Honest Opinions
1993 28 2016-3-19
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United States

I've recently placed an order for an Inspire 1 V2.0.  But after seeing/reading all the negative threads I'm second guessing myself.  Should I cancel my order? Look for a different drone? A different brand? Stick with my F550? Or are most of these issues due more to human error? My experience is that all drones (no matter the company) go through glitches/issues but most are eventually resolved.  I don't think I've ever noticed such a high volume of complaints and issues with any one specific drone before.  $3k and up is an awful lot money to invest in a product that apparently as an endless amount of issues...!!  What's the flip side?  People are still purchasing the inspire even with all the negative reviews.  What are the positives????????
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Flight distance : 438107 ft
United States

I love the I1.  It flies as well, if not better than any other drone I own, and as long as you're not doing something near an airport or stadium, you'll be OK.  The ecosystem for DJI drones (phantom and Inspire) is larger than anything else out there.   Don't forget that most people aren't going to come on the forum and write "hey, I had a great flight today!", so you're only getting folks who have problems -- and a double dose from some folks.  I've been flying DJI stuff for nearly 2 years and haven't had the first issue with them, yet.  

Just be responsible with your I1.  It's a VERY powerful drone, and 40mph leaves little time to correct if you're low or near obstacles.   Most importantly, take your time and have fun.  If you have questions at any point, feel free to post a question and we'll do our best to answer it.
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United States

Thanks for the response Glen... I've owned a DJI F550 for 3 years now and haven't had any major issues worth mentioning... And yes... I do understand and agree with your viewpoint on complaints vs good reviews.  I'll definitely take your opinion under advisement...  This is my second order in as many weeks... The first came with a bad/malfunctioning battery.   Current purchase is due in by the 29th of March... I'll keep you posted... Thanks again    -Jim
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United States

Don't hesitate life is too short. It's actually quite simple. There isn't another company producing anything close to what you can get in an Inspire. Even if you were to purchase a $15k pro rig that would carry a DSLR you wouldn't have the human interface, the image controls, and the ease of use. I would go for the PRO with the X5 given the price difference to the V2 compared to the increase in available features. Once you accept that you can't get what DJI has anywhere else you are ready to accept that they have questionable corporate ethics, don't always do what they say they will, won't tell you what their firmware updates really contain, use their loyal customers as beta testers in order to develop at a pace other companies with more thorough testing can't match, and last but not at all least have extremely questionable customer service and support for a company of their size and sheer profit. The Inspire 1 is that extremely hot girl who is amazing to be with for one hour in twenty four and when your not blinded by her "talents" your thoroughly aware she's a raving bitch and makes your existence hell. Jump in misery needs company
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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

Though I hate the DJI policy of hidden firmware changes and to implement endless limits - there is still no alternative I would still buy it again. I need full camera control and smooth camera yaw and only the Inspire can do this.

Otherwise I would take a Phantom 4 because its much easier to carry and can be used at places where its necessary to be rather fast and disappear again also very fast. Thats why even the chinese used the phantom 3 for all the footage in citys where flying is forbidden. They started it flew 3 minutes around and cought it with the hand and moved to the next place before anyone could react. Thats not possible with the Inspire.
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As above, you will here complains, but not much joy......its like that with most things....you buy a meal and if its crook, you will complain, but how many people take the time to compliment the chief if its a good feed.
I have many drones, got into it the minute the Germans developed the idea, some of my drones were ridiculously expensive, and to be honest, the Inspire beats them all.....especially when it comes to hassle free just go out and fly operation.
There are things you need to keep an eye on, batteries etc.....but thats fine once you train yourself to get into a routine......the rest is just fun.....the inspire will do things you couldn't imagine possible that long ago......even more so if after gaining some experience you go to a 3rd party app like autopilot.
once the X5R is in my hands I am hoping the last hurdle of out and out picture quality is achieved and then I will offload my other Drones and fly only with Inspires.
Don't cancel your order...... just go on all your own experiences, which I predict will be good ones, like the vast majority of pilots here.
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United States

Lots of great advise... Thanks all... I particularly like the Hot Girl analogy... Lmao
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Don't cancel your order mate.  Bad news always travels fast and I am sure that there are many more happy users out there than unhappy ones.  Unhappy folks always tend to vocalise their grudges louder.

Have a checklist to go through before flight, take it easy, know the environment and area, know where you are flying and take care of your equipment.  I tend to stick to one firmware upgrade behind the current one as sometimes there are issues that present themselves after the fact.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1778045 ft
  • >>>

Don't cancel....... You will be glad you got it.
      I have a V2.0 / T601 that I got in early January and have not had one problem. The last firmware update was a little trying, but I got through it with no issues. I have logged over 150 flights since I got this bird and love every minute of it. I fly it every day unless it is raining. I started with the X3 camera and quickly upgraded to the X5 and haven't looked back. The X5 beats the brakes off the X3. The auto focus is awesome and having true F-stop really unleashes creativity. I have an Olympus 12mm lens on the way and look forward to its arrival. I have heard so many good reports about it.

I have not one regret and read plenty of posts here containing a lot of negativity. Close scrutiny shows a lot of it is self generated. Pilot error, lack of experience, patience, etc.

I started with the Phantom 3 standard and quickly upgraded to the Phantom 3 Pro. (Bluetooth video was lousey!) But, for it's price it is great starter. The Pro was good, but I soon moved on to the Inspire 1. In hindsight, I wish I had skipped the I1-X3 and went right to the I1 Pro-X5, but I was able to sell the slightly used X3 on ebay for $400.
     I just took a short trip to Florida and flew it every day with my son. We couldn't wait for the batteries to recharge!! (I have 4)
Here's a picture from that trip:

Flagler College / St. Augustine

Flagler College / St. Augustine
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United States

Incredible pic... Great to hear some positive feedback as well... Cheers all...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

After a year of flight with the Inspire I think that there are some things to keep in mind.
It is a wonderful flying machine with a camera that is usable but not excellent (x3)
For the money, there is no real alternative right now.

Be prepared that every time you take off, it may not come back in one piece (this applies to every single UAV ever made)
Explore and enjoy what the Inspire can do, but do not obsess on what it cannot. It has limitations inherent in it's layout from purely engineering and physical factors.
Respect the functionality you get for the $$. Yes there are other flight platforms which offer much more capability, but at 10X+ the price.
Do not get caught up in the marketing hype from DJI. (announcements, etc) Product is ALWAYS months late, never meets the expectations raised by the advertising and has faults that you will need a few firmware revisions to sort out. It will get there eventually.
Don't expect that DJI's support organisation will be able to answer your queries or promptly or turnaround a repair. There is simply not the margin on these products to fund a top-tier support structure.Learn to confidently fly in ATTI!
Do your homework and ensure that the Inspire will meet your needs. This is not a platform that you can effectively modify or enhance yourself.

Most importantly however.

Just get out there, fly safe, have fun and share the results with us back on the forum!

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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

I have not had any issues with mine. You will see more Posts about the Inspire due to the amount of them in the field. Having said that you will see only the negatives and not the positives. The positive users have nothing bad to state we can only show spectacular photography. I assure you that you will not be disappointed.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

   You are seeing but a small percentage of owners represented on the Forum,  I have been flying RC planes , helicopters, sailplanes and now quads for 26 years.  The DJI series is the best and most reliable I have ever experienced.  Please keep your order but when it arrives (Or even before)  read the manual and  watch all of the tutorials.  Do not get over-confident when beginning , just take your time and don't take chances.   Most of the problems I see, are folks not  seeking out information and just "Wing It" regarding updates or flying.  Most crashes are simply pilot error, there are some that are legit but few and far between.  I don't know of any time in RC where the manufacturer looks at flight records to determine if the consumer  may have a legit problem and refund or replace there product if ( fault) it is on their end.  just keep your order but be a smart Pilot and an  educated one ! ( I Love my Inspire)

Have fun-  if you need any additional help email me:  donaldjames1990@gmail.com  and I will do my best to help you out.
"The Inspire 1 is that extremely hot girl who is amazing to be with for one hour in twenty four and when your not blinded by her "talents" your thoroughly aware she's a raving bitch and makes your existence hell."   I will add it's not this bad, but the analogy is hilarious !
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United States

Thanks again all... I don't normally shy away from things... Especially once I set my mind to it but after reading all of the reviews on battery issues and then purchasing an Inspire and having the exact same issue with the battery it was kind of like getting snake bit... Lol.  I've been flying for 8 years now (mainly heli's) and still consider myself to be an intermediate pilot.  I also think it's important to have had the opportunity and experience of having to build my crafts instead of simply removing them from their box, powering up, and taking off.  Gives one the advantage of knowing how everything works and appreciating it more (from a beginners standpoint anyway).  Again... I REALLY appreciate all the feedback.  I'm looking forward to receiving my Inspire and will keep you all posted.  Cheers and fly safe...!!!
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United States

Any objections to adding any/all of you to friends list?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

The Inspire 1 is a great machine .... wonderful aircraft! You might have some minor issues from time to time by considering the technology used (well designed) it is GREAT FUN.  

Note, we all have things that can go wrong with our aircraft (part of the risk of flying).  I own the Inspire 1 and P3P which is double the fun, relax and enjoy the ride. You will enjoy the DJI Inspire, read the manual and take your time to learn about the aircraft.... remember you can always ask questions if you get stuck on anything.

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United States

Thanks Rich
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-20 06:03
You are seeing but a small percentage of owners represented on the Forum,  I have been flying RC  ...

How do you add friends and/or PM anyone?  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

hutsonfam Posted at 2016-3-20 17:08
How do you add friends and/or PM anyone?

Simply fly over there avatar and click on it, this will take you to there page, now fly over there avatar again and it will say "Add Friend"  Then you wait for there response.  To PM someone , you must be friends first and then on your Avatar page you will see your friends and you simply send them a message.

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United States

Hmmm... They must be having problems ... Clicked on yours ... Took me me to your home page but won't allow me to click/open your avatar to add... Also found a forum where others are experiencing the same issues
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United States

6 more days....!!!!!
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United States

What Rich Said...

Bud buy a inspire you'll be happy.
I have a first gen first batch bird and not a issue there lots of reading but theres nothing for the dollar that will match the inspire 1.

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United States

Wow... Have ordered the inspire twice now and have had the exact same issue with the battery... Number one LED will flash 5 times ... Then nothing... Battery will not charge either... Sending everything back in the morning... !!!!!
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United States

That's strike two...!!!
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Flight distance : 766791 ft

hutsonfam Posted at 2016-3-29 14:32
That's strike two...!!!

Just to throw in my two cents. I bought the Inspire 1 v2 and am amazed how easy it is to get going. I've had some hiccups but it's mostly my lack of experience or knowledge that was the problem.

Some pointers:

Reading about the quadcopter itself and specifically the batteries is important.

Take your time with it, don't rush and just get a feel for it. Test your boundaries in a controlled way. For example, don't go out and fly in high wind on your maiden voyage.

Take off and land in a nice, flat and open area. Only time I did crash my Inspire was because a strong wind gust pushed it out of my small landing platform I cleared out on a frozen lake and into the snowbank...

Learn about the camera. The Inspire is made to take photo and video (I know its obvious). But if you don't know already how to do the basics (shutter speed, exposure, etc.) then its good to learn.

I've learned that doing a simple pre-flight check of the Inspire itself and its systems is good practice. The DJI GO app gives a LOT of good information that pops up when you power it on. Make sure there are no error messages. The app will tell you if it senses something wrong and will tell you the best way to find a solution for it.

Make sure you give enough room and move slow enough to feel comfortable moving around an obstacle, and even moving yourself to get a better vantage point so you can see the Inspire throughout its flight path.

If you still need help then posting here on the forums is great way to connect with other pilots but also going to the Chat Support is a great way to get answers from the DJI techies.
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United States

Thanks fillup86
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United States

I'm currently still waiting...
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United States

Supposed to arrive on the 13th... Can't wait... This will be the third attempt... Second time not only was the battery bad but the interior of the case (foam) was damaged... Just a spat of bad luck... Lmao.  This time I'm keeping it even if the battery is bad.  Will purchase 2 more though another source and over night them.  The DJI team and other forum members here have been extremely helpful and supportive though.  
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