launch mission by uplaoding .kmz files
378 0 2023-11-30
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Zaïm Hassani Adili


   Hello, Im new here, so I hope Im proceding the right way to ask for help.

So Im working with a Mavic 3  Entreprise. I have an interesting problem. I working on a third party  app that use the dji msdk (android-sdk-v5uxsdk), my goal is to launch a  mission (make the drone follow my kmz file's path ) after uploading the  file.
So Im using this line "WaypointMissionManager.getInstance().pushKMZFileToAircraft(theKMZFile, callback)" to push the file to the aircraft. I get an   errorCode='CANT_EXCUTE_IN_CURRENT_STATUS'  .
When I try to push  the KMZ file using the DJI PILOT 2 (the offcial app) everything works  fine, the file upload smoothly, the mission start and end without a  problem. I conclude that the kmz file is not at fault here.
The weirdest thing about all that is: after using the dji  official app to launch a mission, and force stop it afterward, I can go  back to my custom app upload a file and lauch a mission (with WaypointMissionManager.getInstance().startMission(file_name, waylineIDs, callback) ) without any issue.

Im knew to using the msdk, so I apologiese if this issue is trivial...

Does someone know what going on here? Have I overlook something ? what does CANT_EXCUTE_IN_CURRENT_STATUS'   mean precisely ?

PS: Im working using the dji simulator.
PSS: Went a go back to my custom app, I really upload a  new file, there's not some kmz caches file somewhere in the drone, I  launch different kmz files to make sure it not the same mission.

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