How about an 'Ignore Button' on this forum?
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3497 101 2019-1-30
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I have never done a poll before, so bear with me, but I hope that DJI observes the results and takes them onboard, whatever the outcome

After reading many recent threads It is nice to see that the majority of forum users are well behaved and try to help other users.

On the other hand there seem to be a minority of rude, crude and arrogant poster's that I would prefer not to see their rantings so I ask DJI if an "Ignore Button" could be added  to this great forum so that their rantings are just a waste of electrons that nobody shall have to view.

It would actually be sweet if the ranters could actually see how many people have added them to the 'Ignore' list as maybe then they shall learn how to behave nicely!

* Bof *

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26.83% (11)
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Extend this option, if a forum member gets more than a X number of "ingores", dismiss user, getting back on this forum by judgement of the moderators.

If moderators grant user access again increase his X to higher number.

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Hi JB, If a member gets a lot of 'Ignores' then hopefully they should get the message.

Unless they post profanity (like some recent posts) and get kicked then let them live in hope that they are not invisible.

What could be more humiliating  than being 'ignored'?

There are a few posters on this forum who respond like 'nice video' with no further info, it's just for DJI brownie points, thanks for posting.


I cannot name the usual suspects  but it's not hard to work out

Some I would love to add to an 'Ignore list' but with respect I shall not mention the usual suspects
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Seeing that we have many different types of personalities, and opinions on this forum, and quite a few verbal (me included) and single mindedly "correct" (even when it is debatable) I would think that many people would be "ignored" out of non valid reasons. Spite, difference of strong opinions etc.

I also wonder about the "nice video" etc comments, but sometimes, if we do give our honest opinions, people don,t like it, and then, with that , you could get to be "ignored"

Not everyone took my honest versions of my opinions (on photos and videos) in a good way, even though it was not meant to break down, but lift up. Now I also am back to "nice video" at times. Or I don,t comment at all.

And by the way, I can do NOTHING with my points etc in South Africa, would love to, but not valid. Now, would I be ignored for this post?
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Hi Charissa, No problems with your posts it is the idiots such as in this forum that are very sad - o I prefer just to  ignore such morons  Idiots-

It would be nice to save some bandwidth to download good stuff  as not all internet connections are cheap so filter out the  idiots  
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I agree with ignore. So I can choose who I see and respond to.

I do not agree with any other action related to ignore. That just generates Cliques. And potential bullying of those that are more vocal.
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Isn't the best course of action just ignore these posts then they slip away. If everybody were to 'report' abusive posts then DJI might react quicker.
The rules are already in place to cover abusive posts, and they sometimes get implemented, but too often it is days or sometimes weeks before DJI Administration team takes action.

It's up to each individual to behave in a manner that they would expect themselves from others on this forum.
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Maybe it is just best to ignore them at all.
You already have the option to report a message via the 'report' button right?
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I wonder about threads asking for the heads of people they don’t like have certain differences with etc, this forum is very much an international forum , made up of many nationalities, not all nationalities have the same temperament not all nationalities understand others attitude.

So we have as Ardvark a set of rules set down by the forum owners , if you read through the rules you will find they are both helpful and fair, those who set the rules are also the guardians of the rules and though they seem to be very slow in implementing those rules at this present time, that wasn’t always the way, when I came to this forum first dji Joe was charged with keeping this forum in check and if something was reported action was immediately taken, things have changed around here , not members fault but administration, it  their responsibility to try to keep order on this forum.

You seem to have no problem mentioning a person who clearly goes around this forum with very little to say only good video nice photo, and this may be offensive to this person and points may be the reason for this , or not.
But seen as you have hinted at what you are disappointed about this forum , I feel I must bring up this post which you wrote, which was of no help to the thread, but was deeply insulting and derogatory of women and although meant as a joke , I have shown it to two women this evening in the context of the thread it was written and both were clearly of the opinion that it was very offensive to women .

None of us a perfect most of us have a common goal to help others and discuss this hobby, but I’m not to sure that any of us should be in charge of any of us.
The link of the post is below. ... 582&pid=1744720
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I salute the idea, but this forum is very, very basic. I mean, even search is crude and rudimentary, reflecting searches from early 1990's so not sure we will see changes anytime soon.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-31 11:48
I wonder about threads asking for the heads of people they don’t like have certain differences with etc, this forum is very much an international forum , made up of many nationalities, not all nationalities have the same temperament not all nationalities understand others attitude.

So we have as Ardvark a set of rules set down by the forum owners , if you read through the rules you will find they are both helpful and fair, those who set the rules are also the guardians of the rules and though they seem to be very slow in implementing those rules at this present time, that wasn’t always the way, when I came to this forum first dji Joe was charged with keeping this forum in check and if something was reported action was immediately taken, things have changed around here , not members fault but administration, it  their responsibility to try to keep order on this forum.

Let’s face it if there was anything that would trigger bans by ignore counts you would be long gone, you already suffered multiple bans to this date, I kno of two, chances are that there is more.  

Also My GF said if someone gets offended by that joke they are SJW Snowflakes..and she said more than that too, going on about femenazis and stuff  
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I elected to not vote yes or no on this issue because I think it could get improperly used with people ignoring each other because of posting I tunes and stuff or having a less than popular opinion (however valid it maybe). However a middle ground solution maybe needed.. .

I think we just need a more active and proactive arrangement of moderation and staff ere on the forums.  Also a better filter system as some filtered words that make no sense...
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-31 13:08
Let’s face it if there was anything that would trigger bans by ignore counts you would be long gone, you already suffered multiple bans to this date, I kno of two, chances are that there is more.  

Also My GF said if someone gets offended by that joke they are SJW Snowflakes..and she said more than that too, going on about femenazis and stuff

You amaze me sometimes, it’s not that long ago you hounded a long term member off this forum because he referred to a lady members avatar as ugly, you called for him to be banned, in fact you were the first to call for him to be banned, but you have no problem with someone calling larger women whales, , I wonder if a lady member put up an avatar of herself and she was “overweight” somebody called her a whale would you turn the other cheek , I wonder if your sister was over weight for whatever reason would you be happy for others to refer to her as a whale, it’s so called jokes like this that end up with how we shape the world we want to live in, for me I would never refer to an “overweight” woman as a whale , I’m afraid I have a bit more respect than that, but you obviously believe it’s ok to refer to “overweight” women as whales and both you and your GF think it’s a great laugh at someone else’s expense, that says a lot more about you than them.
You also need to get over yourself your not half as popular as you might think you are around here.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-31 13:49
You amaze me sometimes, it’s not that long ago you hounded a long term member off this forum because he referred to a lady members avatar as ugly, you called for him to be banned, in fact you were the first to call for him to be banned, but you have no problem with someone calling larger women whales, , I wonder if a lady member put up an avatar of herself and she was “overweight” somebody called her a whale would you turn the other cheek , I wonder if your sister was over weight for whatever reason would you be happy for others to refer to her as a whale, it’s so called jokes like this that end up with how we shape the world we want to live in, for me I would never refer to an “overweight” womanrom wal as a whale , I’m afraid I have a bit more respect than that, but you obviously believe it’s ok to refer to “overweight” women as whales and both you and your GF think it’s a great laugh at someone else’s expense, that says a lot more about you than them.
You also need to get over yourself your not half as popular as you might think you are around here.

Impressive how you ignore context just to suit your troll baiting ways then call yourself respectful.    One was an insult the other was a joke.   One was targeted the other wasn’t.  That person called Christina ugly a specific person here that didn’t deserve it and was uncalled was very specifically targeted.      this joke isn’t calling anyone’s specifically fat, it was non targeted, not get off your little sensitive troll baiting high horse, and carry on.  This joke is about lack of understanding differences in Wales vs whales, with punchline if calling them whales..  stop troll baiting.  
Side note: I don’t care if your sister may or may not be obese.   That is entirely irrelevant and if she can’t take a joke that’s non targeting, that’s too bad and good job she doesn’t hang around here...  

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HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-31 14:09
Impressive how you ignore context

What context did I ignore, the joke referred to “large Women” as whales , both  you and your GF thought this was funny.
One it is derogatory to refer to any person because for whatever reason they at overweight .
Two it had nothing to do with the thread it was posted on or any other thread .

Now the op referred to others being banned for similar and also referred to others making pointless comments on threads, so go figure, and as they say let him without sin cast the first stone, it won’t be me but it certainly won’t be the OP.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-31 14:19
What context did I ignore, the joke referred to “large Women” as whales , both  you and your GF thought this was funny.
One it is derogatory to refer to any person because for whatever reason they at overweight .
Two it had nothing to do with the thread it was posted on or any other thread .

Trolling baiting still?   Wales VS whales is the joke..  people call themselves all sorts of things today, and jokes is just that..

Go be selectively sensitive elsewhere
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-31 14:23
Trolling baiting still?   Wales VS whales is the joke..  people call themselves all sorts of things today, and jokes is just that..

Go be selectively sensitive elsewhere

Your right people call themselves all sorts of things that’s their prerogative they are entitled to do that to themselves but we are not entitled to make jokes about others that refer to them in derogatory terms .

Would you think it’s ok to tell jokes here using the N word after all it’s just a joke, would you think it’s ok to tell jokes about Irish people English people etc, handicapped people etc etc, well I don’t and I don’t think it’s right for any man to refer to women as whales , maybe you didn’t get the joke but it’s punch line was about large woman being called whales.

You thought it was wrong for someone to refer to an avatar as ugly in fact you and others thought this guy should be banned, including the OP , so be careful what you say it just might come back to haunt you.
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United States

HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-31 13:17
I elected to not vote yes or no on this issue because I think it could get improperly used with people ignoring each other because of posting I tunes and stuff or having a less than popular opinion (however valid it maybe). However a middle ground solution maybe needed.. .

I think we just need a more active and proactive arrangement of moderation and staff ere on the forums.  Also a better filter system as some filtered words that make no sense...

I think we just need a more active and proactive arrangement of moderation and staff ere on the forums.  Also a better filter system as some filtered words that make no sense...


Too many times DJI has looked other way when a member obviously and clearly violated forum rules; because of member's popularity and/or was a DJI kiss-up.

Forum word filtering does need work.  On several occassions have run into filtering for completely "G" rated words, while seeing Adult words pass through.

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United States

eYeSkYeYe Posted at 1-31 11:56
I salute the idea, but this forum is very, very basic. I mean, even search is crude and rudimentary, reflecting searches from early 1990's so not sure we will see changes anytime soon.

I mean, even search is crude and rudimentary, reflecting searches from early 1990's

You are too kind.  Search engine here is worthless.  

Better off using Google to do searches here.  

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United States

Boffin Posted at 1-30 23:59
Hi JB, If a member gets a lot of 'Ignores' then hopefully they should get the message.

Unless they post profanity (like some recent posts) and get kicked then let them live in hope that they are not invisible.

There are a few posters on this forum who respond like 'nice video' with no further info, it's just for DJI brownie points, thanks for posting.

Good Post!

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United States

JJB* Posted at 1-30 23:20
Extend this option, if a forum member gets more than a X number of "ingores", dismiss user, getting back on this forum by judgement of the moderators.

If moderators grant user access again increase his X to higher number.

There is however a problem with Ban based on "Ignores".

A few members abusing their "friends" in to gang-up on a particular person placing person on Ignore, for purpose of banning person.  Along with a few unscrupulous members using Fake forum accounts they have to push other members into going along with "Ignore" campaign.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-31 14:41
Your right people call themselves all sorts of things that’s their prerogative they are entitled to do that to themselves but we are not entitled to make jokes about others that refer to them in derogatory terms .

Would you think it’s ok to tell jokes here using the N word after all it’s just a joke, would you think it’s ok to tell jokes about Irish people English people etc, handicapped people etc etc, well I don’t and I don’t think it’s right for any man to refer to women as whales , maybe you didn’t get the joke but it’s punch line was about large woman being called whales.

First of all wasn’t even a shaming joke... because continued to flirt, if it was a shaming joke then the joke would been on him not them.. was a joke of misunderstanding.. but in a bit of bolder way.

Secondly, it’s all about context and how situation plays out...  let’s put it this way, I’m more and mostly upset by people directly attacking each other.. for example that time someone called Christina ugly, that is unacceptable and of course I bit their head off as did other people too, because you don’t personally attack someone, if the joke of Wales/whales was targeted someone specific here it isn’t acceptable, but it wasn’t.  Sure it was off topic and random but so what..? Least of the problems.

   As for banter about cultures,  Look at it this way.. topgear up always bantered about Americans like a running joke which it was, I don’t think any of us really cared and we loved their show! now that trio with their new show is owned by an American company (amazon) and we continue to allow their banter either way..  dome other jokes they made I think are targeted though..

As for using N word... that’s completely up to context since multiple forms of the N words not all are completely offensive.. long as it isn’t baiting or attacking I don’t care...personally.

Homophobic or transphobic stuff I don’t stand for either, not really many if any acceptable jokes.  However some people are way too sensitive on this, I do have gay friends,  that was something that bothered them was people being too sensitive about topics.   For example, one day they called me over to help install their new TV, and they called it gay.. they said “this Shizz is being gay, we can’t get it installed, can you come over sometimes this week and help put it up?”   Where as that will offend some people now a days...which is ironic on so many levels that it both funny and confusing.. I’m sure they aren’t bothered by the gay jokes that topgear makes either because they watched them.

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HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-31 16:04
First of all wasn’t even a shaming joke... because continued to flirt, if it was a shaming joke then the joke would been on him not them.. was a joke of misunderstanding.. but in a bit of bolder way.

Listen I’m not getting into it with you, it’s simple, the joke was about “Fat” people , do you think the joke would have worked if it was about anyone else, do you think they would allow it on TV maybe in your country but not in mine,

You obviously think it’s ok to make jokes that are derogatory to the people they are about, that’s your position.
Would it be ok to make a joke about someone being ugly in your book yes, but not in mine, it’s simple my point was you can’t go around an open forum telling people they should only act and speak as a few self appointed members tell them .

There is a clear set of rules, these rules are administered by moderators if they did their job there wouldn’t be any need for these threads or those trying to impose their will on others, let those in charge of the forum handle forum business.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-31 16:20
Listen I’m not getting into it with you, it’s simple, the joke was about “Fat” people , do you think the joke would have worked if it was about anyone else, do you think they would allow it on TV maybe in your country but not in mine,

You obviously think it’s ok to make jokes that are derogatory to the people they are about, that’s your position.

the Ironic troll baiting continues....
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-31 17:15
the Ironic troll baiting continues....

I sent you a PM I’ve no wish to discuss this with you any further.
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Second Officer

Dear hallmark007, just lighten up a bit matey.

I have told that joke to a room full of elderly people and they just laughed, nobody complained (and no whales were harmed either). It's just a silly joke about a play on words that sound the same.

Here in Australia, no topic is taboo, we make jokes about everyone and everything.

Some of the best jokes about the Irish come from the Irish Irish comedians, Dave Allen was a favourite of mine.

Politicians, priests and every nationality of the world, nobody is immune from a bit of taking the p*ss out of them. Recently many jokes have appeared about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Theresa May and Brexit. Here in Australia we pick on our neighbours, the New Zealanders, they do the same to us.

In England I was called a 'skippy' so I told jokes about the Poms, in Paris many jokes were about Belgians (and Americans) In Iraq many local jokes were about Saddam.

As for my poll (to get back to the original question). I belong to many forums that have an 'Ignore' button and occasionally it is useful to prevent time being wasted by people who habitually post off topic.

At no time did I ever suggest that such people should be 'Booted'. It might just wake a few people up as to how others think about their totally irrelevant posts though!

Yep, sometimes somebody says or does something that is way out of line, so then I count to ten and ignore it.

An example from real life. Two days ago I went to my local bank, At the ATM was a young lady, skinhead haircut, doc Marten boots and eyebrows full of metal rings . What really got my blood boiling was the Nazi swastika tattooed on the back of her neck in red and black. After walking away and calming down (my father was Polish) I thought about what a sad life this poor girl must have as I know of nobody who would employ her and her travel options would be severely limited. I don't see her visiting eastern Europe, Berlin or Tel Aviv anytime real soon.

All that was harmed was my sense of dignity but then I realised that in a free society, people are permitted such behaviour.

I enlisted in the Australian Army for 23 years to give such people the freedom to do as they please as long as they don't break any laws.

That is the price of democracy, bad jokes are  another

I have been the butt of several jokes myself and have even laughed at them whilst desperately trying to think of a come-back.

What I don't do is get antsy like a SNAG (sensitive new age guy).
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Boffin Posted at 1-31 17:31
Dear hallmark007, just lighten up a bit matey.

I have told that joke to a room full of elderly people and they just laughed, nobody complained (and no whales were harmed either). It's just a silly joke about a play on words that sound the same.

thanks for explaining this  

that's exactly what i been attempting to convey nothing harmful or targeting, and it feels like troll baiting dragging this out on either side.  i dont convey things the best either, so probably doesn't help this situation.  
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Tip: The post by the administrator or moderators shield
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Boffin Posted at 1-31 17:31
Dear hallmark007, just lighten up a bit matey.

I have told that joke to a room full of elderly people and they just laughed, nobody complained (and no whales were harmed either). It's just a silly joke about a play on words that sound the same.

I enlisted in the Australian Army for 23 years to give such people the freedom ...

Did that bring Australian Army up to Full Platoon strength?

Testing this:  What I don't do is get antsy like a SNAG (sensitive new age guy).

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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 1-31 19:25
I enlisted in the Australian Army for 23 years to give such people the freedom ...

Did that bring Australian Army up to Full Platoon strength?

This should answer your question Rats of Tobruk
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United States

Boffin Posted at 1-31 19:40
This should answer your question Rats of Tobruk

Wow, like you must be close to 96-years old!  

PS: Only kidding!  Full respect for your service, even if you are from Down-Under.

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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 1-31 19:50
Wow, like you must be close to 96-years old!  

Not quite HT but I do admire the legacy of our ancestors and try to live up to the freedom that these great people fought for. Never underestimate an Australian

Australian Diggers, a digger in action

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United States

Boffin Posted at 1-31 20:11
Not quite HT but I do admire the legacy of our ancestors and try to live up to the freedom that these great people fought for. Never underestimate an Australian

Australian Diggers, a digger in action

In regards to SNAG, John Pinette sure wasn't at all a sensitive guy.  He poked fun at himself, even doing a comedy tour - Still Hungry.

If you haven't seen his comedy routine, enjoy!

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It's all about privacy.
Try Firefox as a browser and use the 'Lightbeam' option to see who is tracking you, scary stuff!

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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 1-31 15:41
There is however a problem with Ban based on "Ignores".

A few members abusing their "friends" in to gang-up on a particular person placing person on Ignore, for purpose of banning person.  Along with a few unscrupulous members using Fake forum accounts they have to push other members into going along with "Ignore" campaign.

I know that, that`s why i said that DJI moderators could bring the banned people back online, guess they can make their software in such a way that the so called friends are identified and get banned themselfes.

But i agree, to much fuzz. If only the DJI moderators become sharp readers and take much sooner action on some real ugly postings, postings and again replay on postings.

Having said that, 98% of forum members are behaving OK so guess ignore button is best.

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JJB* Posted at 1-31 23:16
I know that, that`s why i said that DJI moderators could bring the banned people back online, guess they can make their software in such a way that the so called friends are identified and get banned themselfes.

But i agree, to much fuzz. If only the DJI moderators become sharp readers and take much sooner action on some real ugly postings, postings and again replay on postings.

I am completely with you. Oppression is usually counter productive. Soft style ignore button is far better solution.

We are all humans and humans do mistakes.... it's funny to read some purist stances here commenting stuff while they were suspended too.... I was suspended too I think the very first day of joining the forum as somebody reported my chosen nickname. I mean, it was meant to be like graphical representation of eyes looking up into the skies, but somebody projected its dirty mind and saw something completely different. Had no problems with that, changed nick to something else and moved over it.

Coming from a free country, and I mean, like free from so called "political correctness" that more often than not, degenerated into hypocrisy, I think that a bit more emotional discussion adds value, dynamics and spice to the otherwise too sterile community. I, for one, think DJI admins do extremely decent job on the forum in that regards. And yes, 99% of community here has decent dialog culture, but you know, flames happen, not only on this forum but on every I ever visited.

And one last note.... if everyone would be oversensitive, than there would be no jokes in the world at all, as always somebody might feel offended by something.

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Boffin Posted at 1-30 23:59
Hi JB, If a member gets a lot of 'Ignores' then hopefully they should get the message.

Unless they post profanity (like some recent posts) and get kicked then let them live in hope that they are not invisible.

I do agree with you , this good video blocks up more posts than anything else on the forum.
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Aardvark Posted at 1-31 07:18
Isn't the best course of action just ignore these posts then they slip away. If everybody were to 'report' abusive posts then DJI might react quicker.
The rules are already in place to cover abusive posts, and they sometimes get implemented, but too often it is days or sometimes weeks before DJI Administration team takes action.

now that sounds sensible, I would agree with you Aardvark
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 1-31 21:09
In regards to SNAG, John Pinette sure wasn't at all a sensitive guy.  He poked fun at himself, even doing a comedy tour - Still Hungry.

If you haven't seen his comedy routine, enjoy!

One of my favorite comedians! RIP John,
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Meh, I participate in a lot of special interest forums and I've never used an ignore button.  Just as IRL, you encounter a few douche-bags everywhere you go.

And also, the truth isn't always popular, so I don't think getting ignored should necesarily be a condemnation as much as violating the TOS should be.

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