DJI Phantom 4 Pro Shipping Dates
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8812 98 2016-11-17
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I ordered my Phantom 4 Pro on the 15th, the first day it came out. I'm wondering as to when i can expect it to have it in my hands as I had also ordered a Mavic and have been thoroughly disappointed with how long that is taking to be shipped. I've been told by many people that they will start shipping the P4P by next week. I don't want to get too excited about that however because of what I have been experiencing with the Mavic. If anyone has an accurate and reliable source as to when the P4P will actually be shipping, PLEASE let me know! Thanks
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Grizz 1
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United States

according to the dji order website, the P4P + will ship in 1-2 weeks, the P4 P with the standard controller ships in I believe it said 3-5 weeks.
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On DJI's site they said 1-2 weeks after payment, although I don't believe they are taking immediate payments anymore. Since you ordered yesterday you'd fall under that regardless of it it says something different now. The shipping next week came from the Newegg listing from DJI that says November 25th, they are a marketplace vendor so it's directly from them and they create the listing. With all of the things that happened with the Mavic, they are not going to give an arbitrary date like that and not have the potential to deliver. The P4P also is running through a pre-existing assembly line since the Phantom already exists. It's just my opinion and I've been going through the Mavic mess along with everyone else, but I strongly believe they will ship out next week.
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United States

trance728 Posted at 2016-11-17 17:33
On DJI's site they said 1-2 weeks after payment, although I don't believe they are taking immediate  ...

Thank you. That was a very intuitive way of putting it. Clearly they have had issues with the Mavic and gotten major backlash for it so why on Earth would they give out an arbitrary date(like you said) and not be able to deliver. However, the only other reply to my post says that the P4P ships out in 3-5 weeks whereas the P4P+ ships out in 1-2. That kindve goes against what my common sense is telling me considering the P4P+ includes the controller with the new monitor on it, my point being that I feel like those would take longer to manufacture whereas the P4P just has the old controller with slight range modifications and that those most likely wouldn't take as long to manufacture. Im just going off of what would make sense.
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United States

Grizz 1 Posted at 2016-11-17 17:27
according to the dji order website, the P4P + will ship in 1-2 weeks, the P4 P with the standard con ...

Are you sure you didn't mix those 2 around? Like the P4P shipping in 1-2 and the P4P+ shipping in 3-5? The only reason I'm questioning that is because logically one would think that manufacturing large numbers of P4P controllers would take less time and effort compared to manufacturing large numbers of P4P+ controllers because obviously the P4P+ controller has a brand new monitor on it whereas the the P4P controller is practically the same controller as the P4 just with better range. But then again, if you think about it this way, DJI probably doesn't want to make people who paid more money(buying the P4P+) to wait longer than the people who paid less money(buying just the P4P).
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fansdec58103 Posted at 2016-11-17 22:26
Thank you. That was a very intuitive way of putting it. Clearly they have had issues with the Mavi ...

My thought on that would be more people want the normal controller and so those are ordered up through the first batch, it originally said 1-2 for both versions. Regardless of it just being a remote difference they will be different packaging and there were still a cert in number of each remote to run through a first batch.

Newegg is still showing the same dates for both, but that listing would be updated when they remember to do so.

Again, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.
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United States

trance728 Posted at 2016-11-17 19:39
My thought on that would be more people want the normal controller and so those are ordered up thr ...

Makes sense. I hope you are right because I ordered the Mavic on October 23rd(so Im gonna be waiting a while) and decided when the P4P came out to just order it right away and now my plan is to wait and see which one ships first. Whichever one ships first is the one that I will keep and the other one that hasn't been shipped yet is the one that I will send back. I sold my Phantom 3 Advanced the same day i ordered the Mavic so I've been without a drone now for almost a month and it's killing me!
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The P4P now says 1-3 days shipping. Looks like it won't be like the Mavic
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I ordered my P4-Pro on the the 17th of November 2016 at 14:47 (UTC). Fully paid for, however it has not being shipped yet. They say its 1-3 days on their website, however, if this were true, I would have received mine by now. moreover, I contacted DJI today via Chat (14:00 local time - China), a DJI repesentative told me that the P4-Pro will be shipped today. In addition, I asked them about the Mavic Pro, and they informed me it will be shipped in around 5 to 7 weeks. Anyone who ordered the Mavic Pro will be disappointed, its unlikely you will get it before Christmas, or New Years Eve to capture the count down and the Fireworks lit skyline -  2017!
So far, DJI have NOT upheld their word when they stated that the P4-Pro will be shipped in 1-3 days.
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United States

fansea0638f5 Posted at 2016-11-22 11:58
I ordered my P4-Pro on the the 17th of November 2016 at 14:47 (UTC). Fully paid for, however it has  ...

When you ordered on the 17th the site said 1-2 weeks, not 1-3 days,they didn't update that until this week. That is a completely accurate date. It does not say you will receive it in that time frame, it just means it will ship in that time frame.
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trance728- Posted at 2016-11-22 18:10
When you ordered on the 17th the site said 1-2 weeks, not 1-3 days,they didn't update that until t ...

Firstly, yes you're correct, (my mistake) DJI said 1-2 weeks when I paid for the item, only recently, the shipping dates changed to 1-3 days (Business days).

However, the 1-3 business days have now passed, and DJI have still failed to ship the item as advertised. Do the 1-3 days shipping dates only count for people that have recently purchase the P4-Pro? (during the change from 1-2 weeks to 1-3 days).  While customers that reordered the P4-Pro have to wait another week (even though they purchased the drone early during its release). In that case, would it be more beneficial for everyone that pre-ordered the drone on its launch date to cancel their order, and re-order the drone now to have it shipped in 1-3 days?

In addition, I have already committed to making a pull payment to DJI. Why would they change the shipping date to 1-3 days when they are unable to commit to 1-2 weeks? I would like to give DJI the benefit of the doubt, but they failed on delivering the Mavic to many prepaid customers onetime – I personally believe DJI rushed these products through before their due dates to create an aggressive competition strategy to push GoPro out of the Drone market. Why would DJI make it longer for people that pre-ordered the drone to wait longer than people that purchased it now? Where is their sense of basic business etiquette?

As any business, I personally believe that DJI need to honour the shipment dates as advertised on their website, and ‘’Honour their word.  that’s just common business sense, basic etiquette.

Just as an example, would you buy a ticket with an airline not knowing the travel dates? Would you buy a house, not knowing the move in date/completion date?  Would you rent an apartment not knowing when you can move in? I mean, an advertised date should be honoured.

The majority of DJI customers have financially committed to buying a product from the company, and deserve to be told the truth, If DJI say 1-2 weeks - then the product should be shipped within 1-2 weeks. If DJI say 1-3 days - then the item needs to be shipped within 1-3 days? Simple.

I personally feel that DJI should keep their side of the deal and ship products according to their advertised dates. If DJI are unable to commit to this they should have managed this in a better way, and from the beginning clearly increased the shipping dates – upfront. I personally feel they knew they were unable to ship as advertised, but they did it in order to elevate and migrate Macic Pro orders (on another assembly line) which takes much longer and to push GoPro further out of the drone market. As a result, DJI jeopardised their commitments to their customers to force out competition and knew well in advance that they would not be able to commit to the advertised shipping dates.

Of course, I can understand why DJI didn’t increase the shipping dates duration, that would only reduce pre-orders –Profit.

I am in no rush for the drone delivery, but, it’s a matter of principle, and to improve their customer service reputation, (we kept our side of the deal and paid in full– they should honour their commitments and deliver as advertised). Basics business etiquette. I contacted DJI yesterday via their website chat where a member of their staff said that the P4-Pro will be shipped, (Yesterday- Tuesday 22 of November 2016) it was never shipped. I then asked if it was the general shipping date or the shipping date for my item, - they ended the chat without answering the question.

To end on a lighter note, DJI have great products, and are a wonderful company despite the delivery setbacks. It’s always a good sign when demand out-performs production capacity and i TRUST DJI are doing everything in their power to meet targets. I just hope DJI can use this as 'Positive Feedback' in order to improve their service for their customers.

P.S: I will update you all here on this forum once the item is shipped.
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United Kingdom

fansea0638f5 Posted at 2016-11-23 11:21
Firstly, yes you're correct, (my mistake) DJI said 1-2 weeks when I paid for the item, only recent ...

Ford Focus RS MkIII launched this year, orders placed over a year in advance, no information on launch date....then launch date changes, non sequential orders released, a whole week of early orders 'lost' and pushed to the back of a 12 month wait!

DJI are doing well compared to Ford. Not saying it's right, just not unique.
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United States

1-3 business days would still give them all of today to ship out. You're looking way too far into this date change. No, DJI is not taking orders from people this week and sending them out before people who ordered last week, but if you really feel that is going on then maybe you should cancel your order and place another one.
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United States

If the Mavik Pro was released when it was supposed to be, I don't think customers would be as upset.  The supply and demand problems with the Mavik Pro have created a black market (on eBay) and a lot of frustrations for customers around the world.  It's only been about a week so I don't think a majority of customers would be frustrated normally but this Mavik thing has people (including myself) irritated.  

I'm hopeful that we won't see this problem with the Phantom 4 Pro. I just keep watching youtube videos of people who obtained an early product and also lucky people who have their Mavik Pros.  

Hang in there guys - hopefully we'll have these soon!  I sold my P4, so I'm drone-less and going through withdrawals....  

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United States

Can anyone confirm that the new shipping time frame as of right now is 5-7 days? I've been reading that in some other threads and just want to make sure it's legit. If you can confirm please tell me your source
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United Kingdom

fansdec58103 Posted at 2016-11-23 15:29
Can anyone confirm that the new shipping time frame as of right now is 5-7 days? I've been reading t ...

why don't you just click on the store and check? That's what I did and it says 5-7days
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United States

fansdec58103 Posted at 2016-11-23 10:29
Can anyone confirm that the new shipping time frame as of right now is 5-7 days? I've been reading t ...

I was just informed that my order, P4P+ , will ship on 11/29

Order Time:2016-11-15 21:23:51 (UTC)
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United States

fansdec58103 Posted at 2016-11-17 19:33
Are you sure you didn't mix those 2 around? Like the P4P shipping in 1-2 and the P4P+ shipping in  ...

Here's the thing. The Phantom 4 pro+ bundle is more expensive and they want to sell more of those. They say that will ship sooner, so that you will opt for that one before the cheaper one. It's not about the actual manufacturing, it's about marketing and the bottom line. I had an order for a Mavic Pro and I canceled it in favor of the Phantom 4 Pro+. I'm really hoping they don't screw this up. I have hope though, because like someone else said, they are making this based on an already in production model.
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United Kingdom

andrewkc69 Posted at 2016-11-23 18:03
Here's the thing. The Phantom 4 pro+ bundle is more expensive and they want to sell more of those. ...

Surely it's the profit going to the bottom line, which isn't necessarily proportional the the unit selling price. There might be more profit in the P4P rather than the P4P+?
It could be that they want to get the 'premium' model out first for the reviews, or they could have a lot of inventory of screens that they need to turn into cash.
There's a lot more to it than just the list price I'm sure.
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Second Officer
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BeefyJ Posted at 2016-11-23 23:33
why don't you just click on the store and check? That's what I did and it says 5-7days

Sounds about right. Congruent with what they are saying to Asian customers.
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United States

BeefyJ Posted at 2016-11-23 07:33
why don't you just click on the store and check? That's what I did and it says 5-7days

Still says 5-7 days.  I just ordered mine
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Said 1-3 days on order, now says 5-7. Patience is a virtue i guess, as long as it isn't a debacle like the Mavic i am ok.
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BeefyJ Posted at 2016-11-23 12:55
Ford Focus RS MkIII launched this year, orders placed over a year in advance, no information on la ...

Again, thats poor business practice, including Ford. What if every company did that? Just Imagine how the world would be, nothing would get done.
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trance728- Posted at 2016-11-23 13:33
1-3 business days would still give them all of today to ship out. You're looking way too far into th ...

Your missing the point, here, its more about their business practice,
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DoctorRennie Posted at 2016-11-23 15:14
If the Mavik Pro was released when it was supposed to be, I don't think customers would be as upset. ...

Yeah, thats probably the best thing to do, I hope you get yours soon, good luck.
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BeefyJ Posted at 2016-11-23 16:33
why don't you just click on the store and check? That's what I did and it says 5-7days

The shipping dates are changing all the time. First it was 1-2 weeks, then 1-3 days and now 5-7 days? is it worth checking when it changes all the time and the fact its not actually delivered when they say it is?
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fans73352522 Posted at 2016-11-23 18:13
I was just informed that my order, P4P+ , will ship on 11/29

Order Time:2016-11-15 21:23:51 (UTC)

Nice, how did they inform you? When did you order yours, and what country are you in? Just to get an estimated idea of logistics. Thanks.
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BeefyJ Posted at 2016-11-23 19:12
Surely it's the profit going to the bottom line, which isn't necessarily proportional the the unit ...

Your so right. People don't run. business to lose money ;) DJI have investors that are expecting percentage lead returns and growth.
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Flight distance : 15358 ft
United States

fansea0638f5 Posted at 2016-11-24 06:20
Nice, how did they inform you? When did you order yours, and what country are you in? Just to get  ...

This is all FWIW,  I was informed by online chat, Order Time: 2016-11-15, 21:23:51 (UTC),   I live in Austin, Texas.  

I contacted them again last night, the 2nd agent told me the same thing the first agent said " ships on the 29th" .   I was in on the Mavic mess, cancelled my order & went with the P4P+.   

maybe it will ship, maybe it won't,  just passing on what I was told.
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United Kingdom

It would be nice if they shipped out my Mavic with my P4 order together :-o  here's to wishful thinking
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United States

I just tried to get an update from DJI support online chat twice and was suddenly disconnected when I inquired about the estimate shipping date for my P4P+. I was involved in the Mavic fiasco and bailed because of the better camera on the P4P. Now it looks like I am back in the a similar situation. This is my first time dealing with DJI and I can't believe how horrible their customer service is.
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Okay, a quick update folks. As of today it says in my DJI account that DJI have shipped my P4-Pro today (29/November/2016 11:00am GMT+1).
I recon it will take a week from China to the Czech Republic, so its down to courier logistics now, hopefully no issues with customs.

So thank you DJI.

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fans73352522 Posted at 2016-11-24 14:25
This is all FWIW,  I was informed by online chat, Order Time: 2016-11-15, 21:23:51 (UTC),   I live  ...

Thanks for the update, IU think they have a distribution centre in California (so I hear) so it should be quicker than getting a delivery from China.
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fans73352522 Posted at 2016-11-24 14:25
This is all FWIW,  I was informed by online chat, Order Time: 2016-11-15, 21:23:51 (UTC),   I live  ...

I also did the same, I canceled the Mavic and went for the P4-Pro Better value
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Its interesting to note, but DJI  didn't provide an automated email reminder that they shipped my p4-pRO (nor any other contact).
No big deal, just thought to mention it in case others had that question.

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DJI UPDATE: (looks like they have finally started to ship the P4-PRO (The secrert is out of the box)

29 Nov 2016 13:00 GMT+1
Dear DJI Customers:

We recently announced the Phantom 4 Pro, a powerful and intelligent aerial imaging platform for photographers, video creators and hobbyists. We want to take this opportunity to thank our customers and also provide an update on the shipment status and the app availability.

The Phantom 4 Pro, with many newly-added intelligent features, will work with the new ‘DJI Go 4’ mobile app. The Android version of the app is now available on Google Play and the iOS version will be made available on App Store within the first half of December.

In addition, we've started shipping the product to different channels including our Flagship Stores, online customers and dealer partners, so we hope to have you up in the air with the Phantom 4 Pro very soon.



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United Kingdom

fansea0638f5 Posted at 2016-11-29 12:11
DJI UPDATE: (looks like they have finally started to ship the P4-PRO (The secrert is out of the box) ...

I have an email from the courier (DPD) saying that they are going to deliver my P4Pro tomorrow
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United Kingdom

Isn't the sign that they've started (or just about to start) shipping that the manual is up?
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United Kingdom

Mine will be delivered tomorrow via DPD.
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Flight distance : 1064780 ft
United Kingdom

Mine has a slot for DPD delivery tomorrow too yipeeeeeeee
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