DJI Mini 4 pro remote ID question
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12634 148 1-1 22:32
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United States

Bananimal Posted at 2-3 08:32
Wrong Dude! I paid for a drone that was RID compliant. DJI took that away. I have my reasons for expecting what I paid for and have a legal right to receive that as well.

You suggest that drone operators disregard FAA mandates at their own peril. You're not the drone ambassador you think you are. And you certainly have an attitude problem. Personally, I view people with an attitude like yours as part of the problem in the drone community. You can live on that, podna...I don't have to and I won't.

So your complaining because you do not need RID with the regular batteries.
Having RID or not in the Mini 4 pro,is hardly going to affect the cost of the product,as that
comment is just plain crazy.
You should be happy that the drone is not broadcasting RID,any other owner would be.
So in the end DJI took nothing away,and only did a smart thing.
But I know you will look at it a different way,so be it.
done here.
2-4 16:46
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-4 18:09
The standard batteries are sold because many pilots value privacy & do not wish their drone broadcasting RID when it is not required.  How exactly are the standard batteries useless?  When operated in its designed configurations the drone is 100% RID compliant.  If you are using standard batteries, and choose to operate the drone in a 107 situation, or install additional payload that takes the drone over 250 grams, the responsibility complying with RID is on you.  Either buy a few Plus batteries or purchase a RID module.

Are you speaking on behalf of DJI?
2-4 18:19
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Freetime Posted at 2-4 16:46
So your complaining because you do not need RID with the regular batteries.
Having RID or not in the Mini 4 pro,is hardly going to affect the cost of the product,as that
comment is just plain crazy.

Nope, that's not it at all.
2-4 18:25
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-4 18:17
It has already been pointed out that, by the regulations, DJI cannot provide a user-selectable means to enable/disable RID.  That said, the resident leader of the Karen Klan & his handful of disciples demand everyone who chose a Mini 4 with standard batteries as a means to avoid unnecessarily broadcasting their personal information should be forced to transmit RID.  This to satiate the Karens among us.

Yeah, I don't recall ever demanding that. More fabricated Dysentery pouring out of that empty head of yours. Reading comprehension, matters.

Incidentally, as I'm reading the responses in here, I'm beginning to clearly understand whay the FAA has instituted licensing. It's the first move in weeding out those with cognitive dysfunction. It's on full display in this thread, for sure. You can't make this stuff up. "Honey, we got any more popcorn? This show is great!" LOL!
2-4 18:30
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-4 18:26
I speak for myself & on behalf of all the pilots who choose standard batteries because they value their privacy & do not wish to transmit RID when it is not required.  Apparently you are oblivious to the fact that what you demand means everyone broadcasts RID so you can add strobes in an attempt to ard off the terradactyls you insist on flying around.  What about those who chose standard batteries with the express desire to avoid RID?  

This isn't difficult dude. As designed the drone is 100% RID compliant.  Users with standard batteries are using the drone as designed.  You are the one choosing to add extra payload that puts the drone over 250 grams.  You are the one responsible for complying with RID.

Oh, I didn't realize you're the spokesman for all Mini 4 Pro owners. I apologize, I had no idea.

So, now we get to the crux of the matter. Captain Awesome here is worried someone is going to take his privacy away when no one stated anything close to that as being a solution. I have bad news for you, unfortunately. You're the Karen getting all bent at even the slightest possibility of imposition to your privacy when no one mentioned anything of the sort. You wouldn't happen to be attempting to deflect there now Skippy, would you? Bake that cake any way you see fit, brother. I'm sure someone will eat it.

Let me break it down for you so your paranoid rear end can understand it. No one asked for DJI to force remote ID on for all Mini 4 Pro users with standard batteries. What we asked for was a solution, to which, and apparently, there will be none forthcoming from DJI. At least that's what it looks like at this point in time.

Here's a couple of potential fixes to the dilemma:

1. DJI incorporates a one time option after firmware update that asks the owner if they want to enable RID for the standard battery once it is installed post firmware update. If the operator selects yes, then RID is on for life no matter the battery installed and with no way to back out after that selection. At that point, it's legal as far as FAA regulations and RID. It is no longer user selectable. It's a simple fix really.

2. DJI offer owners the option to buy the Plus batteries at a discounted rate of $30.00 a pop. These folks would need to ship back their standard batteries for the discount. Proof of Part 107 Certification or proof the drone was registered with the FAA as a 107 bird would be required. You know, to keep the liars (thank goodness there are none of those types in here) from shellacing DJI for cheap batteries. Another simple option that doesn't trample on your desire to remain covert, Sally.

Apparently what you don't understand is this. There is a requirement to broadcast RID if the drone is being used for commercial purposes. Regardless if it is <250g. While weight is part of it, the other half is the intent of the flight. I can guarantee you there are many, many folks that bought these drones with the standard batteries and registered them as Part 107 with the FAA because they are being utilized for commercial purposes. DJIs firmware change has caused massive headaches for these people. And it was caused by advertising and selling the drone as RID compliant regardless of the battery that was installed. Go look at the Declarations of Compliance DJI submitted to the FAA and get back to me there, Homie.  

2-4 18:48
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Flying Camera Guy
Flight distance : 138734 ft
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Dirty Bird Posted at 2-4 17:49
User selectability is against the RID regulations.

If that's the case they need to turn it back on, that's what we paid for.
2-4 19:23
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-4 20:16
Let me break it down for you numbnuts.  I have Plus batteries.  I don't give a ... about privacy.  All that crying & bloviating & after-the-fact editing of your original one line post was for nothing.  Just more Karen on display.  You made a poor choice.  Deal with it.  Have a nice day Karen...

Can you do me a favor if the extent of your vocabulary allows it? Would you mind not using the term "bloviated" to describe me? It's so Bill O'Reilly. A guy of your stature can surely be a little more creative, I'm sure. LOL!

Beyond that, I no longer have a dog in this fight. My shipment back to DJI. That money is going somewhere else now. Enjoy your Plus batteries, fanboy.

2-4 20:42
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-4 21:19
No one gives a ... Karen.  Hasta la vista!

And again, your thought process and posts are indicative of someone with severe reading comprehension skill deficiencies. Not the first time there, Skips-a-Daisy.

In an effort to engage you in a meaningful way that will support your cognitive growth, I'm not going to tell you why I'm not hitting the bricks at your behest. I'll let you peruse back through all of this crap and figure that out on your own. It's the least I can do for a guy like you.
2-4 21:44
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

Animal, I think you might have jumped the gun.  Just like your initial purchase, I think you made the return...without doing all of your research.  When I read your posts, you sound very impulsive and quick to point the finger.  The first thing is DJI has already been paid for that drone you sent back to Amazon.  Returning that entire load back to Amazon only hurts Amazon, and can't really hurt Amazon.  And then you say you cannot deal with a "dishonest" manufacturer yet you still fly one of their drones, the Air model.

Second, have you thought about what happens if you insert the heavy battery into your drone and it turns on the you know if you go back to the small battery if it will turn off RID?  Have you tried that because I'm not sure you can simply turn RID on and off by swapping batteries.  If you wanted to find out, you could have purchase the big battery, give it a try, and if not....return everything after you exhausted all possible solutions.  If RID stays on, you can still return the big battery and keep your enabled drone and report back positive to the community.  IMO, this is the best solution for DJI, which is to activate RID one time and leave it.  If you are a recreational pilot and you don't RID, never insert the big battery.  DJI just might do that in the upcoming months but you never gave them the chance (over an $80 RID module).  Also animal, have you tried to flash back to software to the way you bought the drone?

So let's talk about that.  You said you bought the drone with RID along with 2,000 other features and you believe you are entitled to those 2,000 features for the remainder of your ownership, right?  Then along comes a software update with release notes, which you read....or supposed to have read, and part of accepting the software update is agreeing to whatever the software update delivers including the change to RID.....and you took the software update, right?  When you accept software (I'm assuming it wasn't forced upon you), the agreement is you accept whatever it delivers.  Your purchase may have contained 2,000 features but after the software update, you may end up the 1,900 features or maybe even 2,100 features; depends.  DJI has been doing this for a really long long time, do you really think you have a case here?  DJI can't win this "battle" either way but many of us see a small lack of responsibility on your end, too.  Did you speak up for the recreational pilots who got the shaft when it was the other way around?

Anyway, I'll leave the terms (or similar) for you to review with your legal term if you are thinking about taking further action:

By using the Product, and by entering into these Terms, you represent and warrant that your use of the Product and your involvement of events or activities incidental to your use of the Product comply and will comply with all applicable laws, statutes, and regulations, and that you will not use the Product except as expressly permitted under these Terms or otherwise authorized by DJI. You further agree not to:

Attempt to “hack”, “crack”, reverse engineer or modify the Product or the DJI Apps, or discover, download or publish source code, bypass or circumvent measures employed to prevent or limit access to any area, content or code of the Product;
Operate or connect the Product with unauthorized third-party devices or software;
Override DJI geo-fencing system, maximum flight height limitation or otherwise modify any flight safety features of the Product.
2-4 22:08
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


beamerbuilder1-sp Posted at 2-4 14:42
So I just recently purchased 4 standard mini 3 / 4 Pro batteries for about $65.00 each from the DJI store and now they’re pretty much useless! Funny thing is, they’re still listed in the store even now. If DJI knew this firmware update was coming and they were going to cripple the standard batteries, why even sell them? Thanks A lot! There should be a full refund for all standard batteries now! One reason I purchased this drone and accessories is because it was supposed to be Remote ID compliant. I won’t believe DJI’s hype again. If I knew I had to buy a separate Remote ID Transmitter just to use their standard batteries, I would not have purchased the Mini 4 Pro drone! Epic fail on this one for sure! DJI!!!

Thank you for your feedback. We fully understand this concern of yours. Rest assured that we will coordinate this with our corresponding team for attention. Thank you for your understanding.
2-5 05:06
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

The Saint Posted at 2-4 22:08
Animal, I think you might have jumped the gun.  Just like your initial purchase, I think you made the return...without doing all of your research.  When I read your posts, you sound very impulsive and quick to point the finger.  The first thing is DJI has already been paid for that drone you sent back to Amazon.  Returning that entire load back to Amazon only hurts Amazon, and can't really hurt Amazon.  And then you say you cannot deal with a "dishonest" manufacturer yet you still fly one of their drones, the Air model.

Second, have you thought about what happens if you insert the heavy battery into your drone and it turns on the you know if you go back to the small battery if it will turn off RID?  Have you tried that because I'm not sure you can simply turn RID on and off by swapping batteries.  If you wanted to find out, you could have purchase the big battery, give it a try, and if not....return everything after you exhausted all possible solutions.  If RID stays on, you can still return the big battery and keep your enabled drone and report back positive to the community.  IMO, this is the best solution for DJI, which is to activate RID one time and leave it.  If you are a recreational pilot and you don't RID, never insert the big battery.  DJI just might do that in the upcoming months but you never gave them the chance (over an $80 RID module).  Also animal, have you tried to flash back to software to the way you bought the drone?

While I appreciate the effort you put forth and the demeanor of your post, it's a bit inaccurate is several instances. You're leaving out the part where the original configuration of the drone was fully remote ID compliant. DJI launched the drone as such. As I mentioned, the Declaration of Compliance on the FAA website states as such too, with no inference that it's only compliant with the large batteries. At least no inference I can find. And if I can't find it or it isn't apparent to the public, I'm sure others aren't aware of it either. Hence the blowback DJI is experiencing over this issue.

All reviews of the product by YoutTubers and other influencers that I watched indicated the drone was in fact RID complaint with the standard batteries. There was no public information provided by DJI or anyone else that I am aware of that indicated this would ever change. So, after much research, I, as well as many others, purchased the product based on that information. That's relatively typical.

Term of service are great. It's a fact and you are correct. But, that doesn't make it right. As a consumer, I kind of view ToS as a from or mild blackmail. Accept the changes or your device may no longer function correctly. What choice is there for the consumer in that scenario? Well, I picked the best choice for me. It wasn't hair trigger. Which I am entitled to do. Has nothing to do with trying to hurt DJI or Amazon and everything to do with my feeling that a critical feature I based my purchase on and am required to follow by law in my use case, was stripped from the product, whether DJI has the legal authority to do so or not is irrelevant.

Not sure why you think I would pursue this in the legal arena? I've got better things to do with my time. Especially since I was able to cart it all back to Amazon. But, this change does in fact have potential legal consequences for DJI. And in a big way. It'll be interesting to see if/what the FAA has to say about it. I don't know, I'm not part of that conversation. As I mentioned, there are probably thousands of folks that already registered these drones with the FAA as 107 birds because they intend to or are flying them for purposes other than recreational. It's required by law. Even your last bolded statement above mentions that the customer MUST abide by all laws.

DJI caused this issue, and they'll have to figure out a way to resolve it. In the case of this customer, I saw rather quickly that DJI was not willing to do much about it. Bad PR is what it is. How can anyone at DJI expect otherwise? I called support, they told me to buy bigger batteries or attach a RID module to the drone that was already RID capable. Then, in this thread, they were willing to not get involved with me until Mr. Bird man shoulder-tapped them to respond to me after his thinly veiled attempts at running me off were failing. That was only after they sat there and let him man handle me for a couple of days. Unfortunately, I'm not that easy to dissuade. Made me feel like they were okay with letting one of their customers get bullied by a resident blowhard that exhibits selective reading comprehension skills. That was the second mistake by DJI in my case. And that, sir, is when I decided to pack it all in. I would have and did give DJI an opportunity to open a dialog about the very real issue they created here. They held steady and no help was received other than buy bigger batteries or go buy a RID module. What I find funny is they stated previously in this thread that they don't approve of attaching third-party devices to their drones, but it's apparently okay if it is a RID module? I'm curious as to which of the RID modules DJI approves of to attach to their drones? Would and admin in here care to answer that one?

As far as the Air 3, yeah, it's mine and I still own it. If DJI wants to give me a full refund on it and everything else I bought for it as well, since it is outside of the return window with Amazon, I'll gladly send it all back. Otherwise, I'm stuck with it because that one is outside of the Amazon return window even though it's never been flown. Gotta register that one with the FAA before it leaves the ground.  

So, everyone can sit here and speculate as to why this or that without all of the information and then make assumptions and that's fine, I guess. What I have an issue with is the attempt at thwarting and silencing any legitimate concerns or otherwise in this thread by longtime resident members here. DJI let that happen and it is still happening. Seems that the long timers that are established here are the perpetrators. That would insinuate that there is a silent relationship between DJI administrators and those individuals in this forum that customers like me must bump up against and pierce to get any traction. Just an observation on my part. Had that not happened, I would have more than likely silently shipped it all back and that would have been that. But, I was challenged here with responses that I am sure are outside of the ToS in this forum. Seems okay for some to engage in that behavior. Apparently, it's okay if it suits DJI. It's pretty apparent, actually. My problem here is solved. I view myself as one of the lucky ones.      
2-5 05:41
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 367352 ft
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United States

OK, after reading all this battery and RID stuff I'm thinking Tesla should give me a new free battery because it's about 20 miles short of the advertised range and no RID because it's over the weight limit.
2-5 08:10
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3395469 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-4 21:19
No one gives a ... Karen.  Hasta la vista!

This is the first I have heard that sounds like someone is almost demanding RID.
Enough said there without going into any more detail.
Where do these individuals come from Dirty Bird ?,lol its no wonder I do not post on
here that much anymore.
2-5 08:21
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Why would a Part 107 pilot, working under Part 107, NOT want the Plus Battery?
2-5 08:37
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3395469 ft
United States

Bananimal Posted at 2-4 04:46
I appreciate the response, albeit a little too late, in my case.

DJI's position on this is ridiculous. Simply making the decision to leave Part 107 pilots out in the cold on this not only opens DJI up to potential litigation, it also unfairly punishes those in the drone community who are choosing to abide by the laws in the U.S. to help the drone industry through the maze of regulation we are all facing.

Then send it all back for a return already and please for the sake of other members on here let it go already.Get an Air 3 or something that is RID compliant all the time and be done with it,with no more complaining about something you have no control over anyway.
2-5 09:21
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Freetime Posted at 2-5 09:21
Then send it all back for a return already and please for the sake of other members on here let it go already.Get an Air 3 or something that is RID compliant all the time and be done with it,with no more complaining about something you have no control over anyway.

Thanks for the advice. Reading comprehension, kids...again, it matters. You folks in here are apparently unaware of what the rest of the industry thinks of this unprecedented change as well. I'm just one guy. Call me whatever you want, I don't care. The boys club in here is just that.
2-5 10:26
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Flight distance : 702293 ft
United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 2-5 08:37
Why would a Part 107 pilot, working under Part 107, NOT want the Plus Battery?

Because the Part 107 pilot purchased the product with batteries that, at the time, were inclusive or remote ID as sold. In my case six (6) of them to be exact. DJI then takes it away and expects that pilot to go out and spend $600.00 more dollars to replace those 6 batteries for that pilot's 107 use case of the product. I thought I made that clear very early on here. It's not a matter of the Plus batteries won't resolve the issue. It's a matter of many pilots now having to throw away their standard batteries and buy replacements at their cost because of this change. That equates to 1K dollars to me. $390.00 lost in unusable standard batteries and another $600.00 in Plus replacements. Thus, taking the kit cost to $1,700.00 USD for a Mini 4 Pro. You have a situation where the benefit cost analysis doesn't add up. You think you'd be happy in that scenario? Does that seem fair? No, it's not.

The sheer stupidity displayed in this thread is beyond astounding. But hey, it ain't my house.

Now, as to align with the percieved harmony of this site, I'm going to exit this conversation. It's is more than abuntantly clear to me this conversation was over before it even got started. The entire drone community outside of this site will have the ultimate say in how DJI is perceived. Like I said, I'm just one guy. I'm certainly not the only one.
2-5 10:35
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Bananimal Posted at 2-5 10:35
Because the Part 107 pilot purchased the product with batteries that, at the time, were inclusive or remote ID as sold. In my case six (6) of them to be exact. DJI then takes it away and expects that pilot to go out and spend $600.00 more dollars to replace those 6 batteries for that pilot's 107 use case of the product. I thought I made that clear very early on here. It's not a matter of the Plus batteries won't resolve the issue. It's a matter of many pilots now having to throw away their standard batteries and buy replacements at their cost because of this change. That equates to 1K dollars to me. $390.00 lost in unusable standard batteries and another $600.00 in Plus replacements. Thus, taking the kit cost to $1,700.00 USD for a Mini 4 Pro. You have a situation where the benefit cost analysis doesn't add up. You think you'd be happy in that scenario? Does that seem fair? No, it's not.

The sheer stupidity displayed in this thread is beyond astounding. But hey, it ain't my house.

As a Part 107, shouldn't you have bought the Plus batteries at the beginning? YOU are the nitwit here!!
2-5 12:09
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3395469 ft
United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 2-5 12:09
As a Part 107, shouldn't you have bought the Plus batteries at the beginning? YOU are the nitwit here!!

Ya along with hard of hearing to add to a growing list.I could go on and on about the
goof ups that cost him money,but why bother.
If he has a Part 107 he should have bought a larger model with RID already in it.
Then there would have been nothing at all to whine about.
So I see it as a case of not thinking about a purchase,so it is on him and him alone.
2-5 19:21
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3395469 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-6 01:52
It is rather humorous how for months people were complaining about their sub-250 gram drone broadcasting RID when neither RID, nor FAA registration, is required in the USA.  DJI listens & accommodates those requests with a simple & effective solution that meets all the regulatory requirements.  Now comes a handful of complaints demanding RID be reenabled.  

Personally I approve of DJI's decision.  Users who don't want the hassle of FAA registration or oppose RID broadcasting their location can choose the standard batteries.  Those who require or want RID for some special purpose can opt for the Plus batteries to enable the internal RID while benefiting from extended flight times, or they can opt for an external RID module while continuing to make use of the standard batteries.  It is a simple solution that accommodates everyone.

Well said,enjoy your day.
2-6 08:02
Use props
Cheesehead Media
Flight distance : 655121 ft
  • >>>
United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 2-5 08:37
Why would a Part 107 pilot, working under Part 107, NOT want the Plus Battery?

Quite simply because my Mini 3 Pro came with a standard battery. I would like to use it. Yes, I did buy the Fly More Plus kit with the larger extended batteries along with a third extended-life battery. But it's not uncommon for me to go through all 4 batteries, sometimes more after recharging them, in a single day.

I also know a person who owns a Mini 4 Pro with a single standard battery, he uses it for a monetized YouTube channel and has his Part 107 to be compliant. The amount of time he is able to fly does not require him to have multiple batteries as he only generates a little bit of B-roll footage with it for filler. This change now forces him to go out and buy an unneeded plus battery if he wants to stay compliant.

I know this firmware update hasn't affected the Mini 3 Pro yet, but there is nothing stopping DJI from pushing out a similar firmware update in the near future. I also understand why those who are flying the Mini 3 or Mini 4 Pro for recreational usage do not want Remote ID. I fully support their choice to do so.

I've read through the regulations several times and I can understand where the interpretation that you can't toggle Remote ID on/off is coming from. To prevent any confusion and to be compliant with the rules as I am interpreting them; my suggestion would be to make enabling Remote ID on a standard battery a one-way toggle. Once you turn it on you are unable to ever turn it off again.
2-6 08:13
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Flight distance : 99656 ft
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United States

Bananimal Posted at 2-4 20:42
Can you do me a favor if the extent of your vocabulary allows it? Would you mind not using the term "bloviated" to describe me? It's so Bill O'Reilly. A guy of your stature can surely be a little more creative, I'm sure. LOL!

Beyond that, I no longer have a dog in this fight. My shipment back to DJI. That money is going somewhere else now. Enjoy your Plus batteries, fanboy.

Who cares? Maybe you should slap a label on your shirt, so they can ship you too?
2-6 10:11
Use props
Flight distance : 99656 ft
  • >>>
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-6 01:52
It is rather humorous how for months people were complaining about their sub-250 gram drone broadcasting RID when neither RID, nor FAA registration, is required in the USA.  DJI listens & accommodates those requests with a simple & effective solution that meets all the regulatory requirements.  Now comes a handful of complaints demanding RID be reenabled.  

Personally I approve of DJI's decision.  Users who don't want the hassle of FAA registration or oppose RID broadcasting their location can choose the standard batteries.  Those who require or want RID for some special purpose can opt for the Plus batteries to enable the internal RID while benefiting from extended flight times, or they can opt for an external RID module while continuing to make use of the standard batteries.  It is a simple solution that accommodates everyone.

(...Those who require or want RID for some special purpose can opt for the Plus batteries to enable the internal RID while benefiting from extended flight times, or they can opt for an external RID module while continuing to make use of the standard batteries.  It is a simple solution that accommodates everyone.)

Exactly! Pretty much a no-brainer
2-6 10:14
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3395469 ft
United States

Bananimal Posted at 2-4 08:48
The fact of the matter is, the device was purchased and initially advertised as RID compliant regardless of what batteries were purchased. That was a deciding factor for many who saw no reason to buy the extended batteries. And I've not seen that you can purchase the "Fly More" kit with the "Plus" batteries instead of the standard. Could be because I had no reason to expend the extra money in that case and didn't look for that option. Still haven't looked for it and I won't.  

Likewise, you assume a bit too much. Paint this one however you want. I'm the customer. I did not ask for free batteries, but you claim I did. That's called lying. You ought to knock it off. It's bad for business.

Then please leave and get out of here already
2-6 18:45
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3395469 ft
United States

Gulfstream Posted at 2-6 10:11
Who cares? Maybe you should slap a label on your shirt, so they can ship you too?

Does Antarctica have a post office
2-6 19:03
Use props
Flight distance : 101188 ft

United States

People complaining about the government not being able to read their drone info, is a wild one to me. I'll be using the standard battery more often now that I know the plus battery is broadcasting my info
2-7 13:42
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Flight distance : 90361 ft
United States

As a user under Part 107 who sold my old drone - DJI Mavic Air, to buy the Mini Pro 4 to be compliant - advertised as such when bought with the standard battery, 3 in my case, I do believe DJI needs a solution for existing owners - either a firmware option or a battery trade up with credits option. Taking a working function away after the fact is not a good position to put paid customers in. I think DJI will come up with a solution.
2-9 06:43
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Flight distance : 23209 ft
United States

fans0c5750c4 Posted at 2-9 06:43
As a user under Part 107 who sold my old drone - DJI Mavic Air, to buy the Mini Pro 4 to be compliant - advertised as such when bought with the standard battery, 3 in my case, I do believe DJI needs a solution for existing owners - either a firmware option or a battery trade up with credits option. Taking a working function away after the fact is not a good position to put paid customers in. I think DJI will come up with a solution.

I agree with you that DJI will come up with a solution for this. But I also understand why they implemented the current firmware change.

What they failed to realize and didn’t think through was the legitimate need and preferences for having Remote ID capability by many of their customers flying the drone in the under 250g configuration.  The idea that the current solution puts Part 107 flyers in violation of the law unless they add a non-DJI accessory to the drone makes no sense.

I expect a firmware change here sooner vs later. We'll see.  

2-9 09:12
Use props
Flight distance : 90361 ft
United States

Ttrq01 Posted at 2-9 09:12
I agree with you that DJI will come up with a solution for this. But I also understand why they implemented the current firmware change.

What they failed to realize and didn’t think through was the legitimate need and preferences for having Remote ID capability by many of their customers flying the drone in the under 250g configuration.  The idea that the current solution puts Part 107 flyers in violation of the law unless they add a non-DJI accessory to the drone makes no sense.

Let’s hope so. I had contacted US support on the topic and they offered $30 credit to buy a plus battery. I clearly explained that was far from enough having just spent $195 on standard batteries. I would hope to exchange batteries with full credit at minimum before buying the plus batteries. The case was escalated and I am awaiting a response.
2-9 11:49
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1057844 ft
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United States

Good breakdown for Remote ID for M4P and M3 users in USA

2-9 13:28
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3395469 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-9 15:42
Hard for me to feel sympathetic given your reply.  They are offering a $30 credit, which is giving you a Plus battery for the price of a standard battery.  Yet that still isn't enough.  DJI is kinder than I would be.   You are in the USA.  For $5 less than the price of an additional Plus battery minus the $30 discount you could have purchased the FlyMore Plus combo.  You would have RID along with THREE Plus batteries & extended flight times..  A poor decision on your part.

And when they end up making wrong decisions its  always DJI's fault
2-9 19:07
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Flight distance : 652231 ft
United States

Call me one of the nutters that is never happy.

In this instance: I MUCH prefer the way the software works now vs the way it was sold (pre-update).    I did buy the plus batteries since I figured I couldn't turn RID off with regular batteries. . . .but I knew what I was getting into.  I am buying some "regular" batteries as my "toggle switch".

I do, however, think the software switch is the best option. I would put it right next to the RTH altitude setting.  (as I tend to change that prior to most flights; depending upon location)(I have some places where I truly need 200' RTH altitude; and others where 50' is more than adequate)
2-9 20:23
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

OneSnark Posted at 2-9 20:23
Call me one of the nutters that is never happy.

In this instance: I MUCH prefer the way the software works now vs the way it was sold (pre-update).    I did buy the plus batteries since I figured I couldn't turn RID off with regular batteries. . . .but I knew what I was getting into.  I am buying some "regular" batteries as my "toggle switch".

i think we might get another solution as well but it won't be a software switch because as you know, that would be against the regulations.  did you watch the video above, this seems to be more complex than it has to be.  if dji makes another change, i'm afraid they will make it worse (rather than better) and basically end up with all mini drones being unusable.
2-9 20:38
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Flight distance : 90361 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-9 15:42
Hard for me to feel sympathetic given your reply.  They are offering a $30 credit, which is giving you a Plus battery for the price of a standard battery.  Yet that still isn't enough.  DJI is kinder than I would be.   You are in the USA.  For $5 less than the price of an additional Plus battery minus the $30 discount you could have purchased the FlyMore Plus combo.  You would have RID along with THREE Plus batteries & extended flight times..  A poor decision on your part.

Well aren’t you a genius! Had that been known when the purchased was made in October, that is what I would have done. It is the change after the fact making my complaint purchase now non-compliant. $255 out of my pocket to be the same compliant position using their $30 goodwill credit. You obviously don’t get it.
2-10 06:25
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Flight distance : 652231 ft
United States

The Saint Posted at 2-9 20:38
i think we might get another solution as well but it won't be a software switch because as you know, that would be against the regulations.  did you watch the video above, this seems to be more complex than it has to be.  if dji makes another change, i'm afraid they will make it worse (rather than better) and basically end up with all mini drones being unusable.

You may be right. . . . . .I would vote to keep the functionality the way it is *now*.

At some point; if you keep messing with something - - > you will wind up breaking it.
2-10 06:50
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Flight distance : 652231 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-10 05:59
For those in the USA desirous of a Mini 4 Pro FlyMore kit the only logical reasons for not spending the $60 premium between that & the FlyMore Plus kit is wanting to avoid the requirement for FAA registration & Remote ID.  The second case would be intending to fly at extreme elevation as there is a 1000 meter difference in the rated service ceiling between the standard & Plus batteries.  Otherwise, given the small price difference, I do not understand why anyone would not choose the benefit of 10-12 minutes of additional flight time per battery?

Actually, that logic is compelling and one of the reasons I chose the "fly more plus".

I do a bit of flying in cold weather - - > where the flight time limit is governed by the blood circulation in my fingers.  With the standard batteries - - > I probably would become cold battery capacity limited.

(afterall, I would *never* step into a warm house after takeoff while the drone is in the air)
2-10 06:53
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

fans0c5750c4 Posted at 2-10 06:25
Well aren’t you a genius! Had that been known when the purchased was made in October, that is what I would have done. It is the change after the fact making my complaint purchase now non-compliant. $255 out of my pocket to be the same compliant position using their $30 goodwill credit. You obviously don’t get it.

at some point, you have to stop complaining about the fact that you bought a compliant drone that is no longer compliant until you pay additional money.  that's a fact of life with a lot of things, not just drones.  your other option is to just dispose of the drone and write it off as no longer suitable for your needs and chalk it up to lessons learned.

when rid was implemented, we knew there would be collateral damage as thousands of people would be adversely impacted so you're not the first.  this is out of your control but the good news is it is relatively inexpensive at $255 and if it is really that important to you, my advice is to take it or wait for more change to come.  this isn't yet settled and we could see other types of changes; one i would like to see is raise 250 to 300.
2-10 07:25
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Flight distance : 90361 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-10 07:20
You are correct.  Being as you appear to be located in the USA I do not understand why you did not choose the Plus batteries when purchasing the Mini 4 Pro.  The most cost effective solution was always the FlyMore Plus Combo unless you wanted the RC-N2 controller.   Half of the people bellyaching about this don't even need RID they just want it.  Activating RID is simple - purchase some Plus batteries!  Demanding DJI absolve you from your choice by taking back your standard batteries for full credit is the epitome of entitlement IMHO.  Sorry if that offends you.
The choice at the time was perfectly legitimate. I hope they put out a firmware update that renders your drone inoperable and then tell you, tough luck buy a new one, as an extreme example. Same concept, but I am sure you would gladly shell out another grand because, you know things change and DJI can’t be responsible to take care of it for you. Maybe the DJI choice should have been reversed, if you are a hobby user and bought a remote ID compliant drone and want a non-compliant remote ID drone, go buy a new one.
2-10 09:18
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Flight distance : 90361 ft
United States

The Saint Posted at 2-10 07:25
at some point, you have to stop complaining about the fact that you bought a compliant drone that is no longer compliant until you pay additional money.  that's a fact of life with a lot of things, not just drones.  your other option is to just dispose of the drone and write it off as no longer suitable for your needs and chalk it up to lessons learned.

when rid was implemented, we knew there would be collateral damage as thousands of people would be adversely impacted so you're not the first.  this is out of your control but the good news is it is relatively inexpensive at $255 and if it is really that important to you, my advice is to take it or wait for more change to come.  this isn't yet settled and we could see other types of changes; one i would like to see is raise 250 to 300.
Yes, I sold an old drone not compliant to buy a new one that was compliant. DJI changed that with a firmware update and left a certain set of customers out of their consideration when making it. Their current stance for what the path forward is expensive. I am sure you would gladly pay in this situation without a word and be very happy, and to some degree clueless IMHO. Maybe the DJI choice should have been reversed, if you are a hobby user and bought a remote ID compliant drone and want a non-compliant remote ID drone, go buy a new one.
2-10 09:23
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

fans0c5750c4 Posted at 2-10 09:23
Yes, I sold an old drone not compliant to buy a new one that was compliant. DJI changed that with a firmware update and left a certain set of customers out of their consideration when making it. Their current stance for what the path forward is expensive. I am sure you would gladly pay in this situation without a word and be very happy, and to some degree clueless IMHO. Maybe the DJI choice should have been reversed, if you are a hobby user and bought a remote ID compliant drone and want a non-compliant remote ID drone, go buy a new one.

yeah, that's the way it started out.  the shoe was on the other foot.  recreational pilots complained about it too.  but not about the "costs."
2-10 10:28
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