M600 PRO OUT!!!???
10726 194 2016-11-9
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United States

I actually have some news for you guys.  I was at least contacted by a supervisor.  I will be talking with him as soon as possible.  Again, Twitter is the way to get managements attention apparently and unfortunately.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1544416 ft
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United States

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-8 07:08
I actually have some news for you guys.  I was at least contacted by a supervisor.  I will be talking with him as soon as possible.  Again, Twitter is the way to get managements attention apparently and unfortunately.

Thanks Krankie! Hoping that DJI will come up with a upgrade solution for the Pro. As was said in posts, the parts to upgrade would cost over $1500.00US. Making this unrealistic for us that purchased the M600 30 +-days prior to the launch of the M600 Pro. I would have given an option to these people who would have rather purchased the M600 Pro , for $500.00US purchase the upgrade kit for the A3Pro and a charging station.That would be a fair option. Instead we get dead air.
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-8 00:08
I actually have some news for you guys.  I was at least contacted by a supervisor.  I will be talking with him as soon as possible.  Again, Twitter is the way to get managements attention apparently and unfortunately.

Could you let me know how you got them to answer you on Twitter? They didn't seem to have much interest in my Tweets
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Flight distance : 256791 ft
United States

P.R Posted at 2016-12-8 07:17
Could you let me know how you got them to answer you on Twitter? They didn't seem to have much interest in my Tweets

True that. I don't have twitter but would get it if I could get their attention.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

OK here is the dealio

Ok so I was able to talk to someone from upper management today.
Here is the deal.  They are aware that something is going on with the M600, however in my opinion reading in to the managers words is that DJI has grown so fast and it seems like all of the divisions are not really talking to eachother.  If you can actually get to a manager, and I will definitely help you,  you can at the very least tell suppot of your issues and what is going on with your bird.  I will say this though,  the guy I talked to was really willing to help.  The problem is that not everyone is connecting.  For example the forum, sales team, techs, legal, and marketing are horribly integrated to put it VERY politely.   It seems that the marketing team completely screwed up on the M600Pro launch and this is something that Management in certain departments are aware of.  I was literally told, "we have no idea why they did that"..  

So my advice to you is to you is to call DJI and insist on talking to a manager about the Matrice600.  If that doesn't work, then you need to direct message @DJIGlobal or @DJIsupport via direct message and in public, not to ridicule but just to kindly ask what's up with the #M600--they did get back to me.  The forum moderators don't seem to have any authority to do much, however they are privy to all or most of your information so they can help you in certain ways.  Conversely they can edit the forum and even your own words if they so choose to and seem to have limited or no capablities in terms of online sales.

In summation, you really need to go after every department of DJI to get any accountability since DJI is so compartmentalized.  I will say the individual who helped me was a nice guy, but sill he did not say that they would in fact offer the updrade that I persoanlly think is absolutely neccessary to solve this problem.  I think they are trying to get us all to send back the faulty units.  I personally don't think that's the way to go.  I think everyone needs to push for them to do the correct thing and offer the Pro version for the US$350 dollar differnce.  Like I mentioned, DJI even admitted that this was a mistake by marketing so why wouldn't they?  Most likely because the company is in fact a Chinese company, not to be rude or edeamaing either,  but just saying it seems to be a different approach to bussiness.

If you are not able to get in to contact with DJI after trying everything, please PM me and I will give you an email that should help.
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United States

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-9 17:59
Ok so I was able to talk to someone from upper management today.
Here is the deal.  They are aware that something is going on with the M600, however in my opinion reading in to the managers words is that DJI has grown so fast and it seems like all of the divisions are not really talking to eachother.  If you can actually get to a manager, and I will definitely help you,  you can at the very least tell suppot of your issues and what is going on with your bird.  I will say this though,  the guy I talked to was really willing to help.  The problem is that not everyone is connecting.  For example the forum, sales team, techs, legal, and marketing are horribly integrated to put it VERY politely.   It seems that the marketing team completely screwed up on the M600Pro launch and this is something that Management in certain departments are aware of.  I was literally told, "we have no idea why they did that"..  

Krankie, do you think there is going to be anything done with regard to upgrading?  Honestly, there was nothing wrong with my unit, or my setup.  Things worked fine...so I have no need to send it in etc.  I just want to be able to upgrade the dang thing for a reasonable price...
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Jesper J
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Krankie Posted at 2016-12-9 10:59
Ok so I was able to talk to someone from upper management today.
Here is the deal.  They are aware that something is going on with the M600, however in my opinion reading in to the managers words is that DJI has grown so fast and it seems like all of the divisions are not really talking to eachother.  If you can actually get to a manager, and I will definitely help you,  you can at the very least tell suppot of your issues and what is going on with your bird.  I will say this though,  the guy I talked to was really willing to help.  The problem is that not everyone is connecting.  For example the forum, sales team, techs, legal, and marketing are horribly integrated to put it VERY politely.   It seems that the marketing team completely screwed up on the M600Pro launch and this is something that Management in certain departments are aware of.  I was literally told, "we have no idea why they did that"..  

Again... *LOL*

Not that you didnt do a great job, because you did, but we have not gotten 1 inch closer to a solution, i have tried everything, local vendor, support and seales emails, and with no result.

Its all talk from DJI side, no action, no proposals, no nothing, and this will be the case in 1 year.
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Flight distance : 493018 ft
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DJI will not do anything, I hope I'm wrong and I eat my words.

I think I'll be with my M600 just like the first DJI Inspire, a year with errors, problems and always flying scared.

This "necessary" upgrade should give confidence in DJI and M600.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

gryzzly Posted at 2016-12-10 14:14
Krankie, do you think there is going to be anything done with regard to upgrading?  Honestly, there was nothing wrong with my unit, or my setup.  Things worked fine...so I have no need to send it in etc.  I just want to be able to upgrade the dang thing for a reasonable price...

Hey guys,
If your unit is working fine, then I very much doubt you will get any type of replacement whatsoever.
My drone, even with the X5 on it was pretty bad from day one.  The vibration was terrible.  I will say the pan movements were pretty good but only with the smaller format cameras.  Please remember this as well.  If you are only currently flying the X5 or X5R on your Matrice,  it doesn't mean that your drone will be fine when you upgrade it to the RoninMX.  You need to do a full diagnostic check of your drone to make sure it is in fact workable as a combination unit (like the RoninMX+Matrice).

In my case it is about large format cameras.  My clients all want to fly Reds and the like,  and unfortunately this drone with the Ronin MX does not cut it at all.  I wish they would just take the time and perfect all of the facets of THIS drone before making it redundant/obsolete a mere 2-3 months past its born on date.   Realistically NO other drone manufacturer has come close to DJI with its drone technology (hence why they can do this to us).  So why are they in such a hurry to get things out the door (keep reading I'll tell you)?  Unless they know about a large acquisition of a company buying out a competitor then maybe it makes sense to just piss out a drone every week, however, even then the goal should be to make every single drone reliable in terms of compatibility, firmware, and flight as well as making it upgradeable to the extent not to alienate their customers. The reality is that DJI is competing against itself and in the case of the MATRICE600, it is a MESS!!!   

It has become all too clear that DJI has a very faulty internal structure.  I know the company has grown by leaps and bounds as of late, however for the Marketing and Production teams, and even the forum team (no offense you all are busy folks) can't keep up.  If they ever want to fix their issues, the departments MUST talk in order to avoid screwing over consumers with timelines and ridiculous tactics like selling the Matrice 600 for the same price as a Matrice 600 Pro only weeks apart (well days apart really for some of you).  People are feeling VERY cheated right now by two things.   1.  The launch of the Matrice 600 Pro without ANY notice and only months apart from the (prior) Matrice 600 launch which was also thought to be a "Pro drone" (and was riddled with bugs).  2. The launch of a cinema grade Inspire 2 Pro drone.  I imagine some people find it incredibly frustrating that they even bought the "Pro" version of the Matrice when they could have stuck with a platform that they were accustomed to (like the Inspire Series which was launched a few weeks later).
I have no doubt NOT ONE PERSON ON THIS THREAD WOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE MATRICE 600 (standard unit) if they had the above information about the M600Pro and Inspire 2 launch, correct???  

If you wanted to know why the crazy timing of the Matrice 600 Pro, here is your answer,  and it has to do with one thing and one thing only, the Inspire 2 launch.  It is no mistake or secret the M600 Pro was "announced" in to market just barely before the Inspire 2,  yet making absolutely no logical sense in timing as it pertains to the Matrice600 (standard version).  Ok well maybe there was SOME thought by DJI behind the Matrice600 Pro's early launch but it didn't take US in to account in the least.  It was likely launched early and before the big yearly release of the Inspire 2 and P4PRo because they didn't want customers backing out of their "obligations" to the Matrice 600 line.  Pro Systems failed us and instead of making the M600PRo a part of the new product launch cycle, they hedged their bets.  Perhaps the Sales team saw or possibly thought that the RONIN MX and Matrice 600 were about to be wiped out by the release of the Inspire2PRo cinema kit?  Talk about awkward and unprecedented time for the Matrice 600 Pro launch,  but DJI knew what was coming down the pipe and what better way of making the Matrice line sell then by offering people such and amazing deal on the M600 Pro even after hearing the rumblings about the initial offering.  It means that thousands of consumers are now committed to the Matrice Platform as well as the RoninMX (and batteries, accessories, etc....).  So perhaps it was a smart move in the short run, but in the long run people will remember.  It's also interesting to note that DJI could have realized it's prosumer business is now bumping heads with its Pro Systems business.

As I mentioned above, after talking to staff members it seems clear that DJI is extremely compartmentalized.  It doesn't seem the departments have any "synergy" and work outside of one another, but hopefully that culture is changing.  However until this is cleared up, expect more actions like the M600Pro launch.  My current rule is wait 3 months at the least to buy any DJI product.  It seems that's the average amount of time it takes for DJI to fix their initial launch of a product (however the M600Pro "upgrade" is unprecedented)..  

It is the responsibility of DJI to talk internally to Marketing/Sales, Production/Manufacturing, Prosumer/ProSytems, to get out the best possible information to its client base.  In the sense of the M600, DJI 100 percent COMPLETELY FAILED THE CUSTOMER and did what was only beneficial to DJI.  There really is no clearer example of a company taking a prod to its customer base.
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SkySight Aerial
Flight distance : 3312018 ft
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United Kingdom

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-11 09:54
Hey guys,
If your unit is working fine, then I very much doubt you will get any type of replacement whatsoever.
My drone, even with the X5 on it was pretty bad from day one.  The vibration was terrible.  I will say the pan movements were pretty good but only with the smaller format cameras.  Please remember this as well.  If you are only currently flying the X5 or X5R on your Matrice,  it doesn't mean that your drone will be fine when you upgrade it to the RoninMX.  You need to do a full diagnostic check of your drone to make sure it is in fact workable as a combination unit (like the RoninMX+Matrice).

Thanks for that Krankie, great info.
I personally am quite confused with where DJI are going with this? With the introduction of the I2 it lt leaves the M600 a bit in no mans land unless you want to lift a Red or similar? Who would put a DSLR on an M600 with the camera spec of the I2 and certainly not an X5 or X5R? I can only imagine that the X5S will become compatible with the M600? I accept the M600 pro has a bit more redundancy built in but that is the only advantage? Currently you need to spend 4K to get the use of GS2 on the M600, unless the forum moderators are mistaken, whereas the P4 and I2 (i suspect) already have the hardware built in. I was going to upgrade my S1000 for the obvious choice (M600 Pro) but now I'm not so sure. I can wait  though as the S1000 with A3 seems to have fewer issues than the M600. I can see some great deals coming on the I1 Pro and X5R in the near future though as I'm not sure who would buy the I1 Pro over the I2 even with the X4S camera, but with the X5S it is a formidable aircraft.
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

I'm not surprised that they don't offer a upgrade to existing customers.
What I hate is that they don't seem to put any effort to fix the M600!
It took me one month to deal with dji support over e-mail, till they told me to request a RMA. Then I contacted my DJI dealer and they have requested the RMA over a week ago and nothing happened yet! Now Christmas is coming and usually nothing really happenes there.
I am pretty hopeless when it comes to DJI.

I was planning to make a major investment in Batteries, RTK, and accessories needed to make everything work properly! But how can I do that after experiencing this kind of support? So instead of investing more in my M600, I now have to buy another Drone (obviously not a DJI drone)!!
Is this in DJIs interest??

I just want my M600 to work like it is supposed to!!
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

FYI  now you get the Ronin MX Grip (269€) for free when u buy a Ronin MX.
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Flight distance : 4035026 ft
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United Kingdom

I'm on my second M600 and again I have motor whine along with loads of other faults. DJI won't replace so I need to send for repair. Something I'm not happy with now. I have £9000 sitting here earning me no money.

Why can't DJI just recall them and do the right thing??? or, Why can't I have my money back??
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Flight distance : 4035026 ft
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United Kingdom

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-9 09:59
Ok so I was able to talk to someone from upper management today.
Here is the deal.  They are aware that something is going on with the M600, however in my opinion reading in to the managers words is that DJI has grown so fast and it seems like all of the divisions are not really talking to eachother.  If you can actually get to a manager, and I will definitely help you,  you can at the very least tell suppot of your issues and what is going on with your bird.  I will say this though,  the guy I talked to was really willing to help.  The problem is that not everyone is connecting.  For example the forum, sales team, techs, legal, and marketing are horribly integrated to put it VERY politely.   It seems that the marketing team completely screwed up on the M600Pro launch and this is something that Management in certain departments are aware of.  I was literally told, "we have no idea why they did that"..  

Please could you mail me the e-mail address. markboyt@btconnect.com Thanks very much!
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

SkySight Aerial Posted at 2016-12-11 14:52
Thanks for that Krankie, great info.
I personally am quite confused with where DJI are going with this? With the introduction of the I2 it lt leaves the M600 a bit in no mans land unless you want to lift a Red or similar? Who would put a DSLR on an M600 with the camera spec of the I2 and certainly not an X5 or X5R? I can only imagine that the X5S will become compatible with the M600? I accept the M600 pro has a bit more redundancy built in but that is the only advantage? Currently you need to spend 4K to get the use of GS2 on the M600, unless the forum moderators are mistaken, whereas the P4 and I2 (i suspect) already have the hardware built in. I was going to upgrade my S1000 for the obvious choice (M600 Pro) but now I'm not so sure. I can wait  though as the S1000 with A3 seems to have fewer issues than the M600. I can see some great deals coming on the I1 Pro and X5R in the near future though as I'm not sure who would buy the I1 Pro over the I2 even with the X4S camera, but with the X5S it is a formidable aircraft.

I saw a moderator say the Matrice600 will not be compatible with the new cameras.  Wow, Matrice 600 is a........
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-16 08:57
I saw a moderator say the Matrice600 will not be compatible with the new cameras.  Wow, Matrice 600 is a........

I'm not planning on using those cameras but for those who use them thats very bad.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

P.R Posted at 2016-12-16 13:25
I'm not planning on using those cameras but for those who use them thats very bad.

So will DJI be supporting small format cameras for the M600 or is the X5 and X5R it?   I'd feel pretty stupid right now if I was one of those " first in"  dummies who bought a big old drone for 5k that doesn't work with large format cameras and possibly won't be supported past the X5R!?  DOH!!!!!!!
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Kankles Posted at 2016-12-23 13:52
So will DJI be supporting small format cameras for the M600 or is the X5 and X5R it?   I'd feel pretty stupid right now if I was one of those " first in"  dummies who bought a big old drone for 5k that doesn't work with large format cameras and possibly won't be supported past the X5R!?  DOH!!!!!!!

Mine works fine with the A7rii I hope it will work fine with the red raven, I'm now waiting to get it back from dji.
But I hope that they will support the X5s but I wouldn't really count on that.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

P.R Posted at 2016-12-25 14:25
Mine works fine with the A7rii I hope it will work fine with the red raven, I'm now waiting to get it back from dji.
But I hope that they will support the X5s but I wouldn't really count on that.

Wait, it's at DJI but it works fine?  How so?
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Kankles Posted at 2016-12-25 23:19
Wait, it's at DJI but it works fine?  How so?

I had a Barometer problem with the A3 Pro and a whining noise on the motors, that needed to be fixed.
I meant that I don't have any vibrations or wobbling when I use a heavier camera.

DJI now denied that the whining motor needs to be fixed and that it is normal, even when several people at DJI claimed it would be fixed.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

P.R Posted at 2016-12-26 10:59
I had a Barometer problem with the A3 Pro and a whining noise on the motors, that needed to be fixed.
I meant that I don't have any vibrations or wobbling when I use a heavier camera.

Yeah my phantom4 Pro whines like crazy.  I haven't had an issue on the Matrice 600 yet..  You have a video of the whine?  We could compare
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Kankles Posted at 2016-12-26 17:20
Yeah my phantom4 Pro whines like crazy.  I haven't had an issue on the Matrice 600 yet..  You have a video of the whine?  We could compare

Sure I have it here:
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

P.R Posted at 2016-12-26 14:55
Sure I have it here: https://youtu.be/lJyrMZWDFkY

Sounds noisier then mine.  I think I noticed the vibration more then the whine.  That's interesting.  I'll try and send you mine over for a comparison.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

P.R Posted at 2016-12-26 10:59
I had a Barometer problem with the A3 Pro and a whining noise on the motors, that needed to be fixed.
I meant that I don't have any vibrations or wobbling when I use a heavier camera.

So did you upgrade to the A3 Pro, and if so at what cost?
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Kankles Posted at 2016-12-27 11:09
So did you upgrade to the A3 Pro, and if so at what cost?

I upgraded it for the full price a while ago, before the M600 Pro was released.
I just strapped a gopro to the M600 without any dampening, so vibrations are to expect I guess.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

P.R Posted at 2016-12-28 02:43
I upgraded it for the full price a while ago, before the M600 Pro was released.
I just strapped a gopro to the M600 without any dampening, so vibrations are to expect I guess.

Possibly, I'm just looking at the arm shake. Looks a bit excessive. Looking ok on playback?
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Kankles Posted at 2016-12-30 05:28
Possibly, I'm just looking at the arm shake. Looks a bit excessive. Looking ok on playback?

There is some Vibration but haven't looked into that yet, DJI replaced my A3 and Pro IMUs, but the barometer problem persists on higher elevations.
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Flight distance : 193294 ft
South Korea

This happening is showing that
In the end, DJI is Chinese company
we forgot it a moment
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

For those of you with issues with your Matrice 600 I would suggest directing your issues to a capable guy named Marshall Jen - marshall.jen@dji.com
Even though my issue was not resolved and I ended up getting a mediator and getting a 100 percent refund,  Marshall helped and was good about at least trying to help with Matrice users concerns.
You must first call DJI regular number and then request to be transferred to Marshall..  Though DJI has done the absolute worst job of any company I have ever dealt with (and I surely will NEVER buy pro series again as I'll stick with our S900 for now),  Marshall at least seemed to care.  After taking my complaints to Social Media, I was directed to management.  It was then and only then (and maybe the fact that I work for a national news outlet, not sure), that I was taken seriously.  
I hope DJI realizes that most people that bought in to the original Matrice 600 series invested a lot of money.  In all, with cables and accessories plus the Ronin MX,  this investment amounted to a decent  car.  If a car dealership was to sell you a car that wouldn't turn on or had a defective engine, I imagine the dealer would (hopefully) offer you service with a smile if they want your future business.  I guess this one will serve as a lesson about this company that they could care less about your future business.  Perhaps it's just the Matrice team,  I'm not sure.  The only thing I know is that this has been 6 months of wasted labor,  0 support (until Marshall), and 0 flights that were usable from a production stand point.  If I ever receive an apology from DJI for the way they treated not just myself but from all of these people, perhaps I will look in their direction again, but for now, I'm flying free if you catch my drift.  
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Flight distance : 493018 ft
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P.R Posted at 2016-12-26 11:55
Sure I have it here: https://youtu.be/lJyrMZWDFkY

I have that same sound engine, even my sound engine complaint is stronger, the DJI support told me it was normal. I am worried that they have deceived me. I sent them video too and they listened to the sound, I was surprised that they told me the support of DJI that was normal and usual sound in M600,

This company is incredibly bad in proceeding with its regular customers, support, model marketing and more.
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Juanitor Posted at 2017-1-6 03:18
I have that same sound engine, even my sound engine complaint is stronger, the DJI support told me it was normal. I am worried that they have deceived me. I sent them video too and they listened to the sound, I was surprised that they told me the support of DJI that was normal and usual sound in M600,

DJI support on twitter told me it was a problem and that DJI would fix it (warranty) when I sent it to DJI they said it is a normal noise.
So for now I will live with it but let's see if it gets worse.
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Flight distance : 46102 ft
United States

I apologize if this has already been covered but is there any chance DJI will give out hex chargers to early M600 owners? DJI is now including free hex and case with M600s. https://m.dji.com/product/matrice-600?site=brandsite
It would be nice if early M600 customers were extended the same courtesy. Especially since we were so patient with firmware updates.  
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

reednolan Posted at 2017-1-6 13:41
I apologize if this has already been covered but is there any chance DJI will give out hex chargers to early M600 owners? DJI is now including free hex and case with M600s. https://m.dji.com/product/matrice-600?site=brandsite
It would be nice if early M600 customers were extended the same courtesy. Especially since we were so patient with firmware updates.

Doesn't look like DJI is going to make that move, but would be great tough.
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Flight distance : 193294 ft
South Korea

reednolan Posted at 2017-1-6 13:41
I apologize if this has already been covered but is there any chance DJI will give out hex chargers to early M600 owners? DJI is now including free hex and case with M600s. https://m.dji.com/product/matrice-600?site=brandsite
It would be nice if early M600 customers were extended the same courtesy. Especially since we were so patient with firmware updates.

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Flight distance : 197831 ft
United States

I have emailed DJI, like many others and will let you guys know if I hear anything.
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