Aircraft yes RC no
1489 11 2015-3-7
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It seems that after several attempts to update the aircraft I was successful, but not so with either of my RC's! I reformatted 8 or 9 times, tried fat 32 with supplied card and exFAT with big assed 64 gig card. I tried the camera to tx twice and nothing. I put the sd card in the usb stick and stuffed it into the USB port with just the bin file. This was followed by a red light for several minutes and then successive single beeps. I can only imagine that means take a hike Sure would be nice if $5,000.00 canadian would buy a product that actually worked as advertised. I'm a tad upset by all this. If anyone has some suggestions I'm an open book.
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United States

The whole process is a bit ambiguous because so many people report different results.  For instance with the aircraft update, mine takes about 5 minutes. Certainly never more than 10. Maybe that has to do with my particular sd card.  With the controller, it takes about 10 minutes.  I may not be much help to you but I will tell you what I just did after updating the aircraft.   I don't reformat anything and never have, fwiw. I do understand the rationale for doing so. I simply make sure the old firmware is gone from either the sd card or the flash drive. The remote update this time seemed different than with the last update.     I did abort this particular controller update midway because it seemed to go on longer than was the case with the former update.  After aborting I reinserted the flash drive, turned it on, and got a red light with a few angry sounds.  I just let it go and it resumed to the blue light...DDDD...DDDD or what have you.  This was followed after about five minutes but very short and consolidated audio bursts of that pattern. It would resume again to the default sound.  Then there was a 20 second pause and the process resumed for another minute or so.  I'd say the process did take about 10 minutes.

Can I ask you how long this is taking?  What happens eventually?   

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daninperth Posted at 2015-3-7 17:36
The whole process is a bit ambiguous because so many people report different results.  For instance  ...

Dan, it seems like the whole of 10 minutes and then steady beeping one after another with the red light still there. I'm actually listening to it now after trying exFAT again. Not sure how long to let the beeping go. I'm just going to assume that means fail. It's not changing just single beeps seemingly forever
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United States

Dangair Posted at 2015-3-7 18:03
Dan, it seems like the whole of 10 minutes and then steady beeping one after another with the red  ...

OK, yours is not resuming the update like mine did after I aborted and then resumed.  I had that red light and weird sounds but then mine resumed to the blue light sequence after about a minute.  I think I may have powered off and on again.  Also fwiw I started the aircraft during the final attempt for a bit to see what would happen but I really doubt that would have anything to do with why mine continued the update.   I assume you powered off and back on and all that stuff.  Well then it doesn't look like I'm of much help so far...

The fact you have two controllers makes it even more aggravating because a defect doesn't make as much sense.

Are you doing this without anything attatched?  I do all my updates without connection between the controller, Pilot App or aircraft.  That said I did power on the aircraft on this last update just to see what would happen.  Probably superfluous but just making sure you know how I did it in case it matters.
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Yep I did, off and on, in and out. Back and forth to the computer to format and try again. Started at 8pm it's now 2 the following morning and I'm spent. DJI really crapped the bed on this one! Hopefully they find a solution. I hear the drive starting up but I know it won't take. Oh well, I suppose it's a lesson learned. What gets me is the videos of people actually flying these things. What is the success/ fail ratio. Must be a huge fail ratio. This could bury a company.
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Dangair Posted at 2015-3-7 18:20
Yep I did, off and on, in and out. Back and forth to the computer to format and try again. Started a ...

Yep, another fail. Not even a fail, there won't be a text file, nothing. Just a big fail.
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United States

Dangair Posted at 2015-3-7 18:21
Yep, another fail. Not even a fail, there won't be a text file, nothing. Just a big fail.

Hang in there buddy this will get figured out!   The fact you have dual controllers makes it seem likely this can be solved at your house.   Maybe Dundee or someone will know.  Don't give up yet!
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I'd agree, but the fact that I have dual controllers means I have two controllers that don't work. I was going to try to run them down tonight but the beeping will wake the house. Perhaps I'll go for a bike ride with the kids and just let EM run out of juice. Maybe recharging from empty will help? Just throwing something out there.
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United States

Dangair Posted at 2015-3-7 18:42
I'd agree, but the fact that I have dual controllers means I have two controllers that don't work. I ...

Yeah that sucker is loud! You know I've seen some unlikely sounding tricks help things like that.  So why not?  Even if one thing doesn't help, the process of investigation sometimes leads to inadvertent success

Wish I had video of what I'd done for my  own sake at least.

Looks like you have company, mate.  A few threads with people having this issue got pushed up today.
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Flight distance : 1684495 ft
  • >>>

I'm in the same situation. AC got the update and two RC no. There are some differences: master Rc has a fixed red, slave a purple. Both do not react at presence of SD or usb drive (only .bin file in root directory). Strange enough if i turn on one while the other is olready on both make a single bep. Wrote to dji support and even if I tryed tomexplain that the problem are RC they asked me the AC log file . Still waiting
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Yes, if you went into the app and changed the second rc from slave to master they would likely show same results. I went to town tomorrow buy yet another Sd card and another usb stick to make a new attempt as per the online service suggestion. But I must say that I feel that this should not be the customers problem. They are advertising these as turn key options. They are showing videos of people actually using these craft with no difficulties. That said, I can appreciate the need for firmware updates, but they should not come at the expense of the client. I have had to buy new iPads because old ones are not compatible $500 plus additional Sd cards to the tune of $200 more dollars. All of which will be no longer needed in the event that this does not work out. And it's all because DJI released this product before a stable firmware was created for consumer aircraft. They should immediately discontinue sales except batteries and parts, until this is resolved. In addition, any shipping / repair costs should be theirs period. If they honour this I will continue doing business with them.. As an inspection service we had plans of buying several of these devices for our crews, but this has me second guessing that plan.
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I operate a tree service and would like to have these in my trucks for inspections and general overviews of areas. And when the software becomes readily available and easy to operate, I would like to do 3d mapping and volumetrics.  This platform seems ideal, compact, simple to fly and modular. The only thing missing is reliability. I'm confident this will be resolved.
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