Inspire 2 Release Date
70572 100 2015-5-28
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Flight distance : 460751 ft
United States

DCarnahan Posted at 2015-5-29 11:20
I have 304 flights on mine. Over lakes, Rivers, Forrest, and in 2 caves. I have never had one prob ...

No problems here!
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-5-29 15:11
Indeed, I would think the first step would be to fix all of the problems and then upgrade the camera ...

video or stills?  i was under the impression the camera on the phantom 3 and inspire were the same quality.  not very impressed with the still quality of the inspire however, and i dont have a p3.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 26170253 ft
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Tomorrow i have my number 1000 (times i did fly), never a problem!, really never, i did buy a second one in case something happening when working for a client ( i can then always do the job).
My wish is that the need to make a camera with a lot of pix for foto and a separate camera for video!.
The video is ok when you look at it on the internet, bud the camera is to sharp for video ( to many pix) you always have moré in the video!
DO not say i do not have that, yes you have it in you're video! everybody have it, and the horizon not level problem when turn a little left and right is still there ( you have to correct it in Final Cut) they will not correct it because they need you to buy the Inspire 2!.
i am very happy with the killer machine, look back a year, that time you could not even keep the go pro steady bud every one was happy.
It goed fast is this technical world and it is great to see new things coming , be happy with that!
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United States

It's unfortunate that anyone has trouble with their quadcopters. I have been using DJI quads since Nov 2013 with the Phantom Vision. Since then I have owned 5 phantoms.... still own 4. The Phantom Vision, 2 Phantoms 2, 2 Phantom Vision+ and now the Inspire. Hundreds and hundreds of flights under my belt - I have yet to experience any erratic behavior that cannot be explained by my own lack of understanding early on.

DJI progresses forward with new versions of it's products, but it doesn't make the prior versions obsolete and useless, it actually just makes them cheaper. Phantom 1 is still available for purchase right now and you can buy it along with any number of new brands coming out. I fly my Inspire almost exclusively now because of the high quality images & video and because of how sophisticated it is. My Inspire was one of the first off the boat when it was released, so it's hard for me to explain why others have issue - when I have had none.... with any of them.

I hope DJI keeps putting out new models - I love to see this tech advance and what it can do, but to experience it first hand is what I enjoy, so I will probably buy the next... and the next. Find me ANY technology that comes out 100% bug free. I mean dam, Microsoft and Apple, both have immense resources and developers on hand, they have been at it for decades....are either of them patch free? Uhhhhh nooooo.

For those who expect perfect with any tech. You're living in a dream world. DJI makes some pretty awesome gear, the results are pretty freaking mind blowing, but yeah let's all talk about how terrible DJI is for coming out with a newer more advanced model.

At the end of the day, I'm just a photographer that loves being able to see and photograph the world in 3D space.  Safely of course.   

I just love the shit out of this stuff. Keep it coming. Please!!

Carry on.
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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

evonbart Posted at 2015-10-24 04:49
It's unfortunate that anyone has trouble with their quadcopters. I have been using DJI quads since N ...

Tech advance but new models will be fully limited by default.
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Flight distance : 3686975 ft
United States

GrahamJ Posted at 2015-6-2 08:42
Mate, honestly...and I totally mean this...where have you been or my life!  I think there's so muc ...

GTF off the repeating thread!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 26170253 ft
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kindasketch Posted at 2015-5-28 15:43
I find it funny people want a Inspire 2 when the Inspire 1 has nothing but problems. It would be gre ...

i have no problems, take some lessons than you will fly also great :-)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 26170253 ft
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Kazakh Posted at 2015-7-19 05:22
I never had any issue with my I1 until few days ago when my bird flew away unresponsively. Here is a ...

this does say notting, radio towers homepoint from a week ago? what else
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 26170253 ft
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Kazakh Posted at 2015-7-19 05:22
I never had any issue with my I1 until few days ago when my bird flew away unresponsively. Here is a ...

substorm? what else
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United States

kindasketch Posted at 2015-5-28 07:49
I haven't had any issues with mine yet but that's because I don't fly it much. I have maybe 15-20  ...

Nothing but problems?  Are you serious?  You bash on the EPIC aircraft on their forum...and you don't have a THING to back it up except other peoples alleged stories on the Internet?  Dude...not to be rude, but WTF are you doing?  I mean seriously...think about the nature of your statement...and then you reply with "I've never had any problems with mine". ???
Look, I am going to try to be nice here, but I work in Information Technology and this type of thinking really grinds my gears...let me explain why.
First, we deployed an encryption system to all of our Corps employees 40000 machines.  We accepted up to a 7% loss of data based on the algorithmic code hitting unknown variables (3rd party apps/not supported, malware, user tweaks that corrupt the OS, etc) that were beyond our control.  This is how computer's work.  Do you know how many 7% out of 40k is?  5,714 computers.  That's how many people lost all of their data and it was an acceptable loss percentage from the success rate metric.  SO that sucks for those 5,714 people who lost everything and they probably hated the product.  But for those other 34,286 people it was an epic product and encrypted all of their data protecting them from hackers and malicious code.
So the few stories on here that are legitimate, I am sure they'll take into account based on flight data and video if possible.  But there are a HUGE number of people denied because the flight logs show something completely different...and what do they do next?  Take the forums and trash DJI...which is not okay.  I don't know why you'd be afriad to fly is amazing build quality and the VR setup, it just unreal.  Sure, protect your investment...but reach for the sky are truly missing out and limiting yourself form getting comfortable with it which is when you really hit your ZEN moment.  
Again, my point here is, don't believe all of what you read and only half of what you see nowdays...DJI's quality is freaking amazing and they just solidly took care of me and are REALLY trying to show their customers they care to get their customer support up to par and repair their reputation to what it should be as an industry leader.  
Now please, get out there and FLY and enjoy the ballet of flight!  YOLO!
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its a pretty old thread now, but I have not had any issues at all either...
Just make sure your batteries are charged fully on the day you are flying and expect nothing but a good day.
I think a lot of the problems are user generated many of these problem threads seem to end with...oops.....sorry my fault.....etc etc
I would have no problem recommending one to anyone.......yes they could do things to make it even better, but I guess that will all be in the next version.
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Isn't this the thread about the release date of the Inspire 2?
Has anyone heard some rumors?

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United States

So I'm on this thread looking for any info on a release date for the Inspire2 RAW.  I'm just about to order an Inspire1 RAW, but I'm curious about the possible update to the product.  We've all been there, buying a new gadget only to have a newer-more feature rich gadget come out only weeks later.  DJI just dropped the price of the Inspire1 RAW by $600 which is awesome, but is that to clear inventory for a new model??
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Chris G


SAFAERIALS Posted at 2015-6-2 10:06
You are right! We should post more successful stories in the forums..

Maybe DJI can light up an online poll, so people can anonymously post their hours/minutes/flights between issues.  It's an industry standard known as MTTF(mean Time to Failure). Manufacturers track this with service records of their products, but since many DJI customers may fix their own, or use 3rd parties to repair, DJI's own service stats aren't enough. Just a thought.
I bet you as many as half the issues occurred within the first 20 minutes of flight time, lol.
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Flight distance : 2277503 ft
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No problems here with over 150 miles
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2277992 ft

GUYS!! Don't bother with the Inspire 2. The Inspire 3 is out next week fact! A bloke told me his mum told him her mate read it in her sisters tea leaves!

True story.
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Flight distance : 7619229 ft
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kindasketch Posted at 2015-5-28 22:43
I find it funny people want a Inspire 2 when the Inspire 1 has nothing but problems. It would be great if the Inspire 1 was upgradeable where you can send it in. RED Offers this to their customers. Or look what the 3DR Solo is doing, they say you'll never need a Solo 2 because everything is upgradable and easy to change...

They're right, I'll never need a Solo.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 20710033 ft
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United States

zach@ztechitsol Posted at 2015-5-28 10:46
What are some of the issues surrounding the Inspire 1? I have the Phantom 2+ and 3 so I don't what i ...

I've also never had any issues with my Inspire...other than with myself...

I've definitely been given a lot of information from this forum that makes me feel otherwise, but the Inspire is amazing.

Just the ability to fly with two people makes it safer than a Phantom. I always fly, never taking my eyes off of it and the photographer or cinematographer focuses on the shot. We get incredible stuff with it!

I've never had firmware upgrading issues, nothing has ever failed and all my batteries still work. I've logged hundreds of flights sometimes flying each day for multiple hours.

My X5R arrives tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm excited!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 20710033 ft
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United States

crossfittb@yaho Posted at 2015-5-31 19:42
I own two I1's and have not had any issues with either of them after 4 months of owning them.  I thi ...

I agree entirely!

My only issues have been in pre-flight checklist steps being out...and they've been expensive issues...but caused by me NOT DJI.
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Flight distance : 112936 ft

My brand new inspire 1 pro x5 was declared "defect" by the technician directly from the dealer store where I bought it. Got a new one in exchange 2 days after the purchase without any extra cost. The second one works just fine. Amazing machine. Ultra stable. Easy to operate.
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Flight distance : 20144 ft

kindasketch Posted at 2015-5-28 22:43
I find it funny people want a Inspire 2 when the Inspire 1 has nothing but problems. It would be gre ...

Must be doing something wrong with your Inspire 1. I have never had a problem other than self inflicted!
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