Phantom 3 wont connect to Go app or show camera view
258266 368 2015-11-22
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United States

triist@ifonlypr Posted at 2016-4-22 18:19
FIXED mine as well! I had this same issue, drone and controller were communicating but my phone would continue to say "How to connect" instead of "Camera"

This is probably just a specific fix because I'm using a Galaxy S6, but some of this info might be helpful even if you don't have this specific phone. The problem was that my phone was recognizing the controller only as a charger, and wasn't transferring/reading any of the data I wanted from the controller/drone. So to fix that I had to connect the USB to my phone, turn my wifi off (not sure if 100% necessary), go into my settings -> Mobile Hotspot and Tethering -> Turn on USB tethering. From there you need to pull down the notification settings from the top (Just drag the top quick bar down, not sure what that's called exactly) and then choose the "connected USB accessory" icon and choose either the option that says "software installation" or the "MIDI" one and boom, done. You may have to restart the app, but the blue "camera" button should appear now! For some reason I had to do the whole turn of WiFi, turn on USB tethering thing before I could change the USB accessory from being recognized as a charger to being recognized as anything else, not sure why!

Interesting resolutions being suggested. I'm using the Apple Xr but maybe it's a phone issue for me as well. I'll have to locate the proper cable to connect my phone to the controller and experiment in the Settings to see if things come to life.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-2-8 02:07
Congratulations on getting it solved. Others have said to do exactly what you did, but no-one listens.

Lots of people are listening, the only entity that ISN'T listening is DJI support.  How in the world can an otherwise perfectly functioning USB connector on the remote stop working on HUNDREDS of RCs for HUNDREDS of people who all did the same thing: update the GO APP?

It's so infuriating to have someone like you blame the victim. Sure, there are some who dont' listen, but as far as I can tell there are some really savvy people trying to revive their drones and continue to be unsuccessful because DJI won't actually fix the APP problem.

I've "LISTENED" to hundreds of posts, tried dozens of recommendations like updating FW, updating APP, changing USB cables over and over  but I've ended up like dozens of others with no solution. One of the moderators actually suggested trying "SEVERAL KNOWN-GOOD CABLES - really?!?! Just magically one of the "good" cables will make this nightmare go away? That's not support that's wishful thinking.
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My phantom 3 app does not let me see the camera on the drone
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Juan L


110WestCape Posted at 2018-8-18 17:46
Unfortunately no luck. I get the above screen with;
Product: Unknown
Current Version: Unknown

Hi 110WestCape,
Did you manage to fix this issue?
If you did, how did you do it?
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You cannot store the Phantom 3 away for a long time without using it, I did this and the video feed circuit became corrupted, I had to send to Holland for repair from the U.K, it cost £200.
Reboot your Phantom and connect with the App at least once every month even if you're not going to take it out and fly it.
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Flight distance : 165079 ft

United States

Try changing the lightning cable that connects between the phone and remote control.  It worked for me.  Iphone 8+ and Phantom 3 Professional.
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Nic6 Posted at 2019-3-9 06:38
Quote from main drone fixer in the United Kingdom....

Wow was this the case brilliant customer service feom these guys i spent just under 2 thousand with access when i bought the phantom 3 and i got my friend to buy the advanced and another ended up with maverick and i am so sorry to all of them right now
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fans05247a36 Posted at 2019-3-2 16:42
How do we fix the USB port??


I have the same problem with my P3P that the Go app does not recognise the controller at all after an update some years ago. I'm new here and Just trying my luck, noticing that very many Phantom 3 users have the same problem. I have tried 1. many different cables, 2. several iPhones and iPads and also a Samsung Galaxy S8 AND 3. I have TWO equal remote controllers both controlling the AC fine (when linked) but not connecting to the Go app.

I have tried:
1. Relinking both controllers (both work, can be relinked and can control the drone. Neither connects to the Go app. The spare remote is almost new and has not been used for flying ever.
2. Resetting the controller keeping C1+C2+video buttons pressed and restarting the controller (apparently does nothing though). There are also a few different instructions on this sequence out there, but I think this is the official one...
3. Tried to flash the controller with a USB stick (won't start upgrade)
4. Accessed the secret downgrade menu of Go app (long press menu in upper right corner) but it can't connect or see the firmware version of the controller and also does nothing else useful.
5. Opened my controller to see if there would be some visible fault with the USB port. There is not, it looks very solid.
6. Detached the battery inside the controller to make sure it gets reset.

As many others too, also I have a really hard time believing this is a USB port problem, rather think it's a controller firmware problem OR Go app problem that should be fixed by DJI but apparently is not fixable without service and they are silent in order to avoid a large amount of warrant repairs. My drone worked fine in the beginning and did several firmware upgrades, but then it suddenly stopped working.

Please DJI or someone smart, come with a solution, would make me and many others happy. Seems to be hundreds if not thousands of cases like this out there.

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Offline Posted at 5-8 01:17

I have the same problem with my P3P that the Go app does not recognise the controller at all after an update some years ago. I'm new here and Just trying my luck, noticing that very many Phantom 3 users have the same problem. I have tried 1. many different cables, 2. several iPhones and iPads and also a Samsung Galaxy S8 AND 3. I have TWO equal remote controllers both controlling the AC fine (when linked) but not connecting to the Go app.

Unbelievable!! after two hours solid of trying everything ive seen or read or watched, i finally fixed it!

And believe it or not, it was a DJI youtube support video that fixed it for me here:

Everybody who said to press C1 +C2 + "photo/take pic" button is all wrong!
You have to press the VIDEO REC button + C1+C2!, then when the video in my link says to 'toggle' the photo settings DIAL, YOU PRESS IT STRAIGHT IN and HOLD for 2 secs. This is KEY! Then you get the blue light on controller which allows you to fianlly re-link to the quad. Then press the link button on the quad, and voila , everything re-linked and my problem was solved!!!

My tablet recognized I was finally connected to the controller via usb and the app through a message on screen about it!. So this is a USB recognition issue. As once the controller was finally able to re-link, then the app recognized the controller, the usb was seen, and the CAMERA WORKED!! controller immediately started to recognize the usb cable was actually attached. Go figure!!!
How does the controller lose a USB port in firmware/software requiring a full on re-link process to get it to recognize usb cables again!! really really dumb! especially after its been working fine for over a year for me and then all of a sudden without warning ...THIS!!
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Has there ever been a real fix for this problem or have we all dropped our Phantoms in the dumpster. I, like many other have a phantom 3 pro. Mine was put away for about 3 months. Taken out of the case,charged up and has never worked since. Will not connect to my tablet or Iphone with the app. done everything possible in the way of reinstalling firmware, cables, tried different tablets or iphones. Contacted my local DJI service centre, They told me they dont repair Phantom 3 drones anymore. I have even replace the USB board on my Gl300b controller. any further ideas to get this thing working ? or is the dumpster my best option.
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110WestCape Posted at 2018-8-18 14:16
Same issue here. P3P RC does  not connect to the DJI Go app. Cannot enter camera view. I have tried linking many times (stop suggesting it please). I have reset the RC (stop suggesting it now please). Tried 5 different apple cables. Imported a HDMI compatible module as i thought the USB port was faulty .... Money  & time spent in vain.
Deleted the app and re-installed it many times.... No go past the camera view. P3P ac has the latest firmware successfully loaded. RC who knows? I cannot access it.
Do not tell me to contact my dealer said r send it to DJI, i am an expat living & working in Nigeria ... shoul need new further explanation.

I have exactly the same!!! have done everything wrote in this forum! I still have a green flashing light the RC and no access to DJI GO app... Pfff..
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110WestCape Posted at 2018-8-18 17:46
Unfortunately no luck. I get the above screen with;
Product: Unknown
Current Version: Unknown

Idem for me!!!! Exactly the same.
sent today to customer service which doesn't want to take charge of it. really upsetting not to have my drone working like it was before the Update
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Please if somebody has the answer!!! please help me.
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misconduct Posted at 6-26 06:34
Has there ever been a real fix for this problem or have we all dropped our Phantoms in the dumpster. I, like many other have a phantom 3 pro. Mine was put away for about 3 months. Taken out of the case,charged up and has never worked since. Will not connect to my tablet or Iphone with the app. done everything possible in the way of reinstalling firmware, cables, tried different tablets or iphones. Contacted my local DJI service centre, They told me they dont repair Phantom 3 drones anymore. I have even replace the USB board on my Gl300b controller. any further ideas to get this thing working ? or is the dumpster my best option.

I guess thats a no...DJI....Do you think for a second that any of these people with the same problem will ever buy your products again? Do you not think we tell our friends/family/social media contacts about this frustrating problem. No company can rely on first time customers forever, to be a continued success you must have repeat customers. I for one will only support a company that supports me after my purchase. Good luck!
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Flight distance : 841496 ft
United States

DJI-Patrick Posted at 2016-1-12 23:57
Have you connected your mobile device to RC with USB cable ? If the device and RC are connected and you can't enter camera view still , please try to change your USB cable .

Mr. Patrick, i too am experiencing this same problem so many are having. So i can put the myth to sleep- Sir, many here have changed usb cables-to no avail. So please, try a different answer. Im sure Dji will not appreciate LEGAL action against them.
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Flight distance : 841496 ft
United States

I am experiencing the same trouble everyone is. How do i get a new usb board?
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Hello, since I am experiencing the very same trouble with not getting my RC connected to the DJI app, I was wondering whether the Litchi app solves this problem as a replacement for the DJI app?
The problem is quite obviously caused by the DJI app not being able to access the USB any more for data transfer, causing the RC to merely work as a charger for the smartphone/tablet. Does anybody use the Litchi app and can confirm that it can connect to the RC while the DJI app can't?
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I can confirm that the Litchi app makes no difference. The problem seems to be the controller communicating with the smartphone/tablet via USB. I have replaced my USB board and still have the same problem. DJI service centers  here in Canada will not repair the Phantom3 as it discontinued. Pretty sad situation really.   
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United Kingdom

I came up with a new fix. I used the DJI GO 4 app to relink the controller and the drone, then pressed the button on the side of the drone when it was in pairing mode. It then informed me that I was in the wrong app and took me over to DJI GO but it could then see the camera. All working now.
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United Kingdom

Can’t connect, camera view  no connection, thousands are having this problem, emails no reply.
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Archieparchy Posted at 9-11 10:29
Can’t connect, camera view  no connection, thousands are having this problem, emails no reply.

I wanted to update those of you still suffering from this problem. I am in Western Canada and my local DJI service centre told me they were unable to repair Phantom 3 birds as they are discontinued and they have no access to parts. After gritting my teeth for months looking at my Phantom 3 paperweight  I contacted DJI Support again. Dji spport directed me to Multirotorheli  in Ontario,  Canada. I contacted multirotorheli and they confirmed that A. They can repair Phantom3 Drones and B have access to parts. I sent my drone in at a shipping cost of about 60.00 Canadian,  Multirotorheli diagnosed my drone within 7 working days, repaired it and shipped it back within another 2 days. Great experience! great service! What was wrong you ask?  as you already  USB port was defective. it was replaced with the upgraded USB/HMDI  port. All is working very well. Cost to do the shipping and repair was about 260.00 Canadian dollars.
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Flight distance : 140243 ft

United States

Might sound dumb bit did you make sure you are connect ed under your wifi settings
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Flight distance : 2500003 ft

United States

keenanjknz@gmai Posted at 2015-12-23 11:11
I have a similar issue. The app on start up recognises an inspire 1 and not my phantom 3. The only thing I can think of is that have you registered any other device other than your P3 ? I registered an inspire originally but don't have it anymore. I bought a P3 and the app wont allow me to connect to p3 beacause it only gives me an option to connect to the inspire 1

I have the exact same issue and have tried all the same things that you have tried. Do you think it is something in the drone or camera. i just rebuilt  my camera.
Do you no what actually connects the app to the drone? i know the controller is connected to your device by usb but how does the camera feed get back from the drone to your device. I have two mavic pro's and have never had this problem.
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Flight distance : 102743 ft


On my Phantom 3 pro, had exactly this problem. It turned out to be the USB communication board in the TX. My TX is the GL300A  and this video solved my problem
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Flight distance : 102743 ft


On my Phantom 3 pro, had exactly this problem. It turned out to be the USB communication board in the TX. My TX is the GL300A  and this video solved my problem
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United Kingdom

Del2015 Posted at 2015-11-23 00:45
No, I don't even get the option to 'Enter camera view', the button says 'learn how to connect' or something similar that.  The point is that the RC is communicating with the Phantom (Professional)  as I can tilt the gimble using the wheel but I can't access the camera view so can't use the Phantom to see where I'm going. There seem to be numerous threads on this and a lot of the problems seem to stem from a newer version of either firmware, or more commonly - newer version of the Go app.

Hi did you manage to get this sorted ? Im getting the same now and its driving me mad
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Flight distance : 3110 ft
United States

bocasurf Posted at 2016-6-11 18:19
hi i reset my cell phone wich is the one i use with my device is a samsung galaxy 3
before my device was working well .
now i have notice that the on/off button on the phantom battery stay on red all the time

I upgraded the firm ware and the camera does not connect to the iPad. I took to #dronenerds and they found not fix it. I can fly without telemetry and view but it's really more challenging for situational awareness.
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Flight distance : 3110 ft
United States

Del2015 Posted at 2015-11-23 00:45
No, I don't even get the option to 'Enter camera view', the button says 'learn how to connect' or something similar that.  The point is that the RC is communicating with the Phantom (Professional)  as I can tilt the gimble using the wheel but I can't access the camera view so can't use the Phantom to see where I'm going. There seem to be numerous threads on this and a lot of the problems seem to stem from a newer version of either firmware, or more commonly - newer version of the Go app.

Yes it is gone, no camera view. I have to keep trying. I have four batteries, a multiple batteries charger, multiple popeller sets, caring bad, ac/dc converters and more to give up on this investment.
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Flight distance : 3462946 ft
  • >>>

suaspic Posted at 1-13 08:17
Yes it is gone, no camera view. I have to keep trying. I have four batteries, a multiple batteries charger, multiple popeller sets, caring bad, ac/dc converters and more to give up on this investment.

Try a clean reisntall of Dji go app , format Sd card also
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3462946 ft
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Try use Plane Mode un your mOBILE device to avoid unwanted internal process running below
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Del2015 Posted at 2015-11-23 00:45
No, I don't even get the option to 'Enter camera view', the button says 'learn how to connect' or something similar that.  The point is that the RC is communicating with the Phantom (Professional)  as I can tilt the gimble using the wheel but I can't access the camera view so can't use the Phantom to see where I'm going. There seem to be numerous threads on this and a lot of the problems seem to stem from a newer version of either firmware, or more commonly - newer version of the Go app.

i cant get my phone connect to the controller any tips?
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Freddy The Frog

United States

I figured it out and can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner. I also have just the Inspire selection on the tablet screen. Guess what, sweep left and the other P3Pro options come up. It's just a matter of sweeping your finger left on the tablet and the proper option shows up. There is nothing on screen that tells you there are more options to the right. You're welcome! Took me a day to figure this out. Up and running!
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Freddy The Frog

United States

There is another reason that the RC connects to the DJI Phantom 3 Pro or others. When you reinstall the DJI Go App and you log into your account, your screen comes up and you have to "Accept the new Flight Restriction Updates" or your remote will turn the quad props on, and will fly, but you won't be able to see the screen or access the camera unless you accept that "fly safe" update. It's configured so you can't fly without that safety update. So add that do my previous post.
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Flight distance : 1184 ft

United States

I have done everything I think.... IF my phantom 3 standard connects to app it's for 2 seconds and won't connect to remote at all... I have updated /downgraded /uninstalled /installed /new antennas and cable and pulled my hair out....
2 weeks ago I was flying for about a minute maybe less it made it from my deck to the road and slowly dropped and when blinking yellow lights fast like I said I've done everything today was the first day that I thought I was on the right track apparently. It won't accept my upgrades my remote control is usually all the time red very sporadically turns green and then turns back red you guys say do all this stuff to the app but nothing will connect besides the remote the remote connects and I know that because when you go to the linking page you can see where it calibrate.. I know about the three dashes in the top but like I said it doesn't connect so I can't do anything it does not connect to the app please fucking help me
Screenshot_20210316-231350_Amazon Shopping.jpg
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Flight distance : 1184 ft

United States

I have done everything I think.... IF my phantom 3 standard connects to app it's for 2 seconds and won't connect to remote at all... I have updated /downgraded /uninstalled /installed /new antennas and cable and pulled my hair out....
2 weeks ago I was flying for about a minute maybe less it made it from my deck to the road and slowly dropped and when blinking yellow lights fast like I said I've done everything today was the first day that I thought I was on the right track apparently. It won't accept my upgrades my remote control is usually all the time red very sporadically turns green and then turns back red you guys say do all this stuff to the app but nothing will connect besides the remote the remote connects and I know that because when you go to the linking page you can see where it calibrate.. I know about the three dashes in the top but like I said it doesn't connect so I can't do anything it does not connect to the app please fucking help me
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Flight distance : 84895 ft
United States

This is most likely a hardware problem. I just fixed my P3A RC "Disconnected" problem by replacing the RC USB port module. It is called on Amazon as this:
DJI Phantom Part - Video Downlink Circuit Board For Remote controllers come with Phantom 3 Professional/Advanced, Phantom 4, Phantom 4 Pro and Adv.

The seller: RotorLogic.  My RC is for P3A, model# GL300B.

I think it should also work if you replace it with DJI phantom 3 HDMI output module, which has an extra HDMI output and is more expensive.  There is a YouTube video guiding you the replacement with the HDMI module.  The exact same installation applies to the replacement of the Video Downlink board. Search the video by:
How to install DJI HDMI output module on phantom 3 remote controller.

This issue has bugged me for a long time.  Because it is a connection issue, so it works sometime but then fails. I have never believed such a sophisticated machine can fail on a USB port.  But it is the truth, it is just bad QC for this part.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 44062 ft

United Kingdom

Sounds good fans. A dry joint in the USB PCB is quite common on these older P3s and easily fixed as you describe.
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hmelton Posted at 2015-12-6 11:17
After an update, the DJI Go App does not allow me to enter the camera view, however I can control the gimbal, manually fly the DJI Phantom 3 Pro. which Idon't like to do. the app just say, " How to Connect", it use to say, "Enter Camera View". Please help

Same here and I’m ready to fly it full speed into a wall and get someone else’s flying junk
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DJI-Patrick Posted at 2016-1-12 23:57
Have you connected your mobile device to RC with USB cable ? If the device and RC are connected and you can't enter camera view still , please try to change your USB cable .

Look guy I have the same issue. Pantone 3se.  Or when I bought it it was called phantom 3 4K.  Password is incorrect to join the drones wifi.  Reset was attempted with every multi button suggestion.  It does give the d-DDD. But no light changes colour.  And it didn’t rest the password. I can fly it. No camera view. Like all the other paid through the teeth for it due to rave reviews.  But many of us a fed in the a.  
I lost respect and future work because this happens on a shoot. I cost the prod company a days shooting, lost the gig and all future gigs with them.  
I mean come on my controller is t even the one shown in the manuals or videos.  How can I use the reset with a undocumented controller?  I have such a bad taste in my mouth from this I can’t ever recommend DJI unless they want to look like I did.  An asshole with a plastic, loud, heavy non working (as expected) drone.   
Can I open the controller and unplug the battery or maybe give it a genitalia love tap with a 10lb rock?
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Flight distance : 915741 ft
United States

simon@4seasonst Posted at 2016-1-12 18:24
Hey guys I am having the same issue here.  I bought P3 Pro on the release date and didn't have much trouble for the first few months.  I have had it put away since Ocober and just got it out today to start running the updates.  After succesfully updating the firmware on the AC i went to update the app so I could update the RC.  Since updating the App I cannot enter Camera View.  I went and found the old version of the app 2.4.3 and it still doesn't work.  Someone please help us!

Had similiar issue and i help on the the three horizontal lines when my drone was connected and on home page. There at top right on home page. I downloaded the previous version by touching arrow below where it told me what version mine was and proceeded to upgrade to the previous version and camera button then allowed me to see my camera view. Hope this helps someone and is clear
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