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4696 68 2015-12-14
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Flight distance : 692090 ft
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Flight distance : 228255 ft
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Unfortunately for you, the FAA controls everything from the ground up. There are pretty harsh penalties if you do not register. It would at least be a good idea to check them out so you know what you're up against if you decide to go rogue.
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Picture Factory
Flight distance : 5059882 ft
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United States

As a Section 333 commercial operation, we pay $5 to register each aircraft for an N number and that price is very reasonable and the same price as full scale aircraft. Please register your systems for sake of the whole community from commercial to hobby. I think we have one of the safest NAS operations in the world, let's keep it that way.

From FAA,
"registration heightens public awareness about what safe UAS operations look like. In addition, registration establishes a shared understanding that operating this type of aircraft for business or pleasure comes with certain responsibilities and expectations and that the public will be watching for and reporting bad actors, just as they do today for other safety and security-related concerns. Registration also enables us to educate UAS owners on safe operations."
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United States

Hmmm, I have about 12 planes and jets(RC) does that mean I have to register them also?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

I also have my 333, I do like that in the future I do not have to go through the full scale registration process. I already have a amendment pending for over a month to add an Inspire. Not having to use the carbon original of the registration form, affidavit, of ownership, and bill of sale will be really great for 333 holders when they eventually let the registration process be online as well.
And yes, anything over 250 grams (or $100) is supposed to be registered. But for the hobbyist, one registration covers your entire fleet.
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Flight distance : 685089 ft
United States

My question is who can enforce this... Can I tell the local PD to shove it when it come to showing the registration? I would think that only the FAA has any athorty to ask.
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Flight distance : 685089 ft
United States

bryansroofing@g Posted at 2015-12-15 10:10
I refuse to register jack crap with the FAA, no or ever.  They are overstepping their legal authorit ...

Tell me how this works for you...
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Flight distance : 685089 ft
United States

Cool... A terrorist can't register... I feel so much safer now as we all know the laws work so well.

Q. I am a citizen of a foreign country who lives in the United States. How do I know if I can register a drone with the FAA?

A. Federal law allows an individual citizen of another country who has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States under the regulations of the Department of Homeland Security to register an aircraft, including a drone, with the FAA.

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Flight distance : 685089 ft
United States

How do you pay if you don't have a credit card?
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United States

Just checked my location with the nearest airport, 4.8 miles!!!!!  GREAT!
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Flight distance : 685089 ft
United States

I do believe that it has to have a tower... and if you are within 5 miles you need to call the tower...
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Flight distance : 11349537 ft
United States

Spankybear Posted at 2015-12-15 10:23
How do you pay if you don't have a credit card?

I heard on the news yesterday the $5 fee will be waived for the first 30 days
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Drone Wanderer

United States

Spankybear Posted at 2015-12-15 12:05
My question is who can enforce this... Can I tell the local PD to shove it when it come to showing t ...

Law Enforcement Guidance for Suspected Unauthorized UAS Operations
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United States

Spankybear Posted at 2015-12-15 10:57
I do believe that it has to have a tower... and if you are within 5 miles you need to call the tower ...

It does have one so I guess I'll go down to the end of the street where there's a huge field that's about 1/2 mile away.Of course I'll probably not fly over a couple hundred feet anyway until I feel more comfortable with it.
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Flight distance : 61427 ft
United States

Booradley Posted at 2015-12-15 12:57
I heard on the news yesterday the $5 fee will be waived for the first 30 days

Actually, that's not accurate, I don't believe. They still require a credit card, but will refund your fee if you register within the first 30 days.
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United States

Can the registered owner be a LLC?
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Flight distance : 79101 ft
United States

thumb Posted at 2015-12-16 02:39
Just checked my location with the nearest airport, 4.8 miles!!!!!  GREAT!

I fly 3mi from an airport with a tower at the local RC club field with prior approval. The 5mi rule is about contacting the airport FIRST if within 5 mi to get permission.  It's not about you CAN'T.  It's about being responsible and checking before you do it.   They may say no but in all likelihood if you are 3-5mi out they will be ok with it as long as you maintain proper altitude and stay away from approaching aircraft
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United States

bryansroofing@g Posted at 2015-12-15 10:10
I refuse to register jack crap with the FAA, no or ever.  They are overstepping their legal authorit ...

Wow dude, chill out.  I've seen it on at least three different threads in the last five minutes so you've made it obvious to even the most casual observer that you don't like it.  Good grief, write your congressman or do something that might have an actual impact instead of ventilating your spleen all over the forum.
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United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-15 18:41
I do what I want.   Don't tell me how to live my life :-)

Bryan, I read one of your other posts, and thought, obviously something happened in this guy’s life to have him be so anti-government and so fearful of a “free” pilot registration – yes, it cost $5 after the first 30 days.  I don’t need the story of how you got to this place, everyone has a story.  But it must have been pretty bad to have you so emotional.  I mean this seriously, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that your gripe with the US government is legit, and that you are sincere in your disapproval of this new pilot registration.

So, I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that you actually want people to listen to you, and maybe even understand your message and possibly even agree with you.  You actually do have some interesting points.  And I would like to hear them.  The problem is you mask those points with emotional, borderline paranoid rhetoric.  No one is going to take you seriously if they think you live in a camouflaged bunker 50 feet underground and walk around with aluminum foil wrapped around your head to keep the mind-controlling government x-rays from taking over your thoughts.

If you really want people to better understand your concerns, then take a deep breath, count to 10, and tell us exactly why this new registration is such a doom & gloom proposition.  But don’t just make up fact-less fear mongering like having to “register trees” like from one of your other emotional rants.  Tell us using mature, big-boy words, using logic and real, true-life examples.

I’m sure I’m missing something in my “this is a non-event” opinion.  But I haven’t heard anyone ever just calmly tell me why.  It’s always the same mindless rants.  So, seriously, please take a moment and collect your thoughts and make your case.  I actually do want to listen.


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United States

Yeah, I hear the car registration thing a lot, too.  I'm assuming it goes towards roads and working street lights and winter sand spreading and lots of other things.  I just re-registered my mid-sized SUV and it cost me about $70 for the year - not $300.  Seeing how cars have been around for about 100 years now - not exactly sure when registering first started - but $70 bucks over let's even say 60 years isn't too bad when counting for inflation.  I have no feeling of loss of freedom when driving.  Yeah, I can't drive 100 mph in a school zone, so maybe that could be counted.  But I think we all would agree that most of the laws in the drivers manual are for the good of everyone.  Most gun owners I know don't seem to have any feeling of loss of freedom with their gun registration.   

Anyway, I'll keep reading and listening.  But again, most of what I am hearing from various folks who disapprove of the new registration are still just using it as a way to share their almost hatred of Obama and the administration, and not getting to the real facts as to why this is a bad thing.  

Thanks for replying.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-15 20:01
maybe this helps clarify what I a. trying to get across.

Aloha Bryan,

     The part I do not understand about your concern is that the $5 registration fee is the same for UAVs, Piper Cubs and 747s, according to Picture Factory.  And - to paraphrase Hunter - like cars, planes have been around for a hundred years.  I wonder how long the fee has been $5?  But it does look like the number of UAVs flown by hobbyists will quickly outnumber the manned aircraft in the US in the next year or so.  

     Now, as people concerned about government out of control, those who are disposed against the registration policy do not seem to have put much thought into it.  The reaction appears to be a simplistic application of complaints of a supposed real nature about other parts of government operation applied directly and again simplistically to the registration of UAVs.  The term for this is "knee jerk" reaction.  Such reactions do not reflect well on those who hold such beliefs.  The biggest argument in favor of your complaint zoomed right over the head of those holding that belief.  Being that is the case, what are we to think about your registration comments and other government comments in general.  We are at least thinking about them.

     I personally find it disturbing that people would hold such strong beliefs without putting much thought into them.  There is too much of that in our current events.  Please Bryan, either develop some convincing arguments, like the one zooming overhead, or realize the folly of holding strong beliefs without putting any thought into them.  Critical thinking is a critical skill.

Aloha and Drone On!
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United States

You know what's funny...I've read on multiple threads Flyin'Bryan disgust with this $5 registration. I keep looking at his profile picture and it just doesn't fit. I think Flyin'Bryan should update his profile picture with the one below. Feel free to copy. It fits your multiple post much better.

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United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-16 09:32
Since we are judging based on profile pictures, yours doesnt say alot about yourself, you either h ...

I'll go with the first. That picture was snapped just after my son was born. Guess it's just my happy, goofy expression of joy. Fits me well.
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Flight distance : 430686 ft
United States

Public opinion on drones is overwhelmingly negative. This is caused by the media not doing its job to investigate the facts on drones. Instead they just regurgitated the skewed numbers supplied by the FAA fueling the irrational fears of the general public.  The horse has long been out of the barn and the FAA had to make a too little too late desperate attempt to look like they were taking control of the situation.  

For the record, I plan on registering.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

I see they have a form ac8050-2 form but they also state a web site to register online.  Has anyone found the actual online link to register instead of just PDF and descriptions of registering or do we have to wait till Dec 21st?
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Flight distance : 112185 ft
United States

I'm confused.  There is no way in the site you sent us to to actually register.  What am I missing?  
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Get Trump on the job, he will sort out those nancy-boy FAA types....
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Flight distance : 11549 ft
United States

acenothing Posted at 2015-12-16 15:38
I'm confused.  There is no way in the site you sent us to to actually register.  What am I missing?  ...

Supposedly you have to wait til DEC 21 for the site to go live. Hopefully it will work better than the Obama Care website when it was first launched...LOL
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

microcyb Posted at 2015-12-16 06:43
I see they have a form ac8050-2 form but they also state a web site to register online.  Has anyone  ...

Aloha microcyb,

     You have to wait until December 21.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

aopisa Posted at 2015-12-16 06:17
Public opinion on drones is overwhelmingly negative. This is caused by the media not doing its job t ...

Aloha aopisa,

     For the record, the FAA is the middle man in this registration scenario.  If there are irrational fears involved, it is Congress and the FAA oversight committee that is having them.  The 4th Estate - the press - that regurgitates the numbers (legitimately collected by the FAA as they are tasked by Congress) in the context of stories designed to generate irrational fears, is the culprit.  The FAA has no power but to do what it is told to do by Congress and that can be enforcement as determined by Congress.

     Go after the press.  They are the ones creating this mess and it is only because they need to sell advertising.  Sensational stories sell advertising.  You can write comments for online press and letters to the editor for hard copy press.  But part of getting the juicy stories (that sell advertising) is the press sleeps with Congress in a conjugal collusion.  That is the sad part.  But you need to know the relationships and the jobs of the players to be able to think about what is going on.  Just inventing stories and relationships because it sounds right does not make it right.  You have to do your research and research is not easy.  

     Well, in terms of research, this FAA registration issue is very easy to research so it is only the laziest commentators who come up with the wild ideas, or repeat the wildest ideas, because wild ideas are easy.  They have no basis in reality, but they are easy - just like talking.

Aloha and Drone On!
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United States

Spankybear Posted at 2015-12-15 13:05
My question is who can enforce this... Can I tell the local PD to shove it when it come to showing t ...

Local PD can file a complaint from a pissed off homeowner & believe it or not...DOT from what I read. Never would have guessed that one. I have my 333 & just registered, I do real estate photography & I may not like it but $5 is cheaper then $25K. Also on Dec 21st the website will be up & you can register & they take the $5 out but refund you it back to you. I filled out the paperwork on a AC Form 8050-1 & mailed it in, guess I'll loose out on the refund
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United States

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United States

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Flight distance : 685089 ft
United States

jpflkeys Posted at 2015-12-17 08:23
Local PD can file a complaint from a pissed off homeowner & believe it or not...DOT from what I re ...

Sure someone can call the police but they are more or less powerless when it come to FAA matters. That is unless you consent to have the local police search your stuff...

"Other investigative methods also may prove useful, such as consensual examination of the
UAS, equipment trailers and the like. However, other law enforcement
processes, such as arrest and detention or non consensual searches almost always fall outside of the allowable methods to pursue administrative enforcement actions by
the FAA unless they are truly a by product of a state criminal investigation."

Only a FAA inspector can look and ask for your papers regarding an aircraft. Only the FAA can regulate the air space. Remember you do not have to answer any questions from a police officer or give them permission to search without a warrant. Just nicely decline to answer (it's your right) and DO NOT give them permission to search without a warrant!
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Flight distance : 430686 ft
United States

Cetaman Posted at 2015-12-16 19:14
Aloha aopisa,

     For the record, the FAA is the middle man in this registration scenario.  If t ...

I mostly agree. I think the FAA reported the numbers in a sensational way to spoon feed the lazy, sound byte driven media. The actual big picture numbers may be accurate (based on what was considered a sighting), but looking further into what is considered to be a near miss or drone sighting tells a far different story. The media took the FAA's top line number and ran with it because as you pointed out, it grabs attention, sells advertising or creates more web site clicks.

As I posted in the other FAA rant thread (paraphrased):

Very few media outlets take the time to question or investigate anything anymore. They just repeat what is spoon fed to them and then copy each other. They do not take the time to look further into anything. There are some good investigative journalists out there who do not believe everything that is handed to them. Journalists just do not do their job anymore. It's all about sound bytes, looking pretty, appealing to most Americans' short attention spans and selling commercial time.

And by the way, I see this registration requirement as a way to give the FAA some "teeth" in high profile UAV cases. Otherwise this is basically unenforceable. What govenment agency or law enforcement entity has the time, funding or manpower to track down one of hundreds of thousands of aircraft as small as 8 ounces?
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United States

aopisa Posted at 2015-12-17 10:21
I mostly agree. I think the FAA reported the numbers in a sensational way to spoon feed the lazy, s ...

You do have a point, law enforcement has more important things to do & kinda agree with you on sensationalizing this issue. But they are covering their ass. Eventually a copter is going to get in the path of a plane & it won't be pretty. The court of public opinion will want to crucify someone for not trying to do something about this, sooooo.......that's why they are trying to implement something to save face & head off lawsuits in the event of loss of life. It's all about covering your ass.  I take real estate photos & now have added aerial shots to market properties. For the most part people come out and are curious how the copter works & amazed at what it can do, haven't had any jerks yet complaining but I know the day is coming eventually. Someone will think I'm spying or scoping the property for a break in at a later time. I just received my 333 approval, took 5 months but feel comfortable that if I am reported I can whip out my approval letter from the FAA saying I'm authorized to take aerial photos commercially for profit & have peace of mind that they won't be making an example out of me, cause they are looking to do it to someone.
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William E. Burr
Flight distance : 228698 ft
United States

Dear Flying' Bryan,
I am 66 years old.
I remember when I was a kid building balsa wood control line planes and can still remember the smell of the wood, glue and dope to cover the wings and fusaloghe with silk.  
I loved the gas engines and the sounds they made.
As a young adult I would build beautiful control line stunt planes, this took up most of the winter.
I was to scared to fly RC because I saw too many first  flights crash after months of building and the (SKILL) it took to fly them.
Remember in those days ready built planes did not exist.
I never understood why people would buy prebuilt planes not having the pride of building them.
Now calm down thats just me (Old School)
Drones fly themselves and no skill is necessary, they are for taking pictures and movies and some people used them to piss off other people.
The real hobby is for a chosen few.
So please just register and forget about fighting the government, trust me you will lose.
Best Regards,
William E. Burrows Jr.
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Flight distance : 14682 ft
United States

No luck yet with registering, I suppose the "registration" part of the website will be up later today??
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

Quadular Posted at 2015-12-21 08:48
No luck yet with registering, I suppose the "registration" part of the website will be up later toda ...

Looks like another Obama healthcare site will be built.
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