United Kingdom

I'm shocked that DJI dont acknowledge this issue, I have exactly the same problem, everything worked fine one day and then next time, blank screen on phone but video being recorded, all firmware up to date and all other suggestions dont work. COM ON DJI. in many countries you would be sued successfully for failing to supply goods of merchantable quality, perhaps users should set up a class aciton, that might get their attention, suspicious that this issue crops up for hundreds of users, around the same time as a new model is out!  really really poor show DJI... you need to get with the program!
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United States

Having the same problem with my Phantom 2 Vision - No live feed but everything else works as it should. From my talking with DJI Certified Repair persons, If you have a Phantom 2 Vision+ you can replace the WIFI module in the Phantom body but, if you have a Phantom 2 Vision the WIFI module is built into the camera unit and is nearly impossible to find since DJI no longer makes those replacement parts and a new camera if you can find one will cost +- $400. At that price you are halfway to a new unit and that's probably the way DJI wants it.
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thegaryclark Posted at 2016-10-25 03:41
Having the same problem with my Phantom 2 Vision - No live feed but everything else works as it shou ...

When I bought the drone, I accidentally also commanded a second WiFi module. I also tried it with that but the same problem.
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  • >>>

Same problem here. No FPV on P2V+.
Tried everything.
No good news.
Any help?
Or I must buy a new drone?
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