Phantom 3 or 3DR Solo?
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11690 129 2015-4-19
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lauxchet@yahoo. Posted at 2015-4-24 10:58
just dont understand why if you dont like a company and it doesnt seem like you have  interest in  ...

I am just trying to weigh the options and look for opinions. I expect the opinions on here to bias towards DJI for the most part but it can still be a worthwhile place to find information and compare the two.
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United States

AirborneNinja Posted at 2015-4-24 11:44
I am just trying to weigh the options and look for opinions. I expect the opinions on here to bias ...

right on sorry man here some more
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fr0gburp3r Posted at 2015-4-20 13:12
My concern with the Solo is the range. The P3 will have lightbridge and the Solo may have laggy vi ...

do you have proof or any videos with distance log to show?
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United States

fr0gburp3r Posted at 2015-4-20 13:12
My concern with the Solo is the range. The P3 will have lightbridge and the Solo may have laggy vi ...

The latency of the lightbridge is 220milliseconds and the 3DR Solo is 180milliseconds, that is a pretty good difference.

The range from the stock rx/tx may be less bet who knows what is possible with aftermarket antennas...

Food for thought lol
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United States

AirborneNinja Posted at 2015-4-23 18:48
Easy buddy. This is a thread about comparing the 2 and I am trying to apply a little devil's advoc ...

I personally don't think it has anything to do with the company "being lazy" or anything. But they will look better in the eyes of the FAA when the FAA decides to start regulating these things more if they are not selling a product that is fully autonomous out of the box.
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United States

mmee1992@yahoo. Posted at 2015-4-25 14:31
I personally don't think it has anything to do with the company "being lazy" or anything. But they ...

If anything, the autonomous abilities would help eliminate user error and the ability of a user to break FAA laws since the parameters out of the box don't break any and are based off of current regulations.
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grangerfx@gmail Posted at 2015-4-23 14:10
I would rather place my trust with multiple third party developers than a single first party devel ...

Wow!!! A very convincing point.  
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Jerdel Posted at 2015-4-23 19:59
Did they change the name of the 3DR to footstomp?

The Solo does look good on paper, but seeing that guy put his foot on top of it to control it, well, that sort of left a bad taste in my mouth.  I am in a wait-and-see mode.
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United States

AirborneNinja Posted at 2015-4-25 14:57
If anything, the autonomous abilities would help eliminate user error and the ability of a user to ...

Airborne, I am well aware of your support of 3DR on RCG.  I don't mind you expressing your opinion but when you try to dominate posts on DJI's forum on a topic comparing 3DR's Solo to DJI's P3 let others express their opinions until you actually have some real facts.  The questions surrounding the Solo are many, the answers few.  I have not seen the claimed latency of the Solo demonstrated.  I have shown the P3 at 199ms.  Facts please not baseless speculation biased toward the Solo.  Thank you.
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

The differences between the 3DR and P3Pro as I see them (and I have seen them both in person and asked many questions of both companies).

Design Appearance: The 3DR is the clear winner with a sleek looking drone. The P3 is based on an old design and looks fugly in comparison. The 3DR has wide landing gear and can land itself. DJI warned against doing this with the P3 even though it can.

Hardware: The P3 is the winner with more powerful motors, higher flight speed and a proven design. Flight times on a single battery appear to be similar based on claims but there is no way to know until we get user reports from shipping drones.

Software: Here the 3DR wins hands down -- for now. It can fly waypoints, rewind its path if it loses contact, has points of interest for the camera to follow, smooth waypoint interpolation for better cinematography, a built in flight simulator and much much more! However this is a lot of promises until they ship something. Again we will have to wait to see what they release and how well it works in the hands of real users. DJI relies on a robust SDK but it only works on a smartphone or tablet. There is no way to write software that runs on the drone so if the SDK does not do it, the app can't add the feature. There is no way to add rewind with the SDK for example.

Camera: Not only does the P3Pro have the best camera in any consumer drone, the 3DR does not even come with a camera or a mount. Of course this is actually an advantage for 3DR since it lets you use any camera and it is designed to work as well as possible with GoPro cameras. While I like the ability to upgrade the camera over time as GoPro releases new models, let's face it the GoPro is not well designed as a drone camera. It is large and boxy. It has to be charged separately. It has a very wide FOV and generates spherical distortion. It is not an ideal FPV camera in many ways. The stock P3Pro camera is 4K and has no distortion so no post processing is needed. The video looks better than the top of the line GoPro 4 Black in most reviews I have seen.

Controller: I see this as a tossup. The 3DR has a nice built in display for critical information such as altitude, battery power, etc. so even if your tablet or smartphone has a problem, you can still get that information. The P3Pro has excellent range (based on the prerelease videos posted on YouTube and the specs). I preferred the feel of the P3Pro controller in my hands. I it is more ergonomic than the 3DR controller. I think that in the end I prefer the range and 720p video from the Lightbridge on the P3Pro. Those rubber grips feel great as well.

Price: For me this may be the most important criteria. Every dollar you put into the drone is a dollar you will lose if the drone is lost or destroyed so price is extremely important. For similar camera specs the P3Pro costs $1260. The 3DR with their gimbal and a GoPro 4 Black camera costs $1900. If the 3DR does everything it promises and you have a FAA waiver to use it commercially to shoot videos then the 3DR makes sense. For the rest of us I think the P3Pro is the better drone as long as it proves to be reliable.

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Flight distance : 61427 ft
United States

This is a lot like the Canon Vs Nikon debate (or even Mac Vs Windows, although this one had some merit for a while) - it's pointless, and pro photographers know that good photo's or videos are 70% skill, 20% luck and 10% equipment.
Nothing says "wannabe' more than "My drone is faster/better/prettier/cooler/ than yours", or a corrolary, "You were dumber than me to buy what you bought and not what I bought, and I'm gonna spend an inordinate amount of time to convince you of this fact".

Both the Solo and the P3 are more than adequate platforms. Just get one or the other, then go out and take some photo's and videos!

Just my opinion...
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Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

Both of these drones pale in comparison to the " EggCraft" which I have secretly had in my lab.

Just like the 3DR, I can't tell you much or let you fly it, but I can tell you its 100% open source and you can put any camera on the world on it. Moreover, it's only a couple thousands dollars. Yes, a couple. I may include some stuff for that. You can program it to do 6 flips and then a tumble of death...and then recover. Even 3DR doesn't have that!

I also put in a "skin seeker" mode whereby when flown on a beach it will sense who is wearing the skimpiest bikinis and speedos and inform the operation. Take that Colin!

My new EggCraft will blow away every and any kickstarter or vaporware drone on the market...while saving the customers millions because they don't have to fork up their money until I deliver.

If this doesn't make you hold back....from buying that new drone, let me know what will and I will add it the announced features. Remember - you will be hearing lots more soon about the EggyCraft....oops, I mean EggCrate....oh, I mean EggCraft.
It's real. Trust me. My name is Joe Isuzu.

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Second Officer


And that was supposed to be useful Information!
Bikinis I get, Raisin Sacs I don't!
Hmmm...hmm...Sounds kind of scrambled to me....
Hope you are not eating someone elses omelette later or then again
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Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

My skin seeker can even detect the mass of the rears of the Kardashians!
This feature required new technologies. We are thinking of adding a feature to blow even the Solo away. This is "butt check pinching" whereby the gimbal can be used for a quick pat on the butt. We'd even had requests for the "Joe Biden Shoulder Massage" feature but took that out after asking Angela Merkel what she through of her POTUS massage. She apparently didn't enjoy it.

Also, we've heard Joe Biden is gunning for Drones so we are not going to name any feature after him.
We are still quizzing our customer about whether they desire the "Colin Guinn Showman Feature" which involve a booming speaker (but no mike - we are talking about a one way conversation)...this feature projects a large picture of Colin on any surface of the earth and can be programmed to promote anything....even non-existent products!

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Second Officer

Offline Posted at 2015-4-27 07:34
My skin seeker can even detect the mass of the rears of the Kardashians!
This feature required new t ...

Have you been drinking or smoking something? Did you just lose a big contract with a major supplier?
Are you o.k? I mean really...are you o.k?
Sounds like you are ready to flyaway and need to recal the ole compass and check the IMU IMHO!

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Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

Nah, this is Philly/NJ/NYC humor - unintelligible in most languages.

What I am trying to say is rather the OP and the title of this thread.

Until we have a solid product which is actually on the marketplace with a price and history, we can't compare it to anything let alone the 4th generation of a DJI Phantom.

Talk is cheap - but $1800 for a 4K machine is not. 3DR has to deliver. Discussing it as if it exists and is 100% reliable and full of claimed useable features - is worthless IMHO.

That's more international language.
As to my weekend it's going great. Just one glass of wine and a pizza tonite - but I did watch two episodes of Louis CK.
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Second Officer


Then stay away from the wine!
I don't disagree for a moment that the product has to prove itself and that the haters are always going to hate and no getting around that..
That said, the product does have an allure to people who are looking for certain features that DJI have yet to bring to market and some they missed out significantly with the release of the P3.. I just hope for DJI's sake that they have not been sitting on their laurels while the 3Dr solo passes them by...
I for one today would buy two Advanced P3's versus a single 3Dr solo, but that is just me and just giving an objective opinion stay the hell away from that wine!
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Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

So are you saying my infrared seeker that can detect the BS coming from these PR guys mouths is also useless?

And this is first thing in the morning with just my cup of coffee sitting next to me.

I can't help it! My Dad raised me to be a skeptic. And, when it comes to most human endeavors, he was 100% correct. If I based my buying decisions on claims, trade show presentations or reviews done before a product exists, I'd be in trouble.

Notice how all the big tech sites just picked up BOTH DJI and 3DR press releases and then ran them as if they were actual fact. That's angers me because I'm in the business (well, hobby) of consumer education. That's what I have done for about the last 35 years.

My former business was heating - mostly space heating and wood stoves/solar/fireplaces. There was actually a wood stove company that advertised it also did air conditioning. What you did was freeze some old gallon milk jugs full of water, put them inside the units and turned the fan on! Really - they advertised that!

Another wood stove company said their stove heated more evenly due to the power of the pyramids! Yes...true!

I guess I've heard enough BS for one lifetime and am on a mission to stomp on it (well, not with clean shoes) wherever I see and hear it.

As a famous lady once stated:

"Where's the Beef?".

I think that may translate into any language....

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Flight distance : 6467 ft
United Kingdom

I think if Colin Guinn said the 3DR Solo walked on water a lot of people would believe him, he is that good...
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grangerfx@gmail Posted at 2015-4-27 01:30
The differences between the 3DR and P3Pro as I see them (and I have seen them both in person and ask ...

lol you said P3 is the winner with powerful motors it is clear solo is more powerful speed acceleration
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Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

Aren't speed and lift too different things?

I suppose some tiny percentage of hobby drone flyers really want to do over 25MPH.....those folks should wait for real world tests and buy the unit that fits their needs.

My bike accelerates quickly - doesn't mean it's powerful. A bottle rocket has good acceleration also....for about 5 cents.

Some people are going to need salt water proof drones that can float and withstand 25 knot winds. One company already makes them - I think they are 4-7K +

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United States

To all the people saying the P3 has more powerful motors, it seems irrelavant (if ture at all) because the Solo is heavier and still manages to fly longer and faster...
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United States

P3's are shipping now.  Users will have them in their hands this week.  I have been having fun with mine but it is preproduction and I am on beta firmware and App.  Lets see what actual users have to say.  Then we can discuss the Solo when it appears.  I am sure that there may be some glitches around any major release, we will see how it all unfolds.  Dronflyers got you humor and understand that hype does not always translate to real products.  As one of my old bosses used to say, execution is everything.  Planning without execution is meaningless.
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

myron@iwantlemo Posted at 2015-4-28 01:22
lol you said P3 is the winner with powerful motors   it is clear solo is more powerful speed a ...

The top speed is less according the the folks at the NAB 3DR booth. I think they said 25 MPH vs 35 on the P3. I get 32 on my P2V+. The 3DR does seem to accelerate faster in that video. The flight speed matters a lot on long flights. I think that the 3DR can descend faster than the Phantom. The stats seem to be all over the place so real numbers from actual users would be nice to have.
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United States

grangerfx@gmail Posted at 2015-4-28 07:50
The top speed is less according the the folks at the NAB 3DR booth. I think they said 25 MPH vs 35  ...

What? No it's not. It is 55mph not 25, so it's a full 20mph faster than the P3.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

AirborneNinja Posted at 2015-4-28 09:11
What? No it's not. It is 55mph not 25, so it's a full 20mph faster than the P3.

If it flies that quickly with a gimbal and camera - and if you need to and can accurately fly that fast and accomplish something that you can't at regular speeds, then the $800 difference is DEFINITELY worthwhile.

I suspect only a small percentage of fliers are going to feel comfortable at those speeds...flying fast is fun when doing park loops, but I use small quads for that.

Considering our LOS limitations, I can't imagine why I'd need to fly that fast....but I'm sure some people would want to. They should buy Solos once the model is proven in terms of speed, reliability, etc.

Opps....looks like another Colin "walk on water" claim that other 3DR reps are walking back. Colin is definitely the modern day Joe Isuzu!
Hey, Airborne - I feel like losing some money today. How about we place a bet on two items....

1. I say the P3 will lift a higher payload than the Solo - this test involves each quad outfitted with gimbal and camera and then determining how much extra payload can be lifted easily.
2. I say the true real world top tested forward speed of both quads with cam and gimbal STOCK (no "enhanced" packages) will be within 10MPH....

Are you game? $20 on each....just something to have fun with.

"Top speed for the Solo is unknown. Colin Guinn claims it will do 55mph, but another 3DR representative said that you can adjust the speed up to 30mph"

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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-4-28 10:32
If it flies that quickly with a gimbal and camera - and if you need to and can accurately fly that  ...

I don't feel like making any wagers, I was just trying to stop misinformation from spreading. The specified speed on retailer websites is 55mph and until they come out and are tested, that is the number to go off of.

We can play the he said she said game all day if you want, but I personally don't have the time. If the top speed is truly unknown then the persons claim of speeds up to 30mph is completely irrelavant.
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

AirborneNinja Posted at 2015-4-28 09:11
What? No it's not. It is 55mph not 25, so it's a full 20mph faster than the P3.

If so they need to train their booth personnel better.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

AirborneNinja Posted at 2015-4-28 11:14
I don't feel like making any wagers, I was just trying to stop misinformation from spreading. The  ...

Wow, I guess I'm skeptical because I've been in retail and also making web sites for many decades....I can put whatever I want in a site with just a couple presses of the keys.

For you to say "that's the number to go by" is completely ridiculous.

Let's be accurate. That's the number that some sales person claims. Others from the same company claim different. No one has the slightest bit of proof the thing will fly 25 mph let alone 55.

THAT is truthful information. Your statement is conjecture.
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the speed is freaking insane so anything else?
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United States

According to the videos of the Solo that I've seen, it will destroy the P3 in speed and power.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

myron@iwantlemo Posted at 2015-4-29 15:55
the speed is freaking insane so anything else?

You could use it to do loops around the Country Club there!
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United States

Why would you want to go 55 mph if you are out of range in 30 seconds?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

suqsid.bobmail Posted at 2015-5-2 19:52
Why would you want to go 55 mph if you are out of range in 30 seconds?

He won't but he's angry at DJI because he had to pay to fix his quad, so he hangs out here telling people to buy vaporware.
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United Kingdom

durrr Posted at 2015-4-24 08:45
Pretty immature just because you saw one video from NAB. This drone is in Beta stage meaning it's s ...

"I'm sure 3DR has something else up their sleeves too compete with the Inspire as well. 3DR is a great company and they're passionate about their products. I will support a company like that because they care about their customers."

On what basis?  

Why is it a “great company”?  Do you think DJI is not; despite pretty much pushing this whole market forward singlehandedly? Why do you think your experience with them will be any different with new cutting edge products at product launch? Do you really think DJI don’t care?

Really this is meaningless rhetoric unless is based on facts and experience? As the 3DR product is not yet released I don’t see that that can be the case.
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United States

Hi Guys,

Thanks in advance for helping me out. I've been flying R/C Aircraft for about 30 years. Never a Quadcopter. I want to get into the hobby and was debating the Phantom 3 or the 3DR Solo. I'm pretty sure I've made up my mind to go with the Solo but wanted to check with some DJI owners. I hope you guys can give me an impartial answer to my question.

I don't own a GoPro but was thinking of getting a GoPro 4 for other uses as well. Before I purchase anything of any value, I always do my homework. On my list of pros and cons I always include support from the company I'm buying from. In fact 9 out of 10 times, that's what I base my ultimate decision on. I'm also old enough to know that you do get what you pay for.

I know a bunch of people are just now starting to get their new Solos in hand. I've read all the specs on both.

My question and deciding factor always comes down to one of the most important things - customer service and support.

So here is the question....

Knowing what you know now about DJI's support would you still buy a Phantom 3?

I called DJI yesterday and I gave up after 45 minutes on hold. I then called 3DR and got through to someone within 4 minutes. I then called two of DJI's biggest dealers who also sell 3DR products and when asked if I should go with a Phantom 3 or Solo, both said "Without question go with the Solo". One said, "I'd get a Solo everyday of the week and 50 times on Mondays". Odd way to put but, I get it. I asked if they've actually flown a Solo and the both said of course.

The main reason is I'm asking you guys is because many of you have had to deal with DJI. Whether it be for parts, service or technical support.  I know I could have asked this on another forum, but who better to ask than existing Phantom owners.

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Flight distance : 119137 ft
United States

I chose to buy a p3 knowing about the support. DJI is currently the leader in consumer quadcopter technologies and is proven. If I take care of my P3 and fly it the way its meant to be flown then I won't have to deal with support. Not to mention I can get a quad with a 4k camera and gimbal included for just $200 more than what a Solo costs alone without a gimbal OR camera. And when it comes to range the solo doesn't even compare. Until another company can match the technology ,price and quality Im sticking with DJI.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

CheckYourSix Posted at 2015-6-6 00:31
Hi Guys,

Thanks in advance for helping me out. I've been flying R/C Aircraft for about 30 years. Ne ...

You can find whatever "examples" you want.
Check on 3DR's forums and you will find a lot of long terms customers who are complaining about NEVER getting through on the phone.

Same with DJI.

You will then find some saying the opposite.

If your serious question is "Does one company have a better track record than the other in customer service and repairs of consumer quadcopters?"....well, the answer is no.

In a year after 3DR has shipped and dealt with 50,000 or more Solos, then you will be able to look and make some kind of a determination.

I personally don't see what the big deal is. I know exactly what type of service to expect from DJI - and having at least a month (sometimes more on paypal and with your cc) to decide if your model is OK (most are) about all I need. If my machines breaks after that I know I'd be screwed almost no matter what.

Maybe some 3rd parties will eventually jump into the fray if DJI gives them the basics in terms of digital troubleshooting and sells them parts. I always figured I'd send my P2's to one of the independent repair shops if something happened later in the game (my fault, etc.).

Until there are a lot of extended warranties and independent repair shops I think you will be in the same boat with most machines. Maybe GoPro will do different? Again, you'd have to wait until a year after they release (2017) to know.

I think the basic decision here is that you either want to fly - given the current situation....or, you want to wait and watch until something satisfies you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

fr0gburp3r Posted at 2015-4-21 05:59
Half the features compared to what? The P3? It seems the Solo has more features and more flexible.  ...

There are several camera modes on the Hero 4 that reduce fish-eye effect - what's left is easily removable when editing.

The brains (and apparently the extreme upper management) used to be DJI employees. While they haven't yet marketed a successful quad, many of them appear to be the brains behind a great part of the Phantom 3.
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Second Officer
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CheckYourSix Posted at 2015-6-6 00:31
Hi Guys,

Thanks in advance for helping me out. I've been flying R/C Aircraft for about 30 years. Ne ...

"My question and deciding factor always comes down to one of the most important things - customer service and support.
So here is the question....
Knowing what you know now about DJI's support would you still buy a Phantom 3?"

To answer your question, yes, at this point in time l would buy another Phantom 3. But just because of the Phantom and the success to date that l've had with them.
Having witnessed the complete lack of communication out of DJI l feel no loyalty to them, which is too bad - l tend to return to what l like and get good service with, eg, l always buy Hondas.
l will absolutely keep an eye on 3DR. lf the Solo is as good as its hype l'm all for shifting towards a company with a more western approach to dealing with the public.
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