[Official] Mavic shipping issues
143386 1507 2016-10-18
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Hong Kong

stevegshi Posted at 2016-10-18 21:12
if it were a public traded company, I am sure that they would take special consideration on this pub ...

I think you weren't around for the Oculus Rift disaster. The DJI Mavic issue has to become much worse before it deserves a top spot in 2016.
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United States

I see everyone is having fun.  Can I dispel some rumors?  You can believe me or not.  What I am trying to do is inject some reality in the discourse here.  There are no manufacturing issues.  The issue is that DJI produced a product that was wildly popular.  Beyond anything that we have produced to date.  If there was a hardware issue don't you think that all the pre and production units in the hands of reviewers would have had the "fatal flaw".  No that is not the case.  I have asked that my preproduction unit be returned to me.  I had it on loan for additional photos and videos.  It is more important that I have it now.  I will have it tomorrow.  Some question the post that was made earlier by Ken.  He did post some information that was internal.  We all make mistakes.  What did the post say.  We are not going to do more advertising, we are not going to have reviewers post more reviews.  Ask yourself this question, when you have an overflow of orders do you continue to fuel the fire for more orders?  No you try to slow them down while you continue to ramp up additional production.  If you ordered and want to cancel your order then please do so.  This may not be the craft for you.  You can file a case with the BBB but to what result.  We are sorry we failed to meet a delivery date.  That is what we will tell them.  We will ship when we have sufficient supplies of product.  We have continued to try and update our dealers with a ship date.  If you ordered from them, then check to see what they have to say.  If you ordered from DJI we have made a statement.  I will restate it here in case you may have missed it.

Update on Mavic Pro

Dear Customers,

We said at our Mavic Pro launch event that we would begin shipping in mid-October. We’ve just passed that, and if you’re wondering where your Mavic Pro is, we’d like to offer an update.

Since unveiling the Mavic Pro, we’ve had amazingly strong global demand. Production is in full swing, and we will be fulfilling orders as fast as we can. If you have a DJI customer account, we’ll be sending you updates, or you can check for new information in our online store  (http://store.dji.com/product/mavic-pro).

We thank you for your enthusiasm and patience and for being a DJI customer.

Adam Najberg
Global Director of Communication

We are not hiding things but are trying to be as transparent as possible.  People have been posting about thread deletions and bannings of users.  We want to be fair.  We allow users to post as long as they follow the rules of the forum.  Please remember, this is a manufactures forum.  If we delete a post because it counters our rules, then the user continues to post in different threads we will ban the user.  There are other venues that you can vent in.  All we ask its that you follow our rules.  If you were banned then let me know and we will reinstate your account.  I will be around to assist our DJI support specialists and monitor posts.  If you have a specific question to me, I will attempt to respond.


Edward J Windham
NA Forum Support Manager
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ed_windham@yaho Posted at 2016-10-19 09:31
I see everyone is having fun.  Can I dispel some rumors?  You can believe me or not.  What I am tryi ...

Ladies and Gentlemen..... we owe them an apology.
Go Mavic
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Now THAT was good information.  Thank you for that Ed.    I'm anxiously awaiting your product.
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United States

Whether its a preorder or not, the shipping date is the EXPECTED shipping date, (as stated in the Dji keynote being October 15th). Even preordering from Nintendo and other resellers while the amiibo craze was going on, the ship date was.... in fact the ship date despite others not getting in on the "fist batch" preorders. This (mavic pro) is the only preorder I have ever made that was not justified. EVER. Obviously it's not "pro" service.

Nintendo is not the only preorder i have done either.
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Flight distance : 47455053 ft
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Somehow the Mavic name theory is keeping me wondering. Back during pre launch, when I first read the name, I thought why? Why Mavic? This is the brand name of the wheels on my road bike. The brand name of at least a third of the wheels on the Tour de France. This isn't the same as calling a drone phantom or inspire. This has the potential for a massive lawsuit. For those who don't know, Porsche always had a habit of naming cars based on their project numbers. The 911 was project 901 which is why many of the parts on early 911s including the transmissions and engines begin with 901. Why wasn't the car itself called 901? Because Peugeot argued, in court, that model numbers with 0 as the middle digit were exclusive to their brand. They won out, Porsche changed it to 911. So this isn't to be taken lightly. I find it utterly moronic to use the brand name of a very relevant maker of high end bicycle parts. It's not as if Mavic in France named the company after a bird or tree. It is an acronym for Manufacture d'Articles Vélocipédiques Idoux et Chanel. Since  1899 this is the only meaning if the word. How in their right minds, can the higher ups at DJI come up with a name like that out of the blue and have the coincidence that it's the name of a high end bicycle parts manufacturer? And if it was pure coincidence, didn't they bother to check? Might as well have called the drone DJI Shimano. What brain fade! Call it DJI phantom 5, DJI falcon, DJI bora since very few kids today know that car. Besides, that car, as all seventies Maseratis, are named after winds. But the name of a famous high end bike wheel maker? Massive faux pas at best, massive courtroom situation at worst. Considering the short length of time between the public finding out about the mavic pre launch, and post launch, I would bet that Mavic in France didn't notice. But the moment it started to drastically change the first page of Google's search results for mavic yielding 50% drones instead of 100% bicycle wheels had to have raised a few eyebrows at Mavic's corporate offices in Annecy, France. This most likely led to a phone call to its current parent company, Amer Sports. How big is this one? They own Salomon, Wilson Sporting Goods, Atomic Skis, Arc’teryx, Mavic, Suunto, ENVE Composites, and Precor. Which would lead to an unpleasant little call from Europe over at DJI'd headquarters in China. Of course, this is all speculation, but it is not beyond the realm of probability and would cause a stop on any shipment of our anxiously expected drone. And, due to legal reasons, result in this strange silence from DJI on the matter. This, if course, in spite of DJI's special ways of dealing with customers.
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United States

Theory outta left field here.
"the two (GoPro and DJI) were in talks to produce a GoPro-branded drone, according to DJI CEO Frank Wang, but Wang claims that GoPro demanded two-thirds of the profits, and he thought DJI deserved the 2-1 split in its favor"
DJI push's up release to kill GoPro's sales on the Karma.
GoPro finds out DJI used some piece of tech from a joint designed drone or GoPro Itself and sues DJI
Legally DJI cannot come out and say "hey guys you cant have your mavics because the guys at GoPro have us in court"
hence DJI has not given anyone an answer to why 0 drones have shipped.  

And i'm sorry the whole they didnt make any until they had our money bit doesn't hold water.... if Boeing can produce 1.6 Boeing 737's ($51 to 86 Million jet) per day....DJI should sure as hell be able to make some drones to ship out in the 3 weeks they've been sitting on everyone's $$.

That being said all anyone is looking for is an answer.  Are there legal issues? manufacturing supply issues? hell If you had released the drone with a "Holiday 2016" ship date these forums would have never existed you would have had our money and 3 months of peace.
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Two simple questions to answer:

1. Have any Mavics been produced by the factory?
2. If the answer is yes to the above, why have not not been sent?

Again you don't have businesses out there that make widgets and then sit on them till all the widgets they need are ready, they ship when they are produced. With this in mind we should be seeing some people getting their shipping details. Shouldn't take Einstein to put it together.

I assume that they have the stock, can't ship it for some reason and that reason is being closely guarded within HQ.
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The Mavic is the best drone everI just want it so badly
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Flight distance : 41668330 ft
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United States

incogneito Posted at 2016-10-19 09:34
Whether its a preorder or not, the shipping date is the EXPECTED shipping date, (as stated in the Dj ...

incognito,  I am sorry for your disappointment.  My guess, repeat my guess, is that the first tier will be the users that placed an order the first day, 27th.  And it may be within the first 2 hours of the first day.  I am not sure as our server was overwhelmed that first day.  For those that are in the 2nd and subsequent tiers you may be looking at the end of October or November.  We will be communicating to you via email and I supplied a link to be able to look up your order.
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ed_windham@yaho Posted at 2016-10-19 09:53
incognito,  I am sorry for your disappointment.  My guess, repeat my guess, is that the first tier ...

What about those of us who didn't order directly from DJi?  As in, your shipments to Amazon/Apple/B&H/etc.

Any guesses or theories as to when those places will receive stock?  

Also thank you for talking to us like humans, and not copy pasting us.  I love you.
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Cactus Bert


ctonyperry@gmai Posted at 2016-10-18 13:12
Delays don't bother me too much. Dishonesty bothers me a lot.
Why has the executive team at DJI not  ...

Read my thoughts in a new thread.
Mavic Preproduction Model Part Genius Part Lemon
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United States

I appreciate the explanation from DJI representatives. Im laughing at myself right now feeling like this similar to this election right now...no accountability in anything anymore. This is no kickstarter project. Yes, the interest in this product exceeded everyones expectations. But...you know your going to sell an X amount of units. So why not produce the product and have it ready for the announced ship date? At least you would have people saying " mine is on its way!! ". You produced ZERO. That's why everyone is pissed.
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United States

If Casey Neistat doesn't have his replacement Mavic  by the weekend THEN I'll know something is wrong with production....
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United States

pXTHxoStWY5h Posted at 2016-10-18 21:56
If Casey Neistat doesn't have his replacement Mavic  by the weekend THEN I'll know something is wro ...

Did he say he's asking for a replacement? Last I heard, he ordered one and is waiting like the rest of us.
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United States

Have any orders been shipped out?  If not, why?

I think a lot of the concern expressed here and elsewhere is based on a belief that this might have been a deliberate slight of hand by dji to under cut GoPro. If dji truly intended to launch mid October, but was just overwhelmed, then some orders should be shipping as we speak.

Answer this fully and honestly and I think you may head off much bad sentiment from your customers.
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Mavic is the new White Elephant,  its as elusive as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster and as solid as a ghosts.  Iv'e seen mirages that had more substance than this supposed product
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United States

civeng123 Posted at 2016-10-18 22:01
Have any orders been shipped out?  If not, why?

I think you nailed it. There is a legal situation going on...is hillary involved?
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Flight distance : 41668330 ft
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United States

civeng123 Posted at 2016-10-19 10:01
Have any orders been shipped out?  If not, why?

I do not know.  Users will have the answer to that before I do.  That is why we have the email system.  One user on RCG said he had a tracking number.  I cannot confirm his claim.  
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United States

ed_windham@yaho Posted at 2016-10-18 22:07
I do not know.  Users will have the answer to that before I do.  That is why we have the email sys ...

I do appreciate your honesty and candor in coming here to answer questions directly.

I believe we have a preponderance of early adopters here and on the MavicPilot forum and none have received ship notices as of yet. I myself was in the first couple of hours.  I am sure you can see how some may interpret this as proof of deception on DJIs part.

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United States

I ordered from NewEgg.com on October 12th, 2016.

Just got an update from NewEgg.com --- They will be shipping on October 31st 2016. (Same Date as other Re-sellers EX: BestBuy)
I strongly believe shipping will occur on this date due to it's relationships with these vendors. They got the honest feedback, direct buyers did not.

Dear Valued Customer,

This email is regarding your recent pre-order purchase of the DJI Mavic Pro from our marketplace seller, DJI Official Store.

We have been informed by DJI that there is a world-wide delay on all Mavic Pro shipments due to a manufacturing delay. DJI is currently working very diligently to have your order shipped out as soon as possible.

The shortage not only affected Newegg but all stores that were expected to carry this particular item from DJI.

According to DJI, your order will be shipped by October 31, 2016.

Please rest assured that you will still be one of the first batch of customers who receives this incredible new product from DJI.

At this time, your credit card has not been charged. We will charge your credit card once the order has been shipped, or you may cancel the order if you if you no longer wish to wait.

Please contact us at marketplacesupport@newegg.com to cancel your order.

On behalf of our seller DJI Official Store, we sincerely apologize for this delay and thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,

Newegg Marketplace
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United States

ed_windham@yaho Posted at 2016-10-19 09:53
incognito,  I am sorry for your disappointment.  My guess, repeat my guess, is that the first tier ...

You didn't disappoint me, Dji did that to every customer. It's just disgust in how the company is handling the situation, especially taking peoples money prior to shipping, lying about shipping, and not being straigh-forward. I thought other companies preorders were bad. This is "Next Generation" preordering I guess. I have to say, this IS definitely an "innovation", "redefining" preorders across all spectrum's of the business world. Must be the business practice these days..... Well for Dji at least. What a good job the privately owned company is doing holding more than 70% of the market share. Such an excellent job.
P.S. The "ing" on disgust in the second sentence was left out for a reason.
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Flight distance : 344738 ft
United States

Ladies & Gentlemen,

This has going on for 3 days now. It's like a broken record... "IF" you are unhappy with DJI's response, or lack thereof. Simply cancel your order and move on. No one is handcuffing you to the purchase, so just cancel and buy when it comes available in stores. Unhappy with having funds tied up (CANCEL), unhappy with communication (CANCEL), feel scammed (CANCEL), and finally whining on the same old topic (CANCEL).

That one click, will make all this go away, I promise. You will have your life back, and not spend past couple days repeating yourself.

I will cancel my order October 27th, to buy a P4. And that's because I am traveling out of country and have no choice. In meantime, just sit back and relax. If any of the above bugs you, then you know what to do. It's not like DJI won't provide a full refund.
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Flight distance : 239491 ft

This is not about the Mavic as a product.

This is about our trust in DJI as a company.

You might very well come up with the best drone so far, but many others will follow. Make no mistake about it. And don't think you can rely on being “the best” without being honest with your customers.

Don't betray the trust you have from your customers, the ones that post reviews online, that share beautiful videos and effectively do more for your brand than you'll ever do. These are the people that believe in you, as far as you stay honest and transparent with them.

The moment you are not and that we feel that, we'll jump ship to a possibly lesser product, but that in time it'll become superior in every way possible and with a lot more credibility.

I love your products, but in today's world a brand is nothing without credibility, a transparent report card, and trust.
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Flight distance : 39662 ft

This thread is funny, makes me wonder what everyone here does for a living, seemingly not bring products to market ...
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United States

calvindo Posted at 2016-10-19 10:24
Ladies & Gentlemen,

This has going on for 3 days now. It's like a broken record... "IF" you are unh ...

What about interest charged for something not delivered? Who should pay that?
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New Zealand

I'm located in Auckland New Zealand. I have had a Mavic on preorder from a large local reseller here in NZ. I have just contacted customer support and they have advised me that they are expecting stock of the Mavic to arrive on the 21/10. It is the 19/10 here currently. Fingers crossed that this date is correct. I have set my order to collect from their main warehouse as soon as stock is available. Will post here if they actually do come in on the 21st.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Perhaps it's time to put down the Kool-aid and take a dose of perspective.

Look at the history of launches and product from DJI over the past couple of years and see the pattern.

Launches are held, shipping dates are announced. These dates are never, repeat never met.
You may feel aggrieved that your money is effectively in Frank Wang's pocket, held on a promise that a product will surface 'One Day'.
Well, think about all those people who went through exactly the same situation with the Inspire launch, The X5 launch, Osmo, XT and Z3.
These products were all much more expensive than Mavic. (well, not OSMO)

Now also look back to the first few months of actual ownership - quality issues with firmware and apps, support struggling to deal with the volume of issues and more and more bugs being encountered. With Inspire we have had two complete changes of prop system!

After 6-9 months, things settle down and life with DJI can become workable.  

DJI won't change this model until someone else comes along with a product that threatens their sales - until then the only answer is to wait until there is stock on the shelves and the software is reasonably free of bugs.
So cancel your order if you are unhappy, otherwise wait it out. There is nothing new to see here.
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Flight distance : 354131 ft

chris50 Posted at 2016-10-19 08:36
Everyone who preordered should get a free Inspire Raw

HAHAHA. Ok, now that made me laugh a lot. Thanks for that.
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Flight distance : 344738 ft
United States

incogneito Posted at 2016-10-18 19:29
What about interest charged for something not delivered? Who should pay that?

for christ sake. {:4_157:} take it as a loss and never buy anything from dji again, if that $ amount is impacting your lifestyle.
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Flight distance : 881598 ft
United States

BaseOutdoorsNZ Posted at 2016-10-18 22:29
I'm located in Auckland New Zealand. I have had a Mavic on preorder from a large local reseller here ...

And if this turns out to be true then the 1st come 1st serve nonsense was all a hoax on the DJI website as well as the 1st batch BS. This is getting more and more hilarious!!!
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United States

calvindo Posted at 2016-10-19 10:32
for christ sake.  take it as a loss and never buy anything from dji again, if that $ amou ...

You are missing the point there, chap. Calm down and understand a little, son. It's not difficult.
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Flight distance : 354131 ft

stratosHD Posted at 2016-10-19 08:49
Yup they had a care less attitude.  I have spoken with the full range of Season names:


Around some parts of the world, they have another season... Construction... it usually follows winter or is before winter, to fix the roads, etc.

Did you get a rep with that name?
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Flight distance : 354131 ft

msduncanrolltid Posted at 2016-10-19 09:33
Now THAT was good information.  Thank you for that Ed.    I'm anxiously awaiting your product.

Except that Ed is not a DJI employee and that was not an official response by DJI. If it were, I believe it would help quell the chaos. In this case, it's a person who had a pre-production media device who is simply guessing. And that guess is fine, but it doesn't exactly answer the questions every single person here is asking -- when will shipping start?
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United States

civeng123 Posted at 2016-10-19 10:01
Have any orders been shipped out?  If not, why?

Not sure if this was accurate, but there seems to have been some indication that some were shipped. The interaction on twitter is no longer available.

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United States

I just need this Drone as I am flying to India around Nov 20th! Otherwise I'm ordering the GoPro Drone if it doesn't ship by October 31st as promised in an email today by NewEgg from DJI.
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Flight distance : 234948 ft
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found this image of the DJI's Mavic storage center.

http://www.constructionphotograp ... lving_and_racks.jpg
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Flight distance : 41668330 ft
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United States

All I have responded to your concerns and expressed DJI's position.  I agree with several of the posters that if you are unhappy with the way DJI handled the launch of the Mavic, then cancel your order.  You comments have been noted but that does not change the supply chain.  I cannot do that either.  If there is a better product out there, then buy it.  No one is holding you hostage.  There are many competitors out there.  Do your research, contact them, ask about availability, ask about warranty, ask about features.  If they fit your needs then please buy it and move on.  You will be much happier.  Continuing to post here and expecting a different outcome is the definition of, you know the quote.  I do not have to state it.
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ed_windham@yaho Posted at 2016-10-19 10:47
All I have responded to your concerns and expressed DJI's position.  I agree with several of the pos ...

Anyone who believes a word of this is too moronic to be allowed to operate a drone in public.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

kevinelliott Posted at 2016-10-19 10:40
Except that Ed is not a DJI employee and that was not an official response by DJI. If it were, I b ...

We works for DJI - AKA Tahoe Ed
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