Flight distance : 567234 ft
United States
Labroides Posted at 2-1 13:58
The controller is not the problem.
Using polarised glasses is the problem.
They are going to give a problem with just about any screen
Not so much. Years ago that was the case, but now manufacturers have the technology to counteract the polarization of sunglasses.
Typically displays are set up so it only affects it in one direction. Since phones are typically used vertically they are viewed fine with polarized sunglasses but when you turn them sideways they go black. You can assign the manor is which it runs on the display so as to prevent it from happening.
Given the RC Pro will ONLY be used in landscape mode they should have had the display designed so you could view it in that orientation with the glasses on. If you turn the RC Pto so the display is vertical you can see the display clear as day with the sunglasses on, it only black out when in landscape, the mode it which it needs to be used.
Most computer monitors are designed the correct way. If you put on polarized glasses it looks fine but if you turn your head to the side (equivalent or turning the monitor) it goes black. The way the RC Pro should have been designed.
There was a new radar detector released a short period back, display went dark with polarized glasses. We all wear sunglasses when driving so it was useless. The company had the display glass changed 90 degrees so it would be clear, but if you turn your head sideways (which you never do when driving) it will go black.
Look at your marine GPS plotters. They are the same way. Fine in landscape, turn your head and they go black. If you spend a few more dollars on the marine unit or the aviation units they actually can prevent the screen from going black when viewed in any orientation with polarized glasses.
So, the issue lies with DJI 100%. Polarized glasses will turn the display black when viewed from one direction, however the engineers/designers of the RC Pro did not think landscape orientation when it was designed. It is just a matter of the glass, honestly not complicated. If they cut it from the other direction it would be viewable.
Not the end of the world but it is such a simple thing that could have been prevented with a bit of planning ahead. |