A brief discussion of Working Modes, Flight Modes and IOC
10236 14 2015-1-11
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Jamie Hellmich

United States

Due to some high traffic on the Forum regarding flight modes and such, I'd like to offer the folllowing.  Hopefully it may answer some questions and provide some clarification.  Anything here can be found in the manuals.

Read your manuals for further clarification of flight modes and IOC, etc...  Particularly the NAZA-M manual, a link to it is below.

1.  The default working mode for your aircraft's control system is called "Phantom" mode.  Switch 1 is only used for calibrating the compass, and switch 2 is only used for setting Home Point, and your Phantom manual explains how to perform these functions.

2. If so desired, NAZA-M working mode is enabled in Vision Assistant.  NAZA-M working mode options and settings are briefly described below.

3.   NAZA-M working mode Switch 1 defaults are;  Top position - "GPS ATTI" mode, Middle position - "ATTI" mode, Bottom position default - "Failsafe", with option for "Manual" mode setting in Vision Assistant.  Set to Failsafe if you are prone to hit the wrong switch or switch position, are not an accomplished multi-copter pilot, or are weak kneed.

4. There are 2 Intelligent Orientation Control (IOC) modes:  Home Lock, and Course Lock.  Switch 2 IOC modes are only available by enabling NAZA flight mode, which is enabled in Vision Assistant.

5.  NAZA-M working mode Switch 2 defaults are: Top position - Null (no action), Middle postion - IOC Course Lock, and Bottom position - IOC Home Lock

6.  S1 top position GPS ATTI mode flies pretty much the same as Phantom working mode, and gives the option to enable IOC modes Home Lock and Course Lock.  Home Lock and Course Lock are functional in GPS ATTI mode.  When the transmitter sticks are centered, GPS is used to hold position and altitude.

With good satellite count, the rear LED's will flash slowly GREEN, if S2 is in top position, and the transmitter sticks are centered.  With good satellite count, the rear LED's will flash GREEN twice quickly, if S2 is in top position, and the sticks are not centered.

7.  S1 middle position ATTI flight mode does not use GPS for position hold, while the compass, gyroscopic and potentiometer controls maintain attitude of the craft keeping it level and holding a constant bearing (the way it is facing) when the control sticks are centered.  A barometric pressure instrument maintains altitude with the throttle stick centered.  Course Lock is available in ATTI mode, Home lock is not.  There is no position hold in ATTI flight mode.

With good satellite count, the rear LED's will flash slowly YELLOW, if S2 is in top position, and the transmitter sticks are centered.  With good satellite count, the rear LED's will flash YELLOW twice quickly, if S2 is in top position, and the sticks are not centered.

8.  In NAZA-M working mode, if configured as such in the Phantom Assistant, Failsafe is available on Switch 1 regardless of Switch 2 position

9.  Return to home is not affected by the current switch positions or flight mode when enabled by software due to loss of transmitter power, or low battery enabled.

10.  When NAZA-M working mode is enabled, Switch 2 can set the Home Point and Course Lock Bearing.
a.  Toggle rapidly 3 to 5 times from top position to middle position to set Course Lock Bearing (direction) on the ground or in the air.
b.  Toggle rapidly 3 to 5 times from middle position to bottom position to register Home Location on the ground or in the air when at least 6 satellites are acknowledged.  If you are in GPS ATTI mode and you can't get 6 or 7 until airborne, and you are comfortable taking it up, do the calibration once you are up.  The slow flashing green lights will let you know when you have the satellites, then do the Home Point switch toggling.  Home will be that location, and the Phantom will land on the ground at that location, even though Home was set at altitude.

11.  Both Course Lock Bearing calibration and GPS Home Lock calibration are acknowledged with rapid flashing green lights in NAZA-M working mode whether at power up or with manual calibration noted above.  At power up, the first rapid green sequence is Course Lock calibration, and the second set is Home Lock/Home Location.

12. Switch 1 optional bottom position Manual mode if enabled in Vision Assistant.  None of the above applies to Manual mode, you are on your own.  Very challenging flight mode.  Start high, but keep it close.  You gotta see it to control it.  If you can't tell which way it's facing... forget it.  Stay in S1 or S2, or bail out to them if you are losing control.  Your craft will stabilize immediately upon switching to S1 or S2.

13.  Here is a link to the NAZA-M V2 Quick Start Guide, very usefull if one takes the time to read it.  http://download.dji-innovations. ... _Guide_v1.26_en.pdf  

14.  Please read and study the manuals for your aircraft.

GPS ATTI and ATTI mode offer some different flight characteristics, and both have good points.  Flight practice and flight maneuvers training will bring those to your attention.

A plan for every flight, fly your plan.


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Jamie Hellmich

United States

guymacdonald@ip Posted at 2015-1-12 10:23
One small point Phantom Mode Switch 1 Position 3 is Fail-Safe. (I am sure you were only testing us!) ...

Yes that is the default setting.  It is an option to set it in Manual mode within Vision Assistant as noted in Item #3, and where mine is set.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

Heck, I get confused by reading this stuff......examples....

"2. NAZA-M working mode is enabled in Vision Assistant." - shouldn't it say "The user, if desired, can activate NAZA-M mode...which allows for the extra IOC settings described"....or something like that.

Just the use of
NAZA-M "working" mode
NAZA-M "flight" mode

Aren't those three separate descriptions of the same thing?

Don't mind me - I used to do technical writing (manuals for boilers, wood stoves and other stuff)...but, if it confuses me, it's likely to confuse a vast percentage of the people who read it!

Not trying to be a critic here, but using 14 steps and then referring to much more...to describe just one small part of a control system...isn't exactly the easy button!

I guess everyone is trying to say the same thing! I introduced it this way in the article about how to avoid crashes:

"DJI delivers the Phantom with many of the advanced features locked – fearing that new users won’t know how to use them, they attempted to keep you safe by only allowing GPS-based flight as the out-of-the-box default. The problem is – IMHO – that this can actually cause MORE problems than it solves – because many fly aways and losses are the result of GPS errors – combined with user ignorance. Again, we are going to assume your intelligence and ask you to read about the features you can unlock – and even consider unlocking them prior to your first flight(s)…or soon after. Here are the basics:

A. As delivered to you, the Phantom is in “Phantom mode” – which only allows for GPS flight. The two switches on your transmitter (S1 and S2, called X1 and X2 in some places) do not serve any function – IN ANY CASE, KEEP BOTH SWITCHES IN THE UPPER OF THE THREE POSITIONS.

B. By hooking the Phantom to your computer (with included USB port), you can unlock the so-called “NAZA-M Mode” or native mode of the Flight Controller system. This is done by checking a box which in the NAZAM Assistant Software screen which allows Intelligent Orientation Control (IOC)."
http://www.droneflyers.com/2014/ ... m-fly-away-crashes/

The big problem here is making things simple enough that people understand what to do when in a pinch - when things go wrong! If it is more than what fits on a 3x5 card or can't be committed to memory, most people are unlikely to remember what to do.

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Flight distance : 3160344 ft
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United States

Great post, Jamie.  I wish it had been here when i first bought my P2.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139698 ft
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HermosaDrones Posted at 2015-1-12 21:23
Great post, Jamie.  I wish it had been here when i first bought my P2.

Thanks for posting this thread. It was helpful I was unaware of the ability to use the s2 switch to do an "in flight" correction of the Home Point and the Course Lock direction.

So I downloaded the NAZA-M V2 manual and read through it in detail.

In the Setting Home Point procedure that you defined there is a warning in the manual.

It would be beneficial if you edited the procedure in your original post.
10.  When NAZA-M working mode is enabled, Switch 2 can set the Home Point and Course Lock Bearing.
a.  Toggle rapidly 3 to 5 times from top to middle to set Course Lock Bearing (direction) on the ground or in the air.
b.  Toggle rapidly 3 to 5 times from top postion to bottom position to register Home Location on the ground or in the air when at least 6 satellites are acknowledged.  If you are in GPS ATTI mode and you can't get 6 or 7 until airborne, and you are comfortable taking it up, do it once you are up.  The slow flashing green lights will let you know when you have the satellites.  Home will be that location, and the Phantom will land on the ground at that location, even though Home was set at altitude.

The manual warns that this procedure can lock the Course Mode heading to the current direction the aircraft is pointing at the time of the Home Point setting procedure.

It recommends: Toggle rapidly 3 to 5 times from MIDDLE postion to bottom position to register Home Location


Use props

United States

Great posts, all, and the kind of helpful information that folks are seeking! For me, now flying my P2V+ V2 for several months, and about 30 flight hours, I do think that, once you learn the basics of flying in Phantom mode, and establish a really good pre-flight routine, NAZA-M offers a tremendous advantage in Home Lock alone. There is, on the other hand, danger in inadvertently bumping S1 or S2 without noticing that you did, which will result in what appears to be inexplicable aircraft behavior, so be careful of the switches if you are flying in MAZA-M!
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United States

Do both working modes support the ground station portion of the vision app for waypoint navigation?   

Also doesn't S2 also reset the home position when switched 5 (or more) times up and down quickly, even in Phantom mode?  I have not tried it but the manual seems to say it does...

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Jamie Hellmich

United States

ZippyZapp Posted at 2015-1-13 04:33
Do both working modes support the ground station portion of the vision app for waypoint navigation?  ...

Both working modes support the Vision App waypoint navigation.  Set Switch 1 in top position for GPS ATTI mode when NAZA-M working mode is enabled.

Yes, S2 can be used to reset Home in Phantom working mode, while S1 is used to enter compass calibration, both as instructed in your Phantom manual.

I did a few edits based on a couple of comments above.  
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Flight distance : 98934 ft
United States

So does the "Phantom" mode still have failsafe and home location??
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

isaiahbrock7@gm Posted at 2015-1-13 22:56
So does the "Phantom" mode still have failsafe and home location??

It has failsafe (RTH) only when you shut the TX off or the copter flies out of range.
Since it is GPS based, it does record your home location (assuming it has a GPS signal). But the Home Lock and Course Lock functions are not enabled in Phantom mode.

Note - this may differ slightly on various models. For example, the P1 comes with ATTI mode on the right switch enabled in both the middle and down position.
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Flight distance : 98934 ft
United States

ok thanks!
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Flight distance : 3160344 ft
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United States

bjr981s Posted at 2015-1-13 00:09
Thanks for posting this thread. It was helpful I was unaware of the ability to use the s2 switch to ...

thanks, bjr.  I tried to reset my home position th other day and it didn't take.  but i will try toggling from the middle to lower position today and see what that does.
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Capt. Bill

United States

Just for clarification. When you talk home lock, I assume that home is the home point set in the Phantom and not where the controller is. I assume there is no GPS in the controller.
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Jamie Hellmich

United States

Capt. Bill Posted at 2015-1-21 07:06
Just for clarification. When you talk home lock, I assume that home is the home point set in the Pha ...

That is correct.  As well, there is no GPS in the transmitter.

"However".... I have not used it, but with the Vision App you can set a Dynamic Home Point, which uses the GPS in your smartphone or tablet as to make the phone or tablet's GPS position the Dynamic Home Point, even if it is in motion as in a boat, or walking, etc...

Bear in mind, this Dynamic Home Point is the last position noted when and if Return To Home is enabled, so you will be moving away from that Home Point if in motion.  And the Phantom will return to where you were when RTH activated, not where you are if you moved.

If I recall correctly, it updates every couple of seconds.  You can find this in the Vision App, Settings.

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Flight distance : 98934 ft
United States

Should you calibrate the compass before every flight?
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