Inspire 1 Footage Projected on a Big Screen
1389 3 2015-2-2
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United States

Curious to know if any one has had an oppurtunity to view their footage on a big screen (15' or over) and how it has held up, especially when cut with other footage...

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United States

The Inspire has nice video, but it simply doesn't have the bitrate to withstand a huge screen's scrutiny. The sensor size is also a limiting factor. Obviously, this is subjective but it doesn't compare to 4K video recorded in a more robust format like ProRes 422 (or ArriRAW). You're talking about the same number of pixels with 60Mbps vs 800Mpbs+ and compression will only be able to handle so much. I've viewed on a 12+ foot screen and the compression is quite severe on more complicated shots. But I'm comparing to footage from an Arri Alexa and Sony FS700 with Odyssey 7Q. It's a bit unfair to compare because even the lower cost FS700 is much more than an Inspire. And it's not an aerial platform. The quality of the Inspire is very comparable to the Hero4, which I use as well. (I do prefer the non-fisheye of the Inspire.) Make no mistake, it's a breakthrough in quality for the price point and features, but definitely not even GH4 quality, much less FS700, Canon C300, Alexa, or Red level. Can it cut together? Sure, within reason, especially if final delivery is 1080p and you have a good colorist.  I'd love to see a new camera add-on for the Inspire that's more comparable to the GH4.
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United States

MarkNJ - Well written. Thank you
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United States

MarkNJ Posted at 2015-2-3 11:27
The Inspire has nice video, but it simply doesn't have the bitrate to withstand a huge screen's scru ...

Agreed would love a more robust camera ,with higher data rate. But you have to know that is in the plans right? This inspire 1 is a beast and way more powerful than need be for this little sony sensor. I would be really surprised if we don't see a new camera head for the Inspire within a year or so.

I sure would love something that cut great with the C100, C300 Canon lineup!!

Crossing my fingers!
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