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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

sifu128 Posted at 2016-1-3 16:01
This is the typical hardware software evolution with any product developed and sold. Take companies  ...

This is not exactly true.

I understand that if you want the latest products then they will come with this questionable software.

However if you are quite content and happy with the drone your have and have no intention of getting this update then you can stay where you are and enjoy your flying. But as soon as the new Phantom comes out, of course it will have all the latest software already pre installed and this will be something you will have to live with and I'm sure many people will do this.

But again a lot of people will be happy with their Phantom and choose not to update and myself I shall not update based on what I've heard and seen. If DJI have truly listened and the finished product is much better then of course I'll go along with the times.

So if you are happy with the way things are at the moment then just stick with it and enjoy, but be weary you'll be missing out on any further updates.
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United Kingdom

The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-3 17:00
This is not exactly true.

I understand that if you want the latest products then they will come  ...

The update will be forced upon you (or the craft will simply not fly) and things like this will be the reason why. ... es-one-runways.html
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

TimUK Posted at 2016-1-3 18:01
The update will be forced upon you (or the craft will simply not fly) and things like this will be ...

I can't see how they can just stop your bird from flying just like that with no programme being installed so I doubt that.

Secondly this does not stop people from doing reckless things such as that in the article. In regards to that. Why is it any mention of a drone, a poor DJI Phantom image is used. The one that flew over the runway could of been a £50 one from any store. At this time there are already NFZ over Heathrow and Gatwick so can't see how that was possible for a Phantom unless in manual mode or not one !!

Just because you put up these restricted zones will not stop idiots !! it will just cause hinderance and annoyance. Please have a look at the GEOFENCE map of the Uk on DJI, mostly the entire north east is covered in a 'Yellow' restrictions zones meaning every 3 days you have to authorises your drone just fly at home

It's already been mentioned that people in rural places will be hindered due to lack of signal and I feel this is an invasion of privacy to, don't forget these quadcopters full under the 20Kg meaning, so the CAA do not care what we do or who we are as long as we are respecting the few laws we are governed by and we are not dangerous.

Let us have our hobby without being interfered with !!!! next we will have to create flight plans and NOTAMS every time we want to fly.

Just let common sense and good airmanship prevail and everyone will be fine, but this again will not stop the reckless or ignorant people out there from doing silly things.
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United Kingdom

The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-3 18:19
I can't see how they can just stop your bird from flying just like that with no programme being in ...

What version of "GO" are you using ? they have been talking about geofencing for quite some time (two years?) it would not be hard to have a dormant algorithm embedded in the software that could/would be enabled under the correct conditions. I know that sounds a bit "big brother" but stranger things have come to pass.
And I appreciate that it probably wasn't a DJI product involved but they are common and that's what's already fixed in Joe public's imagination.
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United States

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United States

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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

TimUK Posted at 2016-1-3 18:44
What version of "GO" are you using ? they have been talking about geofencing for quite some time ( ...

I have the latest one, so if DJI have put a programme in one of the updates then fair played...but doesn't seem likely to be because I can't see how it would be activated, especially for the ADV/PRO where you manually have to upload firmware onto the copter.

I just feel instead of rushing and getting the update, let the people who want to, do. and for those who just want to keep to simple drone flying and capturing awesome pictures and videos. Without any hassle just carry on the way things are.

I feel there is becoming big divides within the drone community of what different peoples intentions, uses's are for them.

The CAA has not posed any of these restrictions so why is DJI forcing this upon us. How does me saying hello my name is Bat copter, I want to fly over the Highlands for three days make things safer"

Next it will be sorry there are too many drones flying in that area so you will be limited etc... I feel the age of the Police state for drones has come in. But hasn't even come from the regulators it's self. I wouldn't even be having this discussion if the CAA posed these upon us as I would have to put up or shut up.

But we are only still in the Beta stage, so I'm sure things will change. Let us just wait and see
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This is really crazy. They first sold the drones and now they are going say No Fly my friend
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United Kingdom

The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-3 19:01
I have the latest one, so if DJI have put a programme in one of the updates then fair played...but ...

As soon as you open the "Go" app it will ask you to update to the latest version, a refusal could quite easily initiate some embedded software that would certainly stop the app from working and stopping you from flying (I'm not sure if the P3 will fly without the app being active)

The reason behind all this is "accountability" you will have to register and according to DJI use either a credit card or a phone number to do so, when you then go on to unlock a zone and an incident occurs within that zone they can take a look at you to see if you are the culprit, of course there are plenty of other craft out there and your flight logs will either clear you or incriminate you.

And it's not just DJI signing up to this, eventually all manufacturers will, either voluntarily or government will legislate to make it so, this of course will only really effect the mass consumer like you and I, those that can build, programme and fly without all of the gps aids will probably be okay and that in itself is a problem.
Why? because these big hex and octo copters can carry a fair sized payload, imagine an octocopter with fpv, a 5 mile (or greater) range delivering a kilo or more of semtex to an airport/sports stadium/military base/school or whatever.
There are government departments all over the world shi**ing themselves at this prospect even as I type.
And that's why this is going to happen and realistically needs to happen. Sorry to be so gloomy at the start of a brave new year :-)
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

TimUK Posted at 2016-1-3 20:10
As soon as you open the "Go" app it will ask you to update to the latest version, a refusal could q ...

I just feel they are taking the small time hobbiest and making a it more and more difficult for us. If they want to pose restrictions on us let it come from the CAA.

The rules are different across the world for UAV's and we shouldn't be restricted to the same requirements. DJI should make them all tailored made depending on the country and its aviation laws surrounding them.

You have to remember this is just the start, imagine where this will progress to. I just see more and more restrictions and control and hate to think it will actually take the 'fun' (if that still exists) out of flying these amazing Phantoms.

But I do have another solution for people, get practising manual mode haha
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United States

If the Beta is released as it stands I believe that we will see projects that allow you to load any firmware on your drone, and even altered firmware loads that remove these restrictions.  Jailbreaking will become common for many drone pilots.  It will also create a very substantial opportunity for competitors to offer products that perform the same functionality concerning geofencing in a more user friendly fashion.
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Flight distance : 481988 ft

This is very disappointing by DJI,

I am a little baffled how DJI can think they are responsible for applying the law across international boarders? All countries obviously treat these situations differently and have different restrictions. In Australia they have already drafted legislation to loosen the rules on drones under 2kg to be able to do commercial work. And honestly i love the Phantom P3, but if i have to give out my credit card or phone number details every time i want to fly in my home town then i think i will be switching to the new Gopro Karma when it is released or the 3DR Solo or the next latest and greatest that will be released no doubt. Have DJI herd of competition because unless this is rolled out industry wide DJI are shooting themselves in the foot and asking flyers to leave them?

My whole home town in Western Australia (previously no restrictions, 1 very small rural airport 30km from anything) is seemingly covered in yellow now? even the entire coast? wow

Personally i am more concerned about giving my credit card details or phone number to a Chinese company for purely reporting purposes?!? Doesn't that sound a little crazy?

I also thinks its funny how US have gone crazy about drone regulations but still wont even look at gun laws lol
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Even the web page for unlocking the zones is stuffed, you can't save your country or such, every time you go there you end up in the middle of the US somewhere. What a poor implementation of a half-arsed idea.
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United States

Get all the info here
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

ranges Posted at 2016-1-4 12:34
Get all the info here

Is this not just hypoctitical? They do not want to see restictions coming from the aviavtion regulators such as the CAA or FAA, but they are happy to do it themselves. Makes so no sense to me.

***Does this mean DJI supports a legal mandate for geofencing?***

No. Based on years of actual customer user experience, we feel that mandatory geofencing that unconditionally restricts device functionality based on geography alone is the wrong approach in most cases. This technology is being used by a wide variety of operators, who have differing types of authorization that can also vary by date and time. In virtually every area that might be a good candidate for a geofence, we have encountered authorized operators worldwide already engaged in compelling applications. Restricting the use of aerial system technology based on geographic location alone is not a good solution to the concerns that have recently been raised, and will hobble the beneficial future uses of a technology that is still in its infancy.
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

aliios Posted at 2016-1-3 06:47
3/4 of a country??  Ok here we are !!!  All Cyprus is a NFZ !!!! No one can fly there !!!!!!

Just ...

A friend of mine studying Law pointed out something interesting when I was casually talking to him about this.. (He said DJI may have shot themselves in the foot with this, as it could potentially lead to many people returning their products and also fewer future sales. - No company that wants to grow their business wants alienate their current customers at the same time as hampering future sales)

If you find, due to these changes, made by DJI, you can no longer fly your quad where you intended. I.e. You are now in a no fly zone (whereas you could fly it when you purchased it) or the conditions have changed so you can no longer use a product as intended, I.e. You are now in an Authorization Zone. (yellow zone),.. Then:

Under EU law* DJI is required to compensate you fully.  I.e. Within two years of purchase you can return goods as "not fit for purpose" for a full refund and/or within 6 years for a partial refund based on the condition of the goods.

Under the *Sale of Goods and Associated Guarantees Directive 99/44/EC consumer goods must be ‘in conformity with the contract of sale‘ i.e. you should get what you paid for at the time of the sale.
Accordingly, consumers can expect that at the moment of delivery goods: Are fit for the purpose for which goods of the same type are normally used, or fit for any particular purpose for which the consumer requires them and which was made known to the seller at the time of conclusion of the contract/sale and accepted by the seller. For example, a car must be fit to be driven on the road (unless you have been specifically told that it is not). Equally, if you specifically request a right-hand drive car from a motor dealer, and he agrees in the contract of sale to supply you with one, he cannot then supply you with a left-hand drive car later.

So when you bought your P3 you were not told it would not fly where you wanted it to fly, subsequently DJI changed the rules so you can no longer use it as you intended when DJI sold it to you, then DJI has to compensate you.

This applies all consumers in the EU and UK, and I believe simmilar laws apply elsewhere in the world.
Any Lawers out there that can verify?

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Flight distance : 224577 ft
United States

I have been looking over the "unlock" DJI map showing the restricted and authorization zones.

I live in a fairly populated area surrounded by major airports. I also tend to fly in a remote area nowhere near airports or air traffic. Looking at both areas I see some things of concern.

First, in the US it seems the only restricted (red) area is Washington, DC. (I only explored most of the east coast since the map doesn't zoom out very far) That makes sense. What doesn't make sense is al the other areas which should be restricted, aren't. Major airports, military bases, etc. are all "yellow." Fire Island (Long Island, NY) is a no-fly zone, but is listed as an open area on the DJI map.

Conversely, in the remote areas I viewed there are apparently numerous private airstrips that require unlocking. These private fields are not currently operating airstrips but still listed as yellow on the DJI map. It places a surprising amount of "yellow" areas in some very rural country. Much of the area I am familiar with has no internet access, often making is difficult (if not impossible) to fly.

The number of areas that should be "red" along with the missing "red" or "yellow" areas has me troubled. Once locked into this system, it seems the map supplier can add or change authorization zones at will. There is no rhyme or reason to the current zones, so I have no idea what criteria are being used. What's to say that red zones are not added tomorrow/next week/next month? What's to stop my own property from becoming a "no-fly" or "authorization needed" zone? We are at the whims of the map provider, who may or may not be accurate or reasonable.

The need to "unlock" numerous circles along with the entire process is overly burdensome. It is definitely NOT what I agreed to or expected when I purchased my P3 several months ago. I am very much regretting my purchase. While I will likely keep my P3, I will not be flying as much as I had hoped. Certainly will never buy another UAV (and have already talked several people out of getting into this hobby). What was supposed to be fun has turned into a hassle.

There was probably a way to do this right, with minimal inconvenience to the end-user. This system is definitely not it.
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Flight distance : 5623 ft

It almost seems like DJI have a desire to "fence" themselves out of the market.
By taking on this responsibility they are almost inviting liability whereas I think their intention is the opposite  
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United States

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To dji-p3p1, I don't think any lawyer would agree that the geofencing renders the product 'not fit for purpose', as you did not enter into any contractual agreement at the time of purchase as to where you could fly. And in looking at the proposed plan of Australia, I could not find a single Restricted Zone anywhere, they appear to all be Authorization Zones, which you can authorise yourself to fly in. So effectively, there is nowhere you are prevented from flying.

I read the article about the Geofencing, and it does not seem particularly onerous, particularly as DJI say you can register yourself for verification, and a warning will come up on your device if you are within an Authorisation Zone, and with a couple of taps of the screen you can authorise yourself to fly in that zone for a period of 24 hours. If the implementation is like that, I dont' have a problem with it.

The only change would be that we may need cellular service on our display devices in order to be able to authorise ourselves out in the field, whereas before a cellular connection was not necessary.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft

Geebax, this is the change, because Your device is unlocked at now, and become locked.
I have no problem with few additional taps, warnings, maps, i am glad DJI intruduce that. We have an issue with self-authorising on DJI servers. We do not want to have locked devices, when they are unlocked at now.
If DJI want to warn us about potential danger - OK - please do self-authorisation, additional taps, on client side, without connections to DJI servers. Personally, in my opinion, this will just 'lock' my device and decision of unlock wil depend of dji servers, policy etc etc. I will loose a full control over my device. My control will be depend of DJI.
I am not a lawyer, but dji-p3p1 seems logically.
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Kyokushin Posted at 2016-1-5 10:54
Geebax, this is the change, because Your device is unlocked at now, and become locked.
I have no pro ...

Sorry, I was trying to keep it friendly, but there is nothing legally wrong with what DJI are doing. You may not like the authorisation procedure, but in all likelihood your only course of action is to buy another product and hope they don't do the same thing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft

And new customer have an option. I agree. We have nothing to say there. But not a customer who already bought.
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

I can't figure out why anyone is pro for this ? just baffles me how some on this forum are just going along with it quite happily...they must be the sort that live in plentiful rural areas where this won't be a problem. This GEOFENCE is madness !! It's perfect now, don't fly over airports or stadiums. The is common sense and already controlled by the regulators. How on earth do we need more control and restrictions.

Cons - Your personal details will be stored, even if they say they won't
             Your details can be passed on to authorities (But tbh if you are breaking the law, you should be caught) However if you have an accident which was purely an accident and DJI look at the data and think your at fault whats them stopping from reporting you.
             You will always need a phone with signal, So all of you who have poor signal or a device that doesn't connect are done for
              You have to prepare your flights if you haven't got signal, but some of us like to be spontaneous.
              Some people will have to authorise just to fly in back garden.
              The future will mean more and more restrictions, once the regulators see this they will love it and make sure its imposed legally and hence tighter restrictions.

Pros - ? Someone please help me out here, I normally like to be un-biased and have an objective opinion but I'm finding it hard. Please don't just say it's safer, because it's NOT. Its safe enough now.  
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The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-5 11:30
I can't figure out why anyone is pro for this ? just baffles me how some on this forum are just goin ...

The simple answer to your question is this: If DJI implement this, what can you do? Coming here and complaining about it will be noted, but common sense tells me that DJI have been asked to implement this sort of feature by air regulation authorities and it is going to happen - like it or not.

Sure, you can stamp you feet and say you will buy another manufacturers product, but who says they are not being pressured to implement a similar system?

'Your personal details will be stored' They are already, you have to register your drone, that does it.

My attitude to this is that stupid people and an irresponsible media have ruined this for us, so lets make the best of a bad situation.
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

Geebax Posted at 2016-1-5 00:49
The simple answer to your question is this: If DJI implement this, what can you do? Coming here an ...

Just because it's the internet, doesn't mean you have to give them all your details. I rarely use my real details apart from those that I have to such as Bank. Especially when big companies are having there data hacked and details stolen I tend not to dish out everything on the big wide web.

Once they get hold of my credit card details or number, then they know the whole lot. And according to DJI I believe they have been asked to implement these restrictions but have seem to have gone ahead with it anyway.  Just taking quote from a question I've already posted.

I don't appreciate your comments to say you can stamp your feet. The whole point of this forum to express our views and concerns and I intend to and encourage people  to do the same to indicate that this is something we don't want.

You just carrying on being a 'Yes' person again doesn't help, however I respect that you are pro for this, but I'm not the sort of person to roll over and take it especially when it's not needed. You haven't actually come up with a PRO which I was asking for to see if i could be swayed.

I notice DJI peeps haven't commented a lot but steering away like true politicians to watch us lot ravel on at each other.  

And in regards to the general public and media, do you think they care about GEOFENCING or have the slightest clue, they just don't want things flying over airports and delaying their flights or spying on them when they are in the garden.

All I stress for is simplistic, fun and safe flying, thats all I intended with this hobby. And I enjoy coming on here and solving problems and listening to peoples stories. I just feel saddened that things are changing for the negative, when they DON'T have to.

But will I change products? Hell no, because at this time the Phantom 3's are the best out there by far and they are amazing. So for now I'm in with the ride.
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Second Officer

United States

The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-4 19:30
I can't figure out why anyone is pro for this?...Pros - ? Someone please help me out here, I normally like to be un-biased and have an objective opinion but I'm finding it hard. Please don't just say it's safer, because it's NOT. It's safe enough now.  

I agree. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone is actually arguing for this like it is something better for all of us.
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The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-5 12:06
Just because it's the internet, doesn't mean you have to give them all your details. I rarely use  ...

I deal with people's credit cards details all the time, but it does not mean I try to find out anything about them, and for that matter there are plenty of checks in place to stop me doing that. The reason DJI are asking for credit card details is to ensure you are a verifiable person, nothing more. They already know who you are because you registered your drone on-line when you first opened the app, of course that only applies if you gave them true details.

'So for now I'm in with the ride. ' Yeah, me too, but I am not going to stress out over something that is inevitable, and get all paranoid about the geofencing procedure, it isn't worth the pain. As long as it is made easy to do, I don't care.

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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

nrgwise Posted at 2016-1-5 01:37
I agree. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone is actually 'arguing' for this.

Exactly !! unless they know something we don't. But thats why I've asked for the pros, there's always pros and cons and I like to see both to make an informed decision.

I've only seen hints that people think it will make things safer and it shall please the media. But personally I don't see this happening. Peoples will still find ways of being dangerous and we all have to remember that we are just the Phantom community, imagine all the other drones out there just flying round without GPS etc or Geofencing. However anytime a drone gets reported its always a picture of our Phantoms, but I understand thats what people see because they are popular.
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Second Officer

United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-1-4 20:40
I deal with people's credit cards details all the time, but it does not mean I try to find out any ...

But that is part of the problem... the "I don't care" attitude.  You should care.  What difference does it make if it is easy or not?  You are being forced to comply with a private company's system designed exclusively to control you.  Not a government, not a law enforcement agency.  A manufacturing company!  In China no less.  What about that doesn't scare you?
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

Geebax Posted at 2016-1-5 01:40
I deal with people's credit cards details all the time, but it does not mean I try to find out any ...

For arguments sake I just roll over and take it, which I will most likely because I love my hobby.

The whole needing signal is causing the most bother for me. You know that some of the most beautiful scenery out there are in far remote places that need signal and yes I understand you can pre authorise places for your shots but just imagine you've done that and your out capturing your shots and then all of a sudden a new restriction is posed and your bird lands.

You would be devastated when you haven't got 3/4G to authorise yourself.

Why can't in be a one time authorisation and away you go for all the zones, you've proven who you are and now can fly? i'm not going to change after 3 days haha
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The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-5 12:52
For arguments sake I just roll over and take it, which I will most likely because I love my hobby. ...

'Why can't in be a one time authorisation and away you go for all the zones, you've proven who you are and now can fly? i'm not going to change after 3 days haha '

I quite agree, having to do it for only 24 hours is a pain in the arse, but I think I know why they are limiting the time, and that is because of one time events, like sporting events that can appear suddenly and they want to keep you out.

But the thing you have to ask is this, why is it designed this way? I don't believe DJI just came up with the idea all on their own, some agency is driving this, and as those agencies are prone to do, they over-compensate on everything.
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nrgwise Posted at 2016-1-5 12:51
But that is part of the problem... the "I don't care" attitude.  You should care.  What difference ...

'But that is part of the problem... the "I don't care" attitude.  You should care.  What difference does it make if it is easy or not?  You are being forced to comply with a private company's system designed exclusively to control you.  Not a government, not a law enforcement agency.  A manufacturing company!  In China no less.  What about that doesn't scare you?'

Well, first of all it is a culture thing. We Aussies do not tend to rail against all authority like Americans do, we are more laid back and don't spend unnecessary energy on things we can't change, and believe me, you won't change it either.

Secondly, do not fool yourself that this is a DJI initiative, it is YOUR COUNTRY and government that is driving it.
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The Bat Drone

United Kingdom

Geebax Posted at 2016-1-5 02:06
'But that is part of the problem... the "I don't care" attitude.  You should care.  What differenc ...

I don't think its fair to start generalising people now from where they are. We are just vocalising are concerns. Next you'll be telling me to go drink some tea with the Queen and wait for the whole thing to blow over.

We haven't just said this awful, I have tried to pick out the points that I don't like and hope for some change or improvement in the proposed plan.

Don't forget this is still in the BETA stage and I'm hoping DJI will read these post as there have been many regarding this issue. I also hope that the people who are already using this system are reporting back.
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Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

nrgwise Posted at 2016-1-4 16:37
I agree. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone is actually arguing for this like it is s ...

I understand the need to control airspace.... I don't like this system. If I'm driving along and see a spectacular sunset or rare phenomenon,  I don't  want to miss out due to some lack of pre planning. Furthermore a program such as this requires constant maintenance by DJI..... Without  that maintenance  I own a paper weight.... That means in 10 years my aircraft may or may not fly.  I go to DJI to purchase a drone.. As far as researching where  someone should and should not fly that should remain the responsibility of the end user..... And if I do miss that rare photo you bet you're butt that Dji product will go in the trash and I'll be the proud new owner of another brand.... I'll build it myself if I have too..... They say their customers deserve the benefit of the doubt? For me that comes off as flat offensive.
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The Bat Drone Posted at 2016-1-5 13:14
I don't think its fair to start generalising people now from where they are. We are just vocalising ...

It is perfectly reasonable to compare national cultures, because in the end it is the point of difference between us. And just on the 'drink tea with the Queen' bit, we don't kow-tow to the Queen here either, you are confusing us with the Brits.

If this all blows over or fails, good. But the greater chance is that it will go ahead, otherwise there would not be a Beta test going on, and I am not going to get my knickers in a knot over something that is most likely inevitable.
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

Geebax et'all

I am not a Lawyer, however as I understand it...,

You Do Not need to sign any contractual agreement, by the very fact that you exchanged money (i.e bought the goods and DJI accepted your payment) for the purpose that you wanted to use the goods is enough.

As an example if you walked into a shop in the EU and bought a toothbrush described by the manufacturer "suitable to brush teeth" (i.e. exchanged money for something you feel suitably describes what you want the product to do) but then found out after the sale that this particular toothbrush was not able to brush your back teeth because it was not long enough, then you are within you rights to return the toothbrush for a refund under "Not Fit For Purpose" as it does not do what you reasonably wanted it to do and described by the manufacturer.

The law is about protecting the Consumer (you and me) to ensure we have a comeback for goods we thought would "reasonably" do what they were intended to do as described by the manufacturer, but for a valid reason Do Not. - Note: the Onus is on the Manufacturer to tell you if the goods don't do something they should reasonably do.
It does not mean that DJI has broken any laws. (in fact I'd argue that by them introducing Geofencing they are "trying" to uphold the law).
However the product is no longer "as described" when somebody first bought it!..

Say for example a P3 was bought in September 2015 to fly in Cyprus when one could fly it without restriction (like our poor friend Aliios). - He was not told by DJI (or anybody else) at the time of purchase (in Sep 2015) that he will not be able to fly it in Jan 2016 because the whole of Cyprus would be made into a No Fly/Restricted Zone in 2016.
In this case, DJI has, by virtue of changing the way the product behaves, made it "Not Fit For Purpose" in Cyprus. - I believe due to that Aliios would be within his EU legal rights to return the P3 for a full refund.

There is however a Caveat... - If you knowingly updated the Firmware on the P3, knowing that the New Firmware with Geofencing would restrict your flying, but still did it, then you have accepted the "New" condition.
So in other words; It would seem that one should not update the firmware to add Geofence if you plan to describe your P3 as "Not Fit For Purpose" and return it!

The P3 is a Fantastic and Safe Machine in the hands of a competent pilot. However its the few Minority that knowing or unknowingly fly it unsafely that spoil it for the Majority. - I am to date Stunned at the number of people that buy the P3/Inspire without even knowing how to fly a Quadcopter and then proceed to fly it unsafely in an unsuitable location. Its because of that DJI and the relevant authorities (CAA, FAA, CASA etc..) are introducing the restrictions and regulations.

I have been flying model Fixed Wing and Helicopters for over 34 years and Multi Rotors for over 6 years. - We have Never Had such regulation until the past 2-3 years. Throughout that time I have Always made all efforts to fly safely, I have always also has suitable Aeronautical/Model Insurance to cover me just in case things went southbound (i've Never in those years had to use my insurance - But I am still insured today!) ive been through a number of Training sessions over the years to ensure I was competent in the Hobby I love so much! - as for my competence (as an example) I can flyAtti-mode in any direction/orientation/los from take off to landing on a complete battery. I can also fly an aerobatic Model Helicopter LOS Upside-Down and Head-in for an extended time, do numerous flips and 3d-aerobatics under full control. - it took hundreds of hours and lots training to achieve that. Yet there are people who buy a Model/UAV and expect to fly competently on day#2 by themselves.

I welcome the Geofencing, but disagree when vast areas that are completely open and many miles from airports or other "sensitive" areas are marked by DJI as Restricted or Authorization Zones. - a good example of this is an area, near where I live, used by a RC Club as a Training/Flying Ground for over 10 years without any issues, has full CAA & CASA approvals/certificates for UAV. it is in the middle of Farms extending for over 5 kms in every direction with the nearest Light aircraft Airport 46 Kilometres away! and Yet has been marked by DJI as Authorization Zones for no apparent reason!! - this is madness!

I still think Geofencing has been introduced by DJI without Proper Thought, and really hope that some sense prevails over the near future. I would be sad if DJI did not see the sense and relax some of the unreasonably marked zones. if it continues without any change then I will be seriously looking for a refund for all my equipment (that does not do what I wanted it to do when I bought it) and either looking into a different manufacturer, or go ahead to build my own Photographic Platform. (BTW I am also competent in building my own Quad - I have a University degree in Electrical and Electronic engineering, and have build numerous 250 and 500 sized machines before I bought the P3 for Photographic purposes.)
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DJI team

Hong Kong

There are only few NFZ zone  points in Poland. Yellow authorization zone still allows you to fly in it
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dji-p3p1 Posted at 2016-1-5 13:44
Geebax et'all

I am not a Lawyer, however as I understand it...,

There is nothing in the sale contract, either written or implied, that when you buy the Phantom you are able to fly it everywhere. If that changes subsequently, you do not have a claim on the manufacturer, particularly if the no-flying areas are advisory, not mandatory. Simply put, no-one is stopping you from flying under the Authorisation Zone geofencing scheme at all, they are simply making it necessary to take responsibility for flying in those areas. In other words, it is still 'fit for purpose'. And that comes from my wife, who is a lawyer.
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Flight distance : 534970 ft

Geebax Posted at 2016-1-5 13:57
There is nothing in the sale contract, either written or implied, that when you buy the Phantom you ...

The argument is not "flying it everywhere" its about flying it specifically where you intend to fly it at the time you bought it, and changes that make the product "Unusable" by the manufacturer later. - have you read the Cyprus Example, or the example of the RC Flying field near me?

Don't get me wrong - I'm all up for Geofencing, its a really good idea if done sensibly. - At the moment some areas marked zones as Authorization/restricted do not make any sense!

What is DJI's basis for marking the areas in Green, Yellow of Red? - Or did they let a 16 year old student loose with colour pencils to shade on a map. (it currently certainly seems this way - especially with the colour Yellow)

Does your wife specialise in EU law? - if so, I bow to her experience sir!
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