Indicator lights - Red/Green
6911 38 2017-10-19
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Flight distance : 2907674 ft
United States


So I have noticed something I have not ever noticed before. When I fly my P4P to it's maximum height (below 400 feet @ 120 meters), the indicator lights start to flash red and green slowly. I noticed this one time before and it was resolved by a compass calibration. In this case, the only time the lights do this is when I am at maximum altitude.. If I come down 20 feet - it gives the normal 2 quick blinks. I am not near any airports or no fly zones (It would be two red long blinks for that issue followed by regular flight indicators according to the manual). Has anyone noticed this before - I did not do the compass calibration however as when I looked at the sensors in the app they were both around 15-20 and green in the app.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


What maximum height you've set on your drone? What is the firmware of this drone?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Nope have not seen this before, but then I wasn't looking for it either.  Nothing in the manual seems to state what that is?
Have you tried changing the max alt and then checking what it does with the new limit?

Is this the only action noted i.e. is the aircraft behaving different when this happens?
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Flight distance : 2907674 ft
United States

Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-20 12:43
Nope have not seen this before, but then I wasn't looking for it either.  Nothing in the manual seems to state what that is?
Have you tried changing the max alt and then checking what it does with the new limit?

I flew again today and after calibrating the compass the same behavior happened again..  It's not flying weird or anything, but I am wondering why the lights have changed.. Maybe a firmware glitch? Oh well doesn't stop me from taking the images I want so I won't complain too much.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Mobilcams Posted at 2017-10-20 22:50
I flew again today and after calibrating the compass the same behavior happened again..  It's not flying weird or anything, but I am wondering why the lights have changed.. Maybe a firmware glitch? Oh well doesn't stop me from taking the images I want so I won't complain too much.

Aloha Mobilcams,

     The Phantom is designed to fly without a device running DJI GO 4. If you study the P4 Pro manual, there is no red and green flashing light code (that I could find anyway).  We all know that DJI does not update the manuals as often as they could (and DJI Joe is working on a plan for that) so this could be a new code for max altitude.  

     You did say that calibrating the compass got rid of the problem.  But the compass calibration warning is red and yellow.  I seriously doubt that it is a glitch of any type since it warns of an important issue - max altitude.  More likely, it is a new development that will be addressed at some future time.

     None-the-less, it is a good observation you have made.  I for one will be looking to see if my P4 Pro does the same thing.  But to be honest, it will be a miracle if I do notice any color change since I have serious color ignorance.  But, I can ask others if they see a difference.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

I have a P3SE and it does the exact same thing, alternating red green, at my set max altitude.
No matter what I set as max altitude when it reaches that point it flashes the red green until I lower the AC a few feet.
I searched and could not find this code here or in the manual. It happens every time so I figure it's normal and not a bad idea to also have a visual indication when my set max altitude is reached.
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Flight distance : 2907674 ft
United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-10-20 05:24
What maximum height you've set on your drone? What is the firmware of this drone?

120 meters, it's the latest firmware.
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Flight distance : 2907674 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-21 00:33
Aloha Mobilcams,

     The Phantom is designed to fly without a device running DJI GO 4. If you study the P4 Pro manual, there is no red and green flashing light code (that I could find anyway).  We all know that DJI does not update the manuals as often as they could (and DJI Joe is working on a plan for that) so this could be a new code for max altitude.  

You're right, I got mixed up on my colors lol.. But still - it's interesting, I hope that DJI Joe can get a list together to show all the light indications and what they mean on one screen.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Mobilcams Posted at 2017-10-21 07:47
You're right, I got mixed up on my colors lol.. But still - it's interesting, I hope that DJI Joe can get a list together to show all the light indications and what they mean on one screen.

Aloha Mobilcams,

     Actually, DJI Joe is working on a much larger project for us Forum members regarding information in and out of manuals.  At least that is the last I heard.  

     If you like, or would rather I do it, a list taken from the manual and with your most recent supplement of Red / Green flashing light indicating max altitude reached, can be created and posted as a .jpg or .pdf (or both) in this thread.  If approved by DJI, it can be used to update the one in the manual later.

     So, there is a new red / green flashing light indicating max altitude - right?

     I hope your eyes, and color ignorance, are not as bad as mine are!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2907674 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-21 11:47
Aloha Mobilcams,

     Actually, DJI Joe is working on a much larger project for us Forum members regarding information in and out of manuals.  At least that is the last I heard.  

They seem to be green and red flashing.. I could set the altitude lower and see for sure haha..
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Mobilcams Posted at 2017-10-21 14:17
They seem to be green and red flashing.. I could set the altitude lower and see for sure haha..

Aloha Mobilcams,

     Yes, that is the answer.  Good idea.  I think I will try that to. If I cannot see it in the distance, it is not going to get any better, but up close is a different story.  Sheesh, I really am really getting old!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Olivier Vietti-
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11618934 ft
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peril at home, I think it's an optical system to inform the pilot that he has the max ceiling, but in the kind bizzard imagine you have set the maximum distance to 300 m and that during the flight being at the maximum distance you change to 150 for example, the drone does not advance as fast it is low speed as if he had a wind contrary
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Mobilcams Posted at 2017-10-21 14:17
They seem to be green and red flashing.. I could set the altitude lower and see for sure haha..

Yes please do that
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

CabinPete Posted at 2017-10-21 02:31
I have a P3SE and it does the exact same thing, alternating red green, at my set max altitude.
No matter what I set as max altitude when it reaches that point it flashes the red green until I lower the AC a few feet.
I searched and could not find this code here or in the manual. It happens every time so I figure it's normal and not a bad idea to also have a visual indication when my set max altitude is reached.

Just to be sure I too checked the p3se manual
Nothing in there explains this signal...not surprised
I think it may be as you all say, however, it is frustrating to say the least why DJI does not explain this in their manuals.  SMH
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-21 11:47
Aloha Mobilcams,

     Actually, DJI Joe is working on a much larger project for us Forum members regarding information in and out of manuals.  At least that is the last I heard.  

I hope you are correct about the on line manual but I don't hold out much hope on that.
While I'm completely willing to accept that this signal is as everyone says, I still haven't been able to verify it myself, but I hesitate that we just assume something as they are without DJI officially confirming it.
I realize these items are complex and intricate, but their manuals across all uav lines really really need a better scrub.  I'm not much for making stuff up as we go, even if it all appears logical and probable.
Just my thoughts...
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

I did change the max altitude settings and as soon as it reached the current setting, green red.
I actually like the visual but it would be good if DJI verifies.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

CabinPete Posted at 2017-10-22 13:20
I did change the max altitude settings and as soon as it reached the current setting, green red.
I actually like the visual but it would be good if DJI verifies.

Thanks for confirming, it is likely to be the case but I agree DJI needs to provide full disclosure with this creates too much confusion or just concerns over it possibly meaning something is wrong.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

CabinPete Posted at 2017-10-22 13:20
I did change the max altitude settings and as soon as it reached the current setting, green red.
I actually like the visual but it would be good if DJI verifies.

You also get an audio warning as well correct? I'm lucky to see my drone at all at 400' let alone the LED's
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

QuadKid Posted at 2017-10-22 16:05
You also get an audio warning as well correct? I'm lucky to see my drone at all at 400' let alone the LED's

Yes, I do get the audio as well.
I fly at 180' max, no reason I just like the views at that altitude.
Besides it makes it hard to look in windows at 400'     
Yes, I'm kidding about the windows.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

I like wearing my wireless Bluetooth headphones while flying my Phantom 3 Pro.
It makes hearing any warnings or announcements much easier to decipher...

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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-22 11:08
I hope you are correct about the on line manual but I don't hold out much hope on that.
While I'm completely willing to accept that this signal is as everyone says, I still haven't been able to verify it myself, but I hesitate that we just assume something as they are without DJI officially confirming it.

Aloha Genghis,

     As much as it might seem that a manual would be easy to put together, there are many challenges that are not that easily resolved.  Then throw into the mix that you have different world views, language and customs and it gets real interesting.  

     On top of it all, we are dealing with cutting edge technology.  With cutting edge technology, there are dead ends that one development earlier looked promising.  Put that in a manual and then you have to pull it.  Not good.  

     This is really a challenging endeavor.  Patience is the best virtue under the circumstances.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

I like the PDF manual format. Easy to use and fun to search...

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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Mobilcams Posted at 2017-10-21 07:44
120 meters, it's the latest firmware.

Thanks, I'll confirm it with the engineers, will keep you updated!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-23 00:11
Aloha Genghis,

     As much as it might seem that a manual would be easy to put together, there are many challenges that are not that easily resolved.  Then throw into the mix that you have different world views, language and customs and it gets real interesting.  

While I do agree with you...I've been on both ends of dealing with manuals for extremely complex equipment/machines.  I realize the logistics trail alone from drawing board to OT&E to implementation is complicated enough by itself.  However, if you put some emphasis on it, it can be overcome, thoroughly.  I believe that's my point here, I just don't see the emphasis on this.  Maybe its that they didn't see how wildly successful they were going to be, but I think that has been well established by now and for some time.  Meaning I think we would at least start to see some results of providing the level of detail we need and I believe deserve.  
However, maybe they've been thrown off track with all the SW/FW issues, I could not say.  I think it's time they took a strategic pause and got some things cleaned up and fixed.
As to patience, yes I've got them, and I'm using them, but, I never found something to get resolved by sitting quietly saying or doing nothing about it, that's what I'm hoping to do.  Simply raise the awareness so we can generate some energy towards that end, otherwise I just see DJI plowing ahead making new stuff without addressing some of the fundamentals along the way.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-10-23 00:35
Thanks, I'll confirm it with the engineers, will keep you updated!

Thank you, that would be appreciated!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-23 07:41
While I do agree with you...I've been on both ends of dealing with manuals for extremely complex equipment/machines.  I realize the logistics trail alone from drawing board to OT&E to implementation is complicated enough by itself.  However, if you put some emphasis on it, it can be overcome, thoroughly.  I believe that's my point here, I just don't see the emphasis on this.  Maybe its that they didn't see how wildly successful they were going to be, but I think that has been well established by now and for some time.  Meaning I think we would at least start to see some results of providing the level of detail we need and I believe deserve.  
However, maybe they've been thrown off track with all the SW/FW issues, I could not say.  I think it's time they took a strategic pause and got some things cleaned up and fixed.
As to patience, yes I've got them, and I'm using them, but, I never found something to get resolved by sitting quietly saying or doing nothing about it, that's what I'm hoping to do.  Simply raise the awareness so we can generate some energy towards that end, otherwise I just see DJI plowing ahead making new stuff without address some of the fundamentals along the way.

Aloha Genghis,

     The latest manual (Version 1.4) for the P4 Pro came out six days ago.  Have you had a chance to look at it?  A little late for this conversation to have any input into the manuals, but it does show that they do try to make updates when they can.

Aloha and Drone On!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-23 13:06
Aloha Genghis,

     The latest manual (Version 1.4) for the P4 Pro came out six days ago.  Have you had a chance to look at it?  A little late for this conversation to have any input into the manuals, but it does show that they do try to make updates when they can.

ah funny, I've been or was checking that nearly 2 or 3 times a week and then when I'm not there it is v1.4, jumping 2 versions from the last posted.

Yes I completely agree, they are working at it, and I also agree they have got a huge giant sequoia to wrap their harms around too.  That's why I think a strategic pause would allow them to temporarily reassign resources toward that end.  
So then the question really comes down to when will they catch things up?  Cause right now they still appear to be moving faster than they themselves can keep up.

Thanks for the heads up, guess I'll be reading my new manual
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-23 16:41
ah funny, I've been or was checking that nearly 2 or 3 times a week and then when I'm not there it is v1.4, jumping 2 versions from the last posted.

Yes I completely agree, they are working at it, and I also agree they have got a huge giant sequoia to wrap their harms around too.  That's why I think a strategic pause would allow them to temporarily reassign resources toward that end.  

Aloha Genghis,

     The only reason I pointed it out is what you said usually happens to me!  Always a day late and a dollar short.  I just got lucky.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Hong Kong

If the aircraft's altitude exceeds the Maximum Flight Altitude, the Aircraft Status Indicator will flash red and green alternately. Thanks for your attention, the manual will be updated with this issue corrected soon.
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Flight distance : 2907674 ft
United States

digitaldog Posted at 2017-10-25 04:16
If the aircraft's altitude exceeds the Maximum Flight Altitude, the Aircraft Status Indicator will flash red and green alternately. Thanks for your attention, the manual will be updated with this issue corrected soon.

Let me clarify, this does not happen when it exceeds altitude. It happens when it reaches max altitude.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

OK...can ANYONE explain this one?
It appears, according to the manual, that there should not be any status indications for a max altitude achievement.  I'm not saying that this is not the case, I'm saying the manual is saying that.  I'm confused
According to page 55 of the P4P manual v1.4, see below:
max alt.jpg
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-23 13:06
Aloha Genghis,

     The latest manual (Version 1.4) for the P4 Pro came out six days ago.  Have you had a chance to look at it?  A little late for this conversation to have any input into the manuals, but it does show that they do try to make updates when they can.

yes I did...and I noticed this on page 55, thoughts?
max alt.jpg
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-26 21:43
yes I did...and I noticed this on page 55, thoughts?

Aloha Genghis,

     It looks like the decision had not been made for the color code at time of the publication of the manual.  A minor issue.  I would bet that the next manual for any of the Phantoms has the color code in that table and eventually al of them will have it and be caught up on that one issue.  Then there is the next issue to deal with.  Progress, chasing the cutting edge of the technology.

Aloha and Drone On!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-26 22:28
Aloha Genghis,

     It looks like the decision had not been made for the color code at time of the publication of the manual.  A minor issue.  I would bet that the next manual for any of the Phantoms has the color code in that table and eventually al of them will have it and be caught up on that one issue.  Then there is the next issue to deal with.  Progress, chasing the cutting edge of the technology.

True, minor issue, but a symptom of the greater issue.  First, this is the most current version which just came out, your assertion then has to assume that in the weeks leading up to this current release that this particular capability was not known or not activated, which I find a bit hard to believe.  Rather, I believe, as I noted previous, that they are simply struggling to keep up with their blurring pace of development.  While good for them and their future, it leaves one to wonder what happens to those of us left in the dust of the cutting edge truck as it blows by.  Hopefully it just blows by and doesn't roll over us, as some may think that has already happened to them.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-26 22:41
True, minor issue, but a symptom of the greater issue.  First, this is the most current version which just came out, your assertion then has to assume that in the weeks leading up to this current release that this particular capability was not known or not activated, which I find a bit hard to believe.  Rather, I believe, as I noted previous, that they are simply struggling to keep up with their blurring pace of development.  While good for them and their future, it leaves one to wonder what happens to those of us left in the dust of the cutting edge truck as it blows by.  Hopefully it just blows by and doesn't roll over us, as some may think that has already happened to them.

Aloha Genghis,

     And some people are going to think that no matter what happens.  So where do you draw the line?  And when you do draw the line what do you consider?  Each line same result or each line different result?  Hmm?

Aloha and Drone On!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-10-27 00:32
Aloha Genghis,

     And some people are going to think that no matter what happens.  So where do you draw the line?  And when you do draw the line what do you consider?  Each line same result or each line different result?  Hmm?

Agreed, it is impossible to please everyone, and therefore you should not try.
However, the line is clear, it is at a 100% complete, comprehensive, and useful manual.  Granted that is certainly no small challenge at times but that is where the line should be and thus the goal to shoot for.  There are plenty of examples out there that already exist on what they can do to achieve this end.  Regardless while this may appear to be a sliding rule, at the very least little things like status indicator light codes should be a baseline element towards that end.  I don't think asking for this (not demanding but expecting) is unreasonable.  
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Rescue 1
Flight distance : 89820 ft
United States

Just got my P4P back from repair for a bad GPS, all seems ok except I noticed that I also have blinking green and red LED's but it runs in a pattern, 6 green pulses to 2 red pulses.  I am flying in class C airspace with a flying limit of 129 ft.  Never saw this before and I am only flying at 30 ft. in my yard.  Not sure what these lights indicate in this sequence, can anyone help?  Do I trust that all is ok to fly or do I play more carefully?

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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Rescue 1 Posted at 8-26 14:06
Just got my P4P back from repair for a bad GPS, all seems ok except I noticed that I also have blinking green and red LED's but it runs in a pattern, 6 green pulses to 2 red pulses.  I am flying in class C airspace with a flying limit of 129 ft.  Never saw this before and I am only flying at 30 ft. in my yard.  Not sure what these lights indicate in this sequence, can anyone help?  Do I trust that all is ok to fly or do I play more carefully?


To the membership:  The previous post's problem has already been resolved due to the wonderfulness of the search function: ... D559%26typeid%3D559

To the poster's credit, he did not start a new thread, which is rare and should be celebrated.  

Carry on
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United Kingdom

Hi , I have just been trying to fly my dji phantom 3 standard and when calibrating the flashing green lights and sometimes the go red . What does this mean.  
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