Mavic lost at sea
3940 66 2017-7-19
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-21 20:11
Which email address have you sent to? Just checked your case again, I didn't see your email for some reason. You can just reply our email or send an new email to .

I reply on the email i received from dji, and it says it gone. Thins thing begin to get me cray, am a patient guys but there a bit to much here. Please do check spam or what soever on your side. Thanks
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-21 20:11
Which email address have you sent to? Just checked your case again, I didn't see your email for some reason. You can just reply our email or send an new email to .

looks like your service banned gmail address, that why the first time nobody receive my email. Ok i will send a new mail from my work mail, ok check that
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-21 20:11
Which email address have you sent to? Just checked your case again, I didn't see your email for some reason. You can just reply our email or send an new email to .

Also check for firesystems@caudansecurity ,com
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-21 20:11
Which email address have you sent to? Just checked your case again, I didn't see your email for some reason. You can just reply our email or send an new email to .

Hi, please check email daniel(at) i send you all the details from this email, let me know if you get it
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


jake daniel Posted at 2017-7-23 20:41
Hi, please check email daniel(at) i send you all the details from this email, let me know if you get it

Just checked it, we've got an email from your work mail, we will submit a data analysis soon, and will keep you updated.
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-23 22:26
Just checked it, we've got an email from your work mail, we will submit a data analysis soon, and will keep you updated.

Hi Diana, any news about my case?
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


jake daniel Posted at 2017-7-27 03:16
Hi Diana, any news about my case?

Just checked it, it is still under analysis, I'll escalate it , will have someone  contact you via email once it is finished.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

RCNJ Posted at 2017-7-20 14:23
anyone else think it would be good to have DJI add an option of RTH with Sports mode speed or a way to set speed for RTH return ?

This is a good idea. The RTH should be reworked.

1. Before its auto-activation (low battery), a big poster for the entire display with a "cancel" button and a timer of 7-9 seconds is mandatory. If you did not click cancel - auto-activation of RTH

2. Return speed. Mavik should determine the optimal and economical mode of the RTH. By its own speed and gas level. The choice to crawl like a tortoise or run in sports should make Mavik - according to the situation.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-7-28 02:03
This is a good idea. The RTH should be reworked.

1. Before its auto-activation (low battery), a big poster for the entire display with a "cancel" button and a timer of 7-9 seconds is mandatory. If you did not click cancel - auto-activation of RTH

Mavik should determine the optimal and economical mode of the RTH. By its own speed and gas level. The choice to crawl like a tortoise or run in sports should make Mavik - according to the situation.

That would be nice, but I imagine it would be quite a complicated calculation that would need to be performed repeatedly during RTH to account for changing conditions such as wind speed. In the meantime, RTH should be treated as a convenience and not relied upon -- as it sometimes has been -- as the best or only way to return the drone to its home point.
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Flight distance : 124180 ft

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-7-28 02:50
Mavik should determine the optimal and economical mode of the RTH. By its own speed and gas level. The choice to crawl like a tortoise or run in sports should make Mavik - according to the situation.

That would be nice, but I imagine it would be quite a complicated calculation that would need to be performed repeatedly during RTH to account for changing conditions such as wind speed. In the meantime, RTH should be treated as a convenience and not relied upon -- as it sometimes has been -- as the best or only way to return the drone to its home point.

I know how you feel Jake, I had same situation on my first Mavic flight, got a little to confident, flew a little to far out (over land tho!) & hitting RTH, my bird just hovered in the air, distance reading on monitor was actually going up, very slowly, My buddy who is very expierenced, told me to- Cancel RTH, switch to sport mode, & step on it! Bird out of sight now, but we could see distance reading going down, but slowly, & then we could see her chugging against the wind, Bubby, told me to loose altitude & luckily the wind at 20 meters was much less, made it home with 12% battery!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

fans987d278a Posted at 2017-7-28 08:54
I know how you feel Jake, I had same situation on my first Mavic flight, got a little to confident, flew a little to far out (over land tho!) & hitting RTH, my bird just hovered in the air, distance reading on monitor was actually going up, very slowly, My buddy who is very expierenced, told me to- Cancel RTH, switch to sport mode, & step on it! Bird out of sight now, but we could see distance reading going down, but slowly, & then we could see her chugging against the wind, Bubby, told me to loose altitude & luckily the wind at 20 meters was much less, made it home with 12% battery!

Not meaning to high jack but had the MP given any wind warnings prior to your initiation of RTH?
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United Kingdom

Sorry for your loss but I feel your pain.

I had the exact same thing happen to me last weekend.  It just kept drifting further and further out to sea. I cancelled RTH and tried to fly back to shore but it was only managing 4mph. I descended to escape the wind but this made it lose signal as I was further away on top of the cliff and descending below the cliff gave me signal problems. I have never used sport mode and never even thought to try.

In future I will keep a very close eye on the drift in windy conditions and keep it well within LOS so I can safely descend then fly back in sport mode with plenty of battery left. I also bought a wind meter although I know this may be of limited use unless I can get myself high up

It was a very expensive mistake but now I have my new MP and can't wait to get flying again.
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

JLR2 Posted at 2017-7-28 15:34
Sorry for your loss but I feel your pain.

I had the exact same thing happen to me last weekend.  It just kept drifting further and further out to sea. I cancelled RTH and tried to fly back to shore but it was only managing 4mph. I descended to escape the wind but this made it lose signal as I was further away on top of the cliff and descending below the cliff gave me signal problems. I have never used sport mode and never even thought to try.

I can understand your deception, in fact the more important things is to understand 100% what really happen, understand your mistake at each point, view and review the log file from the controller. understand what you should have done. i learn a ton of things since. it seems to be that when the mavic is caught it began to behave strangely as if the electronics has entered in a exchange sequence with the winds. Am waiting dji reports to define this as i say my last 10 mins flight look strange.  Yes sport mode can save you but never rely 100% there will be always other factor. To conclude better avoid flying in windy situations or remain very close. After two weeks i was back at sea and i fly with confident, i was prepared this time. Always keep in mind that the drone is not perfect and at any time anything can happen, in fact that was our error we were believing that it was so high tech that it will respond back. Now for sure that is finish i will control it. Do not waste time trying to understand when it is flying get back and  land then you think, find what wrong note and go back to apply. Crash or lost always arrive due to persistence in the air. It's like a horse, you control the horse otherwise the horse will kick you off sooner or later for sure.

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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

fans987d278a Posted at 2017-7-28 08:54
I know how you feel Jake, I had same situation on my first Mavic flight, got a little to confident, flew a little to far out (over land tho!) & hitting RTH, my bird just hovered in the air, distance reading on monitor was actually going up, very slowly, My buddy who is very expierenced, told me to- Cancel RTH, switch to sport mode, & step on it! Bird out of sight now, but we could see distance reading going down, but slowly, & then we could see her chugging against the wind, Bubby, told me to loose altitude & luckily the wind at 20 meters was much less, made it home with 12% battery!

That great , your buddy save your life
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

ghostrdr Posted at 2017-7-28 10:24
Not meaning to high jack but had the MP given any wind warnings prior to your initiation of RTH?

Yes it does give wind warning and my error was to climb at 120 meters
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-7-28 02:03
This is a good idea. The RTH should be reworked.

1. Before its auto-activation (low battery), a big poster for the entire display with a "cancel" button and a timer of 7-9 seconds is mandatory. If you did not click cancel - auto-activation of RTH

I can't understand that, the MP knows the distance to RTH, he knows its speed flying back even know s the  he is not flying back but getting away so don't he know that he will not reach home point. Don't tell me that switching electronically the RTH button by software is impossible. No guys this is too easy to achieve.
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-7-28 02:50
Mavik should determine the optimal and economical mode of the RTH. By its own speed and gas level. The choice to crawl like a tortoise or run in sports should make Mavik - according to the situation.

That would be nice, but I imagine it would be quite a complicated calculation that would need to be performed repeatedly during RTH to account for changing conditions such as wind speed. In the meantime, RTH should be treated as a convenience and not relied upon -- as it sometimes has been -- as the best or only way to return the drone to its home point.

I can't understand that, the MP knows the distance to RTH, he knows its speed flying back even know s the  he is not flying back but getting away so don't he know that he will not reach home point. Don't tell me that switching electronically the RTH button by software is impossible. No guys this is too easy to achieve.  RTH function you should be given it in an optimize way, not a bad speed WITHOUT considering distance from home point, come on that none sense!
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-27 04:08
Just checked it, it is still under analysis, I'll escalate it , will have someone  contact you via email once it is finished.

Hi Diana, still no news from DJI, have a look, thanks
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


jake daniel Posted at 2017-7-30 22:01
Hi Diana, still no news from DJI, have a look, thanks

We've someone sent you an email today, please check your email inbox or the Spam.
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-31 03:48
We've someone sent you an email today, please check your email inbox or the Spam.

ok got it, although i admit that it was blowing away by the winds, am deceive by the RTH function where so much technologies CANNOT do a simple analysis of distance from home point versus speed need to achieve RTH. A simple thing like this CANNOT be achieved by DJI? Are you serious? The problem is that lot lot of those who purchase  believe in the RTH function and are not aware of how this function is not well set.

DJI can do it by analyzing software, not only calculating remaining battery versus distance from home point and set speed. How? simple, first at high velocity wind warning the aircraft should not respond to controller hover and  calculate deviation distance as per wind velocity and determine speed to return home.  At this point another warning immediately issue to the pilot for prompt  RTH and distance not to be exceeded.

What is lost is lost and that not a reason for not improve WHERE WE CAN.

Count on you to pass the message and thanks for your support Diana.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

I guess we can assume that DJI attributed your loss to pilot error?
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

ghostrdr Posted at 2017-7-31 06:58
I guess we can assume that DJI attributed your loss to pilot error?

I will be gentle not to post their report here which really not convinced me 100%. I will reply to them tomorrow with more explain questions. I assume my pilot error but i do not accept false publicity about RTH function WHERE it is describe as a safe way of returning home and NOT pointing out the limitations.

I hit RTH button at 42% battery at less than 500 meters away, the aircraft does not know that the distance was increasing instead of decreasing? Come on! And no warning is issued that the aircraft will not be able to assume RTH! It should have cancel RTH by himself and say go sport mode if no analysis software has been programmed inside. Not waiting for safe battery warning to perform landing.

Guys we are talking $1000 product here and this thing do not have such basic function, am sorry this is not acceptable!

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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

fans64e5a3ef Posted at 2017-7-19 20:46
definitively yes, i've learn about my errors, and i  said the more important thing to me here is to know what jhappen so that i do not repeat the same errors again. I have already bought a new Mavic. Am now rassured.

watch out for the wind - mavic handles it well so its easy to get its potential in slightly stronger winds confused - almost cost me my mavic a few times.
Also RTH is at 10m/s not enough to beat a 11m/s headwind.
i now like to move my mavic upwind from me as it goes into the second half of its battery life.
Always image that the wind is blowing stronger 100m above you - it may not be but since there is no way to be sure - it is better to err on the side of caution.
sorry u lost yr mavic - that sux..
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

Bekaru Tree Posted at 2017-7-31 07:33
watch out for the wind - mavic handles it well so its easy to get its potential in slightly stronger winds confused - almost cost me my mavic a few times.
Also RTH is at 10m/s not enough to beat a 11m/s headwind.
i now like to move my mavic upwind from me as it goes into the second half of its battery life.

I repeat i lost the mavic because i was confident in RTH, thinking that there was decent analysis from the aircraft, not a silly RTH function which only take the distance and determine speed.  I realize this too late and i was aware I will not have loose the Mavic. I have a new mavic now and for sure if i can i will remove this useless RTH button from my controller! lol
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Flight distance : 742126 ft
United Kingdom

jake daniel Posted at 2017-7-31 07:52
I repeat i lost the mavic because i was confident in RTH, thinking that there was decent analysis from the aircraft, not a silly RTH function which only take the distance and determine speed.  I realize this too late and i was aware I will not have loose the Mavic. I have a new mavic now and for sure if i can i will remove this useless RTH button from my controller! lol

I think you might want to reacquaint yourself with the flight data ... this flight was heading for a watery end long before RTH could have saved you.

Time to learn the lessons, move on and enjoy your new Mavic.  
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jake daniel
Flight distance : 136312 ft

kenavata Posted at 2017-7-31 12:20
I think you might want to reacquaint yourself with the flight data ... this flight was heading for a watery end long before RTH could have saved you.

Time to learn the lessons, move on and enjoy your new Mavic.

True but it is not a reason for not raising points which can be improved. RTH function can be improved and more important warning should be issued correctly and correspondingly. RTH means RTH if it can't then it should not be called RTH. It should be accompanied by instructions. Same as large velocity warning fly with caution which do not mean do not fly land immediately. As far as you are permitted to fly, it means that the aircraft can overcome wind velocity, and at RTH hit it is the aircraft to fly with caution not the pilot and to ensure return to home point. Pilot error? Are they sure? I don't think so.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

jake daniel Posted at 2017-7-31 22:53
True but it is not a reason for not raising points which can be improved. RTH function can be improved and more important warning should be issued correctly and correspondingly. RTH means RTH if it can't then it should not be called RTH. It should be accompanied by instructions. Same as large velocity warning fly with caution which do not mean do not fly land immediately. As far as you are permitted to fly, it means that the aircraft can overcome wind velocity, and at RTH hit it is the aircraft to fly with caution not the pilot and to ensure return to home point. Pilot error? Are they sure? I don't think so.

I don't mean to pile on but life is full of choices. If you choose to venture far away when you know the wind makes it risky, you may suffer consequences.
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