Unusual sky effect - DJI please investigate
478 19 2-17 16:12
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Today I recorded 2 scooter rides, the first recorded and I swapped out the battery and media card for fresh ones for the second ride.
The first part recorded as expected but the second has unusual effects mainly in the sky which in the clip can be seen to be shifting momentarily leftwards.

Short section of a 45 minute file created by LosslessCut
https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... view?usp=drive_link
The whole of this part of the journey has this issue with varying degrees of shifting.

4k50/RS, Pro, Auto Exp, Auto WB, Colour Normal, FOV Wide, Image Adjust Custom Sharp -1 Noise 0

First time I have had this issue. I will monitor for further instances.

2-17 16:12
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

You need to turn off "access request" on the image.
2-17 18:30
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Kindly please set the privacy of the link as "public" so we can access it. Please keep us posted so we can help you further.
2-17 20:07
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United Kingdom

Apologies, it should have been 'anyone with link', please try again.
2-18 01:26
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United Kingdom

Bump, been a few days...
2-20 09:31
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Second Officer

Just to be clear... are you talking about these sudden "jumps" that can be seen, for example...

from frame 479 to 480
from frame 754 to 755
from frame 929 to 930

... and some others?
PS: I see these frames in QuickTime Player. The frames are offset by 1 if I view them in LosslessCut (eg from 480 to 481)
2-20 12:03
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United Kingdom

Yes those and other smaller oddities. Throughout the whole ride back, it seems worse at the beginning but is throughout the video & over multiple 16GB clips.
Thanks for looking.
2-20 12:24
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Second Officer

You said "Pro" but you didn't say what was your shutter speed set at? If you selected Pro, you have to manually dial in your shutter range. Could it be that your shutter was not sufficiently high enough (considering the overcast skies + the speed) and when you hit small bumps the camera shake combined with the EIS introduced these jumps?
2-20 12:33
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United Kingdom

It's in Pro mode but I have Auto Exposure set as I have always done before for these fast changing scenes. The settings were exactly as they were for my journey outwards, battery and media card changed before the return trip home. Media cards have been used without issue many, many times. They are both Sandisk Extreme 128GB V30 U3. No previous issues before this last journey. Conditions were more overcast than going - but have recorded many times before in these or worse conditions.
2-20 13:26
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United Kingdom

This is an ongoing problem with my camera, no comment from DJI.

I was out recording yesterday and have similar results, shifting clouds. It seems that as they are low contrast, the stabilisation? is having trouble keeping it locked in place in the skyline.
In this clip it is most noticeable after passing the van...

Google drive video 2

Never had this issue with my Osno Action 3
2-29 16:07
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

It reminds me a little of image stabilisation, a bit like using a camera with IS on a tripod, NB, you shouldn't. i.e. your body is the tripod in this instance.
Try without RS.
You could also try one of the horizon settings, not sure which mind.

Another thing it could be is an FPS issue, speed of the bike etc, try a higher FPS

The above are guesses
2-29 21:11
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Second Officer

Some people posted footage where the camera is inside a car and when the car is turning at high speeds, the entire image is tilted and takes a while until it straightens out due to the gyroscope not doing something right.

I wonder if this might be something similar. Watch the bike when this happens. You can see this better if you focus on the windshield. The bike is quickly bouncing up and down when this effect takes place. If the bike doesn't bounce that much, it's ok. So maybe it has to do with, again, the gyroscope as you are going at high speed, and the bike bounces more than a certain amount.

What if you go slower, say, keep it on 40 or 30. Will it happen? Also try different mounting options, eg helmet/handelbar combined with reduced speed and see if it shows up.

It would be helpful if someone who has a bike and an OA4 would try this so you guys could compare the result.

3-1 02:49
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United Kingdom

As I'm already at 4k 50fps, not much I change much there (UK). The original posts video was bike mounted in a sturdy position and in the last video it was helmet/chin mounted - so it looks like the cameras mounting position isn't majorly affecting this particular issue. I will try your other recommendation though on RS & horizon thanks.

Slower, watch the skyline in this short clip as I approach the roundabout...
Approaching roundabout
Earlier part of the same trip.

Odd that this should only start after my coffee stop the other day... or is it cloudier conditions. I will have to go back through my content since getting this new camera.
3-1 03:47
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Second Officer

Oh that’s right. Sorry, forgot about your previous scooter ride footage which had the same issue. Well, I am out of ideas. Curious though if the camera is faulty or is this happen for some other reason.
3-1 05:30
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Second Officer

Maybe try searching YouTube for “osmo action 4 overcast motorcycle” or anything similar. There are a few videos where ppl are riding under cloudy conditions and see if you spot similar issues.
3-1 05:38
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Second Officer

Here’s one, for example. Although he has a helmet mount and pointed a tad low so not a lot of sky is visible.

3-1 05:40
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United Kingdom

Oh, so it's not just my camera then! Go straight to 7:34.
The annoying thing is, once you see it.. you start looking for it and it's then distracting.

DJI need to investigate this issue.
3-1 05:58
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United Kingdom

Without having access to original footage... this video shows an odd in focus, out of focus, in focus, out of focus issue. Near the beginning of the clip look at the row of trees on the left side of the road ahead, then at 6:40 look for the clouds.

3-1 06:24
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United Kingdom

Been out this morning on the bike, crappy weather but same problem. Using a new microsd card & have a dead cat strapped to the front of the bike which despite being wet, did improve the sound.Pity the onboard mics don't have a gain control.

Shifting clouds

As there's been no input from DJI about this, I will contact support and get the camera returned as it doesn't perform as expected.
EDIT: Forgot there was a Horizon Calibration setting, have done that & will see if that makes any difference.
I've been confused how the camera worked properly for the outward journey, then troublesome on the return. I remembered that when I stopped I sat outside at a large cast iron table and put the camera down on it after changing the battery etc. Could this have had a magnetic effect?
EDIT2: Don't be stupid, the camera has a magnet underneath it dummy!
3-2 07:49
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United Kingdom

DJI - why are you ignoring me?
3-3 03:29
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