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United States

TimUK Posted at 2016-1-15 04:10
I'm not sure if this "Hypothetical" question has already been asked (and I'm not going back through  ...

before you are allowed to install the Beta 2.4.4 you need to accept the terms. it will take some time, but read the entire thing and some of the questions being asked here are answered in the acceptance terms.
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I dont understand why DJI took the law away from other country's into their hands , why not let flyers face the flying laws of their own country why does this company try to handcuff its own customers by throwing a big blanket over it all , DJI should enter the gun world and create guns with gsp no shoot zones that way it could save the world from many tragedy's  .

All DJI needed to do was link a drone to a real person and record where the bird flys , if somebody does the wrong thing they can be identified so the laws of that country can prosecute them , no need for hard shutdown that effects most everyone when only a few idiots abuse the system , no flying around airports I can agree with but massive areas of nothing blocked out is idiotic , next it will be national parks because drones are scaring the wildlife , the oceans are no fly just in case you get too close to a whale  , private property under 40 acres is out because if the neighbour can see your drone you can see him and privacy laws wont allow that , its amazing that DJI have taken it on themselves to do this .
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I think the purpose of geofencing in the way DJI is going to implement has nothing to do with the protection of well known NFZ such as airports, goverment buildings etc. DJI's purpose is to be able to restrict flying over areas where temporarily, high importance events take place (maybe even following goverment orders). I think that the final implementation of this geofencing system is to have our drones unable to fly every few days. In this way, with proper planning, some days before an important event take place in some area, the DJI servers will characterize this area as a NFZ so as to be sure that the area is secure.
Unless someone find another way to keep temporarily an important area free of drones I believe will have to accept the geofencing system in this dissapointing implementation.

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Offline Posted at 2016-1-15 01:10
There was a glitch with the Beta version of Geofence that somehow ended up on the 2.5 app for a wh ...

Ah I see.  I'm in Australia and they are not doing the new geofence test here yet.

On this site I can't fly over 2/3 of my property due to a red zone (as per when I bought the drone in November)

On this site there is no red zone at all:

I have an iPhone 6 Plus and Phantom 3 standard, how do I get my phone/drone to run under the second system so I can photograph the rest of my property that I was previously unable to?  
Do I need to change the drone firmware or downgrade the iPhone app?  I have 2.5 on the iPhone.

Thanks for your help
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Geologic50 Posted at 2016-1-15 07:53
I think the purpose of geofencing in the way DJI is going to implement has nothing to do with the pr ...

I still dont see the need for blankets thrown over the world , if a special event is on the laws of that country will prosecute its own culprits , let that country's aviation handle its own fly space we dont need a man in China dictating what we can do in our country  

Malicious use of drones will happen anyway just as the the old saying goes with firearms " When all guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns "  , well when normal law abiding people are handcuffed the bad guys are still doing whatever they want , freedom is very important to human life the law is alway a horses ass when it punishes everybody for the deeds of a few .
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RodB Posted at 2016-1-15 00:15
I still dont see the need for blankets thrown over the world , if a special event is on the laws o ...

I also don't see the reason for this but I think this is the reason! Of course I agree that the locks are for the good people, for the bad people there are no locks...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 545817 ft
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United Kingdom

Geologic50 Posted at 2016-1-14 21:53
I think the purpose of geofencing in the way DJI is going to implement has nothing to do with the pr ...

Exactly, I didn't like this new geofence idea from the start - mainly because of DJI's often demonstrated technical ineptitude!
Now when I've seen the huge new areas  they have shut down for no good reason I like it far less.
It's astonishing that they feel entitled to over-ride the owner's control and judgement like this.

DJI - you are not the world's policeman - you do not have the right to decide if users may or may not fly the phantom they bought.
Step back from this madness before it's too late.
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United States

Ribfeast Posted at 2016-1-14 16:06
Ah I see.  I'm in Australia and they are not doing the new geofence test here yet.

On this site I ...

I believe the first link is the map as it currently exists and the second map is only in use by Beta users and it sounds like it is constantly changing. You can sign up to be a Beta user and maybe have the ability to fly in that zone. I think the terms (as a Beta user) are that if you want to fly in one of the No Fly Zones you can select it on the map, give them your credit card or phone information and it allows you to fly there.
From what I've read you can not roll back the ios app unless you have the previous version saved somewhere like in itunes. I looked into getting it from someone else and it turns out that Apple has all apps tied to an individual so they can not share.  
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I have 2.5 installed, and a copy of an older version (2.4.x), which one would I need?  Do I need to change any firmware on the P3S itself?  It's running the latest firmware (the cold battery fix version).
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Flight distance : 5623 ft

clifwlkr Posted at 2016-1-14 04:54
The best technology in the world does me zero good if it will not get off the ground.  I fly in re ...

Very well put. I'm watching this with great interest.
Here in Oz the same is true for most of the Australian continent!.
I cannot for the life me work out why any company making any product, make their product far more difficult to use than any current legal requirement. I cannot think of anything similar ever and it kinda looks like corporate suicide.
No technology based company ever has an indefinite advantage over their competitors, vis a vis Kodak, IBM, even Nokia.
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Flight distance : 5623 ft

clifwlkr Posted at 2016-1-14 04:54
The best technology in the world does me zero good if it will not get off the ground.  I fly in re ...

Very well put. I'm watching this with great interest.
Here in Oz the same is true for most of the Australian continent!.
I cannot for the life me work out why any company making any product, make their product far more difficult to use than any current legal requirement. I cannot think of anything similar ever and it kinda looks like corporate suicide.
No technology based company ever has an indefinite advantage over their competitors, vis a vis Kodak, IBM, even Nokia.
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United States

TimUK Posted at 2016-1-15 04:10
I'm not sure if this "Hypothetical" question has already been asked (and I'm not going back through  ...

I'm not sure if this "Hypothetical" question has already been asked (and I'm not going back through 500 + posts to find out) but consider this scenario.

If I'm flying using DJI's Geo but their zonal information is inaccurate and because of this I inadvertently break the law in my country and end up being charged and prosecuted, where do I stand legally and where would this leave DJI and their partner Airmap.

Tim, I've no idea how this would work in the UK. The closest analogy in the US with the FAA seems to be a private pilot violating restricted airspace, or entering Class B airspace without a clearance. To some extent DJI and Airmap would have the role Jeppeson or NACO do, which is providing charts.

The responsibility lies with the pilot.

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United States

Ribfeast Posted at 2016-1-14 18:29
I have 2.5 installed, and a copy of an older version (2.4.x), which one would I need?  Do I need to  ...

If you look into being a Beta user, it will tell you which firmware and app to install. I'm not sure what it is but it is different. I think there is a link in this thread back a few pages by one of the DJI people. Or you could search "Geofence Beta" would probably work.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Ribfeast Posted at 2016-1-15 08:29
I have 2.5 installed, and a copy of an older version (2.4.x), which one would I need?  Do I need to  ...

If you want to participate in the GEO Beta program, below is the link.
Please read the acceptance terms before you hit agree.
Delete the DJI GO app on your Android device and use the link on you device and install GO app 2.4.4 And also install the correct 1.7 firmware for your aircraft.
If you choose to cancel your participation, just downgrade your aircraft back to 1.6 and delete the GO app in your device and reinstall it from the Play store.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-15 13:59
If you want to participate in the GEO Beta program, below is the link.
Please read the acceptance ...

I can't see a link below?

Also I am running iPhone not Android, is there a beta for iPhone?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Ribfeast Posted at 2016-1-15 11:49
I can't see a link below?

Also I am running iPhone not Android, is there a beta for iPhone?

Sorry, link is posted. Currently the Beta is only for Android.
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Bugger!    No plans for an IOS version?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Ribfeast Posted at 2016-1-15 12:34
Bugger!    No plans for an IOS version?

I didn't say that, I said currently Android
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Ribfeast Posted at 2016-1-15 12:34
Bugger!    No plans for an IOS version?

Send an email to
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United States

AG0N-Gary Posted at 2016-1-12 10:50
You need to manage what gets loaded or not loaded, that simple, i have auto updates off on everythi ...

Just turn off automatic updates for apps and you will have to pick the apps you want to install on any apple device
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Flight distance : 475371 ft

inapplicable large zones

Brendan Schulma Posted at 2016-1-11 05:07
Looks like some inapplicable large zones were coded by the airspace provider.  That's why we are  ...

Hello there Brendan and thank you for taking your time to visit the forums!

A lot of the gray hairs, red faces, panicked people (like myself) and Geofence Wars I think is due to a lack of communication.

There seems to be two maps, the one everybody is crying and yelling about, and another far more digestable map destined for implementation.
I have a suggestion for you, and I am posting it here to hopefully ease some minds in the process.

Why don't you make a short announcement and a link on the Beta Map?
Something like this:

Just so people doesent think they will be punished for beeing DJI customers

And again, Thank you for listening to your community!
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

GQ. Posted at 2016-1-4 00:23
How do we unlocked the Authorization Zones with the App ?

After you delete the 2.5 and go to this webpage on your Android device and install the app and the 1.5 on the aircraft you then unlock an authorization zone and it will verify you.
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

Is there any law on the books in the USA or anywhere else that is forcing DJI into imposing the geofencing on its customers? As far as I know in the USA, the drone pilot is responsible for knowing where they may or may not fly and the FAA has a handy app to let them check. If DJI is the only company that imposes geofencing with inaccurate circular regions and inconsistent rules and with the only way to disable the feature creating self incriminating evidence and requiring an internet connection (good luck with that in Nevada), I can see myself and a lot of other drone buyers looking elsewhere. This is a potentially company terminating decision on the part of DJI. I hope you have considered it carefully.
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United States

Dear DJI Friends,

As Phantom/Inspire owners, we must come to realization that the 'dream' is over.  DJI is in the crappy position of being between 2 rocks.  Their proactive approach is admirable and probably the best choice if they want to keep making this class UAV.  

The problem is that this is NOT the product that most of us purchased.

I think the reasonable thing is for DJI to offer current owners the opportunity if you purchased your Phantom/Inspire-1 within the last year to be able to return it to DJI for a reasonable refund if its never been crashed and in like new condition.  I'm also guessing with all this geofence work, they are putting little effort into fixing the vibration that they introduced in 1.5/1.6.  Taking these back would resolve that problem for them as well.

I think DJI should also be concentrating on bringing their tech to the sub 250g class UAV.  I'm guessing most of what we're after is attainable in the small size.  For the others that want to put up with the hassle they can continue with the Phantom/Inspire-1.

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Flight distance : 111762 ft
United States

Altitude limits instead of blocking flight in some questionable areas would go a long way in letting most fly and keep everyone safe and happy. thoughts?
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United States

Last week there were rumors that once you connect DJI GO 2.5 to the bird, software is uploaded to the bird relating to the no fly zones.  It sounds like the no fly zone issue has been fixed with the release of DJI GO 2.5.1 but i am still concerned about some irreversible geofence software being uploaded onto my P3A.  Was this software upload thing someones paranoia or is there some merit behind it and those of us that didn't upgrade should stick with version 2.4.3?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

There is a new version of the Go App available the fixes many of the NFZ issues.
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United States

gcvisel Posted at 2016-1-2 15:57
Face it, people, somehow we are going to have to learn to live in an airspace where people are al ...

Wow   so much worry about hitting an aircraft.  Fact is drones are to be max of 400 ft  and airplanes are not allowed to be below 1500 ft.  except on final approach to land.   I feel the radius of no fly zone should be 1/2 mile at an airport.  
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Flight distance : 633901 ft

Before I install the new 2.5.1 version of the G0 app. on my iPhone (which I think means I'm not a Beta tester) can someone tell me which map I will then be using?  A link would be useful.  I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into.
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United Kingdom

I auto upgraded to ios 2.51 now I cant fly i'm just outside this red circle that wasn't there on 2.50 and it says restricted area when I try to fly. Only got my Phantom 3 pro yesterday evening when it was OK on its maiden voyage. Can I send it back?
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I hope that nobody buys a DJI by the geofence and see forced to close !! hopefully!!
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

Suggestion: Get rid of the limitations and make the GeoFence provide a clear warning on the screen. Tell us what we are close to and what the regulations are related to it. That way we can fly as informed pilots and are still fully responsible for our own actions. As implemented, not only does the GeoFence feature deter customers from buying DJI products and quite possibly generate major legal and privacy issues with the online data, it could also leave DJI open to huge liability. A drone pilot could claim that since the DJI GeoFence let them fly, they believed they were in the clear. Only by making the pilot fully responsible can DJI avoid liability.

The GeoFence feature is like an automobile with a speed limiter that also records and uploads any violations to the DMV. If Ford implemented such a feature on their cars while the other companies did not, how long would it take them to go out of business? Please try to avoid making this catastrophic business decision and let pilots take the responsibility. Feel free to implement all the geofences you want on your future fully autonomous drones since you will be responsible for flying those.
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United States

grangerfx@gmail Posted at 2016-1-16 14:25
Suggestion: Get rid of the limitations and make the GeoFence provide a clear warning on the screen.  ...

I still worry about false positives.  Let's say there are 2 drones flying one is on old firmware no geofence other is with geofencing.   

The one that called the airport, followed rules, and had unlocked the area could be first suspect if the other one flew "stupid".   They will check logs say hey owner X had it unlocked! Seems like it's a system that false positives will happen.
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Flight distance : 224577 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-14 16:27
before you are allowed to install the Beta 2.4.4 you need to accept the terms. it will take some t ...

"before you are allowed to install the Beta 2.4.4 you need to accept the terms. it will take some time, but read the entire thing and some of the questions being asked here are answered in the acceptance terms."

Thanks for that suggestion. It does clear up some issues, and is certainly more responsive than the black-hole email address which generates no replies.

Unfortunately, the "terms and conditions" do not give me a very good feeling. A liberal interpretation of the wording indicates that DJI and/or the map data provider will retain you credit card information for an indefinite period. It also points out that DJI can/will release you personal information to a wide group of people/agencies if they have a belief they need to "cooperate." The language is very broad and typical of an EULA - it protects the company and limits the consumer.

They "hypothetical" issue raised by someone is also answered there. Per the terms, DJI and the map service take no responsibility for accuracy of data. No matter what the software shows as fly/no-fly, you are completely on your own.

I really like the suggestion made by another poster... a great opt-out option is to offer P3 purchasers a refund if they don't want to participate in geofence. I would take that offer in a heartbeat.

This is NOT what I bought into. I feel completely cheated. It is an ethical breach to force this change on your customers.
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Flight distance : 430686 ft
United States

I am very concerned about the the 3rd party that is responsible for collecting and retaining  the personal data. As usual, requests made here to DJI regarding this entity have gone unanswered. This is unacceptable.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

alchy Posted at 2016-1-16 01:34
I auto upgraded to ios 2.51 now I cant fly i'm just outside this red circle that wasn't there on 2.5 ...

Can you post a screenshot. Also, if you ry the 2.4.4 GEO Beta, you will then be able to fly in yellow zones that were previously red zones. You must update the aircraft to 1.7 too.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Tomsbird Posted at 2016-1-15 19:38
Before I install the new 2.5.1 version of the G0 app. on my iPhone (which I think means I'm not a Be ...

This is the map you should get
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

grangerfx@gmail Posted at 2016-1-16 13:25
Suggestion: Get rid of the limitations and make the GeoFence provide a clear warning on the screen.  ...

Before you are able to install the Beta, you have to agree to all the legal terms before it will install. You're fee to read the entire legal info and it will answer questions you may have.
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Flight distance : 633901 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-17 11:14
This is the map you should get.

Thanks for the link Ken.  It makes a lot of sense.  I watched the short video at this location as well and it helped answer a bunch of questions for me and I think other will find it useful too.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-16 21:14
This is the map you should get.

On that site is says "Note this list is only valid for the Phantom 2 series or older products."   Is that really the site for P3's?
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