DJI Smart Controller FAIL :-(
12415 189 2021-4-18
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Meanderthal Posted at 6-1 06:16
Oh - you want a response? Ok: There are "plenty" of complaints of the processor being underpowered. The footage is jerky and not smooth likely because it is a 5-6 year old underpowered processor that can't handle the needs of the software. Even if it is 64bit (which I'm not convinced it is). DJI charges $800.

*Some* people may be lucky and not see the poor performance and be happy with it. Maybe you find it works perfectly with your Mavic Pro Platinum and Mavic Pro? But plenty of others won't. Not to mention the range is significantly worse. Sounds like a great choice to spend $800 for outdated technology! That's why Henrik's video was actually fair and accurate. Look at the comments on it.

You are not convinced its 64 bit?   Care to explain how a 32 bit SoC would run a 64 bit OS and 64 bit apps?

I'm trying to be as factual and objective as possible here, and state what appear to be the strengths and weaknesses of the Smart Controller.  But, at this point, you aren't open to a discussion, because you don't seem to understand this stuff, or want to talk about actual, not debatable facts.  The architecture isn't an opinion.  It's simply a fact.  So, since you are still "not convinced"  try explaining this (which is directly from my smart controller)

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JEZ2 Posted at 6-1 07:48
You are not convinced its 64 bit?   Care to explain how a 32 bit SoC would run a 64 bit OS and 64 bit apps?

I'm trying to be as factual and objective as possible here, and state what appear to be the strengths and weaknesses of the Smart Controller.  But, at this point, you aren't open to a discussion, because you don't seem to understand this stuff, or want to talk about actual, not debatable facts.  The architecture isn't an opinion.  It's simply a fact.  So, since you are still "not convinced"  try explaining this (which is directly from my smart controller)

Ok -That is evidence. Correct! But so is every point I made:   Again: I'll quote: There are "plenty" of complaints of the processor being underpowered. The footage is jerky and not smooth likely because it is a 5-6 year old underpowered processor that can't handle the needs of the software. Even if it is 64bit. DJI charges $800.

*Some* people may be lucky and not see the poor performance and be happy with it.Not to mention the range is significantly worse. Sounds like a great choice to spend $800 for outdated technology! That's why Henrik's video was actually fair and accurate. Look at the comments on it.

Oh - and in terms of screen brightness - most modern phones and tablets offer more than sufficient nits and are more capable. Unquote
How *is* that "recount" going, btw?

Having said that - here is data on the processors - on the RK3399 package that the "Smart RC" uses. 28mm fab.

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Flight distance : 1146821 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 5-29 14:04
That’s so funny, "how can you do precision work". There was nothing precise or finesse about that flying. It seems before you start you want it to fail and thats how you fly. Maybe its an issue with your controller. So this is all about clickbait….

Why is it when you post on this thread and some others you are adamant there is no problem because YOU don't have one!
My SC exhibits the same problem. Its dangerous to use, particularly for newbie people as it locks up and/or lags during flight!
I'm not sure why you post your BS here on this thread!
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United States

TP-FPV Posted at 6-2 04:47
Why is it when you post on this thread and some others you are adamant there is no problem because YOU don't have one!
My SC exhibits the same problem. Its dangerous to use, particularly for newbie people as it locks up and/or lags during flight!
I'm not sure why you post your BS here on this thread!

Because he's a massive shill and tool.  Even if he had this very same problem he would likely lie and say there is no issue on his end because he is a shill. His logic is that "plenty of people paid $800 for this underpowered controller and have no problem. So even if plenty of people paid $800 and have this problem, everything is fine."  The guy is a genius!
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If you have a problem go check it with dji, why come here to attack me, there are plenty of others who don’t have problems. Do you think you have some exceptional privileges that only people like you can post. A bit ignorant that. Fact is there are many using SC just fine and low and behold they have opinions.
Enlighten us on what you’re doing about it, anything to add apart from whining. Remember dji have said SC is compatible and many users agree with that. So maybe contact them or post your difficulties instead of wasting your time attacking other views.
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Henrik Olsen
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Man, this has really derailed.. Anyway It’s really strange that some are seeing this and others are not. One of my friends (he downgraded to 1.4.0) and he gets video lag like 50/50.. This makes me hope this can be fixed in software, and right now it’s just a compatibility glitch between O2/O3.

I was hoping by reaching out to @arizonamavicflyer that he would share his APK of 1.4.0 so we could figure out if this solved the problem on my unit giving a clue to what is going on, as the current version of 1.4.2 that I’m running only made it worse. The 1.4.0 APK’s I could find online will not install on my controller, it says the package is corrupt

There have been claims that my testing is bad, and I’m aware there were maybe a few questionable things in the first video, but I have made 2 follow video’s where I have taken peoples advice and the result is the same, the video feed performance is really unacceptable for an $800 device. It's hard to say how many have the issue, but there are remarkably many comments below my videos, more than usual when I’m making videos about an issue
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Flight distance : 1146821 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 5-19 14:31
That’s exactly it, and it works really well for me also.

This is more of your garbage right here!
It works fine for you so it seems you are implying no one else should be having any problems.
As for testing and pointing someone to a video one of your friends did and criticizing Henrik's is a joke!

Real testing according to you should be done in a lab.

Like I said your BS is ammusing!
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arizona mavic flyer
Flight distance : 1059072 ft
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United States

Once again this has descended into name calling. And once again I'll say I have the SC, running with an Air 2S without issue. Henryk, who is a self proclaimed DJI expert, apparently doesn't know how to delete 1.4.2 from his SC, and doesn't know it will automatically be replaced by 1.4.0 which works fine. I am not in denial here. Some people are clearly having problems with their SC. Some people claimed, without any knowledge, that the SC wa on a 32 bit operating system, when in fact's it's a 64 bit device and the Fly app is 64 bit.

I think those who are having issues need to file a warranty claim with DJI or wait for updated software. 1.4.2 was a mess, and should never have been offered on the SC. It's hard to believe it was tested. DJI seems to be aware of this and I'd expect an update soon. On the other hand, my SC keeps suggesting I update to 1.4.2 which I know doesn't work, and DJI is rather stupidly asking people to update to software that will cause users major issues.

I'm really happy with my recently purchased SC. It does what I wanted it to do. I'm not seeing laggy performance, and the screen is brighter than my iPhone 12 Pro Max. But let's stop the name calling and for those with a dodgy SC please press DJI for a solution. I have 2 other friend with SC's, and they are happy too. One is using it with an Air 2S. That's not a large data base, but clearly it is working for some, not for others.

This should not be an emotional issue. But to some it is, with people questioning each other's motives. Sheesh!
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Henrik Olsen
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2104459 ft
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arizona mavic flyer Posted at 6-2 09:33
Once again this has descended into name calling. And once again I'll say I have the SC, running with an Air 2S without issue. Henryk, who is a self proclaimed DJI expert, apparently doesn't know how to delete 1.4.2 from his SC, and doesn't know it will automatically be replaced by 1.4.0 which works fine. I am not in denial here. Some people are clearly having problems with their SC. Some people claimed, without any knowledge, that the SC wa on a 32 bit operating system, when in fact's it's a 64 bit device and the Fly app is 64 bit.

I think those who are having issues need to file a warranty claim with DJI or wait for updated software. 1.4.2 was a mess, and should never have been offered on the SC. It's hard to believe it was tested. DJI seems to be aware of this and I'd expect an update soon. On the other hand, my SC keeps suggesting I update to 1.4.2 which I know doesn't work, and DJI is rather stupidly asking people to update to software that will cause users major issues.

Where is this coming from?

I have never said I know everything, on the contrary, it’s you that keeps calling me all sort of stuff, and I'm fine with that :-) I’m always open to learning something new with an open mind from people that can keep their manners.  

Apparently, you didn't know either until you got help from someone from this very same forum:

What do you have to back up your credibility, now you are so busy talking down to me and others here in the forum?
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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TP-FPV Posted at 6-2 08:15
This is more of your garbage right here!
It works fine for you so it seems you are implying no one else should be having any problems.
As for testing and pointing someone to a video one of your friends did and criticizing Henrik's is a joke!

I never implied that no one else had a problem, but from what I know about you is you come here to whine, in fact I think all your posts are whining complaining crying , I’m beginning to think you're not in this for the flying at all, maybe get out there and try it , it might not be as tough as you think.

I do stand by the test being crap , and he admitted that himself and thats why he had to do it 3 times and he still wasn’t sure he got it right.

So quit your own BS get out and try flying , at least you can come back with some experience and maybe less whining….
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Flight distance : 1146821 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 6-2 10:07
I never implied that no one else had a problem, but from what I know about you is you come here to whine, in fact I think all your posts are whining complaining crying , I’m beginning to think you're not in this for the flying at all, maybe get out there and try it , it might not be as tough as you think.

I do stand by the test being crap , and he admitted that himself and thats why he had to do it 3 times and he still wasn’t sure he got it right.

You have seriously hurt my feelings by spewing more BS.

Many of us here fly plenty and make useful observations about DJI products and point them out to others.
I myself don't pretend to be a know it all!!!!!
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Henrik Olsen
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2104459 ft
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TP-FPV Posted at 6-2 08:15
This is more of your garbage right here!
It works fine for you so it seems you are implying no one else should be having any problems.
As for testing and pointing someone to a video one of your friends did and criticizing Henrik's is a joke!

Lol, you can explain something to people but not understand it for them :-)  

Doing the test 3 times was actually listing to peoples concern (even if I’m accused not listening to people that disagree with me) that last one was to disprove the lame video from anther thread piggybacking on my original videos trying to present a magic fix on a controller that did have the issue.

But you people like to criticize without coming up with actionable suggestions  
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Henrik Olsen Posted at 6-2 10:40
Lol, you can explain something to people but not understand it for them :-)  

Doing the test 3 times was actually listing to peoples concern (even if I’m accused not listening to people that disagree with me) that last one was to disprove the lame video from anther thread piggybacking on my original videos trying to present a magic fix on a controller that did have the issue.

We are not here with clickbait the first thing on our Agenda, you seem to find plenty of time to insult those even if they watch your video, but don’t seem to be able to take any criticism. Grow up and accept you may not be right all the time.
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United States

arizona mavic flyer Posted at 6-2 09:33
Once again this has descended into name calling. And once again I'll say I have the SC, running with an Air 2S without issue. Henryk, who is a self proclaimed DJI expert, apparently doesn't know how to delete 1.4.2 from his SC, and doesn't know it will automatically be replaced by 1.4.0 which works fine. I am not in denial here. Some people are clearly having problems with their SC. Some people claimed, without any knowledge, that the SC wa on a 32 bit operating system, when in fact's it's a 64 bit device and the Fly app is 64 bit.

I think those who are having issues need to file a warranty claim with DJI or wait for updated software. 1.4.2 was a mess, and should never have been offered on the SC. It's hard to believe it was tested. DJI seems to be aware of this and I'd expect an update soon. On the other hand, my SC keeps suggesting I update to 1.4.2 which I know doesn't work, and DJI is rather stupidly asking people to update to software that will cause users major issues.

"I'm really happy with my recently purchased SC".  

Well, you had no problem plunking down $800 for a 5-6 year-old-chip in a 3 year old controller that is old by any standard.
32 or 64 bit - it is fundamentally underpowered. It can't even run waypoints in Litchi properly on the M2 series because it doesn't have the processing ability to keep up. Watch the screen jerkiness there! The developer himself says "The Smart RC doesn't have the processing power to run Litchi Waypoints in anything other than standard resolution" - it is too jerky.

Seems to me you might be a little biased based off your recent purchase ;)

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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 6-2 10:48
We are not here with clickbait the first thing on our Agenda, you seem to find plenty of time to insult those even if they watch your video, but don’t seem to be able to take any criticism. Grow up and accept you may not be right all the time.

Ever heard of the phrase "The pot calling the kettle black"?

The irony in your statement is stupefying.
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Henrik Olsen
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2104459 ft
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Meanderthal Posted at 6-2 11:11
Ever heard of the phrase "The pot calling the kettle black"?

The irony in your statement is stupefying.

I like it :-)

If growing up means like him, not a chance, lol
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Meanderthal Posted at 6-2 11:02
"I'm really happy with my recently purchased SC".  

Well, you had no problem plunking down $800 for a 5-6 year-old-chip in a 3 year old controller that is old by any standard.

You should run along now, you come here . You don’t own a drone “never have” you’ve been TROLLING this forum and it members for over 4 years. Get a drone first instead of the 10 accounts your trying to run here. Everyone now knows who you are why your here. Nobody wants a stalker.

Just so members know.

1/ he doesn’t own and never has owned a drone
2/ He’s been trolling this forum for over 4 years
3/ has been BANNED for life on many occasions for trolling members.
4/ He steals other members photos to pass off as his own
5/ he doesn’t and never has owned a SC. Just mor trolling
6/ He spends most of his days making nuisance phone calls to other members
7/ Has trolled members on other social media sites “now banned from many of those”
8/ at this moment he has more than 6 ACCOUNTS operating on this forum
9/ its almost certain he will be banned before the week is out
10/ while writing this post he has made 5x nuisance phone calls to my mobile phone.

Proof below of the idiots nuisance phone calls from the US to Ireland . These are the lengths trolls will go to .......

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United States

Now he becomes unleashed, unwinded, and TRIGGERED again.

Just so members witness themselves.
1-10: False. It’s not hard to refute that intellectual “tour-de-force”.   I guess he wants to flatter himself.
How is a pic of unknown caller ID some sort of “proof” of “anyone particular” calling him from anywhere particular?  

What a clown.
The man trolls himself. That’s a remarkable achievement.
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United States

Henrik Olsen Posted at 6-2 11:22
I like it :-)

If growing up means like him, not a chance, lol

Precisely. Most threads he jumps in go South. Feel free to ask him about his "knowledge of cell towers transmitting GPS data to DJI drones".   

He won't volunteer that, nor will he address that. His meager technical knowledge is far superseded by his insanity, rantings, and rank stupidity.  
Henrik - be careful. He can impress you with his incredible piloting skills and his incredible subscription base
My personal favorite is his cinematic masterpiece, "The Quay".
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arizona mavic flyer
Flight distance : 1059072 ft
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United States

Henrik Olsen Posted at 6-2 10:00
Where is this coming from?

I have never said I know everything, on the contrary, it’s you that keeps calling me all sort of stuff, and I'm fine with that :-) I’m always open to learning something new with an open mind from people that can keep their manners.  

This is foolish. My credibility, if it important to you, is that I fly with the SC and it works. Unlike you, I did not put out a headline that people should not buy the SC on the flimsiest of evidence. Some are having trouble. Some are not. It was irresponsible.

As a guy who makes weekly videos you fancy yourself as an expert, but I have seen much misinformation and opinion that was not a fact.

Yes, I can learn form the forum. I haven't had an SC more than 6 weeks, so I had to learn about it. I did not put out a bunch of clickbait like you did. Case closed.
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United States

arizona mavic flyer Posted at 6-2 15:00
This is foolish. My credibility, if it important to you, is that I fly with the SC and it works. Unlike you, I did not put out a headline that people should not buy the SC on the flimsiest of evidence. Some are having trouble. Some are not. It was irresponsible.

As a guy who makes weekly videos you fancy yourself as an expert, but I have seen much misinformation and opinion that was not a fact.

I guess you are the kind of guy who pays this year's prices for last year's models. (Or 3 year-ago models). A Smart RC proudly purchased for $800 now as it is coming to the end of it's life is an interesting choice. Do you purchase 2019 cars at 2021 prices?
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Henrik Olsen
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2104459 ft
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arizona mavic flyer Posted at 6-2 15:00
This is foolish. My credibility, if it important to you, is that I fly with the SC and it works. Unlike you, I did not put out a headline that people should not buy the SC on the flimsiest of evidence. Some are having trouble. Some are not. It was irresponsible.

As a guy who makes weekly videos you fancy yourself as an expert, but I have seen much misinformation and opinion that was not a fact.

Lol, that says it all - Thank you for confirming
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Henrik Olsen Posted at 6-2 11:22
I like it :-)

If growing up means like him, not a chance, lol

Yeah well it looks like you backed the wrong horse “again” your buddy was the real troll and encouraged by you, but banned in the end.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 50003 ft
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United States

Tip: the author has been banned or deleted automatically shield
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Just so people know NGC above is AKA Meanderthal and also soon to be banned, be careful of your photographs as he will steal them. All those who came to me to report Meanderthal should also report this fool….
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Flight distance : 1146821 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 6-3 05:23
Just so people know NGC above is AKA Meanderthal and also soon to be banned, be careful of your photographs as he will steal them. All those who came to me to report Meanderthal should also report this fool….

I'm not sure what your point now is or why your are going on and on.
Just please move on from this thread!
Your BS has become a tired distraction.

Just read all your BS and see for yourself.

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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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TP-FPV Posted at 6-3 05:37
I'm not sure what your point now is or why your are going on and on.
Just please move on from this thread!
Your BS has become a tired distraction.

What’s your point, you never seem to be able to male a point , except to whine and troll. I’m not discussing anything with you , but you feel you have to continually be putting you foot in your mouth. Your not here to tell others what they can comment on , you’re behaving like a Fish wife except that’s probably insulting the fishermen’s wives . But go away from me go fly you air 1 it obvious you don’t own a SC or any other drone. Start with flying and then go annoy somebody else. If you have a point come back and lets hear it.
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Flight distance : 1146821 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 6-3 05:43
What’s your point, you never seem to be able to male a point , except to whine and troll. I’m not discussing anything with you , but you feel you have to continually be putting you foot in your mouth. Your not here to tell others what they can comment on , you’re behaving like a Fish wife except that’s probably insulting the fishermen’s wives . But go away from me go fly you air 1 it obvious you don’t own a SC or any other drone. Start with flying and then go annoy somebody else. If you have a point come back and lets hear it.

WOW, Your upset!
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Once again nothing to add, come back when you want to discuss drones, its getting obvious you’re here for the trolling.
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NGC Posted at 6-3 04:41
I think Hallmark is the real troll. He likely wrote“dozens” of messages to the mods “begging” them. Must have taken hours of his plentiful  time.
Anyone who would buy the Smart Controller now is running a fool's errand.

Your going to have to stop making nuisance phone calls , they now realize at work just how obviously mental you really are. I mean who has the time to make more than 40 nuisance phone calls everyday. And quit sending Vile PM’s . You really need some serious mental treatment.

“For those who may not be aware NGC is just another account for the BANNED idiot Meanderthal, he now spends his days making nuisance phone calls to a number of mine he somehow got hold of .

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Just so people are aware NGC reply in the last minute, 16 nuisance calls.

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Henrik Olsen
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2104459 ft
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hallmark007 Posted at 6-3 01:07
Yeah well it looks like you backed the wrong horse “again” your buddy was the real troll and encouraged by you, but banned in the end.

I will make an exception in this case because I'm curious about you?

I wonder what you expect to get out of going on and on with pointless comments about me and my content? Do you really think it changes anything, or you simply want the last word?

If that is the case go ahead :-)  
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Henrik Olsen Posted at 6-3 09:28
I will make an exception in this case because I'm curious about you?

I wonder what you expect to get out of going on and on with pointless comments about me and my content? Do you really think it changes anything, or you simply want the last word?

Well I accept, it seems you don’t take criticism well …… ;+)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 50003 ft
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United States

Tip: the author has been banned or deleted automatically shield
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Henrik Olsen
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2104459 ft
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hallmark007 Posted at 6-3 09:32
Well I accept, it seems you don’t take criticism well …… ;+)
Lol, thank you for confirming your intention :-)

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NGC Posted at 6-3 10:10
Pot? Meet kettle!

Your banned…….
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Conn Seannery

United States

What's going on here? I just picked up a Smart RC and having all the issues posted. Lagging, etc. Hopefully they will come out with a new one. Maybe time to return it.
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Henrik Olsen
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2104459 ft
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Conn Seannery Posted at 6-3 10:26
What's going on here? I just picked up a Smart RC and having all the issues posted. Lagging, etc. Hopefully they will come out with a new one. Maybe time to return it.

The issue is real and all suggestions to fix it fails because the are mainly suggested by people that don’t have the issue.

This is from last evening following the advice downgrading to 1.4.0 from 1.4.2 and made a factory reset

Is is worth risking $800 for ending up with this?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 44281716 ft
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United States

DAFlys Posted at 4-19 00:40
Have you tested outside the car,  the metal might be interfering.

Yeah I like this guy but I'm wondering why he has so many issues and my first thought was get AWAY from the car and especially don't sit in it.
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Celtic Warrior
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Henrik Olsen Posted at 6-3 10:37
The issue is real and all suggestions to fix it fails because the are mainly suggested by people that don’t have the issue.

This is from last evening following the advice downgrading to 1.4.0 from 1.4.2 and made a factory reset

your talking to Meanderthal there he’s a troll he’s actually pulling the pi$s out of you, you’ll find tomorrow it’s likely tomorrow he’ll have banned below the name which is a Dead giveaway “Conn”
He trolls these forums but doesn't own drone let alone SC
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