DJI Guesses at Flight log Analysis (question)?
1766 12 2017-2-25
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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First off I'm trying not to offend DJI,  however what below is a valid question and is in no way a reflection how I feel about the mods here.  I have no issue with DJI mods.

My Phantom 4 Pro
went in for a very routine fix that online tech support said would be covered under warranty and should be back to me within in 2 weeks.

My Phantom 4 Pro was recieved as a ticket on Jan/06/2017 13:08:24  and dropped off 4 days later for shipping by yours truly.   The unit was recieved on Jan/27/2017 02:28:12.  In very short order it was diagnosed (Feb/01/2017 04:18:00).   I recieved my final bill with a list of all the things they replaced.   My total amount due was $222.   DJI remarked simply, "nonwarranty".  That was it.

Quote Date:

I immediately emailed them since it was after hours, and asked DJI why this was not covered by my warranty and how did they see this event so different then me?.  After all it said in my description exactly what happened and when...., surely they read these right ?    During this time period I sent 4 regular emails to DJI support.  I sent 2 messages to DJIsupport on Twitter, and posted 2 tweets to them.  To add to that I had about 6 to 10 online chats depending on how long one has to chat to be defined a "chat",  and 4 phone calls  (one of which was about both the Phantom 4 Pro+ issues).  I had one question in all of these messages.   I asked them to provide me information as to why I was being charged and gave them the exact Date of Accident:2016/12/9 0:03:06 .  So I think it is fair to say that I told DJI exactly when the accident happened down to the minute.   I also stated exactly what happened   

After my drone crashed it still flew perfectly.  It was dinged up though,  and since I was told it was going to be covered by  a warranty due to the circumstances.  Once our Phantom4Pro+ arrived to our business ,  I sent the Phantom4Pro back to repair the damage that occurred on  2016/12/9 .   All my other flights are documented and no errors occurred  However,  it looks like DJI read ONLY the last logged flight that was done on my Phantom4Pro, which was from my back porch, and happens to be 20 feet high.  Even though there are absolutely NO error messages and no reason to suspect any type of error (as the drone landed perfectly, with no movement and with the proper shut down joystick technique.) ,  what did DJI say?  Well,  two tech phone staffers said in the most ambiguous terms, that something due to a battery issue occurred and that it was a pilot error.  Seriously.  This is all I was told.  No straight answers,  no emails back, no nothing, except that something about battery power while piloting--not even a straight answer.  However I took this with a grain of salt because this drone was never crashed after  2016/12/9 ,  and I knew the exact cause of why it crashed and the craft was actually filming at the time.  So DJI's story simply doesn't jive.   When on my last call today with DJI, someone once again said it had something to do with the battery but wasn't sure, but he would find out right then and their.  Unfortunately nobody was in the "shop".  So he would get back to me IMMEDIATELY.  Now that was a promise I got hopeful about.   Unfortunately  as of this writing I have not heard anything.

Here is the issue, and most importantly for me,  nobody has given me a  reason as to why this wasn't covered under the warranty.  Nobody has directed me to which log they gathered this information from since my drone was flown several more times before it was sent to DJI, it flew perfectly however It just didn't look Shiny and New because of the initial damage.  The gimbal was banged up for sure, however it worked great and caused absolutely NO issues.  Sooo,  The issue here is not the money, and it isn't about the drone (well, a little .  It's about the fact that nobody till this hour has answered me as to one simple question as to why I'm being billed and why won't DJI provide me the logs with the flight information they used.   My first request for ANY information was acknowledged to be received on February 3rd  by DJI (# 371316.).  So this would have meant, they have not responded to a simple email request in 22 days.   However, DJI found time to send me 3 invoices for $222.  So as they were able to ask for money,  they still have not told me what log they were looking at that made them conclude it was pilot error.  So why wouldn't DJI just simply give me an easily proven reason?  Because It would be impossible based on the log they did look at.

First off everyone knows the DJIGO4 application is used in conjunction with the Phantom 4 Pro.  So obviously you would look through the flight records and look for any abnormalities,  which I imagine they did. Like I said they took the last flight that was flown in my back yard and theorized that since it was landed at 20 feet high, it must have crashed or something crazy like that.   Unfortunately for DJI,  there aren't any error messages, no abnormalities, and absolutely nothing to support it was anything but a smooth landing....ON MY DECK (20ft up)  What they forgot though is that the date of my crash, which happened at 3:06pm, was the same day DJI announced the release of the the DJIGO4 application about 30 minutes later.   So they didn't take in to consideration that my logs for the crash were actually in the DJIGo application which they couldn't have seen in the DJIGO4 app where they looked.  One reason is because they weren't even synced in to the DJIGO app until I just synced them 2 days ago.  If DJI had looked in those logs they would have seen these flights and immediately seen that the Active Track was Activated and backed up directly in to a poll.  They also would have seen a million error messages and abnormalities that are the hallmarks of crashes.  However it's my opinion that DJI forgot (just like me) that when the phantom4pro was first released,  the DJIGO was it's launch app.  HOWEVER, they were given the exact date and time down to the second.  Lastly, right after the crash,  I went back inside, and guess what.  I uploaded the firmware,  and guess what.  My drone didn't even come with the correct operating system.  So faulty sensors, faulty active track,  and the wrong firmware.   I also am TOTALLY fine if they made this mistake.  I just don't understand why they can't get back to me with ANY information in 22 days and counting.........TICK TOCK TICK TOCK

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Flight distance : 347507 ft
United States

DJI has very Sorry service...these moderators are helpful they even say they are Sorry.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Sestaceans, sorry that you're experiencing difficulties, we contacted you twice for the data analysis result.
According to the log, there is no flight at 12/9/2016, and even there is, the clock shows its at 12 midnight and it is going to dark outside, what ever he crashed into, avoidance system wont detect in dark, so no warranty.
also we found last flight is potential crash, that cause by pilot mistake, you're flying the craft around while critical low battery auto landing warning was up. ImageShowHandler.jpg
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-2-25 18:38
Sestaceans, sorry that you're experiencing difficulties, we contacted you twice for the data analysis result.
According to the log, there is no flight at 12/9/2016, and even there is, the clock shows its at 12 midnight and it is going to dark outside, what ever he crashed into, avoidance system wont detect in dark, so no warranty.
also we found last flight is potential crash, that cause by pilot mistake, you're flying the craft around while critical low battery auto landing warning was up.[view_image]

You say that "According to the log, there is no flight at 12/9/2016"   

Maybe this because it has not been 12/9/2017 yet ("perhaps why its dark").

However it has been 12/9/2016,  which there clearly WAS a crash caused by Active Track and senor failure (a few have been reported) and I have the log for it.  I also just synced it up again, if you guys want to try and find it.   I have to say, it sounds like you guys are ok with charging me $222 for a faulty analysis. ONce Again,  MY FLIGHT IS NOT ON 12/92017 IT WAS IN THE YEAR 2016!!!!!!!  If someone from DJI would simply call me, I'd be happy to talk to you guys again and show you what happened. I explained to DJI phone support what happened the week it happened and they literally told me it was covered under a warranty.   I have no record of emails or voicemails of anyone trying to call me and clear this matter up after 23 days--phone support couldn't even find out what was wrong with the drone landing.   It made no sense to them. Since you yourself admit making a mistake by looking at a flight log on a date that does not exist,  I hope you see the way of your mistake and do the right thing.  I am also very happy to provide a log of the entire flight.   If you would like me to do this,  that's fine.   I have provided you a snap shot below of the log showing you it clearly DOES exist and you are free to go in and look at it now (it has been synced several times now).  It was also synced (as I said before) to the application I flew it with, the DJIGo application.  After the date of the crash the DJIGo4 was released and the flights did not automatically get pulled in to the DJIGo4 application as they should have.  THIS IS WHERE DJI MADE ITS MISTAKE, please take note of this.    Again this has nothing to do with money.  It's the principal of the matter.  I hope nobody else had a similar problem with a lost log, because if I had delted my DJIGo application I would have never seen this, and it would have been my word against yours.   I would appreciate it if you take another look, but this time at the flight log I am refering to.
What is scary is that DJI can subjectively look at a flight and say that a drone crashed without any evidence.  Luckily I know better and kept everything pertaing to the flight and even filmed the flight record.  
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

This is the FLIGHT LOG that apparently doesn't exist.  However I can see why, because it's not accesible via the DJIgo4 application.  For those people who flew their drone on the DJIGo application (those whoe got it first day)  there does not seem like a way to download your flight logs.  So I just filmed my log.  @Natalia,  you want to tell me how I can read or download this log???  The CSV file cannot be found in the DJIGO applicaton,  however it can now be found in the DJIGo4 application so you can find it!.  If you see the date it clearly states the date and time.

I honesly don't even know why you grabbed that log.  I clearly landed (you even show the landing joystick sequence $%!!!!).  
Also I have the raw video of the crash from above (in 4k 60fps).  WHERE I ACTUALLY DID CRASH.
So your argument is that I crashed on another log when I am literally telling you that I crashed in this LOG while the drone was in Active Track Mode.
So regardless of who is wrong or right (that's not even my argument though it was in active track), your technicians diagnosed the incorrect logs and charged me.  HOW MANY CLIENTS DO YOU DO THIS TOO????

Lastly,  where are you trying to contact me??  I have not recieved anything from you.  Could you provide any info on this? It's now been 23 days,  nobody has provided me anything substantial.  Thanks for trying, but your techs are wrong.  If it was my fault I would pay.  It's not about the money,  it's about the fact nobody even got back to me.  Also, why would DJI go out of its way to prove a client wrong instead of actually trying to find the log in which they literally told you the date and time for??


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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Sorry for the wrong typing, it is 09/12/2016. while I'll inform our data analysis engineers to double check it and contact you again.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-2-26 19:56
Sorry for the wrong typing, it is 09/12/2016. while I'll inform our data analysis engineers to double check it and contact you again.

If you can not find the log I will send it to  you. I can also send you the crash,  and a perfect landing of both of the logs you say were crashed.  Just tell me what you need and I will be happy to provide it to you, however I would like to proceed with this so I can get you my Phantom 4 Pro+ (which has a video transmission problem, no working SD card reader, no video playback).
You never checked the logs I sent you .  You said that the log was in black..  It isn't, my picture clearly shows that above.  It's a regular log and it has Active Track on a straight tracectory and it veers off.  Thank you
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-2-26 19:56
Sorry for the wrong typing, it is 09/12/2016. while I'll inform our data analysis engineers to double check it and contact you again.

@Natalia,  you mentioned I will be seeing a response on Monday.  Will I ever get a response??
I can send you the log if you like as it seems you still have not seen my log.  I'm also a bit frustrated with the fact you have accused me of crashing my drone twice with absolutely no evidentiary support for the claim.  As a business customer since 2013 I feel I deserve to be treated better then this.  Again,  it would have literally taken about 5-10 minutes to figure this out if someone from DJI would call me.  However,  26 days later,  I am still without a working Phantom Series Drone, and am waiting to send back my Phantom4Pro+ so we can get it sorted out too.
I am going to delete the double posts here as to not muddy the thread.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Sestaceans Posted at 2017-2-28 23:16
@Natalia,  you mentioned I will be seeing a response on Monday.  Will I ever get a response??
I can send you the log if you like as it seems you still have not seen my log.  I'm also a bit frustrated with the fact you have accused me of crashing my drone twice with absolutely no evidentiary support for the claim.  As a business customer since 2013 I feel I deserve to be treated better then this.  Again,  it would have literally taken about 5-10 minutes to figure this out if someone from DJI would call me.  However,  26 days later,  I am still without a working Phantom Series Drone, and am waiting to send back my Phantom4Pro+ so we can get it sorted out too.
I am going to delete the double posts here as to not muddy the thread.

I informed our repair team for your case again and asked them to contact you soon.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-3-1 00:31
I informed our repair team for your case again and asked them to contact you soon.

Thank you @Natalia,  and I apologize for the frustration.  It is not towards you.  I just think this could have been cleared up by the tech team a long time ago if they just called me.  DJI has called in the past and things have been worked out in minutes,  so I think it is a reasonable way to go forward.  I believe this is a misunderstanding,  and if I could tell the diagnostic/techs where to find the logs and why they can't see them (DJI GO AP vs DJIGO4 ap,) this could be resolved literally in minutes.  I still don't understand how they can make an analysis if they still can't find the correct log.  So please let me know if I can help.
Thank you
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-3-1 00:31
I informed our repair team for your case again and asked them to contact you soon.

Thank you @Natalia for working on this issue.  DJI contacted me today and I will be calling them back as soon as I am off my shoot.  
Thank you
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Sestaceans Posted at 2017-3-1 14:17
Thank you @Natalia for working on this issue.  DJI contacted me today and I will be calling them back as soon as I am off my shoot.  
Thank you

Our support sent you an e-mail as well after leaving a voicemail, hope everything goes smoothly.
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Big Popie
Flight distance : 608642 ft
United States

Humm: I feel like I just read a book and got to the end and the damn last page was tore out and I never found out what happens?
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