3311 6 2018-8-21
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Just got the word that DJI will be replacing the Herewin MG12000-S battery for the MG12000-P model, also that batteries are very difficult to find because of a shortage of stock. The new battery can be adapted to the AGRAS XT90 and communication ports through a cable adaptor.
We have some issues with the Herewin MG1200-S battery as many operators of AGRAS that I know. Personally a short-circuited brand new battery in its first connection that burned the XT90 plug and damaged the battery connector. I filed a complaint to DJI and the case is now being processed.

The new battery will cost between $599 and $650, ($100 to $150 more than the MG12000-S model). Additionally, the connector cable will have a cost of US$20.00.

In my opinion, due to all the trouble AGRAS operators are having with the MG12000-S batteries, DJI should keep the price for us and supply the connector for FREE.  We are CLIENTS, not part of their R&D team for experimenting all possible problems with their products. If they have to take out the MG12000-S out of the market is because they recognize some issues there.

Hope DJI will consider this.

Below two problems I had with a brand new Herewin MG12000-S battery:

WhatsApp Image 2017-11-21 at 3.10.34 PM (1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2017-11-21 at 3.10.34 PM (2).jpeg
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United States

Oh, I can literally feel your pain. Hope DJI will consider this too
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In our activity (crop spraying with drones), every damaged battery means less productivity and therefore money. Being a very expensive aircraft  (the Agras), don't understand the low quality of the Herewin batteries that are not cheap at all,  ($500 each). Every time one of these batteries fail, there's no way to repair them locally, only hope DJI replace them under the product guarantee (a very slow process of evaluation by DJI Support and technical teams).
Another issue is as that the re-exportation- importation process is very expensive and difficult, because these lithium batteries are considered "dangerous goods", no way to transport them in the baggage in a commercial flight, read there is a fine by customs of $250,000 if they find out you are concealing one, so better not risk a fine and put in danger yours and other people lifes in case they catch fire in mid-air. So yes, more than a pain, is a pain in the ass. Regards.

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Hi Ricardo
We have the same problem with the batteries here in Guatemala... we have 10 units with problem and the final cost of the batteries (taxes and shipping) it's around US$ 760... so, im crying every day but any one in DJI want to affront this BIG problem.
DJI please solve this problem remplacing the damaged batteries, PLEASE !
If anybody have this problem, please post and re-post... DJI have to listen us.
Thanks Ricardo for be an active in this forum and expose the problems.
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Hola Argenis
DJI tiene un pésimo Customer Service, aparenta ser muy eficiente pero sólo responde los correos pero no soluciona los problemas. Los dealers son también un desastre, no tienen baterías de repuesto y se limitan a decir que la fábrica no les envía, que están esperando salga al mercado las nuevas baterías MG12000P (que son 50% más caras y aparte hay que comprar un adaptador de $20).  El amigo brasilero  fansd531b75c también tuvo problemas con sus 10 baterías y ha tenido que comprarlas en Argentina a casi $800. Parece que es mejor negocio comprar y  re vender baterías que volar el dron! El mes pasado visité a mi dealer en Miami y me sorprendió la cantidad de baterías defectuosas que tiene, la verdad deberíamos de organizarnos y presentar una queja más formal ante DJI y que nos cambie las baterías defectuosas y que nos mantenga los precios de las nuevas batería para los que ya las tenemos, hay que evaluar seriamente hacerlo.

Hi Argenis
DJI has a lousy Customer Service, at first they seem very efficient replying emails very quickly but soon you find out they don't solve problems.  The dealers are also a mess, they don't have batteries for sale and argue that the factory has run out of batteries, that they are waiting for the new MG12000P batteries to go out (this are 50% more expensive and need a $20 connector). My Brazilian friend fansd531b75c also had issues with 10 batteries and had to buy some in Argentina for about $800 each. Seems to me a better business is to buy and sale batteries than to fly drones! Last month I visited my dealer in Miami, I was surprised how many faulty batteries they had in their store. I think we should organize and make a formal complaint to DJI to replace the faulty batteries and keep the original price for us. We should consider this very seriously.
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DJI Susan

Hi Ricardo, sorry for the late response as I just read your comment on another post. May I know what's the current status now? Could you provide us with your case number and the dealer's contact information? We'd like to check the exact status and try our best to help you.
Also, how do you contact our support at that time? By phone, email or chat? Could you provide us with your phone number/email address when you contacted our support? We'd like to investigate and keep learning from it.

BTW, it seems that this post was started in the Tutorial section which is used for some tutorial videos or activities, we'll move this post to the correct Service section for better follow-up, please kindly note and understand.
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DJI Susan

Argenis Posted at 2018-9-4 16:11
Hi Ricardo
We have the same problem with the batteries here in Guatemala... we have 10 units with problem and the final cost of the batteries (taxes and shipping) it's around US$ 760... so, im crying every day but any one in DJI want to affront this BIG problem.
DJI please solve this problem remplacing the damaged batteries, PLEASE !

Hi Argenis, I'm so sorry to read the troubles. May I know where did you purchase the batteries? Have you contacted the dealer to report this? Generally, if the dealers cannot handle it, they will report in the dealer system, the designated team will check and help you out. Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
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