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16938 122 2018-3-5
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Flight distance : 847428 ft
United Kingdom

I had the same unstable hover problem that OP mentioned. Likewise even after recalibrating the IMU and compass the issue remained.

I downgraded to the previous firmware and it restored normal behaviour.
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Flight distance : 509678 ft
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I have had the same problem with my Inspire 2 from the very first flight... slight constant movement side to side and up / down... not much but visible in videos (unusable) and not even close to a Mavics stable hover.  

All flights... same with low / high hover... with wind or no wind. Turned off collision sensors. Careful compass and IMU calibrations. On last firmware now but same behaviour with the previous version. Also eliminated the problems with loose propellers with a thin layer of CA on one set of props just for testing... this "solution" worked good but made no difference at all with regards to the unstable hover. In flight it is less but far from perfect... quite depressing to see Mavic 2 perform flawlessly while this "professional" drone is just not.

I should of course have returned this one right away (however didn´t notice it on the first flight and the second flight was after two weeks, meaning risking getting a refurbished unit back)... but I got off to a really bad start with my first Inspire 2: and by then I just had enough... in as also the dealer that did right in the end and not DJI and out of two Inspire 2 I had severe problems with both out of the box... :-/ or should I say 5000EUR paper weight... not sure :-(

Would for sure be nice to solve this problem...
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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magli149 Posted at 6-9 12:47
I have the same problem with my Inspire 2 from the very first flight... slight constant movement side to side and up / down... not much but visible in videos (unusable) and not even close to a Mavics stable hover.  

Same with low / high hover... with wind or no wind. Turned off collision sensors. Careful compass and IMU calibrations. On last firmware now but same behaviour with the previous version. Also eliminated the problems with loose propellers with a thin layer of CA on one set of props just for testing... this "solution" worked good but made no difference at all with regards to the unstable hover. In flight it is less but far from perfect... quite depressing to see Mavic 2 perform flawlessly.

Unfortunately some Inspires are exhibiting this unstable hovering issue, which is hardware related, I firmly believe. It's the luck of the draw. For this reason only I requested field test at dealership prior to purchase. First un-boxed bird didn't pass, second did ...
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Flight distance : 39537 ft
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Matthew Dobrski Posted at 6-9 13:33
Unfortunately some Inspires are exhibiting this unstable hovering issue, which is hardware related, I firmly believe. It's the luck of the draw. For this reason only I requested field test at dealership prior to purchase. First un-boxed bird didn't pass, second did ...

Hi Matthew, To rule out prop alignment. Can you measure the angle in landing mode? Thnx
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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PH3KS Posted at 6-9 23:47
Hi Matthew, To rule out prop alignment. Can you measure the angle in landing mode? Thnx

The exact angle is rather irrelevant as long as it is equal on both sides. The tips of front propellers must clear OA sensors with approx. 22 mm gap above. Here is the link to an thread about the issue: ... -mount-angle.20494/
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Flight distance : 39537 ft
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Matthew Dobrski Posted at 6-10 00:49
The exact angle is rather irrelevant as long as it is equal on both sides. The tips of front propellers must clear OA sensors with approx. 22 mm gap above. Here is the link to an thread about the issue:

Thnx for the info Matthew. With some experience in building custom drones and looking at the s1000 & m600. I’m not convinced that the prop angle does not matter. I would think the greater the angle the better the position hold. It will loose some lift and flight time.
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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PH3KS Posted at 6-10 01:31
Thnx for the info Matthew. With some experience in building custom drones and looking at the s1000 & m600. I’m not convinced that the prop angle does not matter. I would think the greater the angle the better the position hold. It will loose some lift and flight time.

What I mean it's not that critical in Inspire case. You can't set it too low because props will collide with front sensors. You can, however, set them absurdly angled, but that's not what you want to do. The idea is to set the angle EQUAL on both motor booms, measuring the clearance above front sensors as illustrated in above mentioned thread. One or two millimetres more or less will not do much of a difference, but the distance should be equal. Don't abuse clamping screws too much though, as it is easy to strip the threads or sockets. Check the clamping for rigidity periodically by gently twisting the booms.
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Flight distance : 509678 ft
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I still have this problem with my Inspire 2... any news from DJI on this topic?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

That's why they need to upgrade the ESCs like they did with he P4P V2.0 so the only problem would be the yaw drift.

An Occusync 2.0 version with Sine-wave ESCs would be an improvement but I think the M2P would be more reliable.  The P4P V2.0 computer and feed is garbage compared to the M2.
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Flight distance : 509678 ft
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Looks like this:

Video from the drone:

Unstable hover. Moves slightly but constantly side to side and up / down. Same at low and high altitude. Same in no / low / high wind conditions.

Drone now has about 3 hours of flight time or so (all for troubleshooting basically).

Tried several careful IMU-calibrations (followed by careful compass calibration)... also tried doing calibrations very quickly after power on and after waiting a bit.

Tried with both sets of propellers that came with the drone.

Tried in a few totally different locations to eliminate that this is due to external factors.

Also tries calibrating the controller sticks, gain adjustments and all other far fetched stuff found in forums.
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Flight distance : 509678 ft
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Nothing new on this?

Seems to me like it is time for DJI to fix this or provide refund or upgrade!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1539337 ft
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The problem must be the firmware, before the .100 version, our two Inspire 2 were nailed up in the air. Neither the .200 or .300 solved the problem. The .300 firmware is a bit better. My P4 Pro is better in the air than the professional product Inspire 2. DJI doesn't really care about it and prefers to launch new products. I think it will be suppressed until Inspire 3 comes out.  Not really nice what DJI is doing with Inspire 2 customers.
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Flight distance : 810082 ft
United Kingdom

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Flight distance : 810082 ft
United Kingdom

Our I2 has always been the same - unstable.  Above is an objective comparison with a standard P4.  Not sure if it has any impact on image quality though, unless hovering close to the ground.  FW (for me at any rate) has made no difference.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1539337 ft
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GeoffG Posted at 8-20 23:01
I2 vs P4 - Stability

Thanks for the video. Exactly so it looks with me also.  DJI please solve the problem.
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Flight distance : 2508911 ft
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DJI, please, when the problem will be fixed ?

Do you realy wont support I2 and working on I3 ?
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Flight distance : 20013228 ft
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United Arab Emirates

so i had a problem with my first inspire 2 and got tired of sending to the dealer (last year), wait 1 month to ship and come back etc... so after a year i bought a new inspire2 which 2 days ago, First flight today , and exactly the same issue.

Not sure what to do now, i dont wanna hear ok update firmware, restore recalibrate ,,,,been doing this for 5 years ......

IS it covered under the 14 days warranty ? the old I2 has an X7, and the new one with a new X7 ,,,, but i used the old RC with extender on the new one.

Solutions please DJI.....
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Flight distance : 39537 ft
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Older firmware or less accurate Gps. Its al guesswork. I would be allot more understanding if Dji took the time to explain what’s going on.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3294770 ft
United States

I have the same problem.  Inspire 2 on .300 firmware, controller on latest (forgot the version#).

Behaves very erratic, just like the video above.  It will not hover and be still.   

I have done (many tries) Cold IMU calibration and Cold Compass Calibration, suggested by DJI Tech Support from Facebook, and still the erratic behavior is a problem.

I have not resorted to firmware downgrade because of the .300 battery firmware update fix.

I have about 7 hours on the Inspire 2, brand new props, X5s (15mm lens)

Please, DJI, come up with an updated FW to fix this issue.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1539337 ft
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DJI Mindy and DJI Elektra

What's the matter with you, DJI that doesn't care that customers are dissatisfied? The problem with the UNSTABLE HOVER AND FLIGHT has been discussed since the .100 version. DJI hasn't brought any good solutions yet. With version .300 the problem is a bit better but still not gone.  Also the constant compass calibrating is very annoying since version .300.

Will we get a solution with an Inspire 3 first?
Please don't let us die stupid.
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Flight distance : 810082 ft
United Kingdom

Maybe it's time to investigate the issue ourselves if DJI won't  do it?  

There is a lot of info in the flight log data which can be viewed using apps like CSV View.  In the past I've looked at data like motor current and ESC temperature to check that all is well.
Today I will set the I2 in a hover (light winds UK today) and record some video.  Then I'll try to interpret the parameters in the flight log to see whether any correlate with the I2 dancing.  Trouble is that the data is not easy to understand - most likely someone undertands more about this data though?

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Flight distance : 2508911 ft
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if DJI wont support Inspire2 - it should be OpenSourced project with custom firmwares and OK without warranty.
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Well,i'm in the same "boat" than all of you...
I own 6 DJI drones and my 5 "cheaper" drones ( P4P,Mavic 2 Pro,Inspire 1,ect...)  worth probably less combined than my last addition a big and expensive Inspire 2 kit  and all of my five other drones are more stable than my Inspire 2...not even close.
The Inspire 2 look like the "king of the sky" and make the other look like toys but the "toys" perform better than the flagship Inspire 2
To me,,it's become quite clear that it's a hardware problem,a part that should be change but that would bring a massive cost to DJI to recall and fix all the problematic Inspire 2 on the market so they rather ignore the issue even in there own forum which tell a lot about the company...
We should all get together and start a class action against DJI,there are so many of us plague with this problems that it would be easy to prove our point.

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Vishnu K Subramanian


Hi guys l also have a problem while flying
When I fly on straight the drone automatically moves to left side and also in backwards it moves on right side.can you guys tell any solution.
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
  • >>>

Mr.Burns.666 Posted at 11-27 20:14
Well,i'm in the same "boat" than all of you...
I own 6 DJI drones and my 5 "cheaper" drones ( P4P,Mavic 2 Pro,Inspire 1,ect...)  worth probably less combined than my last addition a big and expensive Inspire 2 kit  and all of my five other drones are more stable than my Inspire 2...not even close.
The Inspire 2 look like the "king of the sky" and make the other look like toys but the "toys" perform better than the flagship Inspire 2

The issue of a "drunken sailor" syndrome was reported and discussed to exhaustion on every DJI Inspire 2 forum. It's confirmed that some Inspire specimens are wobbling more, some less, but no one can compete in hovering stability with Phantoms or Mavics. It's a Achilles heel of this platform and - IMO - no solution (hardware or firmware) can eradicate this annoyance completely. It's related to a particular motor's alignment and configuration chosen to achieve extreme agility and performance, I believe. Inspire shines in filming fast paced scenes, stunts, car chases etc., but will not replace a camera crane for stable slow rises. For such filming DJI M600 or Freefly ALTA series drones are much more suitable due to their different propeller's alignment.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

Matthew Dobrski Posted at 12-4 13:07
The issue of a "drunken sailor" syndrome was reported and discussed to exhaustion on every DJI Inspire 2 forum. It's confirmed that some Inspire specimens are wobbling more, some less, but no one can compete in hovering stability with Phantoms or Mavics. It's a Achilles heel of this platform and - IMO - no solution (hardware or firmware) can eradicate this annoyance completely. It's related to a particular motor's alignment and configuration chosen to achieve extreme agility and performance, I believe. Inspire shines in filming fast paced scenes, stunts, car chases etc., but will not replace a camera crane for stable slow rises. For such filming DJI M600 or Freefly ALTA series drones are much more suitable due to their different propeller's alignment.

It can be unstable during initial take-off but for some reason it stays so planted even under Heavy winds and I mean super planted as I was hovering in the backyard.  The controller start up of the Inspire 1 controller is way better than the Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 controller.  The drone is well-built.  It just sucks DJI always strips off the development for the previous drones to maximize profits by people only buying for the expensive models.  Having better cameras to stick on the Inspire 1 would be better than having to move up to an Inspire 2 and having better cameras to stick on the Inspire 1 such as the XT2 would be better than moving up to an M210.
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
  • >>>

AntDX316 Posted at 12-4 14:16
It can be unstable during initial take-off but for some reason it stays so planted even under Heavy winds and I mean super planted as I was hovering in the backyard.  The controller start up of the Inspire 1 controller is way better than the Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 controller.  The drone is well-built.  It just sucks DJI always strips off the development for the previous drones to maximize profits by people only buying for the expensive models.  Having better cameras to stick on the Inspire 1 would be better than having to move up to an Inspire 2 and having better cameras to stick on the Inspire 1 such as the XT2 would be better than moving up to an M210.

As usual in your case, your opinion has no relation whatsoever to the topic of this thread. The topic is not about Inspire 1. It is about dreaded Inspire 2 hovering instability, the issue you have absolutely no experience with. Both versions of Inspire, however, aren't good at holding hovering position, wind or not.
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Matthew Dobrski Posted at 12-4 14:48
As usual in your case, your opinion has no relation whatsoever to the topic of this thread. The topic is not about Inspire 1. It is about dreaded Inspire 2 hovering instability, the issue you have absolutely no experience with. Both versions of Inspire, however, aren't good at holding hovering position, wind or not.

Well..i've to say that my Inspire 1 is "almost" as stable as my Phantom 4 Pro so ...much better than my Inspire 2.From my personal experience,the Phantom 4 Pro is probably the best "bang for buck" drone out there...
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Also,i don't think it's a entirely related the motor's alignment and configuration cause from what i've read,some peoples had a very stable Inspire 2 at first and something happen along the way and that stability disappear.So it could be a firmware thing or some onboard electronic hardware that "burning down" overtime...
One thing for sure is that it's quite embarrassing for DJI that their "flagship" model can't hold a stable position better or at least equally than their entry level model.
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I did a indoor stability test in my home gym with my Phantom 4 Pro against my Inspire 2.The video were film separately and i've combined them in editing.Once the drones were in the air,i stop touching the remote controller so the erratic movement of the Inspire 2 is happening by itself.
Here is the Youtube link:

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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
  • >>>

Mr.Burns.666 Posted at 12-4 16:00
I did a indoor stability test in my home gym with my Phantom 4 Pro against my Inspire 2.The video were film separately and i've combined them in editing.Once the drones were in the air,i stop touching the remote controller so the erratic movement of the Inspire 2 is happening by itself.
Here is the Youtube link:

Yes, that's it, not bad actually. Mine is doing the same. Many identical comparisons were made before and will be made until Inspire 2 life will end. It is what it is, learn to live with because nothing will be done to fix the issue. Or buy a Mavic 2, which is hovering like sitting on invisible tripod ...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
  • >>>
United States

Matthew Dobrski Posted at 12-4 14:48
As usual in your case, your opinion has no relation whatsoever to the topic of this thread. The topic is not about Inspire 1. It is about dreaded Inspire 2 hovering instability, the issue you have absolutely no experience with. Both versions of Inspire, however, aren't good at holding hovering position, wind or not.

https://pro2-bar-s3-cdn-cf6.mypo ... f6e446c02d2b6e382e7
https://pro2-bar-s3-cdn-cf6.mypo ... a20abc4a05b6852958e

I took those photos of the Inspire 2 and it was hovering just fine.
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Before i bought mine,i wasn't aware that this "hovering problem" was affecting all the Inspire 2,i thought it was only a small minority so yes,i'm shock to learn that "it is what it is"...I'll deal with it but this is new to me so  the pill is hard to swallow...
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
  • >>>

Mr.Burns.666 Posted at 12-4 16:59
Before i bought mine,i wasn't aware that this "hovering problem" was affecting all the Inspire 2,i thought it was only a small minority so yes,i'm shock to learn that "it is what it is"...I'll deal with it but this is new to me so  the pill is hard to swallow...

Not all and not equally, to be precise, but no Inspire is as good in hover as - say - Mavic 2.
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And that's where my "shock" is coming from...
I thought that the Inspire 2 was the every department...including stability live and learn i guess
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1539337 ft
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Unfortunately still zero reactions to the hover problem of DJI or the eternal compass calibrate before every flight.

Thanks DJI for not supporting.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 13833304 ft
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Sorry but DJI is not able to solve this problem.

They made a machine with excellent features but with a lousy firmware with obvious problems and they are not able to make it functional.
Personally I have had 2 Inspire 2 and have worked with at least 5 different Inspire 2 and all have the same instability problems.

Latest firmware, also with some refresh
Several cold IMU calibration
Compass calibration
Vision system calibration
Check propellers alignment...

All checks have been done perfectly, but the problems remain.
But the ridiculous thing is that with the first firmwares the I2 was much more stable.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1539337 ft
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ToscanaDrone Posted at 3-30 01:54
Sorry but DJI is not able to solve this problem.

They made a machine with excellent features but with a lousy firmware with obvious problems and they are not able to make it functional.

That's a very, very bad thing to hear.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3294770 ft
United States

Very frustrating....still waiting for a fix.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 13833304 ft
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Joecos Posted at 3-30 08:42
Very frustrating....still waiting for a fix.

In Italy we say "Aspetta e spera"... sounds like "wait and hope"...
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