DJI it is two months now since you messed up our drones and no fix.
2049 27 2018-7-2
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Flight distance : 280722 ft
United Kingdom

It is two months now since .0400 firmware update which totaly ruined my confidence in this amazing and expensive drone. Drifting by it self,motor current messages. Befere this update the drone was solid. I know some people have no issue like this but it is lots of us who does and i think it is very unprofessional being unable to fix it for two months. I start to believe that nobody is even working or trying to fix it. Very very upsetting.
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First Officer
United States

Varsity 1st string is focused on next product.  The 2nd stringers of Varsity are tasked with maintaing Pro stuff.  

Tossing Mavics to JV team.  
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Same here...
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Flight distance : 51516 ft

Agree completely. It's the 1st drone I've ever bought and I'm really sad about this. They should at least let us downgrade (this should have been allowed more than a month ago). I can't believe they would just let us have an unsafe fw installed. I feel like I'm grounded with a machine that I paid 1.000+ € for. Really bad experience. I doubt I'll buy another drone in the future if this doesn't get addressed real soon. Summer is coming and it should be the best time to fly my drone. This really is not ok.
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Flight distance : 280722 ft
United Kingdom

iCharlie17 Posted at 2018-7-3 00:28
Agree completely. It's the 1st drone I've ever bought and I'm really sad about this. They should at least let us downgrade (this should have been allowed more than a month ago). I can't believe they would just let us have an unsafe fw installed. I feel like I'm grounded with a machine that I paid 1.000+ € for. Really bad experience. I doubt I'll buy another drone in the future if this doesn't get addressed real soon. Summer is coming and it should be the best time to fly my drone. This really is not ok.

Very same with me. And now i go on holiday in 3 weeks the whole point of getting this drone was this vacation and now what am i going to risk loosing it or loosing the shots a was hoping to get. Very disapointed with DJI as company i was hoping they are more professional then this. Probably made enough money and they they dont give a dump. So sad. Hope the Autel will be better then DJI
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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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Usually they fix this soon enough.
Was it the app update?
iOS or Android?
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Flight distance : 280722 ft
United Kingdom

Montfrooij Posted at 2018-7-3 01:32
Usually they fix this soon enough.
Was it the app update?
iOS or Android?

i do not think this issue is with app. it is for sure .0400 firmware for mavic air. before the drone was perfect very solid in the air and now it difts and make very funny noise sometimes for few seconds. noise like it used to do on begining when people flew drone in very cold weather.
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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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jerrytko1 Posted at 2018-7-3 02:51
i do not think this issue is with app. it is for sure .0400 firmware for mavic air. before the drone was perfect very solid in the air and now it difts and make very funny noise sometimes for few seconds. noise like it used to do on begining when people flew drone in very cold weather.

I have not flown my Pro the last few days, so I'm not sure how it behaves.
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Flight distance : 14754314 ft
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United Kingdom

I'm sure we'll see new FW soon enough
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Flight distance : 2355823 ft
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Maybe you should claim a warranty case if you have all those issues. I flown several hours with my Mavic Air without any of these issues/errors, on the latest firmware. I am using it in a combination with iPhone X, maybe this is also a factor for the lack of errors(iOS Go app vs the Android one).
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Flight distance : 50463 ft

I fly almost everyday and I have none of those issues "everybody" is talking about
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Flight distance : 280722 ft
United Kingdom

Well you are very lucky then. I have refreshed firmware but now i might give a shot to full factory reset and see what happens.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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So a friend of mine picked up a MavAir in New York last week, came around today, he was having similar movements when hovering, causing his photographs to be unfocused in parts , obviously because of slight slow Yaw movements, he was using an ND 16 filter, so slower shutter speed which was making the focus problem worse, so we removed filter and went to a faster shutter speed and there was a big improvement although there was still this slow Yaw movement.

Thinking about it and remembering back to sometime early last year there was a similar problem with Mavic Pro , and on this forum some guy came up with a possible work round the problem not a cure but something that might allow you to take better photos, so we tried it if Aircraft starts to Yaw just switch your aircraft to sports mode, instantly for us it just locked in place, Yaw was gone, we tried a few times and had same result.

While it’s not a fix that should come with future FW update, it’s a workaround at least it did for us.

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Flight distance : 14754314 ft
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United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-7-3 06:49
So a friend of mine picked up a MavAir in New York last week, came around today, he was having similar movements when hovering, causing his photographs to be unfocused in parts , obviously because of slight slow Yaw movements, he was using an ND 16 filter, so slower shutter speed which was making the focus problem worse, so we removed filter and went to a faster shutter speed and there was a big improvement although there was still this slow Yaw movement.

Thinking about it and remembering back to sometime early last year there was a similar problem with Mavic Pro , and on this forum some guy came up with a possible work round the problem not a cure but something that might allow you to take better photos, so we tried it if Aircraft starts to Yaw just switch your aircraft to sports mode, instantly for us it just locked in place, Yaw was gone, we tried a few times and had same result.

Great advice mate. Always good to address the solutions than labour the problem. Some peoples cups are always half empty whilst others are half full ;)
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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A CW Posted at 2018-7-3 07:12
Great advice mate. Always good to address the solutions than labour the problem. Some peoples cups are always half empty whilst others are half full ;)

Yeah well it worked for us, so it might help some, particularly those wanting steady shots, I’m certain there will be sceptics . But if it helps one all the better.
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Flight distance : 14754314 ft
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United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-7-3 07:20
Yeah well it worked for us, so it might help some, particularly those wanting steady shots, I’m certain there will be sceptics . But if it helps one all the better.

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Grumpy D
First Officer
Flight distance : 18245 ft
United States

Sometimes we have to experience a little pain to learn the lesson. Moving forward, maybe we won’t be so quick to update just because it’s something new. Bill Gates and his code monkeys at Microsoft taught me the lesson on upgrading about 28 years ago. Since then, if it does what I want it to do I leave it alone.
I’m truly sorry so many of you are having problems. If the problems are firmware and/or software I’m sure DJI will have it sorted soon.
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Flight distance : 229570 ft

So far so good, but a couple day's ago, on every new startup my bird, I have to calibrate the compass, I have fly yesterday and a  red warning come up: Front and back sensors have to calibrate..After the calibration on my Mac, via DJI assistant, all works again. I will report it when the compass have to calibrate again or every stange thing, when I take them to sky. Strange things habbens. My bird haven't crashed, only transport in the more combo bag, not even a bad behavor has happen.
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Flight distance : 121713 ft

cameradrone Posted at 2018-7-3 03:14
Best  Reviewed Mini Air Drone by Brand, Price and Skill Level
Mini Air Drone manufacturers and models are popping up every day, each with their unique features and capabilities. Mini Air Drones come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Their price starts from a few hundreds and goes up to several thousands. With the increase in options arises the question as to which drones are best for your unique needs and most recommended to buy. Today I'm going to discuss some best drones which you can buy according to your budget.

No thanks.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 662644 ft
United States

jerrytko1 Posted at 2018-7-3 00:53
Very same with me. And now i go on holiday in 3 weeks the whole point of getting this drone was this vacation and now what am i going to risk loosing it or loosing the shots a was hoping to get. Very disapointed with DJI as company i was hoping they are more professional then this. Probably made enough money and they they dont give a dump. So sad. Hope the Autel will be better then DJI

*lose. Sorry, I suck.
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First Officer
United States

Grumpy D Posted at 2018-7-3 12:05
Sometimes we have to experience a little pain to learn the lesson. Moving forward, maybe we won’t be so quick to update just because it’s something new. Bill Gates and his code monkeys at Microsoft taught me the lesson on upgrading about 28 years ago. Since then, if it does what I want it to do I leave it alone.
I’m truly sorry so many of you are having problems. If the problems are firmware and/or software I’m sure DJI will have it sorted soon.

I honestly do not understand how Microsoft stayed in business.  I still can not believe Corporate America tolerated Windows OS.  Numerous security holes, countless wasted hours administrating, B.S.D. s out the wazoo, and mandatory anti-virus / anti-worm software.
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Flight distance : 280722 ft
United Kingdom

cspain Posted at 2018-7-3 15:34
*lose. Sorry, I suck.

Love people which go through forum just to check spelling mistakes.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 784265 ft
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United States

TheCenda Posted at 2018-7-3 06:17
I fly almost everyday and I have none of those issues "everybody" is talking about

I also fly as much as I can, and even though I deal with the drift issue every so often, there hasnt been that many issues.
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Flight distance : 50463 ft

AlphaFlightNW Posted at 2018-7-4 00:13
I also fly as much as I can, and even though I deal with the drift issue every so often, there hasnt been that many issues.

I actually never had any issue with drifting either.
I must admit, that I am little bit more worried during my flights since I read about this issue for the first time, but everything is fine.
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Flight distance : 490036 ft
United States

I want to know why did you even cares about 4 supposed they’re in China you can release your staff and say you can’t fix it what is the problem Dji is so messed up your consumers want to fly the drones whatever they wanna do fine let them do it stop being jerks let people do what they wanna do man this is a free country I know you guys of her and trying to have a communist but we are free over here so please let us do whatever we want without interference otherwise will do it anyways.
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Flight distance : 490036 ft
United States

Please Dji stop blocking the stuff that makes us fly are drones for fun you guys are in China it doesn’t affect you don’t you see the trade war is it going on right now just let us do what we wanna do we pay you thousands of dollars for your drone lay off of us please.
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Flight distance : 490036 ft
United States

Please Dji stop blocking the stuff that makes us fly are drones for fun you guys are in China it doesn’t affect you don’t you see the trade war is it going on right now just let us do what we wanna do we pay you thousands of dollars for your drone lay off of us please.
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