Mavic acting up caught on camera(No RC response)(Owner joined forum)
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7822 114 2016-11-7
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

Yes he is making mistakes but don't over look the fact that his Mavbric is not functioning correctly.
He is not the first and looks like he won't be the last to have control issues.
This can go sideways quickly but I'm sure DJI is aware of this and looking for a fix. Hopefully it's software and not hardware, can you imagine a recall?
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United States

Would have been nice had he landed and rebooted EVERYTHING to see if that resolved the problem
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Flight distance : 80991 ft

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2016-11-8 00:34
The 1080p/60 that the video is shot in looks GREAT!  Well, the 60fps from the GoPro on his head or w ...

In Detail...He cancels the Follow Me. There is a STOP button on the left on-screen, he clicked it

The rest... He is in an open space, if he looses it, his fault yeah. But it is NOT about what he does or not does, it shows that this can happen random to anyone what should NEVER happen. It is not the first case. Here we have another case with evidence, so please don't say it is his fault.

Yes, it was dumb when it said "cannot take off", Is then never possible to takeoff without gps? No, because you can fly indoor without GPS, so that is weird... What the reason was, was something else we cant see or know. But there is enough evidence about things happening out of his control.
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Repsolkid Posted at 2016-11-8 06:45
No, unfortunately I have added 6 months to my waiting time now myself.
Pretty disappointing, but t ...

I'm glad I followed the advice of a long-time DJI drone owner on this forum (can't recall who it was but I am indebted to him) who shortly after the Mavic release announcement strongly advised buyers to wait a few months while DJI works out the kinks of a new release. He accurately predicted the production problems, the crashes, and the unresponsiveness of customer service to reported problems. He said this was the case with every new drone release and that it isn't worth it to among the first recipients because you're then nothing more than a beta tester without any of the benefits.

He said to wait instead for the firmware updates. There's likely to be a number of them although some might not be a step in the right direction. I'm waiting until at least March of next year in the hope that's long enough to fix what needs fixing and have production catch up to demand. If it isn't, I'll fall back to a proven Phantom 4 design.
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2016-11-7 23:34
The 1080p/60 that the video is shot in looks GREAT!  Well, the 60fps from the GoPro on his head or w ...

Second mavic freak out was after left hovering and battery swap out, there wouldn't have been active track enabled at that point

Also, mavic is supposed to be an ease of use tool that effectively flies itself, as advertised. blaming the pilot for these problems, especially after reset and battery swap seems somewhat elitist imo
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Flight distance : 80991 ft

Rocco12475 Posted at 2016-11-8 01:47

Seriously, why are you posting this video in EVERY THREAD now (this is the 3th now, randomly). It is offtopic.

I already saw it on youtube earlier, didn't feel like posting it anywhere... It is funny yes, but that's it and not relevant to the OP.
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Flight distance : 36165 ft
United States

i wonder.....does the joystick mode have anything to do with these issues?  I wounder if the people that were experiencing them would have the same result on a different mode.  Albeit, no one should have to change a mode to fix an issue, but just a thought.
if someone brought this up already and tested it out let me know.
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Maximus Potesta
Flight distance : 103891 ft

Nees Posted at 2016-11-8 05:08
Lol, read the first line. It is not my video. I did ask the guy on Youtube check the DJI forum.

I'm here!  Thanks for opening up this thread
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Maximus Potesta
Flight distance : 103891 ft

So lots of speculation.  Since I have the drone, and tis the day after.  I'm about to boot it up in my living room with a 4k camera on my hands to show if it has lingering issues back at my house.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

Well no doubt the Mavic is not performing correctly.  In addition to that, I pointed out that the guy's problem solving techniques are non-existent and his JUDGEMENT CALLS SUCK, just as people's reading skills are lacking.  He said "oh did I hit landing?" so either way, yes, the mode was cancelled I suppose - moot point as it was suggestive. This will never get solved if this is not accurately studied.

He had chances to STOP and properly troubleshoot.  After seeing his Mavic do this, he should ACCEPT that this is a big enough issue to stop flying immediately.

But no, he basically did this:  Brakes don't work on the Prius - GREAT time to drive it across the United States on a roadtrip & test out the top speed of it while you're at it.
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Flight distance : 80991 ft

Maximus Potesta Posted at 2016-11-8 03:09
So lots of speculation.  Since I have the drone, and tis the day after.  I'm about to boot it up in  ...

Enjoy some bashing on 'new" users :p
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Flight distance : 80991 ft

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2016-11-8 03:21
Well no doubt the Mavic is not performing correctly.  In addition to that, I pointed out that the gu ...

Instead of bashing on him, focus on DJI not reacting to an already obvious issue that is repeatedly being reported. Namely, non responsiveness and moving around without giving that input. Everyone makes mistakes. You too probably, with your first drone.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

Hey I'm not saying I wouldn't sit down & drink beer with the guy...  I've enjoyed his other Mavic videos.  His decision making needs help though.  

Focusing on DJI "not reacting" is not constructive.  

-I'm sofa king done with this thread, bye-
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Flight distance : 425049 ft

I'll be really interested to see the result of many of the reported issues be they pilot error, manufacturing defect or firmware related. Sadly, I don't think we'll wind up with a clear indication of the cause of many of the issues. Many pilots won't admit that they've made an error, or worse don't even know, and DJI are unlikely to outwardly communicate the cause or detail of many of the issues found and fixed in firmware releases.

It's fair to say that there is certainly a mix of all types of faults/errors here. From the user error perspective, it's a little rich to suggest these things should be straight out of the box and into the air with near complete autonomy. DJI never suggested they were that. They touted the features that "ASSIST" with flying and make getting particular shots far easier but never said "no pilot input required". I'd suggest a lot of the user error created faults are because of this false expectation and naivety. I'd go so far as to say that most have simply skimmed through the manual and done the absolute bare minimum required to get the thing in the air expecting to get top notch results by effectively doing nothing.

There will be of course manufacturing faults, quirks, bugs etc to iron out I'm sure. I've seen a couple of things I'd consider odd like a seemingly very desensitized GPS antenna that sometimes reports low signal in areas devoid of other features and RFI. In testing, this results in the RTH function missing the mark by several meters. A craft on RTH missing the mark will make most new pilots panic with often predictable results. Similarly, reports of high RFI on screen again in areas where that simply isn't the case. I haven't noted any peculiarities with this error to date.

For those uncomfortable flying and preferring to remain grounded then go for it and wait until the bugs are ironed out. But do bare in mind that practice and familiarity with the controls is what will get your machine out of the poop more often than not (saving complete loss of control). But also take into account that human nature dictates we're more inclined to spread bad news than good, so take that as you will.

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Intersting thread.  Subscribing as well.
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Flight distance : 103369 ft

Maximus Potesta Posted at 2016-11-8 12:09
So lots of speculation.  Since I have the drone, and tis the day after.  I'm about to boot it up in  ...

@Maximus Potesta
Cool hopefully everything will be ok.
NOW like I said in other post I would love to know  what happens if you use the simulator. Can  you do this first maybe it will be safer to do it this way, and if everything ok fly it again.
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DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2016-11-8 10:45
Hey I'm not saying I wouldn't sit down & drink beer with the guy...  I've enjoyed his other Mavic vi ...

Glad you are done and won't be trying to insult the judgement of the OP of the video anymore... I am very interested to see what DJI has to say about this particular case since it is all caught on video.
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Maximus Potesta
Flight distance : 103891 ft

Here's my response video.  I need input on how you'd run a test yourself.  I'm open to suggestions!

I have my own idea on what caused this behavior.  I agree that some of the potential trouble shooting as in rebooting all said devices could have helped.  
I want you take the time to click the video and get to my hypothesis since I decided to take the time and make it.

I'm not deterred by the Mavic Pro in the slightest.  I'm enjoying it almost everyday as I strive to find a place for it in my videos, or just fun sport mode flying!  

Don't be afraid to fly, don't cancel your orders.  Stay in tuned with the community and understand how forums converse so you get the most out of your reading.

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Maximus Potesta Posted at 2016-11-8 12:47
Here's my response video.  I need input on how you'd run a test yourself.  I'm open to suggestions!

Thanks for a follow up! Interesting how when you adjusted the angle of the antennas the "strong interference" warning on the controller went away. If you haven't already, open a support ticket and share your logs with DJI to hopefully help solve the issue.
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Maximus Potesta
Flight distance : 103891 ft

dotfiles Posted at 2016-11-8 12:50
Thanks for a follow up! If you haven't already, open a support ticket and share your logs with DJI ...

Sharing my logs is a great idea.  I will have to follow up with that tomorrow.  I'm pooped tonight.  Hope there was a smidgen of value in that new upload.

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New Zealand

Something I was just thinking..
The controller is on 2.4ghz to the mavic isn't it.
On the phone if WIFI is turned on searching for a signal could it cause any problems with the controller to mavic signal as it runs on 2.4ghz as well ?
That could be a common variable on all the controllers with phones attached ??
When I get mine I'm going to make sure wifi and bluetooth is off for a startoff to see if it makes any difference...
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Flight distance : 222867 ft

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New Zealand

Something else maximus said as well, when he was flying it inside his girlfriend said she couldn't use internet wifi in the same room ??
A question, is wifi still turned on in your phone while you are flying the drone ?

Great video as well maximus, very informative
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I feel I have wasted 1500€ ...I have mine grounded because It almost crashed by its own at my first flight, and after have sent the logs to DJI, I never heard them back.
I bought it for its portability, but I already own a P3P (I never had issues with it) ..I should have avoided this "compulsive" shopping.
I'm looking if there's a pacific way to send this back to DJI or sell it on ebay, I accept to lose the shipment costs eventually.
I'm really too scared to crash on someone's else house, car, or whatever... It's not supposed you always have a desert around you.
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Flight distance : 7418 ft
United Kingdom

stevejnz Posted at 2016-11-8 09:26
Something else maximus said as well, when he was flying it inside his girlfriend said she couldn't u ...

Great follow up and many thanks

Very key point about it "bombing" the girlfriends wifi! This should be investigated as this could be a source of issue, 'cos why would it do that? And he never got the same issues with the drone anyway. Just very strange
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South Africa

Maximus Potesta Posted at 2016-11-8 06:47
Here's my response video.  I need input on how you'd run a test yourself.  I'm open to suggestions!

Great. but antenae should always point towards the drone (perpendicular?), so when they were flat, there were issues because the were not pointing at the drone. I.e. if you're flying straight up above you and they are flat, then that is correct.. So I'm still not certain what the issue was with your radio interferrence
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Flight distance : 1502290 ft

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2016-11-8 00:34
The 1080p/60 that the video is shot in looks GREAT!  Well, the 60fps from the GoPro on his head or w ...

Very precise analyse. I had similar if not identical thoughts when watching.
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United States

stevejnz Posted at 2016-11-8 04:26
Something else maximus said as well, when he was flying it inside his girlfriend said she couldn't u ...

My Mavic is doing the same thing and did it twice in two different locations. You bring up the Wifi..... first time it was in the front yard and wifi is available there (but limited) maybe as I moved around the phone was trying to connect to the wifi. Second time was near the club house also has wifi and also in a place where it would be in and out. Both times were next to my truck but I have flown several other times with the truck and it was not doing this. Also while downloading the DAT files from the Mavic on the laptop it canceled out my internet while the mavic was on.
I also question the wifi on the phone if it would be turned off and also the blue tooth.
Is there a way to turn off the wifi from the mavic completely (I know about the switch on the side)?

I like this idea and first I have heard of it ...... Glad we can help DJI with the R&D ..... wait till they see my timecard.
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Flight distance : 163934 ft
United States

Thanks for posting those videos Maximus.  I was hoping someone would put together a video showing both the controller and the mavic - assuming you properly synced up the two videos.

The Wifi jamming in the house might be a different problem.  In your second video, you didn't say if you were flying in the house in Wifi mode or RC mode.
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Flight distance : 10814 ft
United Kingdom

giusis00 Posted at 2016-11-8 09:29
I feel I have wasted 1500€ ...I have mine grounded because It almost crashed by its own at my first ...

If you paid by Credit Card or Paypal you can open a dispute. I'm not sure where you are but in the UK distance selling regulations provide you 30 days to send a product back. if DJI are not acknowledging you they are surely in breach of some sort of consumer regulation. You need to act quickly though, and record all contact you have had with DJI to show you have done what you can via normal channels.
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Flight distance : 141089 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Repsolkid Posted at 2016-11-7 22:45
No, unfortunately I have added 6 months to my waiting time now myself.
Pretty disappointing, but t ...

Yep I totally agree with you!, I'll keep hold of my money!. Lucky for me I pre-ordered with a dealer and have already been offered a refund!.

Dji really screwed up here!, the amount of people not happy is the worst I've seen it and I've had dji products from day one!. Not now.

I think the worst thing apart from the product which clearly has problems and is 99% of the time blamed on the user or interference and is NEVER the product! Total bull dji! Admit you have issues!, all their little 5 year old slaves on the assembly line are getting tired I think.

There's always going to be people on here too who will back dji to the moon and back regardless of how long it takes!, but the moral of the story is if you need their help.... Yes sir 10% discount. Shove it where the sun doesn't shine dji.

Game over
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Flight distance : 80991 ft

CADDJockey Posted at 2016-11-8 17:53
Thanks for posting those videos Maximus.  I was hoping someone would put together a video showing bo ...

Wif problem is normal. It is also on 2.4Ghz and you are overpowering the signal when it is turned on.
You have to imagine some is talking to you at a normal volume, and then there is someone in the room screaming so loud that you cannot hear the other person anymore.

This is what is happening with your wifi devices, they cannot hear eachother anymore due to the power of the aircraft and RC screaming on the same 2.4Ghz band.
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Flight distance : 80991 ft

I do find it funny that Mindy, Ken and Thaoe Ed are active in other threads, but not a single word in here about what they see. I think they just can not say anything about it, because it is 100% obvious what others have reported with just words and you can say "yeah yeah, you can say you didn't touch the controls to cover your own error" but here it is black on white proof that they were telling the truth. And not just 1 case.
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United States

DJI absence in here does seem troubling. I would think there's a treasure trove of info to examine here.

When I created this thread, DJI posted within 7 minutes.
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New Zealand

Why is the drone and controller on the most busiest 2.4ghz band. Even microwaves can affect a 2.4ghz band. You would think something that critical would be on a not so busy band ?
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Flight distance : 80991 ft

Maximus Potesta Posted at 2016-11-8 05:54
Sharing my logs is a great idea.  I will have to follow up with that tomorrow.  I'm pooped tonight ...

Have you already downloaded all the logs and opened a case at DJI? Im Curious.

I do wonder about DJI Ken's input when looking at the Sync of the logs... But noone is here...
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

To the OP, please try to repost the video with a forwarding link as any content here cannot contain foul language. This video needs to be taken off the forum due to the language. I will leave it up until tonight and please see if you can post a link to the video and not the actual video to be played in the forum.

I only looked at a couple of minutes and the quick look I took the user had the drone directly above him with the antennas pointing directly at the aircraft which will give you the WORST signal you can possibly get.
But I did not look at the rest of the video to see other issues. I'm just saying for the quick portion I watched, it probably wasn't responding because of antenna orientation.

I will watch more later and if there is an issue, the aircraft/RC has a full warranty and will be repaired or exchanged.There are a few cases where the left stick was sticking but I cannot tell from the portion I watched as this video is 30 minutes long.
I will look mroe at it later.
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Ken, can you explain this further?  I guess I'm confused because sure, at that moment, the antenna are pointing at the Mavic, but the optimal position is for the antenna to be upright and parallel, correct?  Even so, if the Mavic is overhead, aren't the antenna pointing at it once again?
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Maximus Potesta
Flight distance : 103891 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-9 07:03
To the OP, please try to repost the video with a forwarding link as any content here cannot contain  ...

Hey Ken, I'm the owner of the video would you like a link to the raw footage?
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