[Official] Mavic shipping issues
145437 1488 2016-10-18
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United Kingdom

qzFOTo97T48l Posted at 2016-10-18 23:47
Could this have anything to do with it?

http://www.mavic.co.uk/wheels-road-triathlon-cosmic-pro-car ...

I must admit, I did wonder if that company would be ok with the name share....

"The Mavic name and logo as well as the names of certain products are registered trademarks of Mavic SAS. All rights reserved. Other trademarks may also be mentioned. These are used by Mavic either with the permission of their owner or simply to identify products offered by Mavic. Reproducing, imitating, using or affixing these trademarks, without having obtained prior authorisation from Mavic, constitutes an offence of counterfeiting punishable by four years imprisonment and a fine of €400,000. "

But then, surely there would be some news from a court somewhere?
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

My fear is that the delay is going to be longer than just a few days or they wouldn't have bothered to send out an email to customers.   
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Mr. Wang is a billionaire thanks the masses that have purchased his products. I would think a billionaire could lease a 747 without any issues. Question how many Mavics can you fit inside a 747?
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Jorge D
Flight distance : 225827 ft

0MZh8Q4PjfFN Posted at 2016-10-18 23:05
I just talked to my friend at GoPro corporate. They may be doing some sort of special to entice peop ...

Just only 6 months ago the Karma could have been a hit...but now it's sad but will be used only for the sponsored / paid athletes...it's outdated before to be sold. Anyway with all the respect it's not very ethic to post on a forum of a competitor with stock problems this announcement...
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Flight distance : 292674 ft
United Kingdom

Hi DJI Ken and DJI as a company.

Unlike many people on here I accept that there is a delay, I experienced a significant delay with my iPhone 7 and that was coming from one of the biggest and most powerful companies in the world. I appreciate, again unlike many, that this isn't just a case of speeding the manufacturing process with the flick of a switch and pumping out more drones. There an many factors that cause these delay, and whilst they're regrettable I'm absolutely certain they are not intentional - no company would want this situation.

That said, I think the problem that people are having (myself included) is that DJI has a very poor track record when it comes to meeting deadlines. Now seeing as this hasn't improved a great deal even considering how much bigger the company is now, I think it's only fair that you invest more time into the customer communication side of the business. I don't want to be 'that guy' but I work in brand communication with some of the biggest brands in the world and just saying to customers "There's nothing more any of us can say, when there's a shipping update they will email all that have ordered" - it just doesn't cut it.

You can see from this thread that people just want a more in-depth explanation, honesty goes such a long way in this situation, even just a smidgen more detail would suffice for many. Even if you say 'hey, sorry, we didn't anticipate this many orders and we're running behind'. Even if you don't absolutely stick to the proposed timeframe keeping up an open dialogue demonstrates a will to keep the customer as informed as you are as a company. I don't buy for one single second that there isn't some more information you could release.

I urge you to review your communication practice - it's sloppy at best.

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Flight distance : 68537 ft
United States

I just don't understand why DJI can't be more transparent, unless there is something to hide. Shipping/logistics issues? Let us know how you're trying to overcome. Overwhelming demand? Give an ETA based on purchase date. Firmware/Hardware quality concerns? Let the buyers know & that you have a plan to address the issue. This is how any Kickstarter campaign manages their comms, and they don't have 6-figure industry 'Directors' sending the emails. It REALLY isn't that hard to manage corporate communications properly. Usually the reason for evasion and vague responses is because publicly traded companies can't spook the stockholders, but DJI is privately held.

The silence here is deafening...
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United States

Jorge D Posted at 2016-10-18 15:54
Just only 6 months ago the Karma could have been a hit...but now it's sad but will be used only fo ...

I think we're past the point of worrying about DJI's feelings being hurt by the fact that their competitor can actually deliver their product on time.
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Also worth noting, everyone at DJi HQ in China is probably just waking up now.  I talked to a support agent earlier who told me they were waiting for an update from HQ and that the support team is also confused about the shipping issues.
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Business ethics like this is just a sign of a company owning market share.  The earlier release date was just a ploy by the marketing department.  What do they stand to lose? Sure a few people will cancel orders and order a karma but most will just complain and wait.  They won more business by giving a false release date than being the last one to the party.  I'm not upset with them because it was expected.  It's business and a lot of people took the bait.   
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United States

This is going down as one of the biggest mess ups of 2016. I'm willing to bet that even if people don't cancel, this will be the last drone they purchase from DJI. Goprol will catch up and when they do, we won't even consider DJI. I know I won't!

*edited for content
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Flight distance : 32087 ft
United States

DJI LA Support Posted at 2016-10-18 13:28
Your concerns and the concerns of everyone else are not being taken lightly. Although I don't have ...

It is being taken Very lightly!!! Nothing is being done and we are all being given the run around! and all you do is say "Sorry, I understand"!
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United States

They could have announced the Mavic with an HONEST ship date and it still would have massively damaged the Karma because it is a better device in almost every quantifiable way.
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Flight distance : 215915 ft
United States

DJI basically created a Gofund me presentation so they can make drones after they get the funds, I hope DJI is enjoy it's glory right now. I like many don't care for delays, but I don't stand for dishonestly and the getting the round around while no shipments are shown for ANYONE!!!! surely they had at least 500 or 1,000 drones made before the 15th !!! Next update from DJI better be an actually update and not a copy paste robot reply
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United States

I ordered from Newegg on October 1st with shipping coming from Dji official store. I inquired about the shipping date as was told the 18th of October from someone at Dji a couple weeks ago. I got this email from newegg a little bit ago which I take with a grain of salt on the shipping date. At least they did email me with more information than Dji has sent to everyone else. This is the email:

Dear Valued Customer,

This email is regarding your recent pre-order purchase of the DJI Mavic Pro from our marketplace seller, DJI Official Store.

We have been informed by DJI that there is a world-wide delay on all Mavic Pro shipments due to a manufacturing delay. DJI is currently working very diligently to have your order shipped out as soon as possible.

The shortage not only affected Newegg but all stores that were expected to carry this particular item from DJI.

According to DJI, your order will be shipped by October 31, 2016.

Please rest assured that you will still be one of the first batch of customers who receives this incredible new product from DJI.

At this time, your credit card has not been charged. We will charge your credit card once the order has been shipped, or you may cancel the order if you if you no longer wish to wait.

Please contact us at marketplacesupport@newegg.com to cancel your order.

On behalf of our seller DJI Official Store, we sincerely apologize for this delay and thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,

Newegg Marketplace

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Flight distance : 881598 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-10-18 18:35
Ok don't want to have to explain anymore after this, if you have been following threads here you w ...

And I personally seen you use profanity at him on this forum. That is a form of attack toward him. What is your excuse?
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United States

on aliexpress it says starts shipping oct 25th. aliexpress is the chinese version of amazon in english. https://www.aliexpress.com/store ... 30010308.3.5.DoYHUD
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Flight distance : 32087 ft
United States

msduncanrolltid Posted at 2016-10-18 13:54
At this point they know customers are upset.    They can't conjure drones that don't exist any fast ...

Oh thank you so much for your view of the situation. If you are happy being lied to that is on you. The issue isn't that they can't work fast enough, the issue is we all pre-ordered the Mavic because we expected to get it before anyone else or at least by the time it was promised to us. The issue is we are not being told what is going on. Is it a production issue, a technical issue, the warehouse was robbed, did aliens come down and Zap all the Mavic drones into thin air????? Just an explanation. I feel like I am on a customer service call with a credit card company in Dubai and all I get are apologies and I can understand your frustration but no resolution or expanation!
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-10-18 18:35
Ok don't want to have to explain anymore after this, if you have been following threads here you w ...

Well to be fair you were also throwing out personal insults so why aren't you banned?

The reality is what DC was saying, about the delays, is true (maybe other things as well).

On topic, if that's possible, I'll stay the course with my order but I have to ask why didn't any ship, DJI?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 80991 ft
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While there were jokes made by DJI-Ken about the MAVIC 2 being out before they receive theirs, I think we can actually "joke" the Karma 2 will be out before the MAVIC ships :p
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I think everyone who is complaining here should file reports with BBB.ORG, when you file with BBB.ORG, BBB will send a letter by mail to the company on your behalf and the company BBB record will be affected as well.

Also, its best you post your complaints, scam reviews on other websites not only on DJI because DJI forums are controlled by DJI and they can delete any content they don't like the public to see.

I also think that the media would be very interested to hear about these stories, I suggest that everyone sends an email now to all media organizations with your complaint and a link to this post.

Finally, nothing worse than doing a dispute / chargeback with your credit card company, when you contact your credit card company tell them you want you to dispute a charge on your credit card and provide them with your full complaint story and don't forget to mention that DJI charged you money in advance and originally promised to ship by mid October but then later changed their mind.

I bet you that this post of mine will be deleted by DJI soon as it has too many helpful information for people that DJI may not want you to know, and if it does get deleted then I will be making a new blog and I will post this info on it and get it ranked very high on google less than 24hrs. using my special secret SEO techniques.

Go here to post your complaints as well so it goes more public, the more postings the more DJI will care
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

uscjoker23 Posted at 2016-10-18 18:05
Oh thank you so much for your view of the situation. If you are happy being lied to that is on you ...

Oh I think the explanation is probably pretty clear:   they moved up the announcement to undercut GoPro and made sure the announced release date occurred before the GoPro.   Now the time has come to pay the piper and their production is behind.   

However, that doesn't change the fact that they can't manufacture them faster.   We're stuck.
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Flight distance : 147198 ft
United States

info7438 Posted at 2016-10-18 17:11
I'm in to cancel next Friday too.

I ordered the Mavic and Accessory bundle on the 9/28. Pay Pal has been charged and the clock is ticking on my 6 months same as cash deal. If it doesn't ship until the end of November,  that is a full month I would lose of not having my new toy to play with. I have my P3 for my video work so I am thinking about cancelling and just waiting. Would it be better to cancel through DJI or PayPal? Any thoughts would be helpful. Thank you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 419980 ft
  • >>>

sbug206 Posted at 2016-10-19 09:43
I would bet that given chinese culture being conservative and cautious, they didn't bother producing ...

I forgot they were Chinese. I should have "Gifted" **Cough cough bribe** them an extra $50.

DJI - easy fix. Just express-send a few units around the world just to say you have shipped a few. It shows a little faith. Right now, the perception is you have started the worlds biggest kickstarter backing in history. You've taken everyone's money in advance for a month and no one has seen a final released product.

All we got was:
Dear Mavic Kickstarters,

Delayed - IDK why? Will be shipped in the month ending in -ber.

ps. I have shipped your second Mavic Casey, don't lose it!!
pps. Thanks for the iPhone 7 apple - i'll look after you too!!

- DJI Com's dude
**insert DJI corporate Logo**.

If there are issues, I think if you (DJI) drip fed us a little info and sugar coated so it doesn't stir the horde then you will find that most people will be reasonable.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12321627 ft
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CabinPete Posted at 2016-10-19 00:07
Well to be fair you were also throwing out personal insults so why aren't you banned?

The reality ...

Well it helps to prove provocation
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United States

wmh0901 Posted at 2016-10-18 16:16
I ordered the Mavic and Accessory bundle on the 9/28. Pay Pal has been charged and the clock is ti ...

In theory, it is faster to cancel with DJI...if they hold true to their policies. I saw another poster had filed a paypal dispute though.
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You guys are talking like if DJI didn't know THE ONE GUY managing shipping and communication stuff. No one is running in the office shouting ''where's the shipping guy at? PEOPLE NEED AN ANSWER NOW!!''. No one is running to get you the answer because even if I'd like to know the answer, the problem inside their office is none of my business. I own a company and when some issues out of my control force me to extand the delay of a project, I am not like ''Sorry customer, my son got diarrhea this morning and I can't be at the office'. I'll be more like ''Sorry for the delay. We got issues at the office'. The only difference is that my customer won't pay before they get them project and if it is the case, I rather shit in my pants at the office and gave them what I promised instead of loosing one single customer.

So my guess is that DJI manager's son got diarrhea. A magestic one. So huge that the whole company decided to put on hold millions of dollars of pre-order so his son can get back on his feet. But guess what DJI, when people near me get diarrhea, I just go out with other people so I'm not getting sick. Karma ain't got time for diarrhea and stuff, cuz we ain't shit.
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

quanthonytrang Posted at 2016-10-18 19:17
I forgot they were Chinese. I should have "Gifted" **Cough cough bribe** them an extra $50.

DJI - ...

Now that's funny.
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Flight distance : 2038698 ft

Just checking out on Amazing USA I've got some interesting estimates for an order if placed right now, I'd ship within 6-10 days with an estimate delivery Nov 17 - Dec 15:


Funny thing is that even paying 50$ shipping costs it's 130€ cheaper that buying it from Barcelona.
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Flight distance : 791736 ft
New Zealand

Just received this.....new Zealand....... thanks for placing your
order with us for the exciting new DJI Mavic Pro!

We have received an update from DJI and our first order that we had placed and paid for on the release day (27th September) will start to ship to us next week. Our first shipment should arrive on the 31st October, due to phenomenal global demand DJI have informed us that the quantity in our first shipment "may be small".

However we will continue to receive shipments weekly thereafter and we will be shipping the Mavics to our customers on a first in first served basis. If you still have a balance to pay we will contact you 1-2 days before the arrival of your Mavic to arrange payment of the balance.

We have ordered an ample amount on our first order to cover all current pre-orders and will even have some left on the first order. But we will not get them all at once, likely only receiving smaller quantities each week.  

Thanks for being patient, we will endeavor to get the Mavic to you as soon as possible.
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United States

copilot Posted at 2016-10-18 18:32
Just received this.....new Zealand....... thanks for placing your
order with us for the exciting ne ...

According to DJI-Ken resellers are not priority. Hopefully us who ordered direct won't have to wait for theirs to be shipped first.
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United States

Starting to hate the frase "first come first serve" {:4_154:}
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

DJI-Pooper Posted at 2016-10-19 07:36
According to DJI-Ken resellers are not priority. Hopefully us who ordered direct won't have to wait ...

That is not what I said, I said usually the people who pre-ordered get theirs first.
I'm guessing it would work the same way with this.
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Flight distance : 151316 ft
United States

I placed my order on Sept. 27 launch day, and while I am disappointed by unexpected delays (and the pathetic "update"), I will NOT be cancelling. I still want the Mavic, and at this point, there appears to be no other option that would get me one more quickly. In addition, direct-order customers get 1% "loyalty" points. I'm planning on applying my $9.99 towards a spare battery.
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We said at our Mavic Pro launch event that we would begin shipping in
mid-October. We’ve just passed that, and if you’re wondering where your
Mavic Pro is, we’d like to offer an update.

Since unveiling the Mavic Pro, we’ve had amazingly strong global demand. Production is in full swing, and we will be fulfilling orders as fast as we can.
If you have a DJI customer account, we’ll be sending you updates,
or you can check for new information in our online store http://store.dji.com/product/mavic-pro.

We thank you for your enthusiasm and patience and for being a DJI customer

So I'm curious how long it will take for them to fullfill the first order.
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Flight distance : 277159 ft
United States

I am really sad about the delay shipping of mavic, but I am really glad that the staff like Ken how tried to help us. From the email early this morning, I am super upset, why they send a useless email to all the customers who are waiting for month for this product. I understand the delay, only things we need is a official timeline for shipping and a reason for delay, I will keep my order unless it will ship at late Nov.
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Flight distance : 865236 ft
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Tip: The post by the administrator or moderators shield
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Cancelling on Friday if we don't hear real news!
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Flight distance : 234948 ft
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Just for laughs thought i would translate the DJI update:

We said at our Mavic Pro launch event that we would begin shipping in
mid-October. We’ve just passed that, we were worried about how many people would order the GoPro Karma so...we lied.
And now after taking you hard earned cash you want to know where is your Mavic Pro, we’d like to offer some useless words.

Since unveiling the Mavic Pro, we’ve had amazingly strong global demand. Unfortunately we didn't have any in production so we have had to initiate this important step. Production is in full swing using the funds you have so generously provided, and we will be fulfilling orders as fast as we can. If you have a DJI customer account, we’ll be sending you updates in the next month or so, or you can check for new information in our online store http://store.dji.com/product/mavic-pro.

We thank you for your enthusiasm, patience and money, oh and for being a DJI customer
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Is everybody got the email from DJI about the delay? I didn't get any.
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United States

So... I'm still excited about the Mavic.  I'm hoping the info for orders placed by Oct 11 will be shipped in first wave, and hopefully soon.  Can't wait to get my hands on it!
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