M600 PRO OUT!!!???
10767 194 2016-11-9
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Krankie Posted at 2016-12-1 06:49
That's helpful to know. Thank you for the update.   
Unfortunately we did not buy this drone to fl ...

It would be a good Idea to take our complaints to Social Media specially Twitter or start a Facebook group, it could have a huge Impact and force DJI to react, otherwise I don't think they would do anything.
If they would offer something to M600 owners then they would have done that already!
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Jesper J
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P.R Posted at 2016-12-1 22:39
It would be a good Idea to take our complaints to Social Media specially Twitter or start a Facebo ...

Correct, but i dont think we are enough, like with the Phantom and Inspire users, so the only thing to do is either bend over and take it, or like we do, start looking on other brands.
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Jesper J
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SkyPod.nyc Posted at 2016-12-1 22:10
Did this finally get resolved? Seems like a no brainer , offer an upgrade kit at a discount to cur ...

I can answer that one for you, "short term gains", DJI does not know the words loyal customers
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Jesper J Posted at 2016-12-2 00:26
Correct, but i dont think we are enough, like with the Phantom and Inspire users, so the only thing ...

I absolutely concur, I will replace all my DJI products next year, there are some really good alternatives out there and worth the extra cost.  
But I also think we shouldn't just take it, as long as we own the M600. There might be a chance that DJI won't take the risk of Professionals complaining about their M600.

There are many unhappy M600 owners because of the countless bugs it has, and it's easier to mobilize them on social media then it is here.
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SkySight Aerial
Flight distance : 3312018 ft
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United Kingdom

P.R Posted at 2016-12-2 13:47
I absolutely concur, I will replace all my DJI products next year, there are some really good alte ...

I agree, I have had a gut-full of being treated as an insignificant member of DJI's customer base. It is obvious that this forum is a complete waste of time as nothing gets resolved.
I am in favour of social media but am a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to setting up accounts. If someone can oblige and circulate details, I'm in.
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SkySight Aerial
Flight distance : 3312018 ft
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United Kingdom

SkySight Aerial Posted at 2016-12-2 14:43
I agree, I have had a gut-full of being treated as an insignificant member of DJI's customer base. ...

It's not only the M600 that is affected.

The following equipment has either bugs, major issues or shortfalls in advertised functions:

A3 Pro FC
M600 Pro
DataLink Pro
LightBridge 2
Ronin MX

These are the ones I'm aware of, I guess soon we will be adding I2 and P4Pro????

All this is described as professional equipment.....................................................? LOL!!
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

SkySight Aerial Posted at 2016-12-2 09:50
It's not only the M600 that is affected.

The following equipment has either bugs, major issues or ...

Yes take to Twitter, however "DJI Twitter" claims they haven't gotten complaints.  Skysight, I'm PM'ing you with my specs.
I actually did do exactly what one forum member stated.  I sold 2 Inspire 1 Pros, 1 Mavic Pro,  1 Spreading Wings 900+, 1 Phantom 3 Pro, 1 Phantom 4.  
In it's place, not DJI, rhymes with FreeFries.  However I did decide to try the Phantom 4Pro--Pretty much the only use I have for DJI is for its Megapixels for stills,  however I ordered that on the 15th and it isn't here in the 5-6 business days it said--off to a good start.  Until Matrice situation is figured out, they won't get a cent more from me.  DUNZO w EM.  
One last thing that is really disturbing.  There are people on the forums making claims that all the Matrice Problems are related to iOS and its the only reason we are having issues (and it's our fault).  I wouldn't even engage with these folks.  They have multiple names and close personal relationships with several mods on the forums. I have documented many of these situations where they talk about personally flying with some moderators.  I'm not sure what to make of that but don't be trolled by them.  I'm definitely not making any accusations, just be aware that intimidation is present, don't give in to it.  Twitter handle for this problem is #M600Resolution
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Jesper J
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I agree that this forum is a waste of time, DJI representetives are ignoring us anyway, so i created a group instead, so lets hook up there instead, with all our issues with both DJI and the M600

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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

For those of you that had gotten the M600 just before the M600 Pro came out, and perhaps those that have had the unit for longer, I would suggest trying to contact the Sales team either via sales@dji.com or onlinesales@dji.com to see if anything can be provided given the situation. It's worth a try if you haven't gone that avenue yet.
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-12-3 07:28
For those of you that had gotten the M600 just before the M600 Pro came out, and perhaps those that  ...

I just sent this to sales@dji.com...fingers crossed.


I bought a Matrice 600 less than a month before the Matrice 600 Pro came out.  According to my rough estimates, there are at least 1500-2000 dollars worth of extras with the pro model if we were to have to buy these things separately.  (A3 pro gps, hex charger, quick release legs, new props, and a case!)  All of that for only $500 more had I waited <30 days...so as you can imagine, this is a bit frustrating.  

I was unaware there was going to be a Pro model for the Matrice 600 because I was under the impression that it was a "Pro" system to begin with, and that there is no "Pro" version for the Matrice 100 which has been out for a long time.  

Forking over the money for the M600 isn't the same as buying one of the cheaper platforms like the phantom or mavic.  I thought I was investing in a "Solution" platform when I spent the extra money on the M600 to begin with.  

I would really appreciate an opportunity to buy the extra parts for my M600 for the difference in the cost of the two models.  ($500)  I believe this is only fair, and would mean a great deal to the existing Matrice 600 owners.

Please give us this opportunity.

Thank you,
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-12-2 15:28
For those of you that had gotten the M600 just before the M600 Pro came out, and perhaps those that  ...

Just sent them an email, we will see how that pans out
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

gryzzly Posted at 2016-12-2 19:01
I just sent this to  crossed.

Well said gryzzly.  That is a reasonable expectation and I agree.  I was also under the impression this drone was ready to roll as a long time solution.   I actually think our engineer could fix some of the problems we are running in to however but not all, and we have no idea if this would void the warranty, nor have we gotten that answer--I'd love the chance to ask.  On our Spreading Wings Series, I don't think it would since this was more of a working/work on drone.  However this drone was supposed to be a solution not a problem.  I'm simply asking for management to reach out to us.  How many more letters to people have to write?

However I urge everyone to write a courteous letter to LEGAL@DJI.com.   

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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

I have found the pot of gold.  I found this link -
And even though the horizon is off,  It looks pretty smooth.  However apparently this company that made this had to use a third party company to help them with their setup (DJI perhaps?).  
The horizon is clearly falling downhill, however it is smooth.  
It's funny on the entirety of youtube,  this is the only full length video I found that showed promise, and even then they hired a company for help.
Also it's with an A7, which looks beautiful but a Red is our goal.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

For all of our American friends and those that can not use a SW transmitter, I will be making a complete setup for DSLR's showing how to balance everything and incorporate it all in to your Matrices 600 via the RoninMX as well as some work arounds.  Since DJI wont talk to you (with answers), and I've been working with this unit for 2 months non stop,  I have a lot of footage left over from DSLR and Red installations so why not make something to help the cause..  Hopefully Jamie can help too since he is one of few at DJI that seem to really care.  If you have a question about integration and anything else let me know and I'll cover it  I will also cover iOS vs Android and show what's currently going on with that issue.  As some of you know I had to literally go and buy a PC laptop b/c Mac wouldn't work with the Matrice--a problem a recently was told still exists after 2 months.   Since I haven't uploaded the latest firmware (that I have heard is riddled with bugs),  I'll do a before and after of that as well(if it's successful).  Our engineer is working on a video for those with concerns about why your GPS unit is going haywire even though it looks like it is correctly in the numbers.  Perhaps since DJI has no fixes lets try and get some knowledge out there.  Perhaps on Jespers Facebook Page people could join and share information "unrolled".  It could serve as a good sounding board for fixes.   Honestly though, triple redundancy would fix a lot of these issues IMO (cough couch
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United Kingdom

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-12-2 23:28
For those of you that had gotten the M600 just before the M600 Pro came out, and perhaps those that  ...


There are now 4 pages of really upset M600 owners and it seems to be growing...  I've also sent an email, but surely you must have some sort of direct contact to the factory in Shenzhen who makes these awful descicions?

Facebook pages and displeased customers are surely not the way DJI wants to see their loyal customers vent their feedback?  We just want parity and a bit of recognition for being patient and loyal to DJI

I appeal to you, to make some sort of effort on your behalf to bring this escalating list of customers some sort of closure !
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

I sent DJI Sales a E-Mail a while ago, and they didn't even answer me, I'll try again but I have little hope.
I already too it to Twitter, I hope I'll not be the only one
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-12-2 18:28
For those of you that had gotten the M600 just before the M600 Pro came out, and perhaps those that  ...

From all of the testing I've done I truly think Triple Redundancy is the answer to all of this shake.  I am happy to share some footage with you of my latest flight with my GH4,  there was only a little bit of wind and it just couldn't even handle it at all.  It was terrible.  The video feed quality is so bad,  I really can't even diagnose it in the air.  So I may think I'm having a good flight just to find out that it was actually terrible.  It's so hard to fix something when you can't see the problem on the screen.  I've honestly thought at times I was certain that I had fixed my issues just to go back to the video and see it's all terrible!!
I think something is going on with the GPS Unit.  I don't think one unit is enough,  and from ALL of my trials and errors I have a feeling that transfer stability (from the point where one GPS takes over from the other at a more stable reading) is all that it would take to fix the rough ride with the Ronin MX.  In fact, I believe this to be why the Pro came out.  I think it is actually one of the fixes.   I think you may even be able to tell this when you put your drone in "Free"  mode as you would naturally not have as much resistance from your RoninMX ( I think).  However even with all of the Ronin settings correct, everything balanced, and the Matrice working as it should (shown in the diagnostics), even with no gimbal pull and with very very loose resistance settings, you can see that the drone is simply not stable enough to fly in even the lightest of winds (and even without wind it's not great).  
I'm starting a New Thread  called "Matrice600 Customer Notes and Fixes" which will focus on the settings that work best for the Matrices 600.  I hope everyone with take time to contribute since DJI is doing NOTHING to help us consumers fix ALL of the issues.  If you have a Matrice 600, regardless of your camera unit/gimbal.  Please share your information.
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

I got this answer from DJI sales, they didn't even bother to address my name!

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thanks for your interest in DJI.
We suggest you to contact the related support center to receive better service.
If you are from Europe, please send your request to support.eu@dji.com
If you are from America and Canada, please send your request to support.us@dji.com
Otherwise, please send your request to support@dji.com

Best regards.
DJI Sales dept.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1544416 ft
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United States

I got this!!

Thanks for your interest in DJI
We currently have no information on extra discount.
You may contact local dealer for your request.

Wow! Thats all I can say!
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United States

Yep, I received the exact same message...apparently the sales team doesn't want to address the issue.

Dear Customer,

Thanks for your interest in DJI.
We currently have no information on extra discount.
You may contact local dealer for your request:

Best regards.
DJI Sales dept.
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United Kingdom

gryzzly Posted at 2016-12-4 16:05
Yep, I received the exact same message...apparently the sales team doesn't want to address the issue ...

I got the same reply.... Insulting

"DJI"  (D) dishonest (J) Joke (I) interested in nothing but pure profit and greed !
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Flight distance : 493018 ft
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Hi Jaime, This is DJI's response to his proposal:

Dear Customer,

Thanks for your interest in DJI.
We currently have no information on extra discount.
You may contact local dealer for your request:

This is not normal, DJI does not care about its customers, only to stop buying DJI products will change to this bad Chinese company. I covet to cancel the order of the Mavic in my supplier, we have to change the brand so that they treat us well and do not spoil us all. The M600 standard (or old with a month), is an aircraft shit, sorry for the expression, but it is what I feel, it does not work well and the DJI manufacturer does nothing to remedy it, just get new models or updates to sell more , DJI only thinks of money. I'm speechless and shame companies like that.
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United States


They responded to my complaints with a link to buy the new M600. This is insanely bad business. Losing a lot of faith in DJI over this.

Jenny (DJI)
Dec 4, 17:53 CST

Dear John,

Thank you for contacting DJI online store.
Greeting from DJI online Store!

We are delighted to support you.
Here is the M600 pro kit website link.


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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Guys, seriously if you want something to change you have to take it to twitter and facebook and comment with our concerns on their posts!
I already do it but I haven't seen anyone else on twitter yet and I won't get far alone.
I hope to see some of you on twitter.
Dji won't care if you don't push them hard !!
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

Ha well,
Funny that, I happen to work freelance for a investigative news outlet.  I'm going to bring this to our next pitch meeting.  They may ignore the consumer, but LA headquarters won't be able to ignore the press.  They have had the opportunity to set up dedicated tech support and they have had time to call us or write us individually or as a group .  They are a huge company and they should do better.  I'm calling you out DJI ane I'm going to do my best to get a response, not on a forum but in the news.  We've done stories on a lot less company malfeasance then this.  
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-4 23:45
Ha well,
Funny that, I happen to work freelance for a investigative news outlet.  I'm going to brin ...

Keep us updated
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Flight distance : 493018 ft
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PR Publicados en 12/04/2016 21:57
Chicos, en serio si quieres algo para cambiar lo que tienes que llevarlo a twitter y facebook y comunicación ...

It is now dawn in Spain, but tomorrow I will post this injustice of DJI in Twitter and Facebook. For  my part I have already put this in the hand of my lawyer, in principle  we are going to report judged to the distributor, I imagine the distributor  will pass the ball to DJI. Friends, it's 6700 € for a system that does not work well since the first day, with the Ronin MX is a real vibration and DJI launches a product and improved  system, this is judged.
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Jesper J
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gryzzly Posted at 2016-12-3 01:01
I just sent this to  crossed.

Good post gryzzly, could not have said it better.

But as proven after you post, nothing happend when sending a mail to DJI support as Jamie asked us to, just proving that nothing will ever going to happend, we just lost a lot of money.
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Jesper J
  • >>>

Cymon66 Posted at 2016-12-3 12:40

There are now 4 pages of really upset M600 owners and it seems to be growing...  I've also sent an email, but surely you must have some sort of direct contact to the factory in Shenzhen who makes these awful descicions?

We could have like a 100 pages with complaining customers and dji would still lean back and don't give a damn, trust me, i have seen this before from simular companys that was given a big success too fast, and from this i can only conclude:

We will not get any sort of compensation or be listen to at all, sorry to be the one who's the bringer of bad news, but this is the reality, if DJI would have been fair to its customers, they would have made a plan along with the release, its not rocket science, the componets is there, it only a mather of creating an upgrade bundle in their webshop, nothing more.
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Jesper J
  • >>>

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-12-3 00:28
For those of you that had gotten the M600 just before the M600 Pro came out, and perhaps those that have had the unit for longer, I would suggest trying to contact the Sales team either via  or  to see if anything can be provided given the situation. It's worth a try if you haven't gone that avenue yet.

Get advice DJI-Jamie, do you even know how you orginasation even works?

This is the reply i get, so what now?, this is a joke:

Dear Customer,      

Thank you for your interest in DJI.​

To receive better service, please contact the sellers directly for your inquiry.

1. DJI offical onlinestore, more question please contact onlinesales@dji.com:


2. Contact the dealer closest to your location for your request.


Best regards.
DJI Sales dept.
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Flight distance : 1135738 ft

I got this now:
Thank you for contacting DJI online store.
Due to the peak season, there is delay in getting back to you. Sorry for keep you waiting and please kindly accept our sincere apology.

We completely understand the situation you have and how important for you to upgraded it as the M600 Pro.
However, we have not found you order in our order system and we are sorry that we have no trade in service at the moment. We cannot upgrade the M600 as M600 Pro for you. (
Could you please kindly contact with the tech support to see whether they can help you you upgrade it by adding parts?
Thank you for your kindly understanding.

Feel free to get back to us if you have any query or concern.
We are always an email away.
Have a great day!

Best Regards,
DJI online store Pre-sales team
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Jesper J
  • >>>


They should write:

Thank you for contacting DJI online store.
Due to the many complaints we are receiving these days we're sending out default answers to all of you.

We completely understand the situation, but as money is more important then happy customers, we cannot offer a trade in service at the moment or ever for that matter.

Could you please kindly contact the tech support so they can invoice you the full amount of the upgrade parts, so that we can rip you off some more?
Thanks you for your money.

Feel free to get back to us with your credit card details.
We are always an email away from ripping you off some more.
Have a great day.

Best Regards,
DJI online store Ripoff team

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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

Jesper J Posted at 2016-12-6 07:17

They should write:

You all are forgetting they don't have technical support for the M600.  They literally told me and I actually told the person I was talking to if it was ok to record him saying that and he said it was because they record all of our conversations.  So the irony here is that they don't actually have Tech Support to Call for M600.
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United States

Honestly, I'd be glad to take a trade in value of DJI credit to get the new Inspire 2 w/ X5S.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

BarrettMediaCo Posted at 2016-12-6 16:04
Honestly, I'd be glad to take a trade in value of DJI credit to get the new Inspire 2 w/ X5S.

Keep taking to the Internet/Social Media etc
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Jesper J
  • >>>

We can take this discussion up in 1 year, and im 99,9% sure that nothing would have happend by then in this case, and most M600 users will be buying the next generation of the Matrice platform.

If i was DJI CEO, i would laugh my ass off.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

Jesper J Posted at 2016-12-7 02:03
We can take this discussion up in 1 year, and im 99,9% sure that nothing would have happend by then in this case, and most M600 users will be buying the next generation of the Matrice platform.

If i was DJI CEO, i would laugh my ass off.

Actually, DJI via Twitter claimed a manager will be calling me tomorrow to talk.  I took to Twitter as my friend at Lionsgate said and we'll see if someone actually calls.
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Jesper J
  • >>>

Krankie Posted at 2016-12-7 10:38
Actually, DJI via Twitter claimed a manager will be calling me tomorrow to talk.  I took to Twitter as my friend at Lionsgate said and we'll see if someone actually calls.

If he calls, i dont think there will be any solution, just the same small talk and "sorry for you loss" as we have seen on email and in this forum as well.

Again, DJI have won this round, my hope is that a smaller company with similar background as DJI, will step forward and offer us an alternate choice of platform developer, im tired of all the issues, all the new systems are bulky and DJI is too quiet, but at the same time releasing many new platforms, while customers get left behind with platforms that never worked 100%.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

Jesper J Posted at 2016-12-7 05:21
If he calls, i dont think there will be any solution, just the same small talk and "sorry for you loss" as we have seen on email and in this forum as well.

Again, DJI have won this round, my hope is that a smaller company with similar background as DJI, will step forward and offer us an alternate choice of platform developer, im tired of all the issues, all the new systems are bulky and DJI is too quiet, but at the same time releasing many new platforms, while customers get left behind with platforms that never worked 100%.

They sure as hell haven't won this round.  A few people on this forum are waiting for a reply from their legal team.  That's all I can say on the matter
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Jesper J
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Krankie Posted at 2016-12-7 12:22
They sure as hell haven't won this round.  A few people on this forum are waiting for a reply from their legal team.  That's all I can say on the matter

Its not that i want DJI to win, im one of the losers in this case, but im affraid from experience, that there is nothing much to do, i was hoping that DJI would have had a more customer friendly approce to these things, but from what i have seen soo fare, its not the case. And when you get to the point that you need to sue people, you have at some point lost.

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