First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
Those of you who'll be tempted to film spectacular waterfalls or white water rafting with P4P this summer, think twice. It's very risky business! 100% white knuckles ...
Here's why:
1. Usually dense forest canopy above and around waterfall results in erratic, unreliable GPS anchoring. Make sure you have solid satellite communication on site!
2. Cold glacier water and hot summer air in proximity creates virtual wind tunel in creek canyon. The bigger and more turbulent water flow, the stronger wind.
3. Turbulent water with rapidly changing levels may - and will - fool bottom VPS sensors. If surroundings allow, keep at least 10m height above water surface, where bottom sensors are loosing their functionality. I wasn't able yet to test flying really low above rapids with down sensors disabled, as some forum members suggests.
So, GPS lock confirmed, all systems check, Tripod mode activated, up we go! Didn't even start recording ... Immediately after take-off GPS lock get lost and - naturally - the drone switched to Atti!!! Cold wind took over and she start drifting sideways and up-down, frantically trying to employ side sensors ... Trimmed few branches above and went down like a rock, behind big boulder down the creek ... In deafening thunder of waterfall couldn't hear anything else ... Hands down, calling myself all possible names, considering rescue absolutely senseless in this mad havoc of rocks and wild water ...
Wait a minute, there she is!!! Wobbling, shaking, trembling but alive!!! Somehow, miraculously she recovered from 5m fall nose down, probably just centimeters above boulders, and managed to gain safe hovering altitude with traces of GPS ... Unbelievable ... As quickly as possible I guided her to safety, swearing not to do such stupid things anymore.
Hats off for DJI! This bird is amazing!