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11115 46 2017-1-16
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
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Will the Phantom 4 Pro ever receive an update to add cinematic mode? It's an awesome flight mode for the Mavic, not sure why it wouldn't be a flight mode available for the P4P. Tripod mode is great but very slow, Cinematic just smooths out the flight movements without reducing overall speed.

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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Thats exactly what tripod mode is for
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-16 11:25
Thats exactly what tripod mode is for

The two modes are different, tripod mode slows down everything and limits the aircraft to a very slow speed. Cinematic still allows the aircraft to move at normal speeds in P mode but smooths out the acceleration and braking so the shots are smooth. Idf they were the same then why does Mavic offer both modes?
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
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are these not just "pre-sets" for gain and expo etc ?
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

It may be "pre-sets" but I'm not sure why it can't just be a flight mode like the Mavic. If they both run DJi Go 4 app, and one has the flight mode why can't the other have that flight mode as well?
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

The Mavic is a toy.  Stability not even close to the Phantoms or the Inspire
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-17 09:33
The Mavic is a toy.  Stability not even close to the Phantoms or the Inspire

I'd disagree with that. I have both, and fly both on a regular basis. If you want to call one a toy both are a toy then.

And this is not about stability, but both are equal in stability imo, if anything the Mavic deals with wind better due to its slimmer profile. If I go full pitch forward on the P4p it drops in GPS altitude, I go full pitch forward on Mavic gps altitude stays constant. But this has nothing to do with my question.

My question is why is Cinematic mode not offered for P4P when they both use the same DJI GO 4 app? P4p users could benefit from it, especially if they aren't flying it as a toy and looking for Cinematic smooth shots.
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

And Phantom is way closer to Mavic level than Inspire level.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Ely324 Posted at 2017-1-17 09:43
I'd disagree with that. I have both, and fly both on a regular basis. If you want to call one a toy both are a toy then.

And this is not about stability, but both are equal in stability imo, if anything the Mavic deals with wind better due to its slimmer profile. If I go full pitch forward on the P4p it drops in GPS altitude, I go full pitch forward on Mavic gps altitude stays constant. But this has nothing to do with my question.

Well your experience goes against many,many reviews.  I have one on order, and I will see for myself.  My guess is that the next FM update, might include the cinematic mode for P4P+.   I just shot a video for a golf club using the tripod mode and loved the smoothness of the video.  Better then my I1 (which I sold)
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Flight distance : 491988 ft
United Kingdom

Yep, would like to see this update too at some point.
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-17 10:04
Well your experience goes against many,many reviews.  I have one on order, and I will see for myself.  My guess is that the next FM update, might include the cinematic mode for P4P+.   I just shot a video for a golf club using the tripod mode and loved the smoothness of the video.  Better then my I1 (which I sold)

Many Many reviews??? The first review comparison between the quadcopters that came up on a google search was form and said this,
Let’s face it; the Mavic is much smaller than the Phantom 4, so does that mean it won’t hold up in the wind? Not at all. We put both of the drones through extreme winds using a powerful leaf blower and both did better than you would expect. One thing we noticed with the Phantom is that in high winds, it tends to drift up much more than the Mavic Pro. We had to reshoot the video a few times because the Phantom would just keep drifting up out of the camera view.

The Mavic seemed to hold its position better, but the video didn’t look as stable as the Phantom 4. This is mostly because the Mavic has a narrower field-of-view, so any movements of the drone are more noticeable."

I myself have experienced this issue as well, where the Phantom tends to drift up and down whil hovering, my mavic hovers in place much better. Just because the copter is larger and more expensive does not mean it is more professional or better than another drone.

I love both my Mavic and my P4P, but I'm not gonna sit here and listen to someone comparing the two who doesn't have their own experience with both drones. And people may have different reviews based on other dornes they have flown or the circumstances they fly in.

I'm not even trying to discuss which one is more toyish or professional. I just want to know why the P4P does not have cinematic mode, cause I am pretty sure it's not because it's not a toy like the Mavic. Stay on point with the thread topic.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Tip: The post by the administrator or moderators shield
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1375846 ft
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United States

Ely324 Posted at 2017-1-17 09:44
And Phantom is way closer to Mavic level than Inspire level.

There actually are many reviews out that say the Mavic handles better in wind than the Phantom 4 (not sure about the Pro). Seems how a quad handles may be more about opinion than actual fact. Either that or each unit of either model can be significantly better or worse at handling than the next.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1375846 ft
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United States

Ely324 Posted at 2017-1-17 09:43
I'd disagree with that. I have both, and fly both on a regular basis. If you want to call one a toy both are a toy then.

And this is not about stability, but both are equal in stability imo, if anything the Mavic deals with wind better due to its slimmer profile. If I go full pitch forward on the P4p it drops in GPS altitude, I go full pitch forward on Mavic gps altitude stays constant. But this has nothing to do with my question.

"If you want to call one a toy both are a toy then."

I would agree with that. They really are pretty much on the same tech level. The P4P is just heavier and has more bells and whistles (which I assume will be included on the next Mavic, if there is one).
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

And lets not forget this very important fact...ONE INCH SENSOR vs HALF INCH contest
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Flight distance : 298048 ft
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United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-17 14:16
And lets not forget this very important fact...ONE INCH SENSOR vs HALF INCH contest

No one is arguing that the P4P has a better camera, but I don't know anyone who would spend $1k on a toy drone. That would be like calling the P4P a toy in comparison to the Inspire 2.

That being said what this thread is about is a flight mode that the Mavic got implemented during one of the GO4 app updates. It was in addition to the tripod mode and gives smoother movement of the ac. It's a nice addition and I'm sure we'll see it eventually implemented for the P4P as well.  

Your response to go tell DJI is exactly what this thread is about, DJI mods do report these things back to be potentially implemented.  
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Well, I have sent several emails directly to DJI personel regarding various response. Like the constant crashing of the P4P+ screen.  If it wasnt  for some members who figured out a work around, mine would still be grounded or going back to B+H  DJI STILLS needs to address their customer service issues...better then last year, but they have a long, long way to go!
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-17 13:39
Then Go ask DJI then why the P4 doesn't have the cinematic mode.  Little touchy about me calling the Mavic a toy aren't we?  Take your freaking meds and chill fan boy.  And I stand by what I read.  I will make my own assessment once mine gets here Monday

chill out? I'm chill, you are the one getting all upset about something that we aren't even discussing in this thread. I would ask DJI if I could, but it seems that this forum is the best place to get answers of regarding the aircrafts and an area where DJI takes feedback from their customers.

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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-17 14:16
And lets not forget this very important fact...ONE INCH SENSOR vs HALF INCH contest

lol, are you sure I'm the one that needs to chill out??? and by no contest do you mean they are very similar haha. Cause neither have interchangeable lenses or considered true professional cinematography drones.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Ely324 Posted at 2017-1-17 21:08
lol, are you sure I'm the one that needs to chill out??? and by no contest do you mean they are very similar haha. Cause neither have interchangeable lenses or considered true professional cinematography drones.

You cannot compare, a one inch sensor with a half inch sensor.  Period. Size wins every time. And if you want a true professional photography drone then buy the Inspire2 with the various lens camera options.  The P4 and the Mavic are toys in comparison
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-19 08:01
You cannot compare, a one inch sensor with a half inch sensor.  Period. Size wins every time. And if you want a true professional photography drone then buy the Inspire2 with the various lens camera options.  The P4 and the Mavic are toys in comparison
I'm not comparing sensor to sensor. Compare the drone to the drone.

You are still not getting the point, yes 1" sensor is better than half inch and it will win every time in a contest. But the end results will not be vastly different in terms of image quality. Taking a good photograph or video with either one has nothing to do with their sensors. It's the composition, lighting, and the subject and how you capture it.

Camera technology has come a far far way, but amazing photographs taken with old equipment are still amazing photographs. Stop being stuck on the equipment and remember it is just a tool. Just because it has a 1" sensor does not mean it's better. This is all subjective. Some may say the Mavic is a better tool. It allows photographers to get more shots easier and to travel with it easier allowing the possibilities of drone shots are endless if you can throw it in your camera bag with the rest of your gear.
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Flight distance : 27871 ft
United States

Why not just change your gain and expo on the sticks and make your own "cinematic mode". If I recall you can store a couple different settings on stick controls. Then you can make it as slow and smooth as you'd like?
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Oh please.  Of course sensor size matters, go look at a side by side chart of the surface area and how much more information is captured with a one inch sensor.  Get real!  (along with the other settings you mention)  There is no doubt that the portability aspect matters greatly for the Mavic (mine just shipped). For the record, I teach production/post-production classes in a local city college, I love to have students with your mentality, you are always wrong!
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-19 09:14
Oh please.  Of course sensor size matters, go look at a side by side chart of the surface area and how much more information is captured with a one inch sensor.  Get real!  (along with the other settings you mention)  There is no doubt that the portability aspect matters greatly for the Mavic (mine just shipped). For the record, I teach production/post-production classes in a local city college, I love to have students with your mentality, you are always wrong!

Yes sensor size does matter and bigger sensors are better, but both drones are limited by a fixed lens. If you think that the end result is greatly different than you are wrong. If you make the exact same short film with both drones they will nearly be identical, what will make them good is the content, not the fact that one has 1" sensor and the other doesn't.

I feel bad for your students having such a closed minded teacher. Look at one of the greatest youtubers of all time, Casey Neistat. He has flown and owned dozens of DJI drones and prefers the Mavic over the P4P. He makes thousands a day off his videos. The Mavic gets the job done for him. My point is that just because a 1" sensor is better than the sensor in the Mavic, it does not make the P4P better.
edit: And you would be lucky to have student like me, some one who is willing to see things from a different perspective once in a while.

Look at that, Neistat just uploaded a video on the very same thing we are discussing.

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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

juicedrummer Posted at 2017-1-19 09:11
Why not just change your gain and expo on the sticks and make your own "cinematic mode". If I recall you can store a couple different settings on stick controls. Then you can make it as slow and smooth as you'd like?

Yes I could do that, which would take time and testing to fine tune. If this is something available for the Mavic, a drone that costs 2/3rds the price of the P4P, why can't the P4P have it, being they use the same app??? And selecting a flight mode is much easier than going into the menus to change presets for gain etc.

I'm just trying to ask if this is something that will be updated for the P4P, but everyone has to get their panties in a bunch and say I'm being ridiculous.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Right,  videos on UTUBE where the technical quality doesn't matter one bit. You can shoot with an iPhone and post. Try making a 'broadcast quality' production with a Mavic and see where that gets you.  I could care less about Neistat  and him being 'one of the great you tubers of all time"  Who Cares.  Its the trouble with you millennials, the sun rises and sets on you tube.  BooHOO. And I am not closed minded at all.  I stand by my ascertaining comment, A ONE INCH SENSOR trumps ANYTHING ELSE.  Not debating content here, just technical attritbutes , that's the discussion.   I'm bored with this conversation and you. Please do post YOUR most recent youtube production shot with your toy.
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Flight distance : 298048 ft
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United States

Why are you still debating about the camera on either of them? This thread is about a flight mode which has nothing to do with the camera.
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-20 11:48
Right,  videos on UTUBE where the technical quality doesn't matter one bit. You can shoot with an iPhone and post. Try making a 'broadcast quality' production with a Mavic and see where that gets you.  I could care less about Neistat  and him being 'one of the great you tubers of all time"  Who Cares.  Its the trouble with you millennials, the sun rises and sets on you tube.  BooHOO. And I am not closed minded at all.  I stand by my ascertaining comment, A ONE INCH SENSOR trumps ANYTHING ELSE.  Not debating content here, just technical attritbutes , that's the discussion.   I'm bored with this conversation and you. Please do post YOUR most recent youtube production shot with your toy.

lol, ONE inch sensor trumps anything else. First off you are not making any broadcast quality production with a phantom. Second, when you can take a Mavic with you in a small backpack traveling the world, along with other gear outside of operating the drone, than yes, the One inch sensor does not trump anything.
Your bored cause you are wrong, I'm not arguiing technical attributes. Just because the P4P is more technically advanced means it can't have the cinematic mode like the Mavic???
And youtube is the future so maybe you need to step out of your old ways of thinking that quality does not matter for youtube. You can watch live broadcasts, movies, and even tv shows on youtube.
Keep calling it a toy for now, and then when you get yours you can see how well it is made. The quality of the build is far from a toy and maybe even better than that of the P4P.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Ely324 Posted at 2017-1-20 13:35
lol, ONE inch sensor trumps anything else. First off you are not making any broadcast quality production with a phantom. Second, when you can take a Mavic with you in a small backpack traveling the world, along with other gear outside of operating the drone, than yes, the One inch sensor does not trump anything.
Your bored cause you are wrong, I'm not arguiing technical attributes. Just because the P4P is more technically advanced means it can't have the cinematic mode like the Mavic???
And youtube is the future so maybe you need to step out of your old ways of thinking that quality does not matter for youtube. You can watch live broadcasts, movies, and even tv shows on youtube.

Go back to school and learn how to spell you idiot  Then post your 'future' youtube videos. I have shot with my P4P and used it for broadcast..(ever hear of 4K Dip?) This is how you spell ARGUING...moron
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-20 14:17
Go back to school and learn how to spell you idiot  Then post your 'future' youtube videos. I have shot with my P4P and used it for broadcast..(ever hear of 4K Dip?) This is how you spell ARGUING...moron

Yup, I'm a moron for spelling arguing with a double i, you got me professor. By the way you forgot to put a period after idiot.  Since we are spell checking each other on a forum I figured I would let you know so you could correct it.

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United States

The Mavic flies in the wind fine. The problem is the video results are bumpy from the wind. The P4P doesn't have this video issue in the wind. I saw one guy's post about his P4P gimbal motors going to sleep in the very strong wind but I think that is because his gimbal is out of balance. About the toy comparison, the Mavic Pro would be a Mini Cooper, the P4P would be a Catalac CTS-V. Both of those cars would be considered toys too.  Expensive toys.
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Flight distance : 167057 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-20 11:48
Right,  videos on UTUBE where the technical quality doesn't matter one bit. You can shoot with an iPhone and post. Try making a 'broadcast quality' production with a Mavic and see where that gets you.  I could care less about Neistat  and him being 'one of the great you tubers of all time"  Who Cares.  Its the trouble with you millennials, the sun rises and sets on you tube.  BooHOO. And I am not closed minded at all.  I stand by my ascertaining comment, A ONE INCH SENSOR trumps ANYTHING ELSE.  Not debating content here, just technical attritbutes , that's the discussion.   I'm bored with this conversation and you. Please do post YOUR most recent youtube production shot with your toy.

Trouble with us millennials is we are the ones shaping the future of entertainment consumption, not you. You can either continue to be antiquated in your thinking, or start to adapt. There is a reason YouTube, Facebook Live, Instagram, etc. are all thriving, while traditional media is dying.
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Flight distance : 612503 ft
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crbalch Posted at 2017-2-8 12:19
Trouble with us millennials is we are the ones shaping the future of entertainment consumption, not you. You can either continue to be antiquated in your thinking, or start to adapt. There is a reason YouTube, Facebook Live, Instagram, etc. are all thriving, while traditional media is dying.

But Airwolf13 didn't say if YouTube is or isn't the future. He tells "videos on UTUBE where the technical quality doesn't matter one bit" because YouTube apply a HUGE compression to the videos. If you think that you can see differences in IQ on a YouTube video (with enormous compression rates, and less to 10Mbps bitrate) you are totally wrong.

I can tell you that the difference between Mavic and P4P in IQ (photo and video footage) IS MORE THAN HUGE if you see both footages straight to the camera. Another chapter is in low light, there's a whole world of difference.
The P4P camera it's a BIG BIG step forward and shows the difference, really worth every penny.

Anyways, I can't tell you that Mavic it's a toy. This is my way to see the lineup:
- Mavic is for the best portability and good IQ. Very good behavior in the air.
- P4P is for good portability but much more IQ. Very good behavior in the air.
- Inspire 2 + X4S is for limited portability, very close P4P IQ, best behavior in the air.
- Inspire 2 + X5 is for limited portability, best IQ and best behavior in the air.

Choose what you like or what you can!
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

Cobani Posted at 2017-2-8 13:35
But Airwolf13 didn't say if YouTube is or isn't the future. He tells "videos on UTUBE where the technical quality doesn't matter one bit" because YouTube apply a HUGE compression to the videos. If you think that you can see differences in IQ on a YouTube video (with enormous compression rates, and less to 10Mbps bitrate) you are totally wrong.

I can tell you that the difference between Mavic and P4P in IQ (photo and video footage) IS MORE THAN HUGE if you see both footages straight to the camera. Another chapter is in low light, there's a whole world of difference.

Well stated.  I've been shooting/flying my Mavic for a week. It's great..for portability..wonderful... BUT, as stated above, IQ is not even close to the P4P+ They both have their placed in my arsenal.  I prefer the P
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

This is a thread about the cinematic flight mode.

Discussing the mavic vs p4p and whether one is a toy and the other not, is largely based on subjective perspective and intended use of the drone. Some may think the Mavic is a tool, and others think a P4P a toy. That is not the discussion. We all get the P4P is more technically advanced and produces better iq. That doesn't answer why the P4P does not have cinematic flight mode like the Mavic.

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Flight distance : 1372369 ft
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Actually the only function i sometimes use is the tripod mode but .... i would love the cinematic mode!
So now i am waiting for a firmware update and an application update with the cinematic mode in there.
Thanks for bringing it up Ely324.
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Flight distance : 904888 ft
United States

tripod mode is great. I also really enjoy using course lock. Hopefully a new update will come for the P4P which will include cine mode.
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Flight distance : 240863 ft
United Kingdom

I only just found out about this feature on the Mavik, I want this on my P4P
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United States

I want the cinematic mode too. I owned Mavic Pro before, the cinematic mode is good for video, no matter you pan or move, the cinematic mode keep the video smooth.
But in P4P no such mode, so disappointed. Why doesn't DJI put this mode in P4P?
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