Auto landing problem GPS
2267 6 2017-11-20
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Flight distance : 625157 ft

For the last flight session i encountered 2 problems :

1°) I  was flying above field, my battery was 45 % something like that. For  making a last shot i send the mavic at 350 meters distance and 150 meters high  (maximum legal altitude in France) , then made a RTH.
Transmission  signal was good. the place was an open air.
When the Mavic starded the GPS  point was correctly updated. (precise option) At this moment, the mavic  told me on the screen controler : weak GPS signal.
Remote signal perfect.
The Mavic refused to  move any more at 360 meters and 150 meters high during 14  minutes......(time to have lot of stress...) so  I push the RTH button many  times the mavic made few meters towards the RTH point but never went back !!!!  
i walked up and the mavic moved toward and it run toward for 10/20  meters. but still not come back. After the last 10 minutes RTH cannot be  done : no enough battery. The bird started landing procedure, above the  field (lucky man i'am). It didn't wanted to land first i made it  manually. at this point battery was 6%. Can you tell me what did  happened ? Why the mavic didn't came back in case of weak GPS signal ?  This was the second day flying for this drone .

The strange thing overalll,after 20 minutes searching the bird, landed in a field, i changed the battery for a new one, and flew over the same worked ? How can yu explain that.
So the dangerous thing for me yu start the bird, yu fly in case off no signal gps in flight the bird doesn't want to move ?
2°) Flying and overing in no Signal zones.

I went down a narrow canyon to make really nice images. (no crash  ;*-) When motors starded no GPS Signal.
I was i really wild place. Why  the mavic didn't let me flying more than 5/6 meters high  ?
I send it for 100 meters from me but impossible to take altitude
Last thing i've  made several pictures : DNG files but none of the programs (nikon view  NX, GIMP, pinnacle studio and adobe ) arrived to open this file. Next  time i will cancel raw mode... Hope yu will help me to understand this  (big) problems.
Here is the place  At 11 seconds the place where the bird didn't made the RTH after 10  times trying. At 18 seconds the place where the bird didn't let me  flying over 5 meters.

Thanks for the help. How to unlock 5 meters flying in no gps zone ?

Dji Answered you need internet connection for flying. I often times in mountain and not Phone , no Gps signal sometimes
Here is the reponse : Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.

I am sorry to  know about what happened to your drone which became unresponsive. To  address your concern, if the GPS signal is weak (less than six GPS  satellites are detected) during operation, the aircraft will switch to A  Mode (Atti Mode) automatically. In this case, you should make the  aircraft exit Smart Operation Mode and control the aircraft carefully.  If the aircraft does not exit Smart Operation Mode, it will  automatically fly to the location when the GPS signal is lost after the  GPS signal becomes strong (six GPS satellites or more are detected).

To address your question:
In  case of no internet connection is the mavic blocked for flying so  strong ? I always prefer disconnecting and use fly mode for the tablet  (Huawei mediapad M3 8.4 inch):

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Internet connection is no mandatory when flying. RTH couldn't work when there is weak GPS signal or no GPS signal. Besides, when you are flying in the place with weak or no GPS signal, drone's altitude will be limited. Please refer to the manual. And for the DNG files, please try to download a DNG viewer to see if you can open it. BTW, could you please provide me with your ticket number? Would like to check some info of it. Thanks. GPS丢失不能返航.jpg Mavic 无GPS.png
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Flight distance : 625157 ft

Hello Again,

Many thanks for the response.
I've read the manual.
I understand tottaly that the drone cannot make a RTH without a decent GPS signal. That's logic.

1° problem
But, remonte controller had a perfect signal, so why the drone go to his maximum altitude set (150) and didn't wanted to move.
On the screen when when i push the foward stick, nothing worked;......
I tried to get it in lower altitude, it went at it maximum altidude set (150 meters for France....)

Last uncomprensible thing, today i've connected the mavic to my PC.
I rode the journal flying and black box.

On the 16 of nowember nothing !!!!!.
The only information i can share is the full flight 24 minutes !., and the flight record on my Tablet.

For the UAV nothing inside for this day ....

I still do not understand.

2° Problem  Fllight in Narrow canyon.

I encountered the same problem as this man :

Cannot fly above 5 meters for me....not 10 as him and really not than 30 meters......

So if i understand i yu stard above the canyon and send the drone yu can fly for example for shooting a magnificent warterfall.
I yu start at the bottom yu cannot !!!
But even with no Gps signal it's safer no ?
Remote controller will be automatiicly better when the operator is down no ?

I had a really bad crash when i flew above few weeks ago. Don't want to experience this again. But i want to find a solution to concretise this fly.

Is there any solution to avoid 10 meters blocking  on the mavic ?

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Flight distance : 625157 ft

I cannot find in the blackbox when connecting the mavic to the. PC. This only proof of this fly day is on the flight record.. I can give yu my id un Private message if necessary to access the flight. Thanks for tour help
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First Officer
Flight distance : 9109311 ft

HardRockClimbin Posted at 2017-11-24 14:30
I cannot find in the blackbox when connecting the mavic to the. PC. This only proof of this fly day is on the flight record.. I can give yu my id un Private message if necessary to access the flight. Thanks for tour help

You can upload your flight log from your device here Phantom help and then share the link back.  
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Flight distance : 625157 ft

Ok i will do it.

coming back after 2 days flying.

Had the same issue, when i press RTH the mavic didn't came back.

The problem was (also for the first post ) SUN !!!!

In the season here, the sun at the end of after is getting low.
I didn't flight in this season, i flight in Winter, summer, spring.
Perhaps this is the main problem.

So yesterday the bird was above a deep canyon (400 meters) i didn't want to come back.
I shut of and go on Sport mode, it worked instantly.
I tried another technique (got more than 60 % battery at this moment) and activate Home Lock works also.

For the first problem i didn't remenber if i tried this.

Every owners must lurn about their mistakes and learn about them !!!!!
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Flight distance : 187940 ft

United States

Just had a similar problem.
I've had my Mavic Pro for over a year now, and am an experienced pilot. I fly it at least 2-3 times a week just to stay in practice, and consider myself to be a competent pilot with it.

I was out flying my Mavic Pro, completely away from ANY restricted airspace or geofencing. Around my neighborhood as always with no problems.
I was out getting used to the fixed wing mode, and having a great time.
Everything was going smoothly as usual, until I came close to the limit (25%) on the battery power. So, like always I hit the return-to-home and was watching my drone start heading back for a regular landing.
Unfortunately at just the wrong time a headwind started to pick up and getting home was going to be close, but still possible. However the battery level was dropping quickly, and then at 13% battery the drone went into it's automatic landing mode.
I tried to cancel the automatic landing mode so I could fly it another 190 feet to the road where I could land safely.
However when I went to cancel the automatic landing mode, the button was grey and I was unable to cancel it. I tried everything I knew to get out of the mode while I still had about 10-13% battery, but nothing happened!
I've had to do this before (with less than 10% battery), and successfully cancelled the auto landing mode, flew the drone about 300 feet to a safe landing site.

However when I tried to do just that, I COULD NOT CANCEl THE AUTO LANDING!

I'm fighting with the controller, trying to figure out what was happening and the drone just hovered above a bunch of pine trees because it wasn't a good landing place.

If I were able to cancel the auto-landing, fly it manually another 190 feet I would have been able to land easily and safely on a dirt road.
Instead the controls would not respond to anything, and eventually the drone ran out of battery power, the props stopped and it landed in the top of an 80-foot tall pine tree!
It looked like it had a rather soft landing in the tree, I just hope it wasn't damaged.
Since the forest is so dense it's difficult to even find it, I'll have to go back out tomorrow and search for it. I don't even know if I'll be able to see it up in the tree.

So my question is why the hell did DJI make it so you can no longer cancel the auto landing? You used to be able to do so, but now you cannot!
If I had been able to cancel the auto-landing like before my Mavic Pro would not be stuck 80 feet up a pine tree!
DJI should have warned all its users about this critically important change to the firmware, had I known I would have changed how I fly it.

After reviewing my flight log, I noticed that I started the RTH at  about 40%, it flew for only about 1 minute or so and the battery suddenly dropped to 20%!  I'm guessing that this battery is nearing the end of it's life. Also when it stopped to do the auto-landing due to low battery, after about 20 seconds it went from 13% to 10% and then almost immediately went to 1%.
Looks like if I ever get the drone out of the tree I'll be buying a new battery.

Regardless, if I was still able to have cancelled the auto-landing like I had to do a couple times previously I could have flown my drone a short distance to a safe place to land it!
DJI changed something that made flying the drone LESS SAFE!
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