registration C1 Air 2s
65011 743 1-14 00:49
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


djiuser_Xuz8yCPXp2ks Posted at 4-2 00:17
Are you a bot or is your vocabulary just very limited?

I'm sorry if there is any confusion. I am actually a live support representative from DJI. But your feedback is truly important to me, and I assure you that I take it very seriously. I am working to improve my service, and this will really help me in that process. I appreciate your understanding, and please know that I am here to assist you with anything you need.
4-2 13:09
Use props
Flight distance : 328478 ft

dproject Posted at 4-2 10:26
Unfortunately, I bought my Air 2s before the premiere of Air 3. At first, I was thinking about Mini 3PRO, but I wanted a larger, more powerful drone with an inch matrix for photography. I got my A2 qualifications. Now it's enough that I spent money on the Combo + a new RC controller and I will have to get STS qualifications to fly it at all. And it would be enough if he finally got C1

Hi, I looked at the website here in the Czech Republic and Air3 has C1...
edit: Sorry i mistranslated have Air2S i understood you already have Air3
4-2 20:25
Use props
Flight distance : 5410 ft

Hi @all. I found a very interesting page: This page explains, what is needed for certification in the classes C0 to C6. For C1 the drone needs the following specifications:

   - Instructions for use are available.
    - The maximum speed is limited to 19 m/s.
    - Technical confirmation of the maximum kinetic energy in the event of an impact and mechanical stability of the drone are available.
    - An altitude limit can be set.
    - The drone has emergency procedures in case of loss of connection (e.g. return-to-home).
    - The drone is designed and built to minimise the risk of injury to people during operation and to avoid sharp edges.
    - A system for remote identification is installed, which also permanently transmits the e-ID of the pilot.
    - A system for automated monitoring of flight restrictions (geosensitisation) is installed.
    - The EASA information sheet on the applicable restrictions and requirements in accordance with the Implementing Regulation (EU 2019/947) is enclosed.


I think, all this is given by the Air 2S. We only needs time to wait until the certification-authority gives DJI the OK for the C1 certification.
4-2 21:41
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

de-Stefan Posted at 4-2 21:41
Hi @all. I found a very interesting page: This page explains, what is needed for certification in the classes C0 to C6. For C1 the drone needs the following specifications:

    - Instructions for use are available.

You're making things too simple. If the Air 2S had been fully compliant out of the box, it would have received the certification at the end of January.
For instance, you cannot tell for sure that the Air 2S is designed to avoid injuries, without testing it. There are some rumors that the propellers must be replaced, in order to get the C1 certification.
I assume that those kind of discussions are taking place between DJI and the certification authority since months and that they're causing the delay. Of course DJI is trying to get the certification without requiring any modification to the hardware (propellers, for instance, or motors) and maybe the certification authority may not agree.  
4-2 23:25
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DJI Tony


Zeb61 Posted at 4-2 03:58
AFAIK, TUV Rheinland.
They provided C1 Certification for Mavic 3 line.
You can see here:

Thank you very much. However, we can't confirm that information. We kindly request your understanding.
4-3 00:48
Use props
Flight distance : 145784 ft

DJI Tony Posted at 4-3 00:48
Thank you very much. However, we can't confirm that information. We kindly request your understanding.

NoBo in EU market.
Since TUV certified MAVIC 3 family C1 compliance, if I had to bet, among the six options above, I'd bet on TUV...

DJI is a monopolist company, that's the problem. Sadly, if you're a forced choice, customers and processes are less important. The only way we (customers) have is to ban DJI from our wishlists, waiting for other actors, if we'll have them. No other choice. So we MUST be patient, but we'll no longer confident. Simple.
4-3 01:04
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

djiuser_Xuz8yCPXp2ks Posted at 4-2 00:17
Are you a bot or is your vocabulary just very limited?

A BOT won't never tell you it is a BOT ... A standard answer to your question can be easily configured ...
4-3 01:36
Use props
Flight distance : 1003898 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-3 01:36
A BOT won't never tell you it is a BOT ...  A standard answer to your question can be easily configured ...

True, but I think they are very polites humans with a strong responsabilty in order to not deliver information DJI don't want to be published.

They just take information on the ones who are too angries and impatient during the classification procedure to make their udpate to C1 totally fail for venge the offense of their post in the forum !

Ho wait, yes it's a bot reaction.... no!!!!!!!!

4-3 08:34
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

McGregor Posted at 4-3 08:34
True, but I think they are very polites humans with a strong responsabilty in order to not deliver information DJI don't want to be published.

They just take information on the ones who are too angries and impatient during the classification procedure to make their udpate to C1 totally fail for venge the offense of their post in the forum !

Let’s try with the Turing test …
4-3 10:39
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Why would someone buy a drone air 2s when they know they can't fly it anywhere except in a meadow.  and they are still selling it and tricking people into buying it, and we cannot legally fly with it in the EU.  So many thousands of people are disappointed.  I will, if this is the case, continue. I will make the firmware and I will fly without any restrictions.  I am a responsible person.  but the manufacturer did not.  They been lying to us for a year. We should all file for refund. Because in eu drone is not useble by the law.
4-3 12:36
Use props

If DJI does not solve the problem with the C1 certificate, I agree to file a joint complaint.
4-3 13:06
Use props
Flight distance : 39820 ft
  • >>>

djiuser_Z8UEdaLTrVXY Posted at 4-3 12:36
Why would someone buy a drone air 2s when they know they can't fly it anywhere except in a meadow.  and they are still selling it and tricking people into buying it, and we cannot legally fly with it in the EU.  So many thousands of people are disappointed.  I will, if this is the case, continue. I will make the firmware and I will fly without any restrictions.  I am a responsible person.  but the manufacturer did not.  They been lying to us for a year. We should all file for refund. Because in eu drone is not useble by the law.

But you can still fly in OPEN A3 class or not?
4-3 21:01
Use props
Flight distance : 5410 ft

Yes, we can fly in A3. But the possibilities be restricted. 150m distance to residential areas and tissue areas, not fly over peoples, at least 30m distance to not involved peoples... We can fly nearly only over wood, fields and landscape. For all other you need special permits, which you only becomes as an commercial drone-pilot with an order.
4-3 21:23
Use props
Flight distance : 587772 ft

josePG Posted at 4-3 13:06
If DJI does not solve the problem with the C1 certificate, I agree to file a joint complaint.

Un drone con caratteristiche eccezionali costretto a limitazioni senza senso. Se si farà una class action io ci sarò. L'avevo venduto e l'ho ricomprato all'annuncio che avrebbe avuto la C1. Dji tradisce i suoi clienti. Io informerò i miei amici e conoscenti che volessero acquistare un drone, dei rischi che corre chiunque dovesse essere in procinto di prendere un dji
4-4 01:28
Use props
Flight distance : 297694 ft


das schreibt DJI aktuell zum Thema:

Es liegt leider noch kein genaues Datum vor aber ich kann schonmal bestätigen, dass die Air 2S in naher Zukunft auf C1 nachzertifiziert werden kann. Es hat leider zusätzliche Hürden gegeben und DJI wartet noch auf die Bestätigung der Behörden

Seitens DJI wird die Nachzertifizierung mit Nachdruck angestrebt aber für jedes Modell ist dies ein einzelner Prozess. Bei der Air 2S dauert es leider länger als ursprünglich angenommen. DJI muss auf die Bestätigung der Behörden warten und kann es leider nicht weiter beschleunigen.

Es liegt auch intern leider kein Datum vor. Als groben Zeitraum würde ich die nächsten Wochen vermuten aber ich kann es nicht bestätigen.

4-4 01:57
Use props
Flight distance : 5410 ft

So einen ähnlich Text hatte der Kollege vom deutschen DJI-Support per Chat auch mir zukommen lassen. Nervig dieser ganze Bürokratisierungswahn. Für alles muss es Gesetze und Bestimmungen geben. Nunja, wir kennen es aus Deutschland nicht anders. Danke dafür, dass Du Deine Support-Nachricht hier teilst.
4-4 02:01
Use props
Flight distance : 478245 ft

Well, given the lack of further information or specific dates, one must assume that DJI has no further plans to finish the certification of this drone and is just waiting for this to slowly die out until everyone forgets about it. Maybe they just wanted to get rid of surplus Air 2S stock.
4-4 02:24
Use props
Flight distance : 478245 ft

Gert Kracht Posted at 4-1 09:53
I wish it was a joke. I seriously checked on my new Air2S almost every single day for a firmware update.
This happened to me today and I seriously am wondering what this was. I don't like it at all.
Next time I will double check because I still have my old defective Air 2S.

Yes, I believe you. Sorry I thought you were playing a prank on everyone . I stopped checking daily for firmware updates since mid-march as I've lost all hope by now. I no longer think the C1 label is comming to the Air 2S.
4-4 05:13
Use props

josePG Posted at 4-3 13:06
If DJI does not solve the problem with the C1 certificate, I agree to file a joint complaint.

We should wait 15 days and file complaint together.
4-4 06:12
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

djiuser_Z8UEdaLTrVXY Posted at 4-4 06:12
We should wait 15 days and file complaint together.

Who would you like to send a complaint to?  
4-4 06:36
Use props
Roberto Piko
Flight distance : 7750597 ft

Si DJI sacará el marcado C1, sería la única empresa que yo conozco que está pensando en los clientes, si al final no lo logra será lo que hoy en día hay, únicamente llenarse el bolsillo, como todas, da igual donde vallas todas las marcas trabajan igual, y repito si DJI sacará el marcado de clase C1 para el Air 2s, verdaderamente significaría que hoy por hoy sería la única empresa que piensa en sus clientes...
4-4 07:26
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

LV_Forestry Posted at 4-4 06:36
Who would you like to send a complaint to?

A lot of lawyers here ….
4-4 11:57
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-4 11:57
A lot of lawyers here ….

I'm curious to see what the plan is.  
This might be a really good idea, in which case I don't mind contributing to it.  

But I don't really see what we could complain about and especially to whom.
4-4 12:27
Use props
Flight distance : 958 ft


DJI Diana Posted at 4-2 13:09
I'm sorry if there is any confusion. I am actually a live support representative from DJI. But your feedback is truly important to me, and I assure you that I take it very seriously. I am working to improve my service, and this will really help me in that process. I appreciate your understanding, and please know that I am here to assist you with anything you need.

Hi Diana,
Could you provide possible next steps that we as owners of Air2s drones will need to process to complete certification
I mean the whole process on end user side with potential time range of each step.
I hope this is something that you can share with us.
I kind understand that ETA might be not easy to provide in case of dependence on external company.
But any kind of information would help us to stay calm
4-4 14:01
Use props


Could you please notify me when there is a solution to this? My email is linked to my account.
I'm checking this thread everyday because I have purchased the drone on Amazon where it said it should have C1 class.
Before purchase I researched it and it was supposed to get it last month so now I don't know what to do? Return the drone to merchant or wait?
I can't use the drone for my purposes without the C1 certification.   
4-4 14:24
Use props
Gert Kracht
Flight distance : 409085 ft
  • >>>

Crou Posted at 4-4 14:24
Could you please notify me when there is a solution to this? My email is linked to my account.
I'm checking this thread everyday because I have purchased the drone on Amazon where it said it should have C1 class.
Before purchase I researched it and it was supposed to get it last month so now I don't know what to do? Return the drone to merchant or wait?

I'm in the same situation. I got my Air2S in januari 2024 after I read the C1 message online and that information is still on the website of my dealer available. That should make my case to return the drone much more easy. Multiple dealers will not be happy with this situation.

I still feel bad about the whole situation. First 'end of January' and then 'begin of March' and nothing happened. Any kind of information would keep me stay calm indeed. That is what makes me feel very insecure about the whole situation. I can only hope we will look back on it all and smile as C1 lands.
4-4 14:42
Use props
Flight distance : 5410 ft

For me it isn't a big problem. Im living in a small village in a open landscape, sorrounded by fields and woods, so that i have no big problem without the C1-certification. But it is nice to have. I will wait until the certification is complete. The certificationprocess is runnig and sometime it will be completed.
4-4 21:28
Use props
Flight distance : 16686 ft


Maybe DJI does care about us, the customers/air 2s owners:

They are delaying the announcement that C1 for air 2s is cancelled so that we all have time to sell it to the next sucker before its value drops to 0
4-5 00:38
Use props
Flight distance : 864652 ft
  • >>>

Crou Posted at 4-4 14:24
Could you please notify me when there is a solution to this? My email is linked to my account.
I'm checking this thread everyday because I have purchased the drone on Amazon where it said it should have C1 class.
Before purchase I researched it and it was supposed to get it last month so now I don't know what to do? Return the drone to merchant or wait?

Devuélvelo,,, y cuando tenga la etiqueta C1 lo compras... Si yo lo hubiese comprado recientemente lo devolvía.
4-5 00:43
Use props


Good topic and I hope somebody can give me an answer to my question - i updated my fly app with no problems. However, when I tried to apply for the C1 sticker, it said that my drone was not compatible for the C1 sticker! Is this because the air 2S has not received the classification as of yet, or is it a failure somewhere in the system?
4-5 05:09
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

NeilD Posted at 4-5 05:09
Good topic and I hope somebody can give me an answer to my question - i updated my fly app with no problems. However, when I tried to apply for the C1 sticker, it said that my drone was not compatible for the C1 sticker! Is this because the air 2S has not received the classification as of yet, or is it a failure somewhere in the system?

Probably just reading few posts from this thread you should have understood that the C1 certification for the Air 2S is not yet available and this makes many of us a little bit angry.
4-5 05:20
Use props


FabioV Posted at 4-5 05:20
Probably just reading few posts from this thread you should have understood that the C1 certification for the Air 2S is not yet available and this makes many of us a little bit angry.
Little bit angry... It's nicely said. I'm really #@#€#@@##@@## OFF, with how DJI plays with us.
4-5 07:44
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 818356 ft
  • >>>

Can someone tell me why DJI affirmed that the Air2S was going to be labeled on March 2024???
4-5 07:50
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Fozando Posted at 4-5 07:50
Can someone tell me why DJI affirmed that the Air2S was going to be labeled on March 2024???

It seems obvious that this is because it was in the process of being certified but this did not happen as planned.

-Certification criterion not respected and technically complicated to resolve?
-Change in commercial strategy?

In any case, we shouldn't expect to have any public explanation, it would be counterproductive for DJI. They chose to hide behind "The European Authorities", and it is not surprising.
4-5 07:58
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 818356 ft
  • >>>

LV_Forestry Posted at 4-5 07:58
It seems obvious that this is because it was in the process of being certified but this did not happen as planned.

-Certification criterion not respected and technically complicated to resolve?

I vote for this:

-Change in commercial strategy?

because if not I can't undestand why they don't tell us the truth about the certification process...
4-5 08:08
Use props
Ulf Pedersen
Flight distance : 13727497 ft

djiuser_zKEWkRFrlzts Posted at 4-4 05:13
Yes, I believe you. Sorry I thought you were playing a prank on everyone . I stopped checking daily for firmware updates since mid-march as I've lost all hope by now. I no longer think the C1 label is comming to the Air 2S.

It is surprising that DJI had not already received C1 for AIR2S before 15 April 2021
4-5 08:30
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Fozando Posted at 4-5 08:08
I vote for this:

-Change in commercial strategy?

I also lean towards this option even if the other is not impossible.
4-5 08:32
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 980066 ft

Ulf Pedersen Posted at 4-5 08:30
It is surprising that DJI had not already received C1 for AIR2S before 15 April 2021

In 2021 the requirements  for the certification had still to be finalized.
4-5 13:02
Use props
DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


djiuser_rkWjv75c17We Posted at 4-4 14:01
Hi Diana,
Could you provide possible next steps that we as owners of Air2s drones will need to process to complete certification
I mean the whole process on end user side with potential time range of each step.

Hi, djiuser_rkWjv75c17We, thank you for your reply. I understand how you feel and know how difficult this situation is for you. As much as I would like to answer this, I cannot provide direct answers to your request. The steps, process, and time frame you asked for will be announced. As mentioned by our relevant department, we are currently in the final stages of resolving this. Rest assured, we are putting in our best efforts to address this matter. Once it is ready, we will promptly notify you. We hope for your kind understanding and cooperation.
4-5 14:37
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 818356 ft
  • >>>

DJI Diana Posted at 4-5 14:37
Hi, djiuser_rkWjv75c17We, thank you for your reply. I understand how you feel and know how difficult this situation is for you. As much as I would like to answer this, I cannot provide direct answers to your request. The steps, process, and time frame you asked for will be announced. As mentioned by our relevant department, we are currently in the final stages of resolving this. Rest assured, we are putting in our best efforts to address this matter. Once it is ready, we will promptly notify you. We hope for your kind understanding and cooperation.

Why you cannot give us the information? Why you cannot tell us the truth?

Tell us which are the reasons for this behaviour
4-5 23:07
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