magnetic field
2640 24 2018-7-15
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United States

We live in the country and getting 4G signal on our cellulars is hit or miss.

How can we fly the drone on 3G?  And also we have run into a magnetic field situation....what is that exactly?  

The drone wont work at all then.  Just want to understand.

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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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We live in the country and getting 4G signal on our cellulars is hit or miss.
How can we fly the drone on 3G?  

You can't fly your drone on 3G ... and you can't fly it in 4G either.
Your drone would happily fly in the middle of the desert with no cellular coverage at all.

And also we have run into a magnetic field situation....what is that exactly?  
The drone wont work at all then.  Just want to understand.

I'd like to understand too but you're going to have to explain a little more.
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United States

Labroides Posted at 2018-7-15 16:56
We live in the country and getting 4G signal on our cellulars is hit or miss.
How can we fly the drone on 3G?  
You can't fly your drone on 3G ... and you can't fly it in 4G either.

It does fly on 4G using my cellular.  However, I am trying to find a way to get it to fly and still be able to see  what I am shooting on my cellular when there is no 4G.  
I guess I am not understanding when you say it WONT fly on 4G.  It has to make a connection with my phone for me to be able to film what I want...correct?

And as to the error on the magnetic field, the DJIGO app will say that instead of "ready to fly" and it will not fly when that error happens in certain locations around here.
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Ann-Marie Posted at 2018-7-15 17:01
It does fly on 4G using my cellular.  However, I am trying to find a way to get it to fly and still be able to see  what I am shooting on my cellular when there is no 4G.  
I guess I am not understanding when you say it WONT fly on 4G.  It has to make a connection with my phone for me to be able to film what I want...correct?

Your drone does not connect with cellular at all.
It uses radio technology and works anywhere.

If you are getting magnetic interference warnings in certain locations, that's the compass warning you that location is not a good place to launch from because of magnetic field interference.
Never launch from reinforced concrete or steel surfaces.
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United States

Labroides Posted at 2018-7-15 17:16
Your drone does not connect with cellular at all.
It uses radio technology and works anywhere.

It would not launch from those areas with the magnetic field error - but I was wondering what that was since I was in a neighborhood.

As for the drone flying with 4G, I was stating that incorrectly, so thank you for helping me straighten that out.  So in essence, when I am not connected to my phone to get video via my 4G network, there is no way for me to get video shots.....sigh

I am aware it will fly without the phone, but the point of the whole drone thing is for the videos (well for me)
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United States

Labroides Posted at 2018-7-15 17:16
Your drone does not connect with cellular at all.
It uses radio technology and works anywhere.

It would not launch from those areas with the magnetic field error - but I was wondering what that was since I was in a neighborhood.

As for the drone flying with 4G, I was stating that incorrectly, so thank you for helping me straighten that out.  So in essence, when I am not connected to my phone to get video via my 4G network, there is no way for me to get video shots.....sigh

I am aware it will fly without the phone, but the point of the whole drone thing is for the videos (well for me)
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Ann-Marie Posted at 2018-7-15 17:27
It would not launch from those areas with the magnetic field error - but I was wondering what that was since I was in a neighborhood.

As for the drone flying with 4G, I was stating that incorrectly, so thank you for helping me straighten that out.  So in essence, when I am not connected to my phone to get video via my 4G network, there is no way for me to get video shots.....sigh

As for the drone flying with 4G, I was stating that incorrectly, so thank you for helping me straighten that out.  So in essence, when I am not connected to my phone to get video via my 4G network, there is no way for me to get video shots.....sigh

I am aware it will fly without the phone, but the point of the whole drone thing is for the videos (well for me)

Read this slowly.
Your drone /video etc DOES NOT USE Cellular anything.
Nix, nada, zero, zilch mobile phone coverage is needed at all.
I don't use a phone to fly.
I fly with a wifi only tablet and I fly where there's no wifi.
I get 100% video and 100% control.

Your drone does not use any mobile phone connections for anything.
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United States

Labroides Posted at 2018-7-15 17:35
As for the drone flying with 4G, I was stating that incorrectly, so thank you for helping me straighten that out.  So in essence, when I am not connected to my phone to get video via my 4G network, there is no way for me to get video shots.....sigh

I am aware it will fly without the phone, but the point of the whole drone thing is for the videos (well for me)

So then why wont my phone connect to shoot videos unless I have internet/4G coverage?  I cannot get anything without it?/phone. I use a samsung note 5.
Is there a tutorial or something I am missing because I have looked on youtube, etc., and I cant get anything without a connection between the drone and my cellular.  Are you using an android or OS tablet?
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Please RTFM.?!?!

Then you may RRTTFFMM again...;-)

You only need your 4G wifi to connect here, at the forum... haha

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Ann-Marie Posted at 2018-7-15 17:39
So then why wont my phone connect to shoot videos unless I have internet/4G coverage?  I cannot get anything without it?/phone. I use a samsung note 5.
Is there a tutorial or something I am missing because I have looked on youtube, etc., and I cant get anything without a connection between the drone and my cellular.  Are you using an android or OS tablet?

Your connection problems have nothing to do with mobile phone data. Nothing at all.
The issue is something else.

Incase I wasn't clear enough, you NEVER need a cellular connection.
You could pull the sim card out and/or switch to airplane mode and still have a perfect connection inc live view.
And that goes for Android and Apple devices.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1499708 ft

Hi Ann-Marie,
To fly the P3S/SE you should do following steps.
1. cache the map data via 3 or 4G on the way to the flight area on your phone or tab
2. switch on the airplane mode on your phone/tab and start WIFI manually
3. power on your P3S/SE system on and wait for the WIFI signal
4.start the Go App and look for right identification of your AC and tab <Camera>
5. if all overall status ok then listen to the voice "home point has been updated,please chek it on the map" then you can let the AC take off.
that´s all
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United States

Peterx Posted at 2018-7-15 20:18
Hi Ann-Marie,
To fly the P3S/SE you should do following steps.
1. cache the map data via 3 or 4G on the way to the flight area on your phone or tab

OK, thanks!!  I am going to try this today or tomorrow and post what the results were.  I was saying 4G, when what I meant was that I am not able to keep a WIFI connection in this area of the "country" in Florida we live in.  Its farm country up here and so its tough.  
But I do have one question, what do you mean by "cache the map data"?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1499708 ft

Cache map data means,you can use the Google Maps function on your mobile. You can stop the Google maps function but do not switch of your mobile. The Go app will read that data on the cache inside the RAM.
The P3S/SE will provide a WIFI network when you power on the RC and AC and the status LED on RC is solid green.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Right first of all - Ann-Marie is using a P3SE which the controller and AC talk to each other via WiFi .... similar to P3S but of course greater range.

Ann-Marie ...... you need to power up both phone / AC / RC and look on your Phone for Phantom WiFi signal and connect to that ... switch off Mobile Phone connection as you do not need cellular network in any form except at home to cache the maps.

All command and video between phone / RC and AC is done via the Phantom WiFi ....

As another says .... download the FULL manual and read it ... then read it again ...

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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hi, I am sorry that you are having issues with your DJI Phantom 3 SE. You as much as possible you need to avoid places with magnetic interference. Magnetic Interference can affect the Drones performance and can interrupt signals coming in and out of the Drone and it can cause severe damage to the Drone.
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 2018-7-16 08:53
Hi, I am sorry that you are having issues with your DJI Phantom 3 SE. You as much as possible you need to avoid places with magnetic interference. Magnetic Interference can affect the Drones performance and can interrupt signals coming in and out of the Drone and it can cause severe damage to the Drone.

I figured that, I just had never experienced that when we lived in S. Florida.  Up here in the "country" its a different ballgame.
The drone wont even fly when we get that notice on the DJI app.  Thanks!
I was wondering what would cause that in an all residential neighborhood?
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United States

solentlife Posted at 2018-7-16 08:13
Right first of all - Ann-Marie is using a P3SE which the controller and AC talk to each other via WiFi .... similar to P3S but of course greater range.

Ann-Marie ...... you need to power up both phone / AC / RC and look on your Phone for Phantom WiFi signal and connect to that ... switch off Mobile Phone connection as you do not need cellular network in any form except at home to cache the maps.

Thanks again for your post.  I have had a drone from DJI since the Phantom 2 series.  This one is different in a few good ways - like not having to connect it to the computer for updates..which I love.
However, I have read the book/manual and I had never seen that I was supposed to switch to "airplane mode" on my phone before.  
Also, as stated in other posts of this thread, I never had any of these issues I am now experiencing when we lived in the "city".  
I will do all the things suggested in a  the next day or so, and post what happens.  I sincerely appreciate EVERYONE who has replied to this post!! Thank you all so very much for taking your time to help me.
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Ann-Marie Posted at 2018-7-16 11:34
I figured that, I just had never experienced that when we lived in S. Florida.  Up here in the "country" its a different ballgame.
The drone wont even fly when we get that notice on the DJI app.  Thanks!
I was wondering what would cause that in an all residential neighborhood?

Thank you for that information. For further help, I will be posting a DJI link that can help you check your area if it is included on a no-fly zone area.
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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DJI Stephen Posted at 2018-7-16 08:53
Hi, I am sorry that you are having issues with your DJI Phantom 3 SE. You as much as possible you need to avoid places with magnetic interference. Magnetic Interference can affect the Drones performance and can interrupt signals coming in and out of the Drone and it can cause severe damage to the Drone.

Magnetic Interference can affect the Drones performance and can interrupt signals coming in and out of the Drone
Magnetic interference can cause compass related problems but it doesn't affect signal to and from the drone.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Ann-Marie Posted at 2018-7-16 11:34
I figured that, I just had never experienced that when we lived in S. Florida.  Up here in the "country" its a different ballgame.
The drone wont even fly when we get that notice on the DJI app.  Thanks!
I was wondering what would cause that in an all residential neighborhood?

I just had never experienced that when we lived in S. Florida.  Up here in the "country" its a different ballgame.
It's exactly the same ballgame wherever you fly.
The only difference out in the country would having less interference from wifi and electrical activity.

The drone wont even fly when we get that notice on the DJI app.

That's your compass warning you that you are trying to launch from a magnetically bad site.
Never launch from reinforced concrete or steel surfaces.

I had never seen that I was supposed to switch to "airplane mode" on my phone before.
It makes no difference.
You can fly with the phone in Airplane mode or not.
Also, as stated in other posts of this thread, I never had any of these issues I am now experiencing when we lived in the "city".
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

@all the ones telling people to RTFM and likely statements, how about posting a link for it?
Clearly many are not aware that a manual beside the quick start guide exist at all and  it is not obvious how to find the product page and download sections on those sites.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Airplane mode :

This is not in the manual agreed ... but its a good practice to get into as it maximises resources to your flight control. Selecting Airplane mode - then selecting WiFi to unlock just that service is well advised on the P3 Standard. On the P3Adv and Pro - WiFi is not needed to fly - so Airplane mode it all !!

OK - Magnetic interference : Particularly residential areas - you have pipes, cables, all sorts of items buried under gardens, parks, roads, driveways etc. So not only are concrete or hard terraces often poor places to launch from - but generally you can find many spots in housing estates / built up areas that will throw up this warning.

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United States

Labroides Posted at 2018-7-16 13:49
Magnetic Interference can affect the Drones performance and can interrupt signals coming in and out of the Drone
Magnetic interference can cause compass related problems but it doesn't affect signal to and from the drone.

Well then I have zero idea what is going on. Because we cant start it, anything when that message comes across the app on the phone.
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United States

KedDK Posted at 2018-7-16 21:47
@all the ones telling people to RTFM and likely statements, how about posting a link for it?
Clearly many are not aware that a manual beside the quick start guide exist at all and  it is not obvious how to find the product page and download sections on those sites.

I am aware of those things you mentioned and have read them, but the issues I am having are NOT there. That is why I am asking.  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Ann-Marie Posted at 2018-7-17 14:15
Well then I have zero idea what is going on. Because we cant start it, anything when that message comes across the app on the phone.

If you are talking about a message that says something like:
Compass Error - Move aircraft or calibrate compass.
... you don't want to start up when you see that message.
Turn the Phantom off and move away from the magnetic influence that the compass is warning you about.
You get that message if you put the Phantom down very close to iron or steel objects.
Most commonly seen when people try to launch from reinforced concrete or their car roof.

If you are getting a different message, come back and explain it and I'll try to help sort it out.

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