Flight distance : 394626 ft
I'm sorry but one should not expect Mavic performance at Spark prices. All of DJI's UAVs are targeted at different use cases and practically build around those specific scenarios. The Spark is good at what it was built for, and so is the Mavic, and the Inspire.
As a great book once explained, the answer is 42. Perhaps some people fail to understand the question they are asking
I know professional photographers who shoot with an iPhone (whose work have been showcased in galleries and exhibitions around the world), and I know amateurs who shoot Hasselblads, Phase One, and RED cameras. While the tool is important, it's the eye behind the camera that matters more. Google Miroslav Tichy and tell me how professional his gear is. If one measures a professional by his gear, then HCB, Robert Capa and Ansel Adams would be considered amateurs today. Philip Grossman, who did extensive coverage of Chernobyl in the last few years used most of DJI's lines, all he way down to the Mavic, for his work, which is nothing but professional.
Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones who haven't had issues with the Spark. It's worked fine for me, and I liked it enough to buy 2. Keep in mind that you're in a DJI Support forum - this is where people come to complain or find solutions to problems they are experiencing with their purchase, which may or may not be a fault with the product itself (how many people admit to user error?). This forum is not indicative of the holistic success of the product, is it?