registration C1 Air 2s
63229 734 1-14 00:49
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Gert Kracht
Flight distance : 409085 ft
  • >>>

A short story about my Air2S drones: On the last day of 2023 I flew my Air2S around above a nearby river. Beautiful shots made and back home I noticed a shake in the recordings. Then I noticed that my gymbal was shaking horizontally. With no DJI care on the drone and the horizontal motor shaking I returned the drone to the retailer where I purchased it. They reported back that the motor has to be replaced and just beneath the front right arm there was a small crack in the bottom housing. How that was caused I don't understand as the drone never crashed. The costs of the repairs I did, because that was nearing the price of a new drone. The Air2S was 1 year and 6 days old.

Decision time in January.....DJI announced C1 for Air2S is coming. Me: YES! Happy! So I looked around and was very happy to find a Air2S at my camera store. No fly more, just the drone + remote. I still have a working RM300 and now an Air2S and four batteries. Perfect for our coming journey.
I ordered the drone and also got the DJI Care with it. (together I payed around 900 Euro's). Now I just had to wait for the C1 to arrive. I decided not to sell the old drone because it is not working 100%. One flight was made with the new Air2S to check it out. Everything is working fine. I absolutely love the resolution and HDR capabilities. Remember: I know this drone in and out, so I chose to buy one for this reason and the C1 coming.

Shortly after January it was announced that C1 will probably arrive in March. Forward March 2024 it is now April 1st and no C1. Being told many times by the DJI online team to hang in tight 'it is coming' I am bummed out beyond repair. I trusted DJI for releasing the C1 message for end of January. DJI is a world leading drone production company who should take this more serious.  
Let me be clear: I'm very lucky to be able to pay for the Air2S. In the mean time got a second drone: the Mini 4 Pro. Great drone, but small and light. Not made for stronger winds. The Air2S is more stable in stronger winds.
Looking back right now with having the new RM remote I would have saved up the money and perhaps invested in the Air3, still that drone has no 5K HDR.
Lesson learned. 3 times. I hope DJI feels like that too.

Never make a customer happy like this. I will not sell the 2S now because I will loose the money invested. It will only be used when I can fly in A3. Again, small advantage: the 5K video which I can crop to 4K so I can digitally zoom in.

Wouldn't it be a joke when on April 1st....Looking

Fly safe and keep an eye on the animals.

4-1 05:13
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Flight distance : 221952 ft

Gert Kracht Posted at 4-1 05:13
A short story about my Air2S drones: On the last day of 2023 I flew my Air2S around above a nearby river. Beautiful shots made and back home I noticed a shake in the recordings. Then I noticed that my gymbal was shaking horizontally. With no DJI care on the drone and the horizontal motor shaking I returned the drone to the retailer where I purchased it. They reported back that the motor has to be replaced and just beneath the front right arm there was a small crack in the bottom housing. How that was caused I don't understand as the drone never crashed. The costs of the repairs I did, because that was nearing the price of a new drone. The Air2S was 1 year and 6 days old.

Decision time in January.....DJI announced C1 for Air2S is coming. Me: YES! Happy! So I looked around and was very happy to find a Air2S at my camera store. No fly more, just the drone + remote. I still have a working RM300 and now an Air2S and four batteries. Perfect for our coming journey.

They don't feel anything but the sweet warmth of your money.
4-1 06:20
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Flight distance : 221952 ft

This C1 label BS was a wake-up call for me, corporations are not your friends, they will lie to you, deceive you all in order to appease the cash-cow. This has made me lose faith in DJI so much.
4-1 06:25
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Flight distance : 328478 ft

djiuser_WaR4n0fFpoHx Posted at 4-1 01:10
They promised in june. Yes JUNE. Since june not a single word. At least the heavier drone (EVO II V3) startet the process. Since today (1th april) I never saw a certified EVO II V3. Radio silence after JUNE. In june they told to be ready starting 1 january 2024.

Then it's the same as with DJI, only promises...
4-1 07:20
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Gert Kracht
Flight distance : 409085 ft
  • >>>

Strangest thing. There is a new firmware update available. I just updated the Air2S. Version is still 02.04.2500
Firmware update notes: 'Fixed some bugs'. I checked almost every day for a change. I recorded the screens this time. I checked on my other Air2S which said: no update available. This is very confusing as I checked multiple times on my new Air2S for the past few weeks.
If you have a Air2S, please let me know if you had this situation too. Very strange!  
UPDATE: Looks like a fals alarm, sorry. Someone else in the Netherlands checked and he did not find an update. I don't have a clue what happened.

4-1 07:36
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Flight distance : 5410 ft

Here in germany, on a Cubot X20 pro Android-Phone, no updates available.
Firmware Air 2S: 02.04.2500
Remote Control: 04.12.0200

No options to enter the e-ID. Last Update on 24.03.2024 (the delivery-day of my Air 2s). Im waiting for the firmware-update to order the c1-Label too and hope, it will come next days. Only fly in category A3, over fields, is boring.
4-1 08:39
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Flight distance : 478245 ft

I don't think anyone here is in the mood for April fools jokes...
4-1 08:44
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Gert Kracht
Flight distance : 409085 ft
  • >>>

djiuser_zKEWkRFrlzts Posted at 4-1 08:44
I don't think anyone here is in the mood for April fools jokes...

I wish it was a joke. I seriously checked on my new Air2S almost every single day for a firmware update.
This happened to me today and I seriously am wondering what this was. I don't like it at all.
Next time I will double check because I still have my old defective Air 2S.
4-1 09:53
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Gert Kracht Posted at 4-1 05:13
A short story about my Air2S drones: On the last day of 2023 I flew my Air2S around above a nearby river. Beautiful shots made and back home I noticed a shake in the recordings. Then I noticed that my gymbal was shaking horizontally. With no DJI care on the drone and the horizontal motor shaking I returned the drone to the retailer where I purchased it. They reported back that the motor has to be replaced and just beneath the front right arm there was a small crack in the bottom housing. How that was caused I don't understand as the drone never crashed. The costs of the repairs I did, because that was nearing the price of a new drone. The Air2S was 1 year and 6 days old.

Decision time in January.....DJI announced C1 for Air2S is coming. Me: YES! Happy! So I looked around and was very happy to find a Air2S at my camera store. No fly more, just the drone + remote. I still have a working RM300 and now an Air2S and four batteries. Perfect for our coming journey.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and would like to inform you that we are currently in the final stages of resolving the issue. Rest assured, we are putting in our best efforts to address this matter. Once the solution is ready, we will promptly notify you. If you could kindly provide us with your email address, we will ensure to keep you updated on the progress and inform you as soon as the solution is ready. We hope for your kind understanding and cooperation.
4-1 10:24
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Flight distance : 864652 ft
  • >>>

Gert Kracht Posted at 4-1 05:13
A short story about my Air2S drones: On the last day of 2023 I flew my Air2S around above a nearby river. Beautiful shots made and back home I noticed a shake in the recordings. Then I noticed that my gymbal was shaking horizontally. With no DJI care on the drone and the horizontal motor shaking I returned the drone to the retailer where I purchased it. They reported back that the motor has to be replaced and just beneath the front right arm there was a small crack in the bottom housing. How that was caused I don't understand as the drone never crashed. The costs of the repairs I did, because that was nearing the price of a new drone. The Air2S was 1 year and 6 days old.

Decision time in January.....DJI announced C1 for Air2S is coming. Me: YES! Happy! So I looked around and was very happy to find a Air2S at my camera store. No fly more, just the drone + remote. I still have a working RM300 and now an Air2S and four batteries. Perfect for our coming journey.

Si lo compraste hace poco, legalmente puedes devolverlo y explicar que lo compraste por la certificación C1, la cual no ha llegado aún.... Si todavía tienes esperanza tocará quedarse con él asumiendo el riesgo que nunca reciba la actualización. Si fuera mi caso lo devuelvo y lo compro cuando ya sea oficial la etiqueta C1.
4-1 11:32
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DJI Diana Posted at 4-1 10:24
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and would like to inform you that we are currently in the final stages of resolving the issue. Rest assured, we are putting in our best efforts to address this matter. Once the solution is ready, we will promptly notify you. If you could kindly provide us with your email address, we will ensure to keep you updated on the progress and inform you as soon as the solution is ready. We hope for your kind understanding and cooperation.

I'm registered, activated forum user, so I belive you have got my email address.
4-1 12:23
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Flight distance : 829049 ft

I check quite regularly whether there is new firmware. Still the same. Nothing new. I'm also wondering why I can't use RID even though Air 2s has this option. Photo from a moment ago.
4-1 13:27
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Flight distance : 221952 ft

Gert Kracht Posted at 4-1 07:36
Strangest thing. There is a new firmware update available. I just updated the Air2S. Version is still 02.04.2500
Firmware update notes: 'Fixed some bugs'. I checked almost every day for a change. I recorded the screens this time. I checked on my other Air2S which said: no update available. This is very confusing as I checked multiple times on my new Air2S for the past few weeks.
If you have a Air2S, please let me know if you had this situation too. Very strange!  

Same thing happened to me, maybe they implemented an anti-rollback or they wanted to give a false sense of hope, but they would then change the version, so I think its an anti-rollback thing so that once your drone is C1 you will not be able to do anything outside of C1 once you update
4-1 15:14
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


djiuser_9QGx0ZYqf3n9 Posted at 4-1 12:23
I'm registered, activated forum user, so I belive you have got my email address.

Thank you for your reply. We have noted your email address and want to assure you that this has been documented and forwarded to the relevant team.
4-1 16:38
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DJI Diana Posted at 4-1 16:38
Thank you for your reply. We have noted your email address and want to assure you that this has been documented and forwarded to the relevant team.

Are you a bot or is your vocabulary just very limited?
4-2 00:17
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Flight distance : 175351 ft

Hello everyone,

I'd like to share my observations and thoughts on the certification process of the DJI Air 2S. It appears that DJI has encountered challenges during the re-certification. At the beginning of the year, it was announced that the certification would be completed by the end of January, but this date was then pushed back to March, which, as we all know, also was not met.

Unfortunately, the communication from DJI seems very opaque. Despite general responses here in the forum and the recurring text blocks in the support chat, there are no concrete status updates. We are asked for patience, but without any detailed information being shared. I understand that not all details can be made public, yet clearer communication about the progress would be very helpful and would contribute significantly to building trust.

The current manner of communication gives me, and possibly other users, the impression that DJI's interest in continuing the certification process for the Air 2S is waning. Of course, this is just a personal perception, heavily influenced by the way information is communicated. A transparent, timely update on the current status of certification would demonstrate fairness to all DJI Air 2S users and strengthen trust in DJI.

I propose that DJI shares concrete information on what steps are being taken to advance the certification, and what timeframe we can realistically expect. Such information would not only provide clarity but also show that DJI takes the needs and concerns of its customers seriously.
4-2 01:12
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

Thasitis Posted at 4-2 01:12
Hello everyone,

I'd like to share my observations and thoughts on the certification process of the DJI Air 2S. It appears that DJI has encountered challenges during the re-certification. At the beginning of the year, it was announced that the certification would be completed by the end of January, but this date was then pushed back to March, which, as we all know, also was not met.

I'm reasonably sure that the C1 certification will come. Or, at least, a C2 if for some technical reasons the C1 is not achievable. What I don't like at all is the lack of updates. Now that march is ended, I would have expected at least the communication of a new date.
4-2 01:27
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djiuser_uBuJ9UVMhypB Posted at 3-30 00:41
Dji air2s owners, please don't buy a single dji product until this c1 is ready.

Es lo que nos tocará hacer....
4-2 01:31
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Flight distance : 175351 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-2 01:27
I'm reasonably sure that the C1 certification will come. Or, at least, a C2 if for some technical reasons the C1 is not achievable. What I don't like at all is the lack of updates. Now that march is ended, I would have expected at least the communication of a new date.

Absolutely, that's exactly my point. Clear and open communication would be fair to all of us and significantly reduce the frustration from DJI not meeting its own set timelines. Problems can always arise, and hardly anyone complained when the timeline was shifted from early January to (early) March. However, since then, there has been complete silence from DJI. Unfortunately, this only leaves customers/users in the dark.
4-2 01:37
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Man, I'm looking at the Mavic 3 classic without the controller being at 1230€ and i feel like I wanna grab it, and use it with my current RC N1 controller I got from the Air2S.I hope they will do the C1 update soon, cause if not, I'm drooling and eyeing that Mavic 3 Classic.
4-2 02:03
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

Greglaz125 Posted at 4-2 02:03
Man, I'm looking at the Mavic 3 classic without the controller being at 1230€ and i feel like I wanna grab it, and use it with my current RC N1 controller I got from the Air2S.I hope they will do the C1 update soon, cause if not, I'm drooling and eyeing that Mavic 3 Classic.

Maybe this is just what they want: to push you to spend more money with them ...

And I cannot blame you, because I did the same, purchasing a Mini 4 Pro
4-2 02:56
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DJI Tony


djiuser_Xuz8yCPXp2ks Posted at 3-30 12:39
Which third-party certification agency designated by the european union is that?

Can we contact them for more relevant updates than DJI is delivering?

Thank you for patiently waiting. Unfortunately, we cannot provide that information. I apologize for the inconvenience.
4-2 03:07
Use props
Flight distance : 587772 ft

Buongiorno ai dronisti dji.
Ho avuto 5 droni della DJI ( 1 mavic mini, 2 dji Mini 2, 2 Air 2s). Io aspetto ancora 15 gg e se non arriverà la certificazione C1 o qualche scusa plausibile, avrò chiuso per sempre con DJI. Ma non solo io, anche molti miei amici la pensano così. Ci sono anche altre marche al mondo. La vita continua anche senza dji
4-2 03:30
Use props
Flight distance : 175351 ft

Tharros59 Posted at 4-2 03:30
Buongiorno ai dronisti dji.
Ho avuto 5 droni della DJI ( 1 mavic mini, 2 dji Mini 2, 2 Air 2s). Io aspetto ancora 15 gg e se non arriverà la certificazione C1 o qualche scusa plausibile, avrò chiuso per sempre con DJI. Ma non solo io, anche molti miei amici la pensano così. Ci sono anche altre marche al mondo. La vita continua anche senza dji

That's precisely the issue. DJI holds a quasi-monopoly in the consumer market with the most sophisticated and high-quality systems. Currently, they are the only manufacturer offering C1-certified drones. I see no alternative at the moment, and DJI is well aware of this. Unfortunately, this leaves a bitter taste, as if one is subtly being pressured into buying a new drone.
4-2 03:45
Use props
Flight distance : 587772 ft

Thasitis Posted at 4-2 03:45
That's precisely the issue. DJI holds a quasi-monopoly in the consumer market with the most sophisticated and high-quality systems. Currently, they are the only manufacturer offering C1-certified drones. I see no alternative at the moment, and DJI is well aware of this. Unfortunately, this leaves a bitter taste, as if one is subtly being pressured into buying a new drone.

Hai ragione. Ma io uso i droni per hobby, non per professione. Ho anche una macchina fotografica digitale e dovrò allora rassegnarmi a fare foto al livello del terreno e non in volo. Non dico che dji dovrebbe essere obbligata a fare la certificazione di tutti droni, non sarebbe corretto. Ma visto che ha fatto una promessa la deve mantenere. Se avesse detto chiaramente che non la poteva/voleva fare mi sarei rassegnato volentieri. Ho avuto anche il Mavic Air 2 (mi dimenticavo di questo) e non ho fatto problemi quando ho letto che quello non avrebbe avuto la certificazione. Semplicemente ne ho preso atto. Ma una grande azienda come dji non può promettere falso
4-2 03:57
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Flight distance : 145784 ft

DJI Tony Posted at 4-2 03:07
Thank you for patiently waiting. Unfortunately, we cannot provide that information. I apologize for the inconvenience.

AFAIK, TUV Rheinland.
They provided C1 Certification for Mavic 3 line.
You can see here:

As you can see, they certified C1 Compliance.
4-2 03:58
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Zeb61 Posted at 4-2 03:58
AFAIK, TUV Rheinland.
They provided C1 Certification for Mavic 3 line.
You can see here:

I tried to contact TÜV Rheinland via mail, but no answer yet. Maybe a call works.
4-2 04:28
Use props


Or maybe this company:
SGS North America Inc.
They handled Air 3 as it looks
4-2 04:36
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FabioV Posted at 4-2 02:56
Maybe this is just what they want: to push you to spend more money with them ...

And I cannot blame you, because I did the same, purchasing a Mini 4 Pro
Agree but I'm gonna wait.The Air2s is my first drone and I have it for a year only.Not gonna get rid of it that easily, as I'm against such tactics.It's a very good drone and well above today's standards already.I plan to keep it for another 2-3 years for sure.It's just the thought of what the Mavic 3 classic costs, it's almost as expensive as the Air2s was a year ago so... it's obviously something to be targeting lol.
4-2 04:53
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

DJI Tony Posted at 4-2 03:07
Thank you for patiently waiting. Unfortunately, we cannot provide that information. I apologize for the inconvenience.

As usual the transparency of DJI is always memorable ...
4-2 05:00
Use props
Flight distance : 276240 ft

Recently I was considering Air 2s or Mini 4. I've bought Air 2s because of promise that it will get C1. Hopefully DJI will fulfill this promise. As I do realize that recently EU is not making it easy for drone companies and drone owners, but this lack of any solid update makes me worried. I know it is up to 3rd party right now, and I don't mind if this will take a little longer, however i would like to see any kind of update of current state - not necessarily with new deadline, that , that would assure me, that DJI are willing to get C1 and not to drop it, blaming 3rd party.
4-2 05:03
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

Kal1x Posted at 4-2 05:03
Recently I was considering Air 2s or Mini 4. I've bought Air 2s because of promise that it will get C1. Hopefully DJI will fulfill this promise. As I do realize that recently EU is not making it easy for drone companies and drone owners, but this lack of any solid update makes me worried. I know it is up to 3rd party right now, and I don't mind if this will take a little longer, however i would like to see any kind of update of current state - not necessarily with new deadline, that , that would assure me, that DJI are willing to get C1 and not to drop it, blaming 3rd party.

I'm really happy with the Mini 4 Pro. In the most of conditions I usually fly (daylight) it provides almost the same 4K HDR quality of the Air 2S. And I can use it in cities, flying over people, where allowed by the local regulation.
And it does not broadcast the RID (the C1 certified Air 2S will do).
I'm planning to use the Air 2s in the future only for missions that require to climb over 120m from the home point. Typically when flying in mountain scenarios.
4-2 05:18
Use props
Flight distance : 276240 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-2 05:18
I'm really happy with the Mini 4 Pro. In the most of conditions I usually fly (daylight) it provides almost the same 4K HDR quality of the Air 2S. And I can use it in cities, flying over people, where allowed by the local regulation.
And it does not broadcast the RID (the C1 certified Air 2S will do).
I'm planning to use the Air 2s in the future only for missions that require to climb over 120m from the home point. Typically when flying in mountain scenarios.

I've chosen the Air 2s because of it's night possibilities, also because it's heavier drone, so is better handling windy conditions. Currently, I'm flying, using national rules (NSTS), but still, i'm hoping that it will get C1.
4-2 06:04
Use props
Flight distance : 1003898 ft

djiuser_Xuz8yCPXp2ks Posted at 4-2 04:28
I tried to contact TÜV Rheinland via mail, but no answer yet. Maybe a call works.

Badly, I don't think they will answer to a DJI's customer
4-2 06:10
Use props
Flight distance : 1003898 ft

DJI Tony Posted at 4-2 03:07
Thank you for patiently waiting. Unfortunately, we cannot provide that information. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Yes but can you answer this :
- What is the precise blocking point?
- Do you have a new date or date range to provide us?
- Why announce deadlines that you clearly cannot meet and then not say anything about the progress of the certification?
- Can you respond specifically to those who have professional situations on which certification depends?

you only respond “thank you for your patience” to those who understand the wait...
Thank you very much and long live the European Union (sic)
4-2 06:20
Use props
Flight distance : 5410 ft

I asked in the last minutes the german DJI-Support. They said, DJI is waiting for informations from the EU-authority. So they can't say any dates. The Air 2s will become a certificate, but not today or tomorrow. Possible in the next weeks. And the TÜV Rheinland i asked too. No informations, data-protection. Only DJI will become informations.
4-2 06:32
Use props
Flight distance : 175351 ft

de-Stefan Posted at 4-2 06:32
I asked in the last minutes the german DJI-Support. They said, DJI is waiting for informations from the EU-authority. So they can't say any dates. The Air 2s will become a certificate, but not today or tomorrow. Possible in the next weeks. And the TÜV Rheinland i asked too. No informations, data-protection. Only DJI will become informations.

DJI staff have been saying "likely in the next few weeks" for a while now. Unfortunately, one can't place much value on such a statement. We keep receiving the same, non-informative standard responses without any real information. In this thread alone, DJI Tony and DJI Diana consistently provide the same vague answers. I don't blame them, though. The DJI employees here in the forum and in the support chat are just doing their jobs and don't have the information themselves. The issue lies with the relevant departments at DJI, which fail to provide any updates on progress. And there's significant interest. This thread has nearly 23,000 views and almost 200 posts. It's disappointing to be left out in the cold like this.
4-2 06:58
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

de-Stefan Posted at 4-2 06:32
I asked in the last minutes the german DJI-Support. They said, DJI is waiting for informations from the EU-authority. So they can't say any dates. The Air 2s will become a certificate, but not today or tomorrow. Possible in the next weeks. And the TÜV Rheinland i asked too. No informations, data-protection. Only DJI will become informations.

I've in my mind a well defined scenario: at the beginning of the year DJI had already  submitted to the certification authority all the information required, Based on that, they disclosed the first date: end of January, counting on a positive answer.
Probably something went wrong with the certification request and they needed to rework the request and they disclosed the updated timeline: beginning of march. Now probably the answer from the certification authority is delayed, or another round has been required. Based on previous experiences (they missed two milestones), now they decided not to guess any new timeline, because nor everything is under they control and the certification authority is taking its own time to analyse the provided documentation. Maybe there are a couple of technical specifications that are requiring some more rework in terms of firmware adaption and final validation.   
4-2 07:11
Use props
Flight distance : 5410 ft

I think thats very realistic. Im working in public service for schools. If we want to buy anything over funding money, we must exact specify what we want to buy, why we need it, and so forth. Sometimes it takes several months if we become the information, if we can buy it, or not. I think its the same with this certification.
4-2 09:11
Use props
Flight distance : 829049 ft

Kal1x Posted at 4-2 05:03
Recently I was considering Air 2s or Mini 4. I've bought Air 2s because of promise that it will get C1. Hopefully DJI will fulfill this promise. As I do realize that recently EU is not making it easy for drone companies and drone owners, but this lack of any solid update makes me worried. I know it is up to 3rd party right now, and I don't mind if this will take a little longer, however i would like to see any kind of update of current state - not necessarily with new deadline, that , that would assure me, that DJI are willing to get C1 and not to drop it, blaming 3rd party.

Unfortunately, I bought my Air 2s before the premiere of Air 3. At first, I was thinking about Mini 3PRO, but I wanted a larger, more powerful drone with an inch matrix for photography. I got my A2 qualifications. Now it's enough that I spent money on the Combo + a new RC controller and I will have to get STS qualifications to fly it at all. And it would be enough if he finally got C1
4-2 10:26
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