Rear obstacle sensors in the Phantom's future?
2460 33 2016-10-16
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Tripper Dog
United States

Would be nice if the next gen had rear obstacle avoidance sensors.  I guess one could turn off the fly backwards option, but I like flying in all directions, especially when I'm lining up for a video or picture shot.  Maybe easier said than done, but it seems to me that it wouldn't be that hard to put a couple of sensors on the back of the bird.
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Flight distance : 593120 ft

That would be a great idea, especially when enabling backwards flying.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Better to put them on the side so that we can do a POI without worrying, it's normally easy to check what is behind, not so easy to judge if you are going to hit something while circling!

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Flight distance : 1004731 ft

all my close calls are from filming backwards..and one a rear sensor or beep on controller like backup sensors on cars..I bet this would save a lot of crashes!!
A rear mini FPV window would be amazing..DJI that would be a winner!!
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Jack Fedele

United States

I fly backward a lot. Wish they would do that, but then they'd need an even bigger battery
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There are some places that are not safe to fly and relying on gimmicks and gadgets isn't the answer.
If you are flying somewhere that you think you need rear sensors, the simplest answer is fly somewhere else.
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If DJI added rear sensors, then two seconds later someone would be on this forum asking for them on the side or top. Additional sensors mean increased weight and power consumption. Just learn to fly properly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 586391 ft

I think if your more focused on getting that good shot instead of worrying about were your bird is, it would be better if dji could implement the two controller setup.
OA can save your bird, but it can also ruin a good shot to by stopping/flinching.
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Flight distance : 351575 ft
United States

lets add sensors on the sides and top too, ooh and add 3 more batteries as well!
im kidding, more sensors would be cool.
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Tripper Dog

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-10-17 04:43
There are some places that are not safe to fly and relying on gimmicks and gadgets isn't the answer. ...

Such a generalist negative statement.  There are a number of situations where it's tough to tell which direction the drone is pointing even if you have line of sight.  And if you happen to hit the control stick the wrong way, even just for second or two, a crash can happen very easily as others have stated.  As your know, the drone is very responsive to the stick movements and it doesn't take much for it to move that far.

One or two sensors on the back wouldn't take that much more engineering or battery life.  
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-10-20 01:20
Such a generalist negative statement.  There are a number of situations where it's tough to tell w ...

It's a commonsense comment about the real issues flying drones close to obstacles.
It's dangerous and probably the biggest cause of crashes.
If you want to put your drone in a risky situation, be prepared for the consequences.
And if you can't tell where your Phantom is facing, learn to use the radar display and camera.
If you are in a risky situation without situational awareness, you are halfway to crashing already.
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Tripper Dog

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-10-20 04:02
It's a commonsense comment about the real issues flying drones close to obstacles.
It's dangerous  ...

I appreciate the lecture, but quite frankly don't need it. I'm very safe with my drone.

However, if anyone thinks that a phantom should (and will) only fly one direction is kidding themselves.  It flies in all directions and is shaped the way it is for that reason.  The camera just happens to face one direction, which is called the "front."  There is no reason why there can't be a sensor on every side.  

Preventing crashes is a good thing.
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-10-20 13:03
I appreciate the lecture, but quite frankly don't need it. I'm very safe with my drone.

However,  ...

'There is no reason why there can't be a sensor on every side.'

There is:

1. Cost
2. Complexity and more to malfunction.
3. Weight.
4. Power consumption.

If you need to be nannied with all that tech, fine, but most of us don't.
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Tripper Dog

Geebax Posted at 2016-10-20 10:12
'There is no reason why there can't be a sensor on every side.'

There is:

1. Cost.......One sensor on the back would be negligible cost.
2. Complexity and more to malfunction- You can't be serious as for this to be a legitimate reason.
3. Weight- One sensor on the back would be negligible in weight.
4. Power consumption- negligible.
No reason why they can't add a sensor to the back.
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-10-20 13:57
1. Cost.......One sensor on the back would be negligible cost.
2. Complexity and more to malfunctio ...

Oh dear, take a look at all optically based obstacle avoidance systems, they use two small cameras providing a 3D image which is used to determine how close the object is, so a single sensor does not do the job.

Yes, every system you add to a design increases the complexity and provides another element that can malfunction, if you don't understand this principle then you have no idea about system design.

It is not just the weight of the sensor, every pair of sensors requires a processiing engine to evaluate what it being seen, that adds weight and increases power comsumption. Your statement of 'negligible' is based on ignorance considering you clearly do not have any idea of what is involved electronically.

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Tripper Dog

Geebax Posted at 2016-10-20 11:52
Oh dear, take a look at all optically based obstacle avoidance systems, they use two small cameras  ...

I agree with you in general, but my point is that adding just one sensor would not be that big of a deal.  

Secondly, my thread simply asked if more sensors were in Phantom's future (which several others agreed that it woud be nice and why), but you attack posters via condensending responses ("just learn to fly properly") rather than simply answer the question.  Fly away....
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-10-21 01:20
I agree with you in general, but my point is that adding just one sensor would not be that big of a ...

As I said earlier, adding sensors on the back just opens the subject to adding them everywhere. So far, DJI is the only manufacturer who has delivered an aircraft with OA. They might add more in the future, who knows.  But it does not change the argument that adding more will increase cost, complexity, weight and power consumption.

You don't like my answer, meh...
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Tripper Dog

Geebax Posted at 2016-10-21 08:41
As I said earlier, adding sensors on the back just opens the subject to adding them everywhere. So ...

"You don't like my answer, meh..."

What I don't like, is your condescending attack on posters...."Just learn to fly properly" is just one.  You have no idea how I fly, where I fly, or what I do.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion on an extra sensor(s).  No reason why you have to be condescending about it.
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Tripper Dog
United States

I guess my question wasn't so absurd after all.....LOL
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-10-20 10:03
I appreciate the lecture, but quite frankly don't need it. I'm very safe with my drone.

However,  ...

On the P5. What? do you expect a company to lay down all its cards at one go?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

It would be interesting to see how well they work on the P4P, given the slight imperfections on the P4 OA, detection of wires, thin branches, glass etc.
Problem is that some new to the system might take it for granted that it is 'failsafe' whereas it probably won't be.
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Tripper Dog
United States

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2016-11-15 22:28
On the P5. What? do you expect a company to lay down all its cards at one go?

Your statement makes no sense.  What is a P5?  Do you mean P4 Pro?
The original question and thread was simply asking if people thought future models would include additional sensors and for the most part, I received lectures about how it was too expensive, too complex and etc.  Or, if I flew properly, I shouldn't need more sensors.  Well, as it turns out, not only did we get one extra sensor on the back with the P4 pro, but sensors on the side.  
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Tripper Dog
United States

Aardvark Posted at 2016-11-15 22:46
It would be interesting to see how well they work on the P4P, given the slight imperfections on the  ...

Great point.  I have found on my P4 that the sensors work very well if the object is large in nature, or flying directly at it.  And, yes, certain tree limbs and etc. aren't always detected, unless of course you fly straight towards the center of the tree.  I would hope the sensors have improved, but I'm not suggesting that they be so sensitive that one doesn't have to use caution.  There seems to be some smart A** out there who always likes to reply with "well, if you flew properly, you wouldn't need more sensors" and etc.  

The one point that I just couldn't seem to convince some of these people was that the Drone doesn't necessary fly, or is made to fly, in just one direction.  Due to the sensitivity of the sticks, and it's overall design, it can fly in any direction just as fast and well as forward, thus, the need for additional sensors.  IMHO, these extra sensors make a lot of sense and am very glad that DJI has incorporated them into the new P4 P.  Furthermore, with all the other improvements, the P4P now adds "value" over the Mavic and is a realistic investment.  Conversely, the P4 has no value over the Mavic, which is what I had been saying all along.   
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-11-16 12:15
Your statement makes no sense.  What is a P5?  Do you mean P4 Pro?
The original question and thread ...

Just being facetious. I'm surprised at how much tech DJI threw into the P4P. Companies usually stage product differentiation over a longer time span to manage users expectations. This company clearly is has set a different pace compared to all other  tech companies. That's what I meant by showing all your cards.

No US based company can afford to do what DJI has done. Suggest features yes, but execute at a consumer level price point, no.
And yes, I'm with you about the expense etc issues you raised. The incremental cost and power consumption differences are small given the R & D and manufacturing prowess taken to get them this far already.

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Has anyone seen a place selling Humble Pie?
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Tripper Dog
United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-11-16 00:44
Has anyone seen a place selling Humble Pie?

It comes with the P4P....
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Tripper Dog
United States

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2016-11-16 00:14
Just being facetious. I'm surprised at how much tech DJI threw into the P4P. Companies usually stag ...

As a marketing guy by trade, I think DJI had to throw a lot into the P4P.  In general, you are right.  But, in this case, they brought out a Mavic right on the heels of the P4, which made the P4 have "no value."  Everything the P4 did, the Mavic did just as well or better and was cheaper!  

So, in order to really get people's attention, DJI couldn't have just thrown out the run of the mill iPhone like type update with a few feature upgrades.  I just wish they wouldn't have all these products over lap each other....I realize technology advances fast and that's what people always gravitate to in a discussion like this, but we're not talking about a consumer product one uses every day (like an iPhone) and one that costs much,much less...i.e the consumer can "rationalize" the upgrade every year or so.  Conversely, these birds are very pricey and once a person gets one or two, they are tapped out for a while.
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Tripper Dog
United States

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2016-11-16 00:14
Just being facetious. I'm surprised at how much tech DJI threw into the P4P. Companies usually stag ...

As a marketing guy by trade, I think DJI had to throw a lot into the P4P.  In general, you are right.  But, in this case, they brought out a Mavic right on the heels of the P4, which made the P4 have "no value."  Everything the P4 did, the Mavic did just as well or better and was cheaper!  

So, in order to really get people's attention, DJI couldn't have just thrown out the run of the mill iPhone like type update with a few feature upgrades.  I just wish they wouldn't have all these products over lap each other....I realize technology advances fast and that's what people always gravitate to in a discussion like this, but we're not talking about a consumer product one uses every day (like an iPhone) and one that costs much,much less...i.e the consumer can "rationalize" the upgrade every year or so (and the cost).  Conversely, as you know, these birds are very pricey and once a person gets one or two, they are tapped out for a while.

IMHO, they should have never come out with the P4.  There was only a 6 month lag between it and the Mavic...Should have went straight to the P4P and then the Mavic as a "light weight" alternative with less sensors & etc...A more "portable" phantom.  I wouldn't' want to in charge of their logistics that's for sure...LOL.  Great products though.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-11-20 22:11
As a marketing guy by trade, I think DJI had to throw a lot into the P4P.  In general, you are rig ...

Frank is trying to totally kill the competition. And has.

He'll go down in history as a great CEO for sure. Can you imagine any tech company achieve the kind of domination DJI has in 2016?

It's Microsoft like in the 90's. And back in the day, the pace of innovation was not as insane as it is today. Also consider the degree of difficulty involved here with execution with difficult puzzles to solve in software, hardware and marketing. Don't ever forget Frank Wang started out in a country without the consumer base or culture to support him.
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Tripper Dog
United States

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2016-11-20 19:06
Frank is trying to totally kill the competition. And has.

He'll go down in history as a great CE ...

I agree 100% he has...Almost too much!  DJI needs to slow down and stop churning out new products every couple months.  The last 3 months, for example, have been insane.  Not only do you confuse the consumer with all the overlap and no real "Good, better, best" strategy, but you alienate those who have just purchased a product at over a grand, which is technically a "luxury item."  

GoPro can't even get their first drone off the ground and thus, won't be a viable competitor for years. DJI needs to work on doing things right and taking care of the consumer or they'll end up driving them away based a a number of factors.  No question their products are incredibly advanced and way cool, but they need to slow down and let the market catch up to it, IMHO.  This is not an industry with a bunch of viable competitors to where differentiation is key.  There no real competitors, or at least not any I would consider to be viable (to DJI).
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Mike-the-cat Posted at 2016-11-21 11:06
Frank is trying to totally kill the competition. And has.

He'll go down in history as a great CE ...

I think it is no coincidence that the Mavic was a total departure from the 'normal' Phantom line and that it came out at exactly the same time as the Karma. I reckon it was planned and executed to kill the Karma stone dead, and with the Karma recall, it probably has. Then came the P4 Pro in a 'normal programming will now resume' move. Ruthless competition.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Geebax Posted at 2016-11-15 22:44
Has anyone seen a place selling Humble Pie?

Yes, gimme some of that... Pie!! Haha

Peter Framptom rocked that reunion. ;-)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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Tripper Dog Posted at 2016-11-25 13:31
I agree 100% he has...Almost too much!  DJI needs to slow down and stop churning out new products  ...

Yeah - I agree with your post. They do read customers' comments but of course, what actually happens is another question.

As far as service goes, I've had reason to send aircraft or parts in for repair 3 times now and have found their service OK. Sometimes a few things got lost in translation but by and large, they've been good.

What is poor is the empowerment of chat line staff. Most of the time, they appear to be overworked and not well informed about what's going on in the logistics side of the business. Its still early days for the company and we can only hope things will get better over time....
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In my opinion I do not agree with what is said here
I believe that the success of the company lies in updating and in bringing out new products. If it is updated every 3 or 4 months better. That's the secret, innovation is what makes DJI great.
The great revelation of this added in my opinion to been the Mavic. If DJI focuses on this model and is innovating with improvements the drone is going to be known around the world. Since most consumers prefer a small drone, it should always be above the Phantom.

That is just my opinion

a greeting
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