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Flight distance : 263537 ft

A portable power supply could be an option instead of a pile of drone batteries.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft
Offline Posted at 2-28 18:19
A portable power supply could be an option instead of a pile of drone batteries.

The last time I recorded some videos and pics I used up my 3 batteries on 1st location and luckily I could drive to the second so I had brought the DJI charging station for 3 batteries and was charging them all during driving from point A to point B. It helped.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Drone.Hunter Posted at 2-28 17:04
I'm thinking of buying more, but I'm still not sure if I need it.

Yeah, it all depends on the need and how much time one could fly but I'd definitely buy more batteries. This time I'll try go get the extended ones because if I had 3 extended batteries and each gave me at least 30 min = having one normal battery
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

Here is a very clear explanation of why the range test issues - yes, the antennas are... tiny
Start at 14:20

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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

The antennas on the RC are really small.

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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Drone Buddy Posted at 3-2 14:53
The antennas on the RC are really small.


To quote an FB Mini 3 Pro user...

A full wave antenna at 2.4Ghz would only be long. At 5.8Ghz it's just over 5cm. Half wave antennas are only half this length Expecting better performance with a longer antenna is like expecting flute to sound better by welding a pipe to the end. The antenna length is an intrinsic part of the tuned circuit that makes RF electronics work. High gain antennas are possible but become very directional (Google yagi antenna)
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Drone Buddy Posted at 3-2 14:50
Here is a very clear explanation of why the range test issues - yes, the antennas are... tiny
Start at 14:20

They may be tiny but its been proven time and time again that they actually do work and provide excellent range as long as the criteria is met, even in CE mode. As i have mentioned before, I can confirm that in CE, with the standard battery, max to date is 5.5km at only 31m high, this was flying from ground level (not from a hill or from a tall building) and over flat farmland.

Anyone that cannot achieve over 3km needs to re-evaluate either the location and or how one is holding the RC (or how accurately one is aiming the antennae at the drone), those two are the major factors at play for any decent range. The other factors are manmade interference and natures atmospherics. The only one you cannot control is the atmospherics. Once they all come together nicely, only then will you achieve what you believe is unattainable.
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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How you hold the RC has little to do with these so called issues
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Bigplumbs Posted at 3-3 10:02
How you hold the RC has little to do with these so called issues

Actually, I found out the opposite - the way I hold the RC influences greatly the range. I've tested holding the drone in one position with no movements and then in another while holding the drone in standby and notice that every little movement of the RC influence the signal greatly. The farter the drone is from the RC, the more your movements will influence its range.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Bigplumbs Posted at 3-3 10:02
How you hold the RC has little to do with these so called issues

Oh, is that so? so what you're saying is that folk should ignore pg 51 of the manual? you hold it has everything to do with range! For you to say otherwise makes you look foolish, yet again.

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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Drone Buddy Posted at 3-3 11:11
Actually, I found out the opposite - the way I hold the RC influences greatly the range. I've tested holding the drone in one position with no movements and then in another while holding the drone in standby and notice that every little movement of the RC influence the signal greatly. The farter the drone is from the RC, the more your movements will influence its range.

Dont worry about what he says, he lives to Troll me by countering most of what i say and yet not once has he backed up his comments with proof.
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

Bashy Posted at 3-3 16:04
Dont worry about what he says, he lives to Troll me by countering most of what i say and yet not once has he backed up his comments with proof.

Thanks for letting me know as his words didn't make any sense nor he presented any proof.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Drone Buddy Posted at 3-3 16:10
Thanks for letting me know as his words didn't make any sense nor he presented any proof.

No worries, every forum has one or more  lol
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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Drone Buddy Posted at 3-3 16:10
Thanks for letting me know as his words didn't make any sense nor he presented any proof.

Only years of flying drones but you believe what you want. By the way certain people can’t seem to understand that it is allowed to hold a different view to them. Rather too influenced by OCD and living most of their life on here rather than in the real World. But as I said believe what you want
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Bigplumbs Posted at 3-4 01:18
Only years of flying drones but you believe what you want. By the way certain people can’t seem to understand that it is allowed to hold a different view to them. Rather too influenced by OCD and living most of their life on here rather than in the real World. But as I said believe what you want

And yet, as per usual,  nothing to back up what you've claimed...

One goes out into the real world hence knowing that the way you hold the RC can make or break the connection, heck, even you know that yet you commented just to try to discredit what I say, that I backed up with proof mind.

Your default is to try to mock OCD and assume that one is on here 24/7, actually, most of my time on here is during the early hours, the only time I'm on here (and yes, i know you're going to say your not going to read all this) during the day is now (lunch) and dinner, thats it, this should also be backed if one cared to check the times that i reply ;)
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

Bashy Posted at 3-4 04:34
And yet, as per usual,  nothing to back up what you've claimed...

One goes out into the real world hence knowing that the way you hold the RC can make or break the connection, heck, even you know that yet you commented just to try to discredit what I say, that I backed up with proof mind.

Yeah, I didn't see any proof from his side about his claims. Just some lectures on "think what you want but I know better than you" stuff. Obviously, we're faced with another "great" talent
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Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Drone Buddy Posted at 3-4 12:03
Yeah, I didn't see any proof from his side about his claims. Just some lectures on "think what you want but I know better than you" stuff. Obviously, we're faced with another "great" talent

Just a little more info, I have found how I hold my RC Pro makes a difference in signal strength, especially in high interference areas. Just a few degrees makes a huge difference.
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

Mobilehomer Posted at 3-4 12:08
Just a little more info, I have found how I hold my RC Pro makes a difference in signal strength, especially in high interference areas. Just a few degrees makes a huge difference.

Totally agree! This is exactly the point I was making in one of my previous comments. Even a slight movement influences the signal strength. As a test I did, I lifted the drone at some 50 m and flew it as long as I started seeing just one bar and at this point I kept the drone hovering. Then I started moving slowly the RC (not the PRO but the influence is the same, as you confirmed) in all directions, one by one, testing how my movements influence the signal and it's was very clear to me that every movement does influence the signal.

That's why it's best to stick to DJI's instructions which were posted above by Bashy, comment 221#.
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Flight distance : 276476 ft

I’ve read the the whole thread and now I really want to try my new M3P. I hope that I’m not going to have  the signal issue….
Back then(2017) I had the Mavic Pro and to be honest I never had a single issue with the signal, I was able to fly it 6km without any issue but I was always above 80m and sometimes at around 120m and the best was that I never held the RC to the sight of the drone.
A friend of mine has the mini 1 and she has always issues with the signal. The max distance that she achieved was 300m and I found it really strange but now I understand….
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

Mpampis Posted at 3-11 14:22
I’ve read the the whole thread and now I really want to try my new M3P. I hope that I’m not going to have  the signal issue….
Back then(2017) I had the Mavic Pro and to be honest I never had a single issue with the signal, I was able to fly it 6km without any issue but I was always above 80m and sometimes at around 120m and the best was that I never held the RC to the sight of the drone.
A friend of mine has the mini 1 and she has always issues with the signal. The max distance that she achieved was 300m and I found it really strange but now I understand….

I'd say that the Mini 3 Pro is a fantastic drone but since you have read the thread, you should be aware of the limitations and, if you are ready to accept them, get it. With all my range issues, I still think that the M3P is a great drone and can fulfil many purposes for audio and video activities.

Honestly, if I had the money when I was buying the Mini 3 Pro, I would have gone for at least Mavic 3 Classic (cheaper of the two) or Mavic 3 (the more expensive one but with a reason). I think my next drone will be the Mavic 3.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Mpampis Posted at 3-11 14:22
I’ve read the the whole thread and now I really want to try my new M3P. I hope that I’m not going to have  the signal issue….
Back then(2017) I had the Mavic Pro and to be honest I never had a single issue with the signal, I was able to fly it 6km without any issue but I was always above 80m and sometimes at around 120m and the best was that I never held the RC to the sight of the drone.
A friend of mine has the mini 1 and she has always issues with the signal. The max distance that she achieved was 300m and I found it really strange but now I understand….

Mini 1 and 300m urban is very good, although probably good for about 1km rural at a push looking at the specs, obviously its better when its in FCC mode.

I have the P4P and recently the Mini 2 until i got the MIni 3 Pro, i would have kept the Mini 2 if the Mini 3 Pro couldn't keep up with the same range, obviously there are many that were/are having problems with the range so i was sceptical. Until i took it out for myself and it surpassed the Mini 2 Pro, easily. It will do 5.5km at only 30m high as long as the location and conditions are ok. Forests, houses, hills etcs are all things that will affect the signal, but also how you hold the RC is the major factor regardless of what a certain member recently stated, he's all mouth and no proof as always... the Mini 3 Pro signal is certainly more sensitive to RC alignment that's for sure...

As you've read this entire thread, you will have come across my advice probably more than once so as long as you can follow that, you should be ok. Just don't expect big things at 1st
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Flight distance : 130853 ft

This drone has terrible range. Period. This is for you DJI. Having said that, it is also too tiny to see at great distances. But the OP is right, it falls severely short of what we expected, at least I am assuming most people expected more. I bought mine on march 1st, 10 days ago. It is for sale as of tonight.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

He flew around the city and descended into the riverbed.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Mpampis Posted at 3-11 14:22
I’ve read the the whole thread and now I really want to try my new M3P. I hope that I’m not going to have  the signal issue….
Back then(2017) I had the Mavic Pro and to be honest I never had a single issue with the signal, I was able to fly it 6km without any issue but I was always above 80m and sometimes at around 120m and the best was that I never held the RC to the sight of the drone.
A friend of mine has the mini 1 and she has always issues with the signal. The max distance that she achieved was 300m and I found it really strange but now I understand….

In normal situations I have seen my CE spec Mavic Mini (= 'Mini 1' ) lose signal at maybe 200m, yet I have seen it reach more 2km when flown over open sea before loosing connection and RTH'ing i.e exceed its stated limit. I have seen another CE spec Mavic Mini reach further than mine and the pilot CHOOSE to turn back at that point as they were concerned about battery level.

The above said, my Mavic Mini will lose connection when high, say 40m+, directly overhead UNLESS I am careful to aim the antennae at the drone, in the case of the Mavic Mini that's easy, just tilt them.
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

Libitron Posted at 3-11 20:41
This drone has terrible range. Period. This is for you DJI. Having said that, it is also too tiny to see at great distances. But the OP is right, it falls severely short of what we expected, at least I am assuming most people expected more. I bought mine on march 1st, 10 days ago. It is for sale as of tonight.


I think you have a 14-day return policy period so instead of trying to sell it, you may just return it to the shop where you bought.
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What sort of ***** genuinely thinks that a commercial market leading company such as DJI would claim 12klms when it is 500 metres. Clearly, you either have a technical issue or some other situation is causing this. Mine is fine I get 3-5 miles coastal flying and haven't tried any further than that. Unsprisiing that no one else has really bothered to even comment. No idea why I even bothered to comment!
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If I were DJI I probably wouldnt even bother replying to you either....if you have the brains to fly one then you would have the brains to realize commercially a company would generally publish an average range achievable under the right conditions. As with all things like this, battery life, care performance etc etc, every manufacturer will always claim the best possible under best conditions. Always expect to probably get -10% on that and take all conditions into account. If you get 500m instead of 12klms, quite obviously there is something wrong with the machine or something else is responsible. If you actually think a teputable market leader would sell a product and claim 20 x times the range you have lost the plot, sorry!
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

For those that say the mini 3 can't reach distance.............. ... 36257/#post-1536713

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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 3-28 02:56
For those that say the mini 3 can't reach distance.............. ... 36257/#post-1536713

Nearly beat my CE record, but not FCC, i didn't lose mine either, he broke a few rules that could have gotten him back home, shame.

Under the right conditions, this wee drone is certainly the better Mini all round!

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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Bashy Posted at 3-28 03:42
Nearly beat my CE record, but not FCC, i didn't lose mine either, he broke a few rules that could have gotten him back home, shame.

Under the right conditions, this wee drone is certainly the better Mini all round!

I thought you'd like it lol,
Just a few rules lol.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 3-28 03:51
I thought you'd like it lol,
Just a few rules lol.

I was only referring to the being able to get home rules, battery, not taking the wind into consideration etc, the actual official rules are a given lol
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft
United Kingdom

Philip8plus Posted at 3-27 23:55
If I were DJI I probably wouldnt even bother replying to you either....if you have the brains to fly one then you would have the brains to realize commercially a company would generally publish an average range achievable under the right conditions. As with all things like this, battery life, care performance etc etc, every manufacturer will always claim the best possible under best conditions. Always expect to probably get -10% on that and take all conditions into account. If you get 500m instead of 12klms, quite obviously there is something wrong with the machine or something else is responsible. If you actually think a teputable market leader would sell a product and claim 20 x times the range you have lost the plot, sorry!

We are so glad that a "brilliant" mind like you came to tell us how stupid we all are. Man, you should be given a Nobel's price... for arrogance and stupidity.
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AntonioTech Posted at 1-2 12:16
I watched again the video of the lucky person who managed to fly 11 km one way and then 11 km back and I noticed several things:

- the pilot is on a high hill

I saw it to. In fact, he flie away 11 km, couldn't make it home. He flew 11km+6km = 17km totalt.
So one could saw that the mini 3 can flie ~8.5 km from HP and home again using FCC mode and plus battery.

I estimate start at an altitude and he later added 273m to  that so en real he flew maybe 350m over the houses.
Therfor the problem with Wifi reduces a lot.
He had some battpower and som RC dots left when he turned hone so yes, 12 km its what one probobly can fly away but
you can't get home...

1. You can't fly longer away from HP than signal admitt. ~12km
2. You can't fly longer TIME the battery admitt  (~17km)

The battery setting the fly away limit to 8.5 km with the plus battery

How Far Can We Push the DJI Mini 3 Pro? Find Out Here! :

God Speed

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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

gathrod Posted at 4-10 09:12
I saw it to. In fact, he flie away 11 km, couldn't make it home. He flew 11km+6km = 17km totalt.
So one could saw that the mini 3 can flie ~8.5 km from HP and home again using FCC mode and plus battery.

Why, in the name of Heaven, do you have what looks like a Queen wasp on your nose? Especially since, if she wasn't dead, she looks set to sting!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 4-10 12:51
Why, in the name of Heaven, do you have what looks like a Queen wasp on your nose? Especially since, if she wasn't dead, she looks set to sting!

Some people like to feel pain...

Now I didn't read the entire saga, but what's the consensus on the possible range of the drone?

15Km? 20km? I remember when FPV started, a guy in the US managed to fly 47km from a mountain. Then again, he was using 433Mhz...
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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft
United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 3-28 02:56
For those that say the mini 3 can't reach distance.............. ... 36257/#post-1536713

The question is not IF Mini3 Pro can reach certain distance but WHY so many people are having so many issues with the range. Some, actually very few, are reaching a good distance flight distance but most are having issues, including me.

Recently I was on some cliffs and I purposely picked the highest point to fly the drone from. I flew 2.5 km with the signal at 4/5 bars at fartest point! I could've gone farther but the problem was the wind which started draining my battery quicker than expected and I had to bring the drone back asap, even in sport mode. I feel that if I had better weather conditions, I could've easily reached 5-6 km.

While flying, I was purposely moving the RC slowly and observing the signal strenght so I can confirm that the way you hold the RC greatly influences the signal strength, as is, btw, written in the M3P manual.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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Drone Buddy Posted at 4-12 23:57
The question is not IF Mini3 Pro can reach certain distance but WHY so many people are having so many issues with the range. Some, actually very few, are reaching a good distance flight distance but most are having issues, including me.

Recently I was on some cliffs and I purposely picked the highest point to fly the drone from. I flew 2.5 km with the signal at 4/5 bars at fartest point! I could've gone farther but the problem was the wind which started draining my battery quicker than expected and I had to bring the drone back asap, even in sport mode. I feel that if I had better weather conditions, I could've easily reached 5-6 km.

"The question is not IF Mini3 Pro can reach certain distance but WHY so many people are having so many issues with the range. Some, actually very few, are reaching a good distance flight distance but most are having issues, including me.

Recently I was on some cliffs and I purposely picked the highest point to fly the drone from. I flew 2.5 km with the signal at 4/5 bars at fartest point! I could've gone farther but the problem was the wind which started draining my battery quicker than expected and I had to bring the drone back asap, even in sport mode. I feel that if I had better weather conditions, I could've easily reached 5-6 km.

While flying, I was purposely moving the RC slowly and observing the signal strenght so I can confirm that the way you hold the RC greatly
influences the signal strength, as is, btw, written in the M3P manual."

Certainly some people are getting poor ranges, if I have questioned that please show me where I have done so?
Though I do wonder what the conditions of such flights were? I.e. what was in the line of sight between the drone and the controller, what was the local radio interference like, how accurately was the controller aimed at the drone.
I would also suggest that you bear in mind that people come to forums or social media and start new threads etc. when they have problems, very few do the same thing to 'sing praise'. I.e. the sampling, or what we see/read, is skewed, drastically.
I am puzzled, how do you know that most people are having range problems? Do you know how many Mini 3 pro's have been sold and do you know the proportion of those customers that are having range problems?

You cite a flight that reached 2.5km and say that you think it could have reached 5 to 6km, yet say you are having range problems, how so? You also cite the importance of correct orientation of the controller, something I was already well aware of but thank you, however I would ask how many of the 'range complainers' are not aiming the antennae/controller correctly.
A Scottish you tuber posted a range complaint video where he was frequently aiming the controller/antennae anywhere but at the drone. I found that hilarious.
You are presumably flying in CE mode where the manual states the maximum control range, in ideal conditions, is, I think, 8km for CE mode. 5 or 6 km doesn't seem bad to me, nor does 2.5km when strictly speaking I would bet the drone was far beyond your VLOS.

To repeat, I do not doubt that some folks are experiencing range problems but I doubt that it is possible or true to say most people are experiencing problem. If they were I imagine there would bee many, many more complaint posts and threads.

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Flight distance : 936604 ft
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United Kingdom

I flew sideways along and above the thames river as I recorded Hampton Court and as you see from this video it only went about 300m and then lost the signal and automatically RTH kicked in and it came back. Flown in Greece, Belarus, UK, and have never got more than 500m from it.

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Drone Buddy
Flight distance : 280860 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 4-13 03:06
"The question is not IF Mini3 Pro can reach certain distance but WHY so many people are having so many issues with the range. Some, actually very few, are reaching a good distance flight distance but most are having issues, including me.

Recently I was on some cliffs and I purposely picked the highest point to fly the drone from. I flew 2.5 km with the signal at 4/5 bars at fartest point! I could've gone farther but the problem was the wind which started draining my battery quicker than expected and I had to bring the drone back asap, even in sport mode. I feel that if I had better weather conditions, I could've easily reached 5-6 km.

Can you PLEASE read CAREFULLY what people write before you make your own assumptions about they said?

The flight of 2.5 km I mentioned was as an example of the fact that M3P DOES have a range issue when one flies it in condensed areas but mine was NOT in such area and that's why I flew it 2.5 km and had the feeling that I could go farther.

Obviously you do not have any data of how many users are complaining about the range of M3P. I've been to many forums, watched also many videos of users complaining about the range. And why are users complaining about the range of the Mini 3 Pro and not as much, or much less about the other drones? There is something in M3P that makes it very susceptible to the surroundings, not like most other DJI drones.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Drone Buddy Posted at 4-13 10:19
Can you PLEASE read CAREFULLY what people write before you make your own assumptions about they said?

The flight of 2.5 km I mentioned was as an example of the fact that M3P DOES have a range issue when one flies it in condensed areas but mine was NOT in such area and that's why I flew it 2.5 km and had the feeling that I could go farther.

Reread Sean's first sentence. He is correct, WHY are so many people having trouble with it. The answer is quite obvious to me. Internal antennae and the fact that the RC is a JOKE!! Manufactured with low-quality components and even less QC.
For those who think I'm nuts,
Here is the response from DJI Wanda and a link to the whole thread -
"In your case, you enable Focus Peaking, recording, and screen-recording, three functions in total at the same time.
It will make the DJI RC overload so that it can not process it smoothly.
As we said, DJI RC has limited processing capacity compared to DJI RC Pro.
The DJI RC Pro processor has a robust performance and a large storage capacity and supports the installation of third-party apps. The DJI RC, however, does not.
Therefore, it is not a global issue from my perspective."
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