FREE THE APP! It's not out fault you guys screwed up.
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2944 59 2016-3-11
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

I know there are 20 threads on this but I have to have mine.

Am I a butt hurt little baby? You betcha?

Do I love DJI products?  I own a Matrice, 2 S1000 (with lasers) for shows, 2 P3s, 1 PA, and an OSMO and I only don't use my Inpire because I don't think it shoots any better with the V1 version I have.  I have no doubt that the X5, X5R and X8 would destroy it. I've seen the footage.

All that out of the way, this is what we have here.  As Cool Hand Luke's Sheriff said "What we have here is a failure to communicate".

In the above clip, don't ask me who is Apple, who is DJI and who is the customer.  Based on the fact that Paul Newman is on the floor, I'm going to say it's the customer.  I think DJI is the sherriff and the guy watching the show and not saying anything is Apple.

IT IS AGAINST the law to sell something in this country that doesn't at least make an effort to try and do what it's supposed to.  

I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND that DJI must have told Apple that the release date was the 15th but I also know that Apple is a multi-almost-trillion dollar company who has been around the blcok a few times.  DJI is on the way up and they are about to be evaluated at about 15 billion dollars which Apple drops out of it's pocket so we are talking about David and Goliath and so my guess is this is DJI's fault even if they did tell them.  I would bet that Apple was not properly told that the users won't be able to use their new devices.

That makes me wonder about DJI.  Unless DJI has an unlaunchable (unusable) app right now (and if so, I hope you guys are working your ass off at fixing it) then why not release it now and call it a day?

I'm a HUGE DJI fan as stated above but right now my anger is completely sent DJI's way because I have been using Apple since the Apple IIe which was in the lower 80s (I started very young).  I had the Apple IIgs, McIntosh, MAC, iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhone and in it's history I have never seen a flawed roll out like this.   You guys did an AMAZING pre-rollout.  Even as good as the Steve Jobs days but whats a good pre-roll out if you mess up the roll out.  You can mix the dough perfetly but if you burn the cookies, who cares?  

I believe this is the second one on DJI's part.

So like a brother with love, I ask DJI, don't make me angry at you. I'll probably forgive you, no definitely will but if you keep botching your roll outs, I will go with someone else.

The CSC being #1 on your RMA list and not removing it makes me scratch my head.

LET'S GO DJI, you are so close to being the next ENORMOUS thing.  Right now you are the head of an emerging market but so was IBM, Xerox, and Thermos at one point and now those aren't exactly failed companies but they are not even close to market leaders.  If DJI becomes the market leader in this emerging market of autonomous drones, you will be able to fund countries so let's not screw it up to spite Apple.
I've called both Apple and DJI and you guys are squibbling with each other.  It's unreal that two multi billion companies can act like children.  And by the way DJI, don't mess up your relationship with Apple.  You need them more than they need you.


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Flight distance : 396955 ft
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United States

The release date is the 15th. thy have been very public about that. DJI must release the software to make it function on the 15th. They is under zero obligation to you or anyone else who got it early.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

Sorry, but you lost this rant.
1. DJI is not a United States based corporation.
2. DJI has already stated official release dates for the product and the application.  Acquiring one early does not give the customer any legal rights to force them to do anything.
3. unless you have Donald Trumps money, the few do not out weight the many, so if a handful of folks get the hardware before the software, no legal team is going to perform any international law suit on your behalf.
4. Stop whining already, you know when the official product release date is.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Jkeller84 Posted at 2016-3-12 03:46
The release date is the 15th. thy have been very public about that. DJI must release the software to ...

With all due respect, If you want to read the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) someone (either Apple or DJI) screwed up and is actually selling a product that CANNOT do what it advertises which is a civil infraction.  Feel free to read the whole thing if you like but

The Federal Trade Commission
For the most part, the FTC relies on consumers and competitors to report unlawful advertising. If FTC investigators are convinced that an ad violates the law, they usually try to bring the violator into voluntary compliance through informal means. If that doesn't work, the FTC can issue a cease-and-desist order and bring a civil lawsuit on behalf of people who have been harmed. The FTC can also seek a court order (injunction) to stop a questionable ad while an investigation is in progress. In addition, the FTC can require an advertiser to run corrective ads -- ads that state the correct facts and admit that an earlier ad was deceptive.


I am not suggesting anyone is doing anything illegal or means to but it is my opinion since Apple doesn't do this and if they did, they would be working like gang-busters to fix it and DJI is just sitting on the APP because they are mad at Apple while pissing off their fan-base, I'm going to spout off.

I drove several hours to get my bird yesterday and I didn't even know about the 15th.  I was the first to place an order here.  Like in seconds so I'm still going to get one from here but when I saw the chance to fly one yesterday, I took it only to find out, it DOES NOT do what is advertised.

As to who's fault it is, it's probably a little of both, but off the cuff and because it's what I think, I believe DJI didn't do it's diligence to enforce the 15th rule and they should just release the app now all things considered in order to not make their customer base angry.

I respect your opinion, just don't agree with it.

This happened the other day.  I was on the Apple website buying an Apple product and I was on the phone with DJI and noticed that they had the P4 as a excited release date of the 10th. I asked her about it and she was confused, got a supervisor and 5 minutes later it was changed to the 12th.

There is a lack of communication going on and the without a doubt, the company who stands to lose in this battle is not DJI.  DJI is a FANTASTIC company but they don't have it all together yet, like Apple and until they do, I am going assume that DJI did not let Apple know well enough that they CANNOT SELL IT until the 15th or Apple wouldn't have.

Call it a lost in translation or something and DJI is stepping up CS and doing other things to improve and I a sure this will be one of them.

Here is my unboxing if you want to take a look.

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R&L Aerial
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Flight distance : 298100 ft
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Official release date is march 15th, how hard is that to inderstand?
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Flight distance : 396955 ft
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United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-3-12 03:59
With all due respect, If you want to read the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) someone (either Apple ...

I don't have to read anything. I am well versed in consumer law in many countries. I can tell you without a doubt, that it doesn't apply to pre-release goods. Meaning, DJI has the right to change and update a product up until it's official release date without penalty of consumer law. End of story
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Flight distance : 39695 ft
United States

Because of this.  DJI do not release the app until I receive my P4.  Butt-hurt is as butt-hurt does...
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

Jkeller84 Posted at 2016-3-11 12:07
I don't have to read anything. I am well versed in consumer law in many countries. I can tell you  ...

Relax bro.  I wasn't saying someone should be sued, ever.  Go read my posts again. Where is this official release date anyway?  
My point is that Apple and DJI are arguing obviously and they are holding the customer ransom by not releasing the app. The damage is done. Apple sold them, now don't make the customer angry and if the app is ready and I know people at DJI in LA, it is, release the friggen thing.  Don't make us pay for your guys' mistake.

That's all I am saying.

I get your point, said I undersood and respect it so why did you respond again?
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United States

ArtistFirst, in your video you claim that a "friend" at Apple sold you the Phantom unofficially before they were supposed to.  That would suggest you knew it was off-the-books and not a legitimate release day sale.  That's very different than Apple putting them on the shelves for sale because either Apple messed up or DJI failed to embargo them in their contract.  Clearly they were on the shelves at numerous Apple stores which suggests the latter, but your video suggests something else.
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United States

This isnt the first time this has happened in a pre-release case. Back when Xbox One was released, few lucky people ( or so they thought), got theirs few days before MS official release date.  BUT the console HAD to be activated online and MS had no plans to release and open the online activation until midnight of the release date.   No one sued them ( not that they could) .  
If you got yours early, good on you. But you can not expect DJI to attend to your needs right away when they have stated a set release date.  If Apple broke their end of agreement, that's on Apple.
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United States

Behshad Posted at 2016-3-11 16:08
This isnt the first time this has happened in a pre-release case. Back when Xbox One was released, f ...

If Apple did break their agreement, which is not known so far.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 518084 ft
United Kingdom

Cool, thanks for the Captain's Speech clip.  I always wondered where Guns 'n Roses got that from.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

nigelw Posted at 2016-3-12 05:24
Cool, thanks for the Captain's Speech clip.  I always wondered where Guns 'n Roses got that from.


You never saw Cool Hand Luke???

Cancel your plans today and go watch it.  Don't give up in the first 10 mins.  Watch all of it. It's dated but it's friggen good!
"Civil War" - Great post AFD song.  Must go listen now.

By the way... What and where is the Assistant 2?

Just found this (they definitely made upgrading less painful)

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United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-3-11 14:59
With all due respect, If you want to read the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) someone (either Apple ...

This guy posted this same exact post, on the RC groups forum, under another name.
Seems like since he thinks he is special, and demands satisfaction from Apple, and DJI, because he bought a Phantom 4
Here is a link to the other post.
JUSSAGUY  Post 1177
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Second Officer


Yeah, this is just getting funny,
DJI have 100 lawyers holed up in a board room now trying to figure out what to do that some lucky kid got a P4 a few days before they should have and is calling everyone out over unavailability of software/firmware etc......OMG..Please, release them all now, release the software, the firmware, release it all...

NOT....You to will have to wait till next week...Go cuddle with your P4 Pillow over the weekend until next Tuesday, sweet dreams until then.....
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

Northofthe49th Posted at 2016-3-11 16:24
Yeah, this is just getting funny,
DJI have 100 lawyers holed up in a board room now trying to figure ...
Sorry North, THIS WAS MEANT FOR THE PERSON ABOVE YOU, but the NOT joke part made me laugh so I'm gonna leave it. ;)
Jeez dude.  Does the poop in your Rice Crispies taste good or bad.

I am just here talking about things. I could not really care less about flying the P4 TBH. I have plenty to fly or a piano to play, or a daughter to cuddle with, or a wife to kiss, or friends to see, or family to love, you know, life.

I just wanted to talk P4 for a bit.  

I like that big red NOT.  That was funny.  Where did you learn that?


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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

kjmarsola@gmail Posted at 2016-3-11 15:55
This guy posted this same exact post, on the RC groups forum, under another name.
Seems like since ...

The exact same post under another name?

I'm so devious.

Let me say that another way for you.

The same person has the same thought in another forum but uses a different avatar.
What I find funny is that people give themselves away.  Now I know you're a stalker.  Who cares if I said the same thought in another RC forum? To me it would be news (maybe) if I had said the opposite in another forum.

Now go hug someone.
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Second Officer


ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-3-12 09:43
Sorry North, THIS WAS MEANT FOR THE PERSON ABOVE YOU, but the NOT joke part made me laugh so I'm gon ...

Wow...I will never be able to answer this..."Does the poop in your Rice Crispies taste good or bad"...In fact i am having a tough time even comprehending (hence i stopped and just cleared it out of my mind) something so disgusting...
Possibly you could give us your take on the "taste" based on your own experience, then again, please do not as i do not want to know what you think shit in your rice crispies tastes like....

As for things, i believe and truly hope that all on here have many more important things to cherish than our Phantoms. Gloating about what i have is not something i am about so whatever i have outside of this forum is and always will be only mine....

Good luck with your new Phantom.
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Flight distance : 171043 ft
United States

Meow meow. All flights are grounded.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Northofthe49th Posted at 2016-3-11 18:12
Wow...I will never be able to answer this..."Does the poop in your Rice Crispies taste good or bad ...

I agree 100% with you.

Anyhow, did you not see that I didn't mean that to you? I edited it immediately. I meant to respond to the dude above you who was for some reason picking an internet fight with me.
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Second Officer


No problem, all cool and hope that new P4 is up to expectations...

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United States

I can eat 50 eggs.
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Tip: the author has been banned or deleted automatically shield
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

The app will be released on the 15th as that is the release date. If you happen to have a P4, you will have to wait until the 15th to use the app. Please be patient.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

Morph1 Posted at 2016-3-12 12:41
dude seriously man up and stop whining or go play your piano till the 15 th

PEOPLE, I am not whining.

For people that don't like whining there sure is a lot of whining going on around here about people whining.

I am NOT whining.

If someone told m they got their bird, I'd say "congrats man".  I hope you enjoy it.

What's the deal around here?
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

Nobody can eat 50 eggs.  But you just said he could eat anything.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-12 13:06
The app will be released on the 15th as that is the release date. If you happen to have a P4, you wi ...

I ask out of curiosity. Is there still DEV work being done on the APP?

Actually I just lied, I asked for two reasons, one is that is it ready for 3-4 days from now? And B) if it is, why not just release it?
By the way, I am a man of respect. I turned down a rooted version.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-3-12 13:58
I ask out of curiosity. Is there still DEV work being done on the APP?

Actually I just lied, I ask ...

All I know is the app will be released on the 15th. The versions I have work great and I don't know if this is the final version or if adjustments are still being made.
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Flight distance : 54803 ft

Haha, I always thought that "What we got here is failure to communicate" speech was made by an old black woman. Now I've seen your clip, it just looks weird!

Years of rethinking is now required.

Kinda like watching Winnie the Pooh with my daughter and thinking "Wait.. That's not how he sounds!"
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

alpinekiwi Posted at 2016-3-12 15:11
Haha, I always thought that "What we got here is failure to communicate" speech was made by an old b ...

You wanna get freaked to by Winnie the Pooh!?

Go watch Alice in Wonderland again and think of Winnie the Pooh whenever Chesher Cat speaks.

One of two things will happen, you will never hear Winnie again, or never Chesser cat again.

Of course I'm talking about the 60s or 70s Winnie and whenever Alice was.  I think 55.

You'll hate me if you love those movies afterwords.  You'll hate me even more if you have a child watching it on a loop.  But I'll still love you so no worries.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

alpinekiwi Posted at 2016-3-12 15:11
Haha, I always thought that "What we got here is failure to communicate" speech was made by an old b ...

You wanna get freaked to by Winnie the Pooh!?

Go watch Alice in Wonderland again and think of Winnie the Pooh whenever Chesher Cat speaks.

One of two things will happen, you will never hear Winnie again, or never Chesser cat again.

Of course I'm talking about the 60s or 70s Winnie and whenever Alice was.  I think 55.

You'll hate me if you love those movies afterwords.  You'll hate me even more if you have a child watching it on a loop.  But I'll still love you so no worries.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

alpinekiwi Posted at 2016-3-12 15:11
Haha, I always thought that "What we got here is failure to communicate" speech was made by an old b ...

You wanna get freaked by Winnie the Pooh!?

Go watch Alice in Wonderland again and think of Winnie the Pooh whenever Chesher Cat speaks.

One of two things will happen, you will never hear Winnie again, or never Chesser cat again.

Of course I'm talking about the 60s or 70s Winnie and whenever Alice was.  I think 55.

You'll hate me if you love those movies afterwords.  You'll hate me even more if you have a child watching it on a loop.  But I'll still love you so no worries.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1243038 ft

You already have a thread on this!
Let it go, as you said in your unboxing - your friend at the apple store sold you a P4 knowing that he shouldn't, so you were well aware of the release date.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 518084 ft
United Kingdom


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Flight distance : 1140502 ft
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United States

The OP is CORRECT. There is a tenet of implied merchant-ability that "the thing does what it is designed to do."  For example, if you buy a nutcracker and it won't crack nuts, you have prima-facia grounds against the nutcracker manufacturer.  In this case, simply return your Phantom 4 to the Apple store, where they will be obligated to refund your money. (Optional:  You can go back on Tuesday and re-purchase it.)
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

Did you really think it's random because you said you never knew where GnR got that for Civil War.

Speaking of GnR. Guess who will be on THE VERY stage with 4 of my men (well two will actually be radioing us to make sure we don;t go near the crowd) but we are doing the aerial photography for several of the (including main stage) at Coachella. I'll be the fat guy with a bandana and a lot of facial hair pretending I can still rock!

Oh no, I'll be the guy shooting him (with cameras),  

We are putting lasers on 4 S1000.

Good lord, I can't wait. If any of you guys are going to either weekend of Coachella, I'll be there both weekends and I'll have a cart so PM if you want my mobile. Let's find a safe place to fly there.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 518084 ft
United Kingdom

ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-3-12 12:34
Did you really think it's random because you said you never knew where GnR got that for Civil War. ...

No, I replied to wally1 who said he could eat 50 eggs.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Right, and he was responding to me.  I am sorry that I thought we were all in on the joke.

The "Captain's Speech" is the beginning of a GnR album "Use Your Illusion I" at the beginning and I put it in the OP and he responded to it, and you responded to him.  Not being that complicated, I thought you followed the chain here.

A little help for you.  Get back to me when you piece it al together.   So we flying at Coach? Lol.
I have an idea, let's treat each other like we are standing face to face? What do you think?  I think you have a great beard.  I hope it doesn't go gray.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 13058 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-12 05:06
The app will be released on the 15th as that is the release date. If you happen to have a P4, you wi ...

DJI Ken will this new update system be rolled out across all systems
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 518084 ft
United Kingdom

ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-3-12 12:57
Right, and he was responding to me.  I am sorry that I thought we were all in on the joke.

The "Ca ...

Nope, I wasn't in on the joke because I don't remember seeing the film.  However, after googling it, I realise I may have actually seen the film, but I would have been very young when my dad watched it so wouldn't remember much about it.

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