Threads detailing SERIOUS issue with Mavic Air FW v01.00.0400
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-22 02:50

Posted my response - HERE -
You can decide if you want to continue TROLL TRASHING, your own thread.
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Nikolay S Donev
Flight distance : 1290892 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-22 04:56
I don’t know why either, but from what I read your issue with a slight glitch n transmission, correct me if I’m wrong.
But there is also others who had issues with numerous problems who have had their issues sorted out, through various simple calibrations, and all I’ve seen here is different explanations some say software some say firmware, for those who are convinced that it is SW/FW issue then it looks like you will have to wait.
I spelled out very early on this thread how this would pan out, yes I take a very pragmatic view, but it was a correct one, I also advised those with problems to return until you get one that flies and works as it should, so now 7 weeks on those users still without working aircraft, no pain to dji, if those users had returned their aircraft to dji, then the pain would be with them now, but you get quickly shot down for making the suggestion, but if they took it up, then most if not all would be happy flying now, instead we have the lunatics running the asylum or the Joan of Arc crew telling everyone this is all down to FW/SW ISSUES, and I don’t doubt some of it could be.

Hello my love  
I just came by to see how much hate time you spent on the forum and say hi

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First Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-22 04:55
I don’t know why either, but from what I read your issue with a slight glitch n transmission, correct me if I’m wrong.
But there is also others who had issues with numerous problems who have had their issues sorted out, through various simple calibrations, and all I’ve seen here is different explanations some say software some say firmware, for those who are convinced that it is SW/FW issue then it looks like you will have to wait.
I spelled out very early on this thread how this would pan out, yes I take a very pragmatic view, but it was a correct one, I also advised those with problems to return until you get one that flies and works as it should, so now 7 weeks on those users still without working aircraft, no pain to dji, if those users had returned their aircraft to dji, then the pain would be with them now, but you get quickly shot down for making the suggestion, but if they took it up, then most if not all would be happy flying now, instead we have the lunatics running the asylum or the Joan of Arc crew telling everyone this is all down to FW/SW ISSUES, and I don’t doubt some of it could be.

Rather than respond any further to your snide remarks, further attempts to derail this thread; have taken your Troll Trash - HERE -
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2132792 ft
South Africa

EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-6-5 14:12
Please stop defending DJI or trying to water down the severity of the issues being experienced with .0400...

Even those who have refreshed their firmware were able to make a few flights (if they were lucky), only to have it re-occur in many instances.

I`m leaning more and more to the problem being with the firmware as it became more and more sluggish with time and then just did not respond to commands when I tried to force the landing before it crashed.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

HendrikJB Posted at 2018-6-23 09:09
I`m leaning more and more to the problem being with the firmware as it became more and more sluggish with time and then just did not respond to commands when I tried to force the landing before it crashed.

Yes @HendrikJB,

The problems with 0400 do seem to get progressively worse the more you fly the drone.

When I got the second MA unit for testing, it initially flew 100% flawless on 0400, as many here claimed. But after less than a half dozen or so flights, the issues started cropping up, and with each occurrence, they became more pronounced and severe.

And, as usual, ZERO public response or statements from DJI on these issues *shaking my head*
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First Officer
United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-6-23 10:53
Yes @HendrikJB,

The problems with 0400 do seem to get progressively worse the more you fly the drone.

And, as usual, ZERO public response or statements from DJI on these issues *shaking my head*
Seems issues / problems with .0400 FW are taking a slow boat to China, and even slower boat back.**  

** Said with: Sore subject, desperately needing a little light hearted humor...
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Flight distance : 694728 ft
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United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-6-23 10:53
Yes @HendrikJB,

The problems with 0400 do seem to get progressively worse the more you fly the drone.

I got a second MA to see how it responded to 0400.  So far so good after about 10 flights.  I'm actually starting to trust it.  Not flying my first one again until there's an update.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

WayneMHK Posted at 2018-6-23 12:26
I got a second MA to see how it responded to 0400.  So far so good after about 10 flights.  I'm actually starting to trust it.  Not flying my first one again until there's an update.

Let us know how you make out with it, and whether or not any 0400 symptoms start cropping up after more flights like it did with mine!

Also, did you have to update the new MA to 0400, or did it ship with 0400 from factory? Also, if you did update, did you do so OTA or via Assistant 2 1.2.4?

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First Officer
United States

WayneMHK Posted at 2018-6-23 12:26
I got a second MA to see how it responded to 0400.  So far so good after about 10 flights.  I'm actually starting to trust it.  Not flying my first one again until there's an update.

Fly the heck out of it.  Make sure it is rock solid before return to seller period is up.
Please keep us updated as to how 2nd MA does.  Hopefully it will be all good!!!
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Flight distance : 694728 ft
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United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-6-23 12:28
Let us know how you make out with it, and whether or not any 0400 symptoms start cropping up after more flights like it did with mine!

Also, did you have to update the new MA to 0400, or did it ship with 0400 from factory? Also, if you did update, did you do so OTA or via Assistant 2 1.2.4?

Got it at Best Buy. It actually came with two versions below 0400, whatever that was.  I updated using DI Asst. v1.2.4. I looked at the screen for a good 5 minutes deciding whether to just update to 0300, but decided that wouldn't fulfill my experiment.   Flew 4 more batteries last night since it was dead calm, and I'm getting over being nervous about it and enjoying it more and more.  Sure hope an update helps my other one.
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Happened again to me yesterday.
MA suddenly took off on its own from a hover position and only way I was able to regain control was to hit the RTH button.
Not sure if its worth putting in a claim or other with DJI?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2132792 ft
South Africa

Gazoo Posted at 2018-6-24 06:45
Happened again to me yesterday.
MA suddenly took off on its own from a hover position and only way I was able to regain control was to hit the RTH button.
Not sure if its worth putting in a claim or other with DJI?

I found myself IN EXACTLY THE SAME SITUATION and as you said RTH was the only solution.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2132792 ft
South Africa

Wachtberger Posted at 2018-6-5 14:27
I fully agree with you dear Co-Captain although it might not make me earn popularity points in this particular thread ;-). But facts remain facts and far too many pilots have no problems at all with the .400 firmware, thus creating such a drama about it appears to be overdoing it a bit.

As stated in the original post it is clear that the issues become more pronounced with time.  I had no issues at the start but when it kicked in it was downhill all the way till my MA crashed without me being able to control it.

Thus DJI should actually OFFER FROM THEIR side to have the broken MA replaced in my country!!!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1579062 ft
United Kingdom

My MA flew flawlessly up until one of the recent app updates and 0.400.

The live feed is slightly laggy, not as clear or sharp and it is now dropping out of signal.

I can't fly it as far as I could, even in the most rural of areas.

Nothing aside from the Go app and FW has changed so this is the only possible explanation.

I have lost a lot of confidence in it and DJI due to their lack of comment or stance over the past month, which is a shame as I've never had any issues before this and love my Air!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 784265 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-21 13:07
While it may be a bug, it also sounds like you might have a problem with RC calibration, either a bad calibration or your RC needs calibrating, I read all the time here about some calibrating, but how is calibrating done, it’s no use doing a calibration with iPad mini attached to RC then go out and fly with another device.
RC calibration should always be done with device attached that is going to be used to fly, and just like other calibrations it should be done with no other interference around. There are magnets attached to your RC and these can be influenced by any magnetic interference and 15 degrees is quite possible with interference.
Another possible problem is wind and the general propulsion in your aircraft IMU trying to keep an exact position without any movement for 10 minutes, time lapse with a drone is not as simple as it might seem, it’s far easier to complete a hyper lapse by controlling the heading of your drone in something like tripod mode or tap fly.

Alright, I will try this and report back hopefully this evening when the tempertures are not as high.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

HendrikJB Posted at 2018-6-24 09:38
As stated in the original post it is clear that the issues become more pronounced with time.  I had no issues at the start but when it kicked in it was downhill all the way till my MA crashed without me being able to control it.

Thus DJI should actually OFFER FROM THEIR side to have the broken MA replaced in my country!!!

I have read your crash report and my only question is: Have you opened a formal repair case with DJI and have they responded to it? If you have not done so yet, here is the link:
And once you have your case number you can request any of the Moderators/Administrators of this forum to follow up on it and they will be happy to assist you.
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Days just pass, and still no fix for the issues of the latest FW...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2132792 ft
South Africa

AirMancer Posted at 2018-6-25 02:32
Days just pass, and still no fix for the issues of the latest FW...

looks like they don`t care????
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2132792 ft
South Africa

Wachtberger Posted at 2018-6-24 12:26
I have read your crash report and my only question is: Have you opened a formal repair case with DJI and have they responded to it? If you have not done so yet, here is the link:
And once you have your case number you can request any of the Moderators/Administrators of this forum to follow up on it and they will be happy to assist you.

Thank you.

I have not as at first , not being a criminal myself, I thought that I was at fault.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

HendrikJB Posted at 2018-6-25 10:41
Thank you.

I have not as at first , not being a criminal myself, I thought that I was at fault.

Then you should really do so now and let them assess the cause. If it was not your fault it will fall under warranty and otherwise you will receive a repair offer that you may accept or not. But first action is clearly with you now.
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North Idaho Guy
Flight distance : 2310082 ft
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United States

IF there is an issues or seventeen with 0.400, my OTHER theory besides the one that they COULD HAVE dumbed down the MA with rev 0.400 to boost sales/interests of the next newer product (MP2?) coming up in July, is one of that from an engineering standpoint.

So say you have brand new product just released out there that can run different version of FW......(flashable embedded controllers), rev 0, rev 1, rev 2, etc., etc., etc. Country by country each rev has to also contain code that accommodates specific flight laws of those countries, pretty simple so far.

But, as a new product you know your going to have bugs, no engineer/s is/are that good, EVER!!! So fast forward now, sales are good and now you have 1,000,000+  units of your new product out the door and the bug reports are rolling in left and right, from top to bottom from all parts of the globe (yes, yes, poor beta testing). As the owner of this product/company/department, you have all your engineers working overtime trying to find out what bug/s fits what rev, what bug/s fits what country with what rev and what bug/s fits what situation with what bug fits what rev/s with what bug/s that fits what country....wheeew!!! Mangers are going crazy yelling at engineers to fit this, fix this!! And during the chaos one brilliant engineer steps forward and says.....

"What if we force the product update to roll all rev's up to just one rev?" AND "make that rev such that that it can't be rolled back" AND "call it 0.400." Then s/he says "Then we wait (week, month, whatever) and once 99% of all this new product are ALL on the same rev 0.400, THEN we analyze (monitor forums, get RMA reports, etc, etc) the bugs that we know for a fact are ALL on one rev, rev 0.400!! And thus, now working with much much less varibles, we are now giving ourselves much better chances of being able to drill and focus down much narrower on singular'ish issues and thus allowing/requiring only ONE good fix for a finite set of issues (rev 0.400) and not TRY to write some crazy seat our pants "all encompassing" fixes that is relevent not only for all, but also for some different rev's that is relevent not only for all, but also for some different contries that is relevent not only for all, but also for some different situation thus, we avoid to had to solve scattered issues that are all over the board"     

Just a hair brained idea and maybe they just shot that engineer and just throw code at the wall and see whats sticks!!.......However, and again, this is IF and only IF there is an issue. Personally, I saw/have over current on motor and had a sudden veering shortly after take off up at 50ft with full sats and no wind.........So I'm not in the clear as others are luckily (IMO) reporting and I'm not sure I like this behavoir much as both my Spark or MPP have NEVER done either.

If it were me and I had some of those other major issues that some others are having/reporting and there are design flaws and they aren't resolved sooner then later, I'd just simply be asking  (DJI and/or retailer) for a full refund of my money (some places around the world are easier then others, I get it) and move on.....its a dead duck, get your money back and let it go!!

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Flight distance : 295420 ft
United States

I just spent I think 8 hours reading this entire thread and wanted to thank the OP for taking the time and effort to put it together. I’ve had an Air since the week it was released and have flown it in multiple countries and continents, and even both hemispheres, so far. Unfortunately while it was pretty much rock solid on all the prior versions I, too, have experienced significant issues since my very first flight after flashing the .0400 firmware. Very significantly-reduced flight range, constant RC video feed breakup even at short range, and continuous fallbacks to Safe RTH due to sudden loss of signal — something I never experienced even one time on prior FW versions, despite having regularly flown my unit over landscapes at 2 and 3+ kilometer range.  I’m fortunate in that I live out in the country, where there are hardly any people or buildings, and where I have the opportunity to fly the drone in a very repeatable manner in an uncluttered, flat landscape that’s basically devoid of significant EM interference — there aren’t even usable cell signals from any of the U.S. cell carriers out here — and I’ve experienced drastic levels and frequencies of these issues since the update.  I find it curious, and certainly frustrating, that while the initial FW updates came out rapid-fire, and seemed to me to mostly address minor issues and/or enhance features, there has now been no update for quite a long time after a FW version that, for me, has basically made my aircraft useless...and to top it for some unknown reason this version can’t be rolled back as with the previous iterations.

I also want to apologize to you for the conduct you’ve had to put up with in this thread from someone who claims to be an experienced, helpful moderator, yet has not in something like 40 posts to this thread offered anything more helpful than “send your drone back to DJI” and who has continuously denegrated, condescended to, and outright called users on the thread names, like some childish five year-old.  Nobody should have to put up with crap like that, but unfortunately in today’s world of anonymous keyboard jockeys and Internet experts, it’s now an unfortunate fact of life.  Still doesn’t make it even remotely acceptable or excusable, though, and it seems that someone with so much self-proclaimed experience and expertise would understand that while you sending your drone back for replacement may result in the resolution of some of your problems (and then again, it may not), many more users will be benefitted if some of the issues many of us are experiencing were addressed by a firmware update that was available to all users in the community.  That is the point of a firmware update, afterall — mass, and near immediate, application and affect across the entire user community.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Velolion Posted at 2018-6-27 01:39
I just spent I think 8 hours reading this entire thread and wanted to thank the OP for taking the time and effort to put it together. I’ve had an Air since the week it was released and have flown it in multiple countries and continents, and even both hemispheres, so far. Unfortunately while it was pretty much rock solid on all the prior versions I, too, have experienced significant issues since my very first flight after flashing the .0400 firmware. Very significantly-reduced flight range, constant RC video feed breakup even at short range, and continuous fallbacks to Safe RTH due to sudden loss of signal — something I never experienced even one time on prior FW versions, despite having regularly flown my unit over landscapes at 2 and 3+ kilometer range.  I’m fortunate in that I live out in the country, where there are hardly any people or buildings, and where I have the opportunity to fly the drone in a very repeatable manner in an uncluttered, flat landscape that’s basically devoid of significant EM interference — there aren’t even usable cell signals from any of the U.S. cell carriers out here — and I’ve experienced drastic levels and frequencies of these issues since the update.  I find it curious, and certainly frustrating, that while the initial FW updates came out rapid-fire, and seemed to me to mostly address minor issues and/or enhance features, there has now been no update for quite a long time after a FW version that, for me, has basically made my aircraft useless...and to top it for some unknown reason this version can’t be rolled back as with the previous iterations.

I also want to apologize to you for the conduct you’ve had to put up with in this thread from someone who claims to be an experienced, helpful moderator, yet has not in something like 40 posts to this thread offered anything more helpful than “send your drone back to DJI” and who has continuously denegrated, condescended to, and outright called users on the thread names, like some childish five year-old.  Nobody should have to put up with crap like that, but unfortunately in today’s world of anonymous keyboard jockeys and Internet experts, it’s now an unfortunate fact of life.  Still doesn’t make it even remotely acceptable or excusable, though, and it seems that someone with so much self-proclaimed experience and expertise would understand that while you sending your drone back for replacement may result in the resolution of some of your problems (and then again, it may not), many more users will be benefitted if some of the issues many of us are experiencing were addressed by a firmware update that was available to all users in the community.  That is the point of a firmware update, afterall — mass, and near immediate, application and affect across the entire user community.

I will answer because I assume your referring to me.

I don’t claim to be an experienced moderator

If you read the title of this thread it specifically mentions Mavic Air 0400, and my opening post referred to inclusions of other drones on completely different firmware, so I pointed this out, it also referred to deleted posts which was totally incorrect, so the thread was initially trying to boost itself to be something the title didn’t set out. You will see I was completely shot down for this , being accused of being some kind of dji fanboy.

In regards to advising people to send in defective drones under warranty for replacement, this I have some experience with, as an owner of a P4Pro I waited 4 weeks for FW issue to be sorted, when it didn’t happen I returned for replacement drone, and FW was released 6 months later, on this thread or other thread we have seen two returning their drones for replacement , and both flying happily, so advice for those two was helpful.
My experience in dealing with dji for a number of years is . 1/ you won’t ever get a statement and you will never rush through FW. This is not unusual as someone who partakes on a Cannon forum, this is also the way they operate with their customers.

It was because of above I recommended that users return their drone as this would have a much greater effect, than sitting around waiting for what is now almost 8 weeks, so even if you shipped your drone back and got another one with problems, you would be no worse off.

A question I have asked , but still with no answer , if you purchased a TV that was not working would you sit around waiting for long periods of time or would you just go and exchange it.

You say your own drone is rendered useless, and will be this way until dji decides to release FW, why should you be any different than me, we both paid the same money for the same product mine works yours is a brick.

You give the impression that somehow in an open forum, if somebody puts up a thread, that others should only agree with the OP, it seems if someone shares a different opinion than the OP he has every right to gather the wagons and try to defend his opinion at all costs.

And lastly those two who returned their drones, had them replaced , are they better off than all those who claim that their drones are grounded, and will continue to be grounded for the foreseeable future.
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Flight distance : 547618 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-27 02:43
I will answer because I assume your referring to me.

I don’t claim to be an experienced moderator

Dear Hallmark007

I can agree with everything you wrote.

The big questions are:

1 - If DJI was not sure (as any software engineer will accept) of the problems that the 0400 could cause, it would still be able to do firmware rollback.
2- Being impossible the first hypothesis, that does the impossible to correct the problem.

It is not your case but it is very easy for DJI, who is in China and in a few centers around the world, to simply say: "Send back your drone that we are going to analyze and, if a fault is proven, we will replace"

For people like me, who do not live in the US or Europe, they would have to wait at least 4 months for the whole process to take place. (this if the DJI assume that the drone sent has problems)
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Flight distance : 149265 ft

TZero Posted at 2018-6-27 03:29
Dear Hallmark007

I can agree with everything you wrote.

I think  the logic that fails here is that many people expects DJI to rollback as if they HAVE TO.

That logic does not apply to many companies and when you perform a rollback, it comes with consequences (internal ones, I mean), so rollbacks are performed usually when there is no other option. In this case, as I stated a few times already before not paying much attention to this thread for some time (as it was starting to become a tinfoil hat arena or just a "let's fight Hallmark007 because he is not thinking like us"), if DJi finds (in terms of opened tickets and/or replacements in progress) that this is an epidemic failure, they'd have rolled back already.

Yes, a company can perform better or worse, and I don't have previous experiences with DJI so far, so I don't know how well do they react to failures, but I think everyone is asking DJI to behave in a way they do not have in their internal policy.
Should that change? Well,  the more information, the better ALWAYS. Will it change? Let's see if it happens. When you buy something and it does not work properly, it sucks, yes, but if the company does not act accordingly , they it's your time to do your part, not just write in forums. If, in your case for example, exchanging the drone it takes several months, it's better than waiting a long time until DJI releases a fix. Or does anyone want here a hotfix that has not been tested properly?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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TZero Posted at 2018-6-27 03:29
Dear Hallmark007

I can agree with everything you wrote.

1/ while I can’t tell you why 0400 cannot be rolled back, rolling back FW updates is normal for most dji FW updates, also not updating is also an option.
In the past 4 years I have only seen two FW updates that could not be rolled back, hazard a guess it’s a safety issue, probably more important than what we see now, but that’s a guess.
If you go back to 0300 you will see many had transmission problems and not being able to get any real flight distance along with other problems, and many called for update to 0400, I don’t believe I have ever seen an update that hasn’t caused problems for some, but have always seen that FW updates over a period have made Aircraft much more reliable and better for updating.

Although I understand that in Brazil arrangements for returning your drone is not so simple, for most of the world it is not so difficult, you never need to personally contact anyone, just email your returning your drone because it has problems and ask to have it replaced or repaired, it’s very much an automatic procedure, I also see many mods asking those with difficulties to arrange to send drone in.
Many here on this thread have said their drone has been grounded, that’s not acceptable, but the thinking that a new FW will fix all problems will not be the case, at least I have never seen a FW update that fixed all problems.

I’m not to sure what you mean by problems being proven, you either have a problem or you don’t , and if you have then it would be neglect on dji’s part not to be able to see this when you return your drone.

The real problem here for users who have their drones grounded is how long are they going to have to wait. I don’t believe you will get an affirmative on this by dji , at best you will get the answer soon, and why, probably because they don’t know themselves, and if they just threw out a date and couldn’t commit, I think you find much worse threads than this.

It is common for dji to release FW updates just after new aircraft release, and I believe this is the best people can hope for.

Yes I’m being pragmatic, but I have seen this many times before, and because of this my advice was not to wait, be progressive and use terms of your warranty.
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Flight distance : 547618 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-27 04:15
1/ while I can’t tell you why 0400 cannot be rolled back, rolling back FW updates is normal for most dji FW updates, also not updating is also an option.
In the past 4 years I have only seen two FW updates that could not be rolled back, hazard a guess it’s a safety issue, probably more important than what we see now, but that’s a guess.
If you go back to 0300 you will see many had transmission problems and not being able to get any real flight distance along with other problems, and many called for update to 0400, I don’t believe I have ever seen an update that hasn’t caused problems for some, but have always seen that FW updates over a period have made Aircraft much more reliable and better for updating.

Yes. I understand very well what you say and it is a valid thinking logic.

But just to add content, in the specific topic that I showed the delay in the video preview (Link) , the DJI THOR same said the engineers tried to reproduce the problem and could not. This after several users complained about the same problem and I, at the official DJI store here in Brazil, have seen happen with the demo product.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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TZero Posted at 2018-6-27 04:46
Yes. I understand very well what you say and it is a valid thinking logic.

But just to add content, in the specific topic that I showed the delay in the video preview (Link) , the DJI THOR same said the engineers tried to reproduce the problem and could not. This after several users complained about the same problem and I, at the official DJI store here in Brazil, have seen happen with the demo product.

In regards to your own problem and the fact that you have exhausted many avenues, maybe only a new FW will change this, but if it’s true and dji engineers don’t see this problem, are they going to include a fix for this problem, I don’t know perhaps wait and see.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

Velolion Posted at 2018-6-27 01:39
I just spent I think 8 hours reading this entire thread and wanted to thank the OP for taking the time and effort to put it together. I’ve had an Air since the week it was released and have flown it in multiple countries and continents, and even both hemispheres, so far. Unfortunately while it was pretty much rock solid on all the prior versions I, too, have experienced significant issues since my very first flight after flashing the .0400 firmware. Very significantly-reduced flight range, constant RC video feed breakup even at short range, and continuous fallbacks to Safe RTH due to sudden loss of signal — something I never experienced even one time on prior FW versions, despite having regularly flown my unit over landscapes at 2 and 3+ kilometer range.  I’m fortunate in that I live out in the country, where there are hardly any people or buildings, and where I have the opportunity to fly the drone in a very repeatable manner in an uncluttered, flat landscape that’s basically devoid of significant EM interference — there aren’t even usable cell signals from any of the U.S. cell carriers out here — and I’ve experienced drastic levels and frequencies of these issues since the update.  I find it curious, and certainly frustrating, that while the initial FW updates came out rapid-fire, and seemed to me to mostly address minor issues and/or enhance features, there has now been no update for quite a long time after a FW version that, for me, has basically made my aircraft useless...and to top it for some unknown reason this version can’t be rolled back as with the previous iterations.

I also want to apologize to you for the conduct you’ve had to put up with in this thread from someone who claims to be an experienced, helpful moderator, yet has not in something like 40 posts to this thread offered anything more helpful than “send your drone back to DJI” and who has continuously denegrated, condescended to, and outright called users on the thread names, like some childish five year-old.  Nobody should have to put up with crap like that, but unfortunately in today’s world of anonymous keyboard jockeys and Internet experts, it’s now an unfortunate fact of life.  Still doesn’t make it even remotely acceptable or excusable, though, and it seems that someone with so much self-proclaimed experience and expertise would understand that while you sending your drone back for replacement may result in the resolution of some of your problems (and then again, it may not), many more users will be benefitted if some of the issues many of us are experiencing were addressed by a firmware update that was available to all users in the community.  That is the point of a firmware update, afterall — mass, and near immediate, application and affect across the entire user community.

Hi @Velolion,

Thank you for the kind words and support.

I hope that the information I was able to collect in this thread, and later contributed by other, more open minded, pilots, were beneficial to you, and others.

I see hallmark007 responded to your post, and again went on to put you, and me, down, again. The guy has been caught red handed in other threads with a very poor attitude, and was exposed a few times by HedgeTrimmer, as you've probably seen for yourself with his posts.

And I see in his response he still stands by the lie that DJI doesn't delete threads on this forum, something I've caught them doing with the MA threads, and according to others before my time, also with the P4Pro threads when that done had massive FW issues after launch.

He always tries to twist facts to support his own theories, such as mentioning those who returned their drones and got them replaced no longer have an issue, but negates to mention the fact others have done the same, and had the problems re-occur after only a few flights.

At this point, the thread has veered off the tracks, so to speak, thanks to these useless posts from him, but the goal of the thread remains the same... Keep it near the top of the thread listing, and continue to accumulate reports of pilots with problems, to make this visible enough to the public to cause DJI enough PR pain that they'll get their act together and finally get the FW update with fixes out, or permit 0400 to be rolled back to 0300, which was flawless!

I think one of the reasons why 0400 cannot be rolled back to 0300 or lower, is because they seem to have employed encryption to the black box logs on the MA with 0400 as a security measure.
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EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-6-27 07:43
Hi @Velolion,

Thank you for the kind words and support.

Again your on a ridiculous rant.

Facts first thread you said was deleted WAS NOT.

P4pro had no problems when it was released, problems came 9 months after release, again making up stories to suit yourself.

I think it’s fairly clear on this forum you are only here to create hysteria, but those who returned their drones are flying happy now, while those you advised not to are still waiting.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-27 08:28
Again your on a ridiculous rant.

Facts first thread you said was deleted WAS NOT.

For the love of god,

Just quit already! I've had enough of you trying to lie and deflect and twist facts!

And like @Velolion said, you're acting like a whining 5 year old that doesn't know when to shut up!

Nothing I said isn't true, whereas a lot of what you said can be disproven quite easily.

Get out of this thread and stop trying to hijack it. Go troll somewhere else.
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EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-6-27 08:37
For the love of god,

Just quit already! I've had enough of you trying to lie and deflect and twist facts!

You said that P4Pro had massive FW Issues when it was launched, that’s not true.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-27 08:48
You said that P4Pro had massive FW Issues when it was launched, that’s not true.

See, there you go again... You just can't shut up and walk away, unbelievable! You really are acting like a little 5 year old...
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First Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-27 02:43
I will answer because I assume your referring to me.

I don’t claim to be an experienced moderator

A question I have asked , but still with no answer , if you purchased a TV that was not working would you sit around waiting for long periods of time or would you just go and exchange it.

Oranges and Apples.  

Along with it isn't so simple as merely exchanging either.  Depends upon how long you have owned either.
Then it depends upon what is wrong with TV - totally dead vs. Picture-n-Picture isn't working and FW will fix it.

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First Officer
United States

TZero Posted at 2018-6-27 04:46
Yes. I understand very well what you say and it is a valid thinking logic.

But just to add content, in the specific topic that I showed the delay in the video preview (Link) , the DJI THOR same said the engineers tried to reproduce the problem and could not. This after several users complained about the same problem and I, at the official DJI store here in Brazil, have seen happen with the demo product.

the DJI THOR same said the engineers tried to reproduce the problem and could not.  

Not surprising at all.  An issue that goes all across industry.  Further aggrevated by communication Up the ladder starting from users.  The message engineers get is: It's Organic Fertilizer, when users said Horse Road Apples.

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First Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-27 04:15
1/ while I can’t tell you why 0400 cannot be rolled back, rolling back FW updates is normal for most dji FW updates, also not updating is also an option.
In the past 4 years I have only seen two FW updates that could not be rolled back, hazard a guess it’s a safety issue, probably more important than what we see now, but that’s a guess.
If you go back to 0300 you will see many had transmission problems and not being able to get any real flight distance along with other problems, and many called for update to 0400, I don’t believe I have ever seen an update that hasn’t caused problems for some, but have always seen that FW updates over a period have made Aircraft much more reliable and better for updating.

The real problem here for users who have their drones grounded is how long are they going to have to wait.

Real problem here is DJI has not Officially (aka statment from DJI Corp / HQ) acknowledge any of Mavic Air .0400, Mavic Pro .0300, or GO-4 (multiple releases) problems.
Denial or Ignoring has and is making situation worse.  Denail or Ignoring at this time makes it look like, DJI is more concerned with upcoming launch.

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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-6-27 08:56
A question I have asked , but still with no answer , if you purchased a TV that was not working would you sit around waiting for long periods of time or would you just go and exchange it.

Oranges and Apples.  

All Mavic Air are under warranty and as you can see by the thread title this is supposed to be about Mavic Air . And the procedure for returning is extremely simple for the majority of users.
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-6-27 08:56
A question I have asked , but still with no answer , if you purchased a TV that was not working would you sit around waiting for long periods of time or would you just go and exchange it.

Oranges and Apples.  

I’m talking about all those who have their aircraft grounded .
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EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-6-27 08:50
See, there you go again... You just can't shut up and walk away, unbelievable! You really are acting like a little 5 year old...

Maybe read TZero comments, the only people throwing their toys out of the pram here is you, and your still waiting.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-6-27 09:46
Maybe read TZero comments, the only people throwing their toys out of the pram here is you, and your still waiting.

Lying again,

Multiple people have reported returning their MA's for replacements, only to have the replacements also malfunctions after a number of flights, myself included.

And @TZero reported trying to take his drone back to the store, only to have the store manager test the demo drone there, and it had the same problem, so no resolution.

Now stop, save yourself the embarrassment.
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