Inspire 1 suddenly fell from sky
24760 219 2015-2-14
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South Africa

Simple software update will suffice....

Put sticks in CSC position, press and hold both C1 and C2, and after 3 seconds, hey presto, engine stop...

Done and done....
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United States

Colonel Angus Posted at 2015-2-20 01:52
I cant tell you how frustrated we all are to see this has happened please keep us posted as we wis ...

Thanks buddy, it is pretty frustrating.  Just hoping I don't get the runaround and it all goes smoothly.
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United States


One piece of advice from my own personal experience for anyone who needs to go through this process in the future.. Call right at 9:00 AM when they open and you get right in. I was on hold for hours the previous day and I found this advice on another forum. I called at 9:am and was 2nd in the que and had my RMA emailed to me in 5 minutes.

1 week after shipping it to them I got an email that it was received.

2 weeks after that I got an email with a quote ( non-warranty crash repair).

I paid via paypal and got an email that it would be shipped after repair and test.

That's my current status.
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I just had a similar thing happen to me today. I was in a hover and the thing started to climb by its self. I tried to bring it down by lowering the throttle and got no response. I then tried the aileron and elevator and still got no response. Then the motors cut and the inspire started to drop. Once it was about 2m off the ground the motors kicked back in and spun up but by that time it was to late to recover. oddly enough I was flying over fields so the impact was a bit softer however still bent the gimbal and cracked the front left carbon fiber arm.

I will make sure to press 1 once DJI opens on the 24th  
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Flight distance : 56184 ft

I am a relatively new quad pilot, I have only been flying quads for about a year now. Most of my flying to this point has been with a Syma x5c1. I fly this little bird at least 1 hr every day, I have been using it as a trainer. All of this talk about motor shut down in flight has caught my interest as I have ordered an Inspire 1 from DJI.  It seems to me if you pulled the throttle all the way down with hard right yaw  and did a hard reverse & full left bank, it's not a very common maneuver unless your stunt flying, I have tried this maneuver with my X5 and it's a pretty hairy move that looks like it would be very hard on the birds structure if it's not meant for stunt flying. I can see no reason to use this maneuver unless you want to shut the motors down for a hand catch. Because even if the motors don't stop, the bird pretty much falls out of the sky. Now I admit there's a big difference between my little bird and an Inspire 1 but the basic flight characteristics are the same. So other then intentionally shutting the motors down, why would anyone use this controller position.
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Flight distance : 599049 ft
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michael-dicker. Posted at 2015-2-16 05:07
Don't worry when in flight.   CSC only works when the copter is landed.

are you sure of this??????????
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Flight distance : 89498 ft
United States

I am new to all this.  I've never owned a quad, drone, insert whatever name.  I bought the Inspire, took it out of the box after reading the manual, watched tutorials and had it in the air that evening.  I was never even aware of the CSC move of death.  I consider this whole 'CSC Controversy' to be wayyy blown out of proportion honestly.  Yes, its there.  Yes, its there for the safety of others and other property.  But have you noticed how unbelievably far out you have to tuck the sticks down and in to perform this?  Unless you are doing some insane maneuver that isn't even truly effective, then your craft deserves to come down as maybe a sign you are flying a bit careless.  

I've performed a handful of super successful flights, flying out over the trees, buzzing low to the ground on a dirt road without any issue.  The controller is super responsive and I never feel the need to push the sticks not even HALF way to max output.  Thus, never even coming close to the realm of an insident such as the CSC MOD.  

One last thought.  If they altered the firmware and put in your request to turn off CSC, then you fly it into a crowd and injure or kill someone, you will probably be the same person that then tries to sue DJI because you had no way to shut it off and now "its DJI's fault."  Also, if in any case you do need to drop it out of the sky, its most likely to be due to a flyaway which is the ROOT CAUSE for having to perform this CSC.  The real issue, DJI needs to address the flyaway bug.  

Don't be scared to fly this thing, it's amazing!  Sure, there are a few unfortunate exceptions like the one discussed in this post, but for the most part, these things are awesome and I'm having a blast.  Fly safe, fly smart and don't try some crazy crap you probably shouldn't be doing in the first place with your new $4,000 drone.  Cheers.
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United States

ScottGunn Posted at 2015-2-15 09:32
Certainly was not holding the sticks in that position.  It was in a hover, not moving at all and no ...

I agree with ScottGunn and others on this forum regarding ANY combination of stick movement that can shut off the motors while in flight, unless the user deliberately sets that up as their preferred default (which currently is not possible). Arguing that other drones have always been this way is a moot argument. This is a big drone and much more likely to hurt/kill someone if the motors shut off via mere stick movements. The industry needs to re-evaluate this if they think this is a default that the user can never override.

I do understand that, based on situation and safety, the ability to shut of the motors FAST is important (e.g. caught in a tree or need to drop it before it crashes into something or needs to be grabbed out of the air [not recommended, that]). Thus there needs to be a separate way to accomplish this that is quick but cannot be accidentally triggered.

Great discussion. Thanks for everyone's comments.

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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

ScottGunn Posted at 2015-2-16 04:45
As I said, the sticks were not in the start/stop position and I'm pretty sure the flight recorder  ...

pulling back on the throttle won't stop the motors until it's landed , maximum decent speed is built in at minimum throttle ...  Well maybe it's a faulty unit ?
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Flight distance : 61860 ft
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United States

Wow, I can't believe I finally made it to the end of this thread! Whew...  Where to start??  I ordered my Inspire 1  January 15th and received it February 13th...  While I was waiting for it I purchased a Phantom 1 to train on and then also ended up purchasing a Phantom 2 with gimbal and  GoPro from eBay for what seemed like at the time a great deal...  I have reasonably mastered the basic flight techniques of the Phantom 1, Then just yesterday started flying the Phantom 2 to get used to using the monitor with the camera/gimbal etc. before trying the Inspire 1...  I have read the manuals on all 3 Quads several times and watched hours and hours of videos on all of them...  Sadly, the last 4 times that I have flown the Phantom 2 it has Crashed...  The first 3 times it dropped like a rock while hovering, the last time it shot straight up into the air 50' into a tree, again while hovering, each time after about 5 minutes of flight, compass calibrated before each flight, fully charged battery, etc...  I am dying to fly my Inspire 1 but wanted to be as familiar as possible with flying the quads and the manuals etc. before risking damaging my $4K investment...  This thread started by Scott's Inspire 1 falling like a rock has me concerned to say the least, especially since it sounds extremely similar to my recent issues with my Phantom 2...  With the Phantom 2 I only broke a few props and prop guards except for the last crash I also bent up the gimbal...  Each time it seemed like the radio transmitter/controller stopped communicating with the Quad/Drone/Phantom 2 as it didn't matter what I did, there was no stopping the first 3 falls or the last event shooting straight up into the air...  I was never more than 150' from the aircraft...  So now, as much as I am dying to fly my Inspire 1, after reading through this thread, I am very concerned about flying it at all because it is a much heavier craft and if it falls like Scott described or like my Phantom 2 did, it would be destroyed to say the least...  I live in a rocky mountain canyon in central Idaho with lots of trees and rocks...  No real earth shattering point to make here I guess...  Just sharing... I have sent an email to a dealer in Salt Lake to see if I can send my Phantom 2 to them for service...  I did purchase my Inspire 1 direct from DJI thinking that I might receive a newer unit with the bugs worked out from a video that I saw on youtube of an early Inspire 1 crashing into a garage door while in auto takeoff mode...  From some of the comments that I have read just in this thread, I am not sure if that was the best way to go or not, time will tell...  As I said, I am really dying to fly my Inspire 1 but think I will go back to flying the Phantom 1 while waiting to see what they find out about my issues with the Phantom 2, continue reading future comments from other Inspire 1 owners and hoping that Scott gets some good news about his Inspire 1 situation...  Thanks for listening Good Flying to everyone...
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Flight distance : 56184 ft

I hope this isn't a stupid question, But, if the Inspire 1 is in GPS position hold at , let's say 18ft over moving grass, and it momentarily loss's GPS lock. And can not read the moving grass below it with the downward facing camera or the sonar system. Could it not drop quick enough for a short distance while trying to recover and enter VRE (vortex ring effect) and slam into the ground before anyone can react?
Looking like it just fell out of the sky?
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Flight distance : 1329 ft

United States

I hope that if she lost GPS than it will go into att mode, so it should hold it's position but drift a bit, I don't think it just fell out of the sky.
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Flight distance : 56184 ft

presti.optonlin Posted at 2015-2-23 01:18
I hope that if she lost GPS than it will go into att mode, so it should hold it's position but drift ...

But if it lost gps lock, would it not try and hold altitude by relying on the downward facing camera and sonar system. And "if" it could not read the ground because the grass is moving, say due to a light wind, would it not descend till it read the ground? And if so, could it not enter "VRE"?  I ask this because I have entered VRE with my trainer while hovering and it drops to the ground very quickly, unless you are already on the controls and see it wobble and react to NOW the bird hits the ground, and the Inspire 1 is considerably heavier then my little trainer. And from under 20 ft it would all happen very quickly.
And just for the record I do not know, that is why I am asking. I may well be out in left field with these questions. And if I am I apologize for wasting this forums time and space. I am just trying to learn as much as possible before I receive my bird.
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United States

Fred Posted at 2015-2-23 02:23
But if it lost gps lock, would it not try and hold altitude by relying on the downward facing camer ...

The Inspire is also equipped with a barometer, which measures altitude.  Don't think it would, or should, just drop because of GPS lock.
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United States

Just a quick update for the guys keeping up with this thread.  Shipped off the craft, arrived at DJI on Monday, 2-22-15.

Took them 3 days just to check it into the system.  And.....just been sitting there for two weeks.

One suggestion to DJI, if you are going to provide a message service on RMA's, it might be a good idea to have someone assigned to answering and responding to the messages.  Just a tip.

Anyone know what the turn-around time has been recently?  Last I heard it was 2-3 weeks.
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United States

ScottGunn Posted at 2015-3-9 07:45
Just a quick update for the guys keeping up with this thread.  Shipped off the craft, arrived at DJI ...

Anxiously waiting to hear what the verdict is on the cause of the motor cutting gout on you.
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United States

Muscadel Posted at 2015-2-20 02:55
Simple software update will suffice....

Put sticks in CSC position, press and hold both C1 and C2,  ...

I 100% agree with you.  Having C1 and C2 as part of CSC for any emergency would be the best way to Shut off your motors in any emergency. While trying to prevent harm this feature can actually Cause Serious DAMAGE. I am Glad no one was harm in this situation. I hope that DJI comes up with a solution to this Issue on the next firmware update. it will give me peace when flying my inspire 1!
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ScottGunn Posted at 2015-2-17 07:45
When I fly, and the vast majority of other experienced pilots, I am not paying attention to the sti ...

You said it yourself," this is not a 3d copter" it is for the most part a flying camera. Now I'm not condoning or poo pooing the unusual stick position we a re talking about but I will say this.... When shooting video, slow steady movements are needed. It seems odd that at any time while filming that a full down throttle would be used, or for that matter either extreme low and to the outside or inside double stick commands. The movements are not conducive to videography they are counter to all that is normally in flight and that is the reason those positions were chosen. Please don't get me wrong here I do agree there should be some way to get this command off the sticks entirely.
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ScottGunn Posted at 2015-2-17 07:45
When I fly, and the vast majority of other experienced pilots, I am not paying attention to the sti ...

You said it yourself," this is not a 3d copter" it is for the most part a flying camera. Now I'm not condoning or poo pooing the unusual stick position we a re talking about but I will say this.... When shooting video, slow steady movements are needed. It seems odd that at any time while filming that a full down throttle would be used, or for that matter either extreme low and to the outside or inside double stick commands. The movements are not conducive to videography they are counter to all that is normally in flight and that is the reason those positions were chosen. Please don't get me wrong here I do agree there should be some way to get this command off the sticks entirely.
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United States

Dangair Posted at 2015-3-9 15:19
You said it yourself," this is not a 3d copter" it is for the most part a flying camera. Now I'm n ...

Although it's not why my craft went down, the CSC has become a huge topic of concern throughout this post.  Let me just throw something out there in response to your comment.

I understand what you are saying about smooth fluent movements, usually used when filming stationary objects.  Let's think about what else it is being used for.  Just as a random example, I watched a tv commercial today for a car that was driving down the usual twisting mountain.  I saw numerous times in the aerial footage where these commands would be used forcefully to match the speed and movement of the car.

This example could be matched in shooting video on any moving target, where the pilot isn't just trying to get some video of a building or treehouse or whatever.  It's not a 3D heli, but it is a fairly expensive and heavy flying object.  If the 100% stick positions are too much for the craft they should be dialed down.

Saying "There shouldn't be many instances where a pilot may need to use this combination of stick input, let's make it shut down the craft mid-flight"...I just cannot understand the logic or common sense behind it.  At least not without a third input sequence in place.
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Sorry for the double post. Anyway good luck with your plane. Hope you're flying soon.
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No I don't agree. These aircraft do not require flying backward and in a strange position. They were designed for two operators. The aircraft can achieve the same flight path going forward while the camera is being controlled by the operator. This is the advantage of the elevated landing gear as it allows for full unobstructed camera rotation. You need to re train yourself as a pilot and camera operator. This camera is quite a bit more versatile with a second operator.
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Flight distance : 49646 ft
United States

I just had that happen to me on my first flight in beginner mode with one stick use going forward light to no wind and my inspire 1 dropped from the sky like it lost all power and fell. the controller  has a warning after saying remote controller battery error solution: hardware malfunction please contact customer service for repair.  

hope i can get it repaired or if there was a problem with it a new one would be nice

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Ok, now that's a problem!  I hope people reading this appreciate the need for safety. We all want to do cool overhead shots, and fly by's and it seems the more comfortable on the sticks the more willing to take risks. This things that are happening solidify how dangerous they can be. The props are bad but being struck by a 3 kg object falling from any height is going to cause serious if not fatal harm never mind the copter. This is why on film sets and sporting events these devices are to be flown in the safety zone off to a side and only in approved and cordoned off airspace ie restricted to non essential traffic. Please do not take risks with these devices and remember pets and children can be over exited when they see these aircraft. Choose a safe location to learn to fly, like a sports field or pasture sans cows or horses. Have fun and play safe, remember to always do a pre flight- if you shut it down and re start it it needs a pre- flight particularly because the new firmware is unreliable and the hardware is also questionable ( tx's ) ?
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United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2015-3-9 21:12
I just had that happen to me on my first flight in beginner mode with one stick use going forward li ...

Dang, man, that draws in large quantities of air!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

I have posted this before.  While you may not like the ability to use CSC to shut the motors down in flight some countries require the ability to shut the motors down in case of an emergency.  That is why it is there.  As has been stated I cannot see a reason why you would have the craft dropping, rotating, rolling and moving backward at the same time with maximum stick.
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Flight distance : 49646 ft
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-3-9 22:42
I have posted this before.  While you may not like the ability to use CSC to shut the motors down in ...

I did not csc it just going forward with one stick nothing on the other stick no to light wind in beginner mode max distance 98ft /30m and it just dropped. I looked at my flight log on my Ipad and that flight is not there the other two from landing and take off are there.  error with the controller stating what it says in previous post along with picture
Firmware on controller and inspire both updated to the latest firmware and compass calibrated before flight did
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2015-3-10 01:40
I did not csc it just going forward with one stick nothing on the other stick no to light wind in b ...

Have you downloaded the Flight Data Log from the flight?  If you can do that and provide a link we can take a look at it.
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Flight distance : 49646 ft
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-3-10 02:03
Have you downloaded the Flight Data Log from the flight?  If you can do that and provide a link we ...

here are the two logs that i have and all that's there ... LXZUNVU&usp=sharing

and I need to know why my controller has this warning on it
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2015-3-10 02:41
here are the two logs that i have and all that's there ... LXZUNV ...

We need the actual files.  Not a text file.  If they are less that 5mb they probably are not valid files.  
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Flight distance : 49646 ft
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-3-10 12:06
We need the actual files.  Not a text file.  If they are less that 5mb they probably are not valid ...

Where would I find these files? I only have two flight logs on my iPad that I can see. Are the on the inspire or the controller?
How do I transfer the files needed?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

Power your Tx, your monitor and then your Inspire.  Under mode in the App go to enter flight data mode.  Connect your computer via USB connected to the port next to the rear LED.  A drive will appear on your desk top.  Those are the flight data logs.  One is created each time the craft is powered.  You need to find the one from your crash.  That is what we need. You can download it to your computer and then upload to a server where they can be viewed or downloaded.  
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Flight distance : 49646 ft
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-3-10 12:27
Power your Tx, your monitor and then your Inspire.  Under mode in the App go to enter flight data mo ...

Okay I did it I put all of the files on the same link in previous post. But I also ran in to a problem it didn't show one for when I just turned it on and my computer said that the drive was unstable and some of them are missing. Also the inspire turned itself on and off while doing so. And here's the link ... LXZUNVU&usp=sharing
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

Do you have any idea which file this might be?  Going through 21 files is like looking for a needle in a haystack.  

That being said have you contacted DJI and opened a ticket with them?  I will see what I can do with the FDL but I would get started with DJI.
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Flight distance : 49646 ft
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-3-10 13:30
Do you have any idea which file this might be?  Going through 21 files is like looking for a needle  ...

Yes I have contacted dji. I do not know how to read them no program to do so. But if I had to guess around 14-18 but my computer could not  transfer one said it was a bad file and could not transfer it. so it could even be that one I do not know.
And thank you for the help it is appreciated
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2015-3-10 13:48
Yes I have contacted dji. I do not know how to read them no program to do so. But if I had to guess ...

I got a email back from the lead Inspire Tech in LA.  It was a controller issue from the time you took off until it crashed.  He is forwarding it to DJI HQ to determine the exact cause.  The FLY014 is the correct file.

When you get your RMA let me know.  I will also need your name and location.  I can then follow up with the Service Center.
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United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-3-11 01:09
I got a email back from the lead Inspire Tech in LA.  It was a controller issue from the time you  ...

Ed, you da man!
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Flight distance : 49646 ft
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-3-11 01:09
I got a email back from the lead Inspire Tech in LA.  It was a controller issue from the time you  ...

I over night shipped it there and arrived at 9:00am (pst) 3-12-2015  RMA: 31015237107287 Name Travis McDaniels location Brooklyn park Minnesota
And Thank You very much for the help

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

You are welcome.  
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Flight distance : 1500794 ft

Just a small follow up regarding CSC in mid flight:

I am flying multicopters (mainly self built with Mikrokopter electronics) for a few years now and I did accidentally shut down a hexacopter in mid flight. Mikrokopter software, like DJI allows to shut down motors with CSC while airborne.

After that crash I reconfigured the software on my copters so that I always have to press a specific button on my remote in combination with CSC to shut down motors.

I really hope DJI will add this feature for the Inspire-1 as well!
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