CANCELED MY ORDER: 001100035745
3582 31 2015-1-4
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United States

I am at the point from viewing all the threads, have made a conscience effort to cancel my order. Maybe it was to soon for me, and all the bugs need to be worked out on the "TOOL." Just don't have a very good feeling about, 1. Customer support from DJI, 2. This product is new and I'm sure the price will come down in six to eight months. 3. When the time is right, I will not order direct and will order through Amazon for this I will watch and listen to everyone elses grumbles about the good and bad on the Inspire 1. Best of luck for all those who are ready to test this new Drone.

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United States

redleader Posted at 2015-1-5 03:23
May I ask then, why you ordered in the first place? And when you ordered?

Are you a native English  ...

I ordered November 27, 2014.  Days ago, an email arrives; saying that I should be patient and my order should be in route in Feb.
With canceling my order now allows me to hear what others might have to say about the Inspire 1. Good and Bad, updates etc.…
I have been shooting video, been video editor, and a postproduction manager for over 13 years as well shooting film and digital photography. I wanted a new and challenging second career, and really thought in my geological location we could use something like this, not to mention, love the idea of flying. I’ve flown as well in the United States Navy in many Type Model Series (T/M/S) for years. After seeing the Inspire 1 and all the promotional video ads and the hype, I thought wow…this could be my second calling. I had the money in hand so I made the jump.  Threads later…I’m beginning to see that maybe, just maybe I ought to wait. SO…I currently repack, repair, design deployment systems as my full time employment as a contractor for U.S. Navy. Lastly, a couple of engineer buddies and I, are coming up with some pretty cool concepts in designing a deployment system for drones. That said, we are still moving forward with that.  Lastly, In forums as such as this one, I believe that being 100% politically correct is, nor should be an issue as long as the messages are understood and replies are answered in a more concise manner to remove the confusion, if any, which are frequent, obviously.
In closing, I wish nothing but the very best for all those who purchased and received their Inspire 1's and those who haven’t yet and can’t wait to get connected with it. I’m very excited for all and patiently waiting to see what everyone has to say about it in the coming weeks and months. Hope this clears up a little thought in why I bought and canceled my order.
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United States

In the short term, I'm sure that a DJI sales REP will be reading my comments. That said, I am pasting the email sent to online to this matter earlier this morning. I believe that after paying full price in advance is one thing, I get that and that was something I considered not doing but did, however, payment via Paypal has a policy of a 45 day window for refund and it's been way to long and the time has come to cancel my order. Copy of Email below sent to DJI. Warmest regards.  

Order Number:  001100035745
At this time, I feel that I have made a decided decision into CANCELING my order as of today’s date! January 4, 2015
Please refund 100% $3,339.00 back into the PayPal account.

Thank You!

Kevin L Houghton

Correction: Refund in the amount of $3,399.00

Thank You!

Kevin L Houghton

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United States

Good for you. I agree  with all your points. The customer support and communication in general from DJI is terrible, the product has yet to prove itself, and the price will surely fall with time. I'm strongly considering following suit.
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United States

Case and Point. DJI is very responsive in keeping your money...however, not very supportive in getting the product out. I hope that their are many lessons learned at the next conference round table meeting in the marketing a product side of the house.  Please, no slaying remarks. On a positive note, I think it's going to be a fabulous produce, at this time, I need to be just a fan and watch how this Super Bowl plays out! I'm sure I will eventually pick one up and have a great experience then, but not now!
Screen Shot 2015-01-04 at 11.28.47.png
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United States

Oh man....we are only 300 ft. from the summit....I'm going ahead.
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United States

That is probably for the best.  I for one am waiting to see if any serious issues arise.  I normally don't buy into untested products.  You are probably right, the cost will go down and the product will have reviews with potential issues.
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United States

Interesting transcript. Why do they keep saying they are shipping in order of payment time when this clearly isn't true (from personal experience and the experience of others on this forum)?
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-1-5 02:32
Oh man....we are only 300 ft. from the summit....I'm going ahead.

Awesome, when you get there, let us all now how the view is. Hope it's not a cloudy day!
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United Kingdom

May I ask then, why you ordered in the first place? And when you ordered?

Are you a native English speaker?
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Flight distance : 524032 ft
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United States

Not sure the price will come down anytime soon. The Phantom 2 Vision + is pretty much the same price since it launched, unless you choose an older version of it and that's only about $200 less.

It's worth pointing out that when you buy something like the Inspire 1, you are an early adopter. You are taking a risk that not all will be perfect, not all of the support systems for mainstream adoption will be in place, and you will largely have to figure things out for yourself when things go wrong. And you may lose your $3K on your first flight. That's why you won't see much sympathy from people in this forum. We're comfortable being early adopters. We love being first on our block with that cool new thing from the future, and among the few that the rest of the world calls dreamers :-)
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United States

hey3825968@gmai Posted at 2015-1-5 02:48
Awesome, when you get there, let us all now how the view is. Hope it's not a cloudy day!

Good one. I hope I am right...or I may just jump off the summit.
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United Kingdom

hey3825968@gmai Posted at 2015-1-5 04:17
I ordered November 27, 2014.  Days ago, an email arrives; saying that I should be patient and my o ...

Totally understandable and relatable reasons.
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United States

abe@abekleinfel Posted at 2015-1-5 04:01
Not sure the price will come down anytime soon. The Phantom 2 Vision + is pretty much the same price ...

Noted! I've been like you for years, but with just a little different  mind set! Well said!
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Flight distance : 1195696 ft
United States

hey3825968@gmai Posted at 2015-1-5 04:17
I ordered November 27, 2014.  Days ago, an email arrives; saying that I should be patient and my o ...

I think you're making a mistake, even if you wait and the price  drops it would only be a couple hundred and you don't get the case.
If you were to buy Phantom 2 with the gamble ad go-Pro camera and Lightbridge it would cost you more.
Although the first one that comes out might not have all the options they will eventually Ad them with  firmware but even as has-is still a lot better then a fully loaded phantom.
Phantom 2 + H3-3D $950.
GoPro 4 $499.
DJI Lightbridge $1399.
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Playful Monster

United States

I'm waiting till 1/5 to talk with customers service. If my drone isn't going to ship by the end of the week I am going to take it as a sign that it's not meant to be. I ordered 11/24 at this rate preordeing was useless.  I can wait another week or two and see how many fall out of the air before ordering. It doesn't do much good to be a early adopter if your order doesn't ship. They are advertising if I cancel and order now it will ship next week
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Flight distance : 1696545 ft
United States

powerhs Posted at 2015-1-5 04:44
I think you're making a mistake, even if you wait and the price  drops it would only be a couple hu ...

The case comes with every Inspire order...not just preorders. This has been stated by DJI-Autumn previously.
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@Kevin i understand your decision however i dont agree with your point regarding customer support.
DJI have setup a dedicated support for all inspire owners, and this info is contained in the transcript you posted. The support for this product will be very good, and is a reassurance if anything.

I will be getting one soon and hope to enjoy it.  You may reconsider down the line when you see more online and perhaps get a chance to see one in person and fly even.
oh by the way, im not so sure its a good idea to post up your phone number in that posting ! up to you.
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United States

Playful Monster Posted at 2015-1-5 04:58
They are advertising if I cancel and order now it will ship next week

That's their estimation. In my estimation they are being deliberately misleading.
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Flight distance : 42014 ft
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United States

dancuff Posted at 2015-1-5 06:28
That's their estimation. In my estimation they are being deliberately misleading.

Cool,  I think its great that you canceled your order.  Now someone else will get there's sooner.
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Flight distance : 6690 ft
United States

Wow I can't believe why anyone here would think DJI is being Deliberately Misleading! Does anyone here on this forum run a company of the same size or bigger than DJI that has a complaint? I've worked at Boeing as a contractor for the 787 Program and they were 2 years behind schedule and trust me they were doing everything possible to make heads way! So I'm sure DJI is and has done everything they can to get this Inspire one out as fast as they can while making it a safe and solid product. I Understand what Kevin has said and we all have to make up our own minds on what we want to do with our $$$$ Me I've never liked buying last years model so I sit and wait like everyone else. Sure I would have liked to have had it 3 weeks ago but you know my hats off to them for not releasing a half @ss product!!!!!! I'm glad they took the time to make it right......

Just my 2 Zinc cents worth!!!
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Playful Monster

United States

svencool Posted at 2015-1-5 07:09
Wow I can't believe why anyone here would think DJI is being Deliberately Misleading! Does anyone he ...

Boeing loses $6B Delta order; gives a big boost to Airbus
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Seattle times
Business / Technology

Big business doesn't like to wait ether ... deltaairbusxml.html
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United States

I think Im gonna follow your lead on this as well..
I happened to contact  customer service last week the answer I got wasn't what I was expecting....

  Order Time:
2014-11-25 01:09:04
Their reply to me was:

I was in the third batch and not to expect it till mid to late February now...what ?
They closed  our email correspondence by wishing me a Harry New Year..WTF..

I too am seriously considering having DJI refund my purchase and sit and watch the show and order later this year. May wait till Friday this week if no change I will cancel my order with DJi directly.
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Flight distance : 6690 ft
United States

Playful Monster Posted at 2015-1-5 12:52
Boeing loses $6B Delta order; gives a big boost to Airbus
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Seattle times

Your probably right about Boeing loosing some orders to Airbus. But you know WE ALL HAVE CHOICES we can make. But by know means is Boeing or DJI delaying there projects on purpose! They both found issues in the manufacturing and testing process and they are correcting those issues! To give people a solid and quality product!

Who am I? I'm just another guy waiting his turn and I don't even own a DJI product yet! & can't wait to get my first one

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United States

Hi Hey,

I have ordered two which will be arriving in Vegas at the CES show on Tuesday.

I have Faith that DJI will be able to get US Inspire 1 owners the support we Deserve.

Drone Service Systems has ordered TWO Inspire 1's.

In Return, we will be shooting some of the most Outstanding Aerial Videos, which we will Share with all our DSS YouTube Subscribers as well as all our Social Media outlets.

The Future of  My Possible will Arrive on Tuesday.
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United States

svencool Posted at 2015-1-5 18:22
But by know means is Boeing or DJI delaying there projects on purpose!

I'm sorry - you've completely missed the point of most (if not all) of these threads that document the legions of disgruntled customers that DJI is amassing. I'll speak for myself, but I believe many would agree:

1) I am not worried about the delay in product launch. I understand that companies are eager to drum up support for their future products by releasing details early and this also helps stop the rumor mill (the Apple Watch is a good example). I ALSO understand that delays can occur in manufacturing - and yes, I would much rather have a working product than a pre-release beta version which has problems - especially when the product is something as critical as an aircraft.

2) My problem with DJI is their complete lack of communication and, at times, their apparent willingness to mislead...

a) There were precious few updates during the pre-order period. They have my money based on nothing but a promise, so as an investor I do feel a little entitled to be kept up to speed on what's going on as the terms of that promise change. (OK - not many updates on Apple Watch either, but the big difference is that they don't have my money and all they have promised is "Early 2015").

b) The product release has been / is being poorly handled. Orders appear to be shipping out randomly. Plenty of people who ordered after me have already received shipment notifications (and are starting to receive the product). Not only that, but DJI still can't tell me WHEN they might expect to ship my order. There's confusion over how they're shipping the dual controller version due to the delay in producing the second controller. There's confusion over the orders that were shipped and then updated with a delivery hold until Wednesday (but apparently still being delivered yesterday). Again, there is NO INFORMATION and the whole thing is shambolic. Once the product has got to market, the logistics of manufacturing, shipping and delivery should be transparent. All I want is a date! (Contrast your experiences with Apple or Amazon if you want an example of what is possible, and even expected.)

c) The small amount of information that DJI does release appears to be deliberately misleading.  Until yesterday, they were still advertising that THIRD round orders will ship on 1/15 (but MAY be delayed!!). And now the site is advertising that 4th round orders shipping end of Jan. How can they offer ANY dates for future orders when the FIRST round orders are still not complete and with NO firm ship dates. And it seems that 1/15 is clearly unobtainable when customers have reported on this forum that they have been told by DJI that they should expect to wait until late January (and I think I read in one case, February) for orders that have already been placed.

So, again, in summary: it's not the waiting, it's the complete lack of communication from a company that has held over $3,000 of my money for almost 2 months.  Either they honestly don't have any information about where I am in line and when my order might ship (which is unacceptable), OR they know but they don't want to tell me (which is equally unacceptable).

As others have stated in previous posts, this rant is born of frustration (and the fact that I have a day off so I have some time on my hands which I'd hoped would be spent flying my new toy). Perhaps once the thing does arrive, these grievances will be forgotten. But I must say, any future competitor with a half-decent product will get serious consideration from me - this experience has done nothing to foster any loyalty towards DJI .
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United States

svencool Posted at 2015-1-5 07:09
Wow I can't believe why anyone here would think DJI is being Deliberately Misleading! Sure I would have liked to have had it 3 weeks ago but you know my hats off to them for not releasing a half @ss product!!!!!! I'm glad they took the time to make it right......
You're missing the point. Please see my other post - which may be above or below this one, as this forum, rather like DJI shipments, appears to be ordered haphazardly, if not randomly.
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Flight distance : 70203 ft

abe@abekleinfel Posted at 2015-1-5 04:01
Not sure the price will come down anytime soon. The Phantom 2 Vision + is pretty much the same price ...

right but 200 dollar from 1000 are how many percent? 20%
I dont think the inspire will get only 200 dollars cheaper after a year or so because its overall much more expansive than a P2. I guess it will be more like 500 dollar cheaper when the new inspire comes out but its a long time until then. I can understand that ppl dont want to be early adopters, especially not from the very first version of a 3000 dollar multicopter. I had the first version of the P2 and we all know that the hardware will be updated during the  product life cycle, maybe design flaws will be corrected in later versions etc..
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United States

Does anyone have a cut off for 1st round orders? Ie. if you don't get it by XX you will cancel the order.

For those making excuses for DJI. It's no longer an issue with testing the product. It seems to be an issue with production more than anything, which was a solid assumption all along.

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United States

dancuff Posted at 2015-1-6 00:11
I'm sorry - you've completely missed the point of most (if not all) of these threads that document  ...

what day are you planning to cancel your order if you don't have an update?
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Flight distance : 524032 ft
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United States

Daninho Posted at 2015-1-6 01:26
right but 200 dollar from 1000 are how many percent? 20%
I dont think the inspire will get only 20 ...

Yes, the fact that they call it the Inspire 1 certainly suggests an Inspire 2 will follow. And by then my Inspire 1 will have a scratch or two on it so I'm sure I'll convince myself that I need it
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Flight distance : 70203 ft

abe@abekleinfel Posted at 2015-1-6 06:21
Yes, the fact that they call it the Inspire 1 certainly suggests an Inspire 2 will follow. And by  ...

i dont know if you want to buy an inspire 2 or not, the thing is the inspire 1 will get cheaper when the new model arrives. Of course there will be an inspire 2, no company will sleep the whole tim. There also might be a totally new product because DJI is developing a new copter right now influenced by the users.  
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