38779 639 2015-12-31
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

dji-p3p1 Posted at 2016-1-13 06:55
Hi Ken, Please read the scnerio below (in Blue) carefully and let us know how we can get "Instantly ...

I totally understand that. Some people may store their drones in their car wherever they go just in case that something appears that you just have to have an aerial shot of it. In this case, if there's no cell reception that equals no shot.
BUT that's just how it is, things change and rules evolve. What would you do 10 years ago if you saw something that was a great photo opportunity. You may have said, I wish I had some device that I could attach a camera to and send it up 100ft to get a incredible photo. At least be thankful that you can do that now.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 18:08
I totally understand that. Some people may store their drones in their car wherever they go just i ...

With respect Ken

I have read many of your responses on many topics and have been happy to see DJI upgrading the CSR experience.
This answer just seems not up to par, kinda smart A in my opinion.

I quess the fact the rules "change " is " AFTER" the fact that is creating dissatisfaction.

You too. I am sure are a Consumer, and you know Exactly what we mean!

More importantly do the rules REALLY need to change so drastically , that we throw the baby out with the bath water?
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Flight distance : 430686 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 18:00
If you live by airports, in 2.5 you will see the airports in RED and you cannot fly in them.
If yo ...

So, if I do not install the beta (Android only) and I am on iOS 2.5 then I will not see red or yellow zones in the app and will not have to get authorization to clear them?

Is everyone who is having problems only on the beta?

Or is everyone who has 2.5 automatically on the beta?

Am I not asking the right questions. Did you read my last post?  

I am asking as to what will someone running iOS 2.5 (non beta) see when they power up the app? Will they see red and yellow or not? Will they be able to clear yellow or not?

Can someone answer this please?
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2015-12-31 16:26
Here is the DJI No-Fly Zone map of Poland

In upstate ny there's an unlock zone with hardly any cell coverage the size of Connecticut. 100 miles from any airport with nothing but trees grass birds and deer, this is BS
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United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 22:51
They will, or email them again. They are probably getting thousands of emails from users around th ...

Thanks for your response to my earlier question about spontaneously travelling to somewhere with no cell service. As you said, you need to plan ahead. This is a problem and a limiting factor, especially if you're going to be off the grid for more than 3 days. And, let's not forget - the best parts of the world for filming from the skies are off the grid. And what if you go abroad and don't have cell data there?

Your suggestion was to email DJI. Let's be realistic, DJI can't handle the volume of "normal" requests on a good day, let alone what they'd deem "superfluous" requests for wide-open authorization. I don't mean any offence as you're clearly trying to offer help and solutions, but we both know that's a long shot.

You can tell us not to install the beta - fine, but let our voices be heard about the idea, so that it doesn't make it into the main version of the app.

Think about this for a moment:
The vast amount of people you want to protect against are those who fly recklessly in cities etc.
Those people have cell service and can instantly get authorization

Meanwhile, there are some of us out there in the wilderness, far away from any danger, who are being limited from flying because we cannot authorize ourselves for a perfectly legal flight because we're so far out of cell range.

I'm sure you can see why so many people are upset, I really appreciate you listening to all of us - please pass our feedback on so we can keep doing what we got into this hobby for.

Thank you.
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Second Officer


DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-13 07:08
I totally understand that. Some people may store their drones in their car wherever they go just i ...

And this is why the majority have bought these...Spontaneity...

As you stated..."You may have said, I wish I had some device that I could attach a camera to and send it up 100ft to get an incredible photo. At least be thankful that you can do that now."

Well, when bought, with the exception of airports, It could be sent up 100' or 200' etc. for that awesome shot..Or to find yourself on the side of a road with a large herd of wildlife that you want to take a shot of..One did not need to give the "shot" notice let alone did one get notice there would be an awesome shot to be taken...One just freely took a shot when one could.....

DJI have introduced a prenup after the wedding...and are forcing everyone to agree to it...
Sure, you can or may say you don't have to do the update yet...But next DJI will impose loss of warranty coverage or similar for not being on the most recent firmware/software...

If nothing else Ken,
Those nice info stickies that are up with good info bits...They are awesome!...DJI Tutorial Compilation... = 10/10!!!

Why could DJI not have done one about this whole Geo Crap?
DJI need to communicate...They suck at it and only chime in after the fact...
I agree with Oliver's last post,
Hope DJI can clean this crap up.
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Flight distance : 1768576 ft
United States

It seems to me that this was something in Beta, and somehow it got pushed to users that were not in the beta program.   My iPad that was locked out, now cleared.   I have screen shots of when it was active and I could not fly, it was not my imagination.    It would help clarify if there was direct  word from DJI on this glitch instead of users trying to make sense of the odd behavior of the app.   

BJW Forest VA
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-13 06:51
They will, or email them again. They are probably getting thousands of emails from users around th ...

> DJI-Ken Posted:  "They are probably getting thousands of emails from users around the world."


... And Do you know WHY you/they/DJI are getting Thousands of emails from all over the World??.....

BECAUSE... THOUSANDS Of Users are Very Very, VERY.. Unhappy, of being GROUNDED because DJI Havent thought Through GeoFencing PROPERLY!!

DJI Better be ready answer HUNDRED of THOUSANDS of Emails and support tickets *very soon* from Dissatisfied Users and Organisations Because You are Going to Need to be ready for the backlash from improperly releasing Go 2.5 and Geofencing!
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-13 07:08
I totally understand that. Some people may store their drones in their car wherever they go just i ...

With Respect Ken (I know you are trying to help - and Thanks for that - We all really appreciate it)

But - I'm really surprised that you keep missing the REAL issue!

The Real Issue Is:
Key for ALL Pilots is the Ability to fly uninterrupted, safely and within Legal Limits. - There is No Legal requirement today, anywhere in the world currently in place, that says that I CANNOT fly spontaniously, within regulation, in a completly open area, that I have permission from the owner, with 5 miles of open areas around and no property in a  Zone with no cell connetivity.. BUT Geofence as currently being implemented by DJI IS STOPPING That Spontanous Flight for NO reason whatsoever! - That is THE Real issue!

Even in Red Zones - A number of Pilots HAVE THE PERMISSION From The Local Airport Tower to fly... BUT CANT! because 2.5 will not let them! because of the way Geofence is being implemented with no thought, from DJI, of these scnerios that affect THOUSANDS!

There is NO Mandate today for GeoFencing to be implementd by the Manufacturer of any Drone/Quad.- Why is DJI trying to fix something that is NOT broken.

I would rather DJI spend the man effort in trying to fix i.e. the Camera shake bug, which Will Please a large number of users rather then Badly implement Geofence that is Going to Displease a Very Very VERY large number, Thousands, of people..

DO Not to Stop a Flight unless there is a Very Good Reason to do so (correctly marked red areas/airports and other sensertive locations) and enabling spontaneous flight in areas where the user may not have cellular/Wi-Fi network.

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United States

Screw you and your geofence.  I'm dumping my phantom
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

1111 Posted at 2016-1-13 08:48
Screw you and your geofence.  I'm dumping my phantom

Dont Blame You Buddy!......I think there are going to be a lot of DJI Drones flooding Ebay very soon!
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I hope they revise the positioning of existing no fly zones as part of this, eg the local Cessnock airport no fly zone is not centered over the airstrip or airport at all, it extends/restricts me over 2/3 of my 45 acre property and leaves half the airstrip exposed.  I'm just worried that they will just make the no fly zones bigger instead of revising their actual locations.  Cessnock Airport is only tiny and just has a few recreational cessnas etc flying out of it.  This yellow unlock zone is a whole separate kettle of fish but I hope it doesn't restrict me further, as I use the drone for surveying fencing etc on my farm.  Apparently they aren't doing the yellow zones in Aus yet.

The no fly zone should really be centered on the X in the pic below.  The blue marker is just a tourist information centre not an airport.  
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

Lets REALLY Hope DJI Fix This BIG Issue...

Otherwise here's a forecast/Prediction on what it could look from a sales perspective for them.......,
Dont say i did'nt say so!

Drone Sales Forecast.jpg
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Flight distance : 305 ft
United States

I'm wondering how long it will take the owners/managers of two very small local airports which have influence over my home and practice field to become upset with me calling every 3 days to give an advisement that I will be flying in an area that 1. does not effect their flight patterns or interfere with their operations and 2. with whom I have already notified in writing per FAA requirement of my long term flight operations and self imposed altitude limitations so I will not interfere with them.  

With one of the private strips owners an elderly retired gentleman who only has a 1 plane operation and the other owner/manager living out of state and only operating his strip on a part time basis, how many phone calls will it take before they both decide to rescind authority for me (and others) to fly within "their" airspace and no longer grant authority to fly somewhere where I have flown for months and others have flown for over a year.

I am sure that some controls need to be placed on flights in controlled airspace, because unfortunately, people have been stupid in some of the things they've done with their aircraft. But there has to be some reasonable compromise so that everyone who likes to fly...whether it be a quadcopter or a Cessna 150 can safely share the sky without imposing rules/laws that are a burden to everyone involved.

Re-authorizing every 3 days seems excessive in situations where both the airport and quadcopter operations have co-existed on a semi-permanent basis for an extended period already.

Finally, in an attempt to make things better, it appears DJI may have gone a little to far in its effort to create all inclusive rules in a non all inclusive environment and created rules that potentially conflict with the FAA's own limitations.  Such conflicts create confusion and will eventually lead to unanticipated issues that may hurt both the general aviation community as well as the quadcopter community, eventually leading to rules imposed by the government that no one can comply with.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States
Offline Posted at 2016-1-13 07:18
With respect Ken

I have read many of your responses on many topics and have been happy to see DJI ...

I did not mean at all to sound like a smart ass, if you took it that way I am sorry and apologize. It was just meant than we can do so much more now than we could do before. And because of the people that have abused the drones by trying to film landing passenger jets and all the other not so smart things people have done rules have been created.
DJI is a business and I'm sure that if they thought implementing restrictions into their projects would lose customers in the masses then maybe they wouldn't have don it. Maybe they are trying to ride a fine line with keeping customers and aviation authorities happy.
BUT, I just answer questions here and have no idea how decicions are determined at DJI.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

aopisa Posted at 2016-1-13 07:19
So, if I do not install the beta (Android only) and I am on iOS 2.5 then I will not see red or yel ...

2.5 you'll see red no fly zones at airports and you cannot fly into them or take off form them. On Android Beta 2.4.4 and 1.7 on your aircraft then those same airport are now yellow authorization zones.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-1-13 07:36
In upstate ny there's an unlock zone with hardly any cell coverage the size of Connecticut. 100 mi ...

I don't see that, can you post a screenshot.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Oliver Posted at 2016-1-13 07:42
Thanks for your response to my earlier question about spontaneously travelling to somewhere with n ...

I totally understand what you are saying. And this Geo fencing may be in the next app release (I don't know)
You can either accept it or stay on 2.5 and have no access to fly close to an airport which is probably fine for a bunch of people.
If people fly a P3 or Inspire, then you'll have to deal with this issue.
I honestly don't know where its going to go.

They are trying to give more freedom to the user by putting the responsibility into your hands in you want to fly next to an airport.
But again, I'm just here to answer questions and I have no idea on the politics of these issues. If you can't get your aircraft to work, then I can help you. But getting deep into flight restrictions is not part of my job.
I'm just trying to help
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United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-13 03:35
I totally understand what you are saying. And this Geo fencing may be in the next app release (I d ...

I see where you're coming from - if it was indeed just near/in airports that authorization was needed, I'd totally agree that this is a positive change, since it would only give us more freedom. However, it also requires authorization at a whole set of other unrelated locations, which is our main gripe.

I understand you're not responsible for it at all - if you do happen to talk with someone who is, I'd appreciate if you voiced our concerns on our behalf, if they aren't already aware

Thanks for the help!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

AlaskanTides Posted at 2016-1-11 23:17
From your iPad go to

Settings>i Tunes & App Store>look under automatic downloads ....change upda ...

From your iPad go to

Settings>i Tunes & App Store>look under automatic downloads ....change updates from green to grey.  

Up until now, I've used a Samsung S5, not an iPad.  I do have an iPad Mini2 now and will use it most of the time.  However, I do not want to disable updates for everything.  I want to disable DJI Go only.

Took a flight this morning.  What a Joy to be able to see the larger image on the Mini while I fly.  
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Northofthe49th Posted at 2016-1-13 07:55
And this is why the majority have bought these...Spontaneity...

As you stated..."You may have said ...

I know what your saying but this is what DJI is doing they feel it's the best way for everyone.
As far as not wanting to update and then have a warranty issue. I really do not think DJI will refuse warranty because you didn't want Geo fencing so you didn't update.
Now if there's a 100% proven bug that if you didn't update then it would cause a crash then I can see a warranty being refused.
And again, I'm supposed to be here to provide technical support on your aircraft, not getting into the politics of what DJI should or shouldn't do.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

bjwinspect Posted at 2016-1-13 08:13
It seems to me that this was something in Beta, and somehow it got pushed to users that were not in  ...

I know last night there was some issue with IOS and no fly zones.
Here's instructions if your IOS had no fly zone error.
1.Mobile device needs connecting to Internet.
2.Aircraft powered up and should be on P-GPS mode, stay in open area with good GPS signal.
3. Mobile device needs to be connected to the aircraft.

Wait for 1-5 min, and try to reboot the App to check.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

dji-p3p1 Posted at 2016-1-13 08:44
With Respect Ken (I know you are trying to help - and Thanks for that - We all really appreciate it ...

It's not just 2.5 that didn't let you fly at an airport, you couldn't fly at an airport for quite a while now.
And you do not have to agree to use the Geo fence, just don't download the Android Beta.
And again, I'm here for technical support and not supposed to be getting into the politics of what should and shouldn't be done.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Ribfeast Posted at 2016-1-13 08:59
I hope they revise the positioning of existing no fly zones as part of this, eg the local Cessnock a ...

The Geo Fence FAQ's talks about why a area may not be exact from the center of the airport.
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Flight distance : 430686 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 22:19
2.5 you'll see red no fly zones at airports and you cannot fly into them or take off form them. On ...

Ok, now I think I have got it. So, iOS will not see yellow zones until another update?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

paul.lakenbach Posted at 2016-1-13 09:22
I'm wondering how long it will take the owners/managers of two very small local airports which have  ...

I'm sure things will get more defined as time goes on.

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

aopisa Posted at 2016-1-13 12:04
Ok, now I think I have got it. So, iOS will not see yellow zones until another update?

I don't know about another update, I know that the GeoFence Beta is only currently available for Android.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-13 15:02
The Geo Fence FAQ's talks about why a area may not be exact from the center of the airport.

Hi Ken, I couldn't see it in the FAQ?  What does it say specifically?
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United States

AlaskanTides Posted at 2016-1-12 07:09
You must be not be  running the the newest software update as of 1-11-16. in my version there is no ...

Here are the new areas that are active if you have DJI Go App 2.5. The only way to get my aircraft to the point where I can Self Authorize and fly again is to load the 1.7 Beta software onto the aircraft.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 19:01
It's not just 2.5 that didn't let you fly at an airport, you couldn't fly at an airport for quite  ...

It was 2.5 that had a glitch last night. It appears to be cleared as of now.
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-13 12:01
It's not just 2.5 that didn't let you fly at an airport, you couldn't fly at an airport for quite  ...

Ken - Thanks - I like your honesty in the response, in the above post.

I didn't know we could fill a DJI form to unlock if authorised by an airport. - Could you please send us a link.

I know you are there for Technical Support, and frankly you do a Great Job, with the resources available to you and decisions you are able/allowed to make.

Apologies if I/we have been a bit hard. But all of us End Users are Very Passionate about this, and things get a slight bit heated in a Debate!

Nothing Personal!..   I hope you understand.!   

Once again thanks.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

aksummit Posted at 2016-1-13 12:30
Here are the new areas that are active if you have DJI Go App 2.5. The only way to get my aircraft ...

There was an IOS issue last night, can you try this and see if it's still there.
1.Mobile device needs to be connected to Internet.
2.Aircraft on and should be on P-GPS mode, stay in open area with good GPS signal.
3. Mobile device need connecting to the aircraft.

Wait for 1-5 min, and try to reboot the App to check.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

dji-p3p1 Posted at 2016-1-13 12:34
Ken - Thanks - I like your honesty in the response, in the above post.

I didn't know we could fill ...

No problem, I understand everyone's frustrations.
You have to email to see what they can do.

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Flight distance : 4659 ft
United States

DJI be careful.  I understand this around the Commercial verticals (and their projected growth rates) but not Consumer where the experience is the most important thing.  

You do realize that the process you are describing is literally more cumbersome than it is for me to sign the log book and take off from my rural one strip airport in my actual airplane (which is listed in one of the authorization zones)?  
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-13 12:44
No problem, I understand everyone's frustrations.
You have to email
I know there's a non-disclosu ...

Thanks Bud!
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 20:41
There was an IOS issue last night, can you try this and see if it's still there.
1.Mobile device n ...

For the record, that did not work for me.  Deleting and reloading the app in my iPhone appears to have worked.  The red zones either went away, the local crop dusting air strip no longer appears at all, or shrunk considerably to cover just the runway, more or less.

I guess I don't mind authorizing flights in the yellow area (when they appear) but what a PITA for frequent fliers in congested areas.  And three days?  How about 30 days or 180 days.  I mean If I have permission today, why wouldn't I have it a month or six from now.

And while I suppose I'm required to call my local airport because I'm within 5 miles, I'm pretty sure they'd laugh at me.

"Hey, I live 4.5 miles away.  Can I fly my drone around my property below 200 feet or so?  I know you're not crop dusting until spring but the government..."

That's about all I'd get out before they hung up on me.  There are airports and then there are airports.  Most of these have such infrequent traffic that it's ridiculous for DJI to control flights near them.  I get big commercial airports and the like but rural airports that see a few planes a day (or a month) is crazy.

I mean, if you're going to restrict flights, at least remove smaller airports, helipads, etc. out of the mix.  Let pilots who fly in these areas deal with the regulations themselves.  Imposing restrictions on everyone, everywhere...well, why is DJI even in the drone business then?  If customers can't fly them, what's the point?

Besides, this is a serious issue but its way overblown.  Flying around your neighborhood or the city park, which is what most of us do most of the time, isn't posing a threat to air traffic.  Seems like everyone, especially DJI, need to take a breath and focus more on educating pilots instead of potentially grounding them.
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Flight distance : 224577 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 18:00
If you live by airports, in 2.5 you will see the airports in RED and you cannot fly in them.
If yo ...

"If you install the Beta on the aircraft and in the app you will now see those airports is YELLOW, and all you have to do is unlock the airport (with your account info)
This way, if there were an incident and a pilot reported seeing a drone around the airport, if was a DJI drone and you are on that firmware they will know who it was who flew that drone where they should not have."

If I understand this correctly, it brings a whole new set of concerns to this geofence system. You seem to be claiming anytime there is an alleged sighting (or the airport simply asks) you are going to provide personal contact information of anyone who has requested authorization for an area. "Bob Smith" calls you and claims to be an employee of some small airfield in the middle of nowhere, and you are going to give them people's details? Actually, the way it is written, you are claiming they don't have to contact you... they already know who requests authorizations.

Let's say I ask you for authorization to fly in an area. It gets windy or cold or I am just too busy and never take my P3 out of its case. During that three-day period some pilot sees a seagull outside his window and reports it.

Now I have to expect a knock on my door and somehow prove that I never left the ground?

What if someone actually overflies that airport with a drone? Only he was smart enough to buy from a manufacturer that doesn't track authorizations? Do I need a lawyer on speed-dial if I use your system?

Count me out. The moment I am forced onto this system, my P3 goes on eBay. This is over the top.

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Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 13:51
They will, or email them again. They are probably getting thousands of emails from users around th ...

HAHAHA  so they may never get to you ..... but waste more of you're time keep sending more emails
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Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 13:51
They will, or email them again. They are probably getting thousands of emails from users around th ...

HAHAHA  so they may never get to you ..... but we should waste  more of our  time in  & keep sending more emails....... You guys have left Earth. You are not  in the same league as you're customer.. HERE IS WHAT WE WONT KEN........TAKE THOSE YELLOW ZONES AND MAKE THEM A POP UP BOX>>>>>>>DONE DEAL....
or keep your attitude and watch next quarter profits, you can keep the thousand emails a day too

Its a easy Slotting FIX IT
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Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-1-12 13:51
They will, or email them again. They are probably getting thousands of emails from users around th ...

HAHAHA  so they may never get to you ..... but we should waste  more of our  time in  & keep sending more emails....... You guys have left Earth. You are not  in the same league as you're customer.. HERE IS WHAT WE WONT KEN........TAKE THOSE YELLOW ZONES AND MAKE THEM A POP UP BOX>>>>>>>DONE DEAL....
or keep your attitude and watch next quarter profits, you can keep the thousand emails a day too

Its a easy Slotting FIX IT
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