A3 Critical Error
4521 10 2017-7-22
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Andy Post
Flight distance : 1842283 ft
United States

We have three A3 flight controllers.  One with LB2 and two with Futaba.  All of a sudden all three are giving us critical errors.  The process is as follows:

1. We have calibrated the IMU in all three
2. The LB 2 system has the most recent firmware  One of the others HAD that version and we downgraded to  The third is brand new and we upgraded only to
3. We tested all three on the bench and had no issues at all.  
4. Went into the field, and recalibrated the compass (have to go a ways to get out from under class b so we can fly).  We sometimes will have to calibrate several times as the end gives us the red "you better try that again" led signal.  
5. Once we get a good calibration with regular green flashing LED, three things may happen.  And it can happen on all three systems
    A.  We'll watch it for a minute and the green flashing LED will go solid red...critical error.  As a corollary, it often will cycle from solid red to flashing green, solid red, flashing green.  (Batteries are fully charged so it's not a nearly low battery that is just throwing out a warning.  
    B.  As soon as we arm the motors, we get a solid red LED
    C.  All goes well, and we are waiting for the other shoe to drop.  

At this point, we think our chances of having three bum A3's is slim.  But possible.  The odd thing is that it didn't happen indoors...in the air conditioning...but happened when out of doors in the Texas heat.  Could this be the MC just warming up faster than the programmers imagined and throwing out an error from the barometer as the air gets thin in there?

Anyone else having the same issue?
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Flight distance : 23671 ft

I have the following problem with the A3 flight controller. The basic connection of the controller A3 was made next to the parts that integrate them. When the device was first connected to the battery, the device switched on and the module carried the yellow flap of the blinking color. When connecting the PC and opening the DJI wizard 2 the device requested activation of the A3 controller. Activation was performed. When entering the control panel of the DJI assistant 2 two errors were found: interference in the IMU and interference in the compass. The calibration of the IMU was performed and the same was done, but the problem persisted. When attempting to calibrate the compass the device did not allow it. The A3 controller was installed on a D130 drone, it is using a Futaba 14SG remote control and its corresponding emitter. When trying to calibrate the remote control, no response was found. The remote control was accessed and from there to the option to calibrate, there was no effect on the channels that appear in the application. While the controller remains on, the piston ESC emits a constant Beep. The model of the frame was chosen to be used with the configuration of the motors, it makes the test test of the motors none of them worked. Procedure for checking with the Futaba remote control, this time the S-BUS2 port was used to establish communication with the remote control. By placing this configuration the status of the module changed and changed to blue. Additionally the led indicator of the PMU blinks constantly in blue color. When connecting the A3 to the PC through the USB port there is no response, the program DJI assistant 2 now does not work and does not allow the device to connect. We proceeded to remove all cables and do the installation again and the problem persists. The LED module remains fixed blue.
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Andy Post
Flight distance : 1842283 ft
United States

EVERQ32...don't know what to tell you.  This remains an issue for me.  I was shooting in Colorado and it was all I could do to get in the air.  I was restarting 8-10 times to get past the solid red critical LED..on both vehicles.  Now that I'm back in the shop I do get the error from time to time, but it is the exception rather than the rule.  I wish DJI could tell me what was going on and how to avoid it.  
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Andy Post
Flight distance : 1842283 ft
United States

OK..new theory, so stick with me here.  All of DJI's vehicles use fixed or retractable gear.  Our vehicle is on a Movi Gimbal.  When using the movi, you have to have the gimbal in KILL mode while on the ground, or the gimbal will start to spin the UAV around faster and faster.  What I think is going on, is that the UAV is free to rotate in the wind, and when it does so, the Flight controller just gets confused because it has no signals that justifies the motion.  Then it thinks it's got an IMU or compass error and throws off the critical error warning.  

We saw this symptoms of this today in yet another attempt to repeat the error.   So this is what happens.  
>Booth the vehicle
>Wait for satellite lock
>Calibrate the compass
>Put it back on the Movi
>Now...wait a second, like you'd be walking away from the thing to arm from a safe distance (IE...not standing right over the props)

IF when you turn your back, the breeze is blowing, and the vehicle rotates SLOWLY in either direction, we get the solid red critical error and can not arm the motors.  

IF it STOPS turning in the wind, it goes back to blinking and we can arm.  

If it rotates at a decent clip, then we are also good to go.  

It's just that slow rotation that freaks the thing out.  

So if there is any wind that will make the thing want to rotate, it's make it a LOT harder to take off.  Maybe there's a Movi update that fixes the spinning UAV thing?
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Flight distance : 750436 ft

Hi Andy,

I think i'm running into the same problem here using a ronin 2 to land on. Did you manage to find a solution for the problem other than adding a landing gear?
Hope to hear from you!

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Andy Post
Flight distance : 1842283 ft
United States

Fuwubuman Posted at 9-11 06:12
Hi Andy,

I think i'm running into the same problem here using a ronin 2 to land on. Did you manage to find a solution for the problem other than adding a landing gear?

I think there is a soulution to this.   Ive been following Beverly Hills Aerial on instagram.  One of their vehicles is a Watts Innovations heavy lift that uses the A3.  In every post i see of that bird prepped for takeoff, there is a short tripod under one arm.  $20 says its there to keep the bird from rotating prior to arming.  

I dont know if its set such that its height just touches a motor or arm, or if it has something like a couple of fingers (3D printed?) that reach around an arm with a wide and loose grip that would accomplish the same without interfeering with any wobble that might happen when it goes airborne.  Neither solution would work for us as our vehicle is a coax.  Theirs is a hexa and it seems to work perfectly
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Flight distance : 750436 ft

Hi Andy,

Thanks for the swift reply, much appreciated!  
We have our own designed x4 (similar to alta)  drone so that would be an option.
I'm now looking at their instagram profile but there is so much content there , do you maybe have a framegrab from that arm?
Do you know if it's sitting between the ground and the drone or between the gimbal and the drone?
For an x8 type it could work if you have some sort of landing gear arm that hooks onto the rear of the gimbal (between drone and gimbal) and can move up and down between the rotors, if you get what i mean?
Still weird imo that this works so bad, flying from a boat would be a similar movement i would say. And i did that many times with the m600 with a3.
Easy solution for us could also be to put a servo on the pan axis lock knob of the ronin (or manually unlock when in flight) , but thats probably gonna fail sooner or later

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Andy Post
Flight distance : 1842283 ft
United States

https://www.beverlyhillsaerials. ... /mfd-5000-bha-titan

The vehicle is a watts innovations MFD-5000 and beverly hills calls it the BHA Titan.  you might be able to search their instagram posts for Titan?????   The tripod sat (sits) on the ground.  Like I said I don't know exactly how it touches/binds/grabs/interferes with the arm so as to stop the rotation BUT not cause problems on lift off.  I'd solved it by your method.  I added a CFiber plate to the top of the Movi, and inserted another between the movi and the toad in the hole mount which had a little slot in it.  Then on the movi plate Proper was mounted a simple servo that would come down and put a "finger" in the slot.  It would probably be problematic on a REALLY windy day, but by and large it was enough for us to clear the vehicle and get it in the air.  Kinda bubble gum and bailing wire like, but it worked.  
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Andy Post
Flight distance : 1842283 ft
United States

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Flight distance : 750436 ft

Thnx so much Andy! Gonna use the tripod system next time and maybe make something more sophisticated later.
Any experience with the same issue when flying from a boat?
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Andy Post
Flight distance : 1842283 ft
United States

The only time we've grown from a boat we were flying an insta 360 on a LONG mount.   No landing gear  at all.   Hand launch n catch.  I know...wel think..the older movis had a setting that would allow for booting when it was moving.   Dint think there is such a thing on the a3...and seriously doubt dji will add any features at this date.   Shame too.   Is a great fc.
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