DJI Engineers
2582 19 2017-10-27
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

I have been noticing some threads lately where actual engineers are responding.  I personally think this is a great idea.  We get answers straight from "the horses mouth" so to speak.
It's also good for them to personally read about problems folks are having and keep them in mind when preparing updates.  How many of you would like to see this continue and be utilized by DJI more often?

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Irate Retro
United States

What I find a little bit odd is that they don't identify themselves.  Usually it's a lvl.1 account with a username that is just somebody's full name, and they don't say who they are in the post either.  Sometimes you can assume it's a DJI employee, and sometimes a moderator later spills the beans.  This all may be intentional for whatever reason.

When I had a 9-5 job (as a software engineer), if customer support was on a call with a particularly unique problem, I'd have the CSR transfer the call to me and I'd talk to the customer.  The customer always had their problem resolved by the time the call was ended, and everyone was happy.  Almost everyone.  When the boss found out about this, I got CHEWED OUT and that was the end of that.  He wasn't an unreasonable boss, either.  I forget the reasons he listed, but they made sense to me at the time even if I didn't agree with them.

Every minute that an engineer is spending on this forum is a minute he could have been fixing the serious problems with DJI's software and firmware.  So there is a tradeoff, and it takes lots of time to wade through threads on here.  But if the engineers want to log in on their own time and jump into the tag team cage matches, then I'm all for that.

Perhaps they could schedule certain sessions once a month where one engineer handles rapid-fire questions/concerns, sort of an "ask me anything" like you see on Reddit and such.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

Irate Retro Posted at 2017-10-27 07:50
What I find a little bit odd is that they don't identify themselves.  Usually it's a lvl.1 account with a username that is just somebody's full name, and they don't say who they are in the post either.  Sometimes you can assume it's a DJI employee, and sometimes a moderator later spills the beans.  This all may be intentional for whatever reason.

When I had a 9-5 job (as a software engineer), if customer support was on a call with a particularly unique problem, I'd have the CSR transfer the call to me and I'd talk to the customer.  The customer always had their problem resolved by the time the call was ended, and everyone was happy.  Almost everyone.  When the boss found out about this, I got CHEWED OUT and that was the end of that.  He wasn't an unreasonable boss, either.  I forget the reasons he listed, but they made sense to me at the time even if I didn't agree with them.

Have to say I agree with you Irate Retro on this. Yes, it is nice for some techs to be answering questions, but that shouldn't be their job. I would hope that the DJI moderators would take some of these questions back to DJI on a regular basis. It would be nice to have engineers monitoring the forum for questions, but that comes with quite a price. I can't imagine what it takes to monitor all of the content on this forum alone. Not all of it is for technical advise I know, but it would be a lot to ask. And to ask them to do it on their own time is really not fair. I'm sure there are those who do enjoy the conversations, but that would be a lot to ask in my opinion.
I wonder if DJI could have a separate category for just tech questions. I know that sounds kind of crazy. I'm sure it would get flooded with just about every possible question, but have some thing that could be answered by a qualified technician with a proper answer would be nice. Doubt it would ever happen.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

True enough Irate,  I know most all companies want to channel all customer questions, complaints, thru the CSR.   Problem is, the reps at DJI are severely lacking in communication skills and knowledge about the products.  Most are probably good people, but all their responses seem "canned".   Probably goes back to lack of training, high turnover, etc.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

Too bad DJI doesn't operate like the old lonely Magtag appliance service guy on TV ads.  If DJI was a fault-free, dare I say quality product, there would be less need for a lot of the online and offline service static.

Would be amazing to see software than ran as it should, better camera ops, better flight characteristics, materials, updates that worked, better batteries that aren't DOA, props that fit, etc.  all needing less service issues.  Don't know if it is possible though, but something management should consider, imho.

I know one software that is used by a lot of printers where it is a one-man show and the programmer/seller/owner will contact you personally with any issues which is rare for him as he knows the code and fixes it in the same day if needed.  It's his labor of love and business, but the software just works and widely favored among printers.

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Flight distance : 16581 ft
United States

yes,thats a great idea,this forum is already a great site for invalueable infomation,this will make it even better.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Alabama, good thread to start
At first I thought heck yeah, we need experts here to help sort this crap out.  However, Irate put it back in perspective, and he is right.  It is a chicken and egg problem at this point.  If the engineers are here solving problems or trying then they are not there solving them for a lot more people, when you boil it down it would not be the wisest use of resources.
However, I do agree with Alabama's assertion that it is helpful to see them lurking about, as sometimes I think there is way too much wild a** guessing going on around here.  Unless it is coming from those that I've found to be truly knowledgeable I feel it is all pure speculation until DJI confirms it in one form or another.  
So, what do we need?
Well I think the engineers should troll the forum either on their own or by the mods giving them a craniums up about a particular topic, however, as Irate notes I do not think it would be a great idea for them to get sucked in to a long drawn out process here.  In addition, we all know that threads can be hijacked real fast by others, especially when they find a real "DJI" engineer is here.  Then Katy bar the door, they will be asking them everything from when the P5 is coming out to what is their favorite color and then nothing will be done.
May I suggest for consideration that maybe what the DJI forum needs to do is bring back and/or continue the tutorial threads I have seen here from time to time.  
Let a mod or engineer pick a particularly important or key topic and have them do a deep dive on it and put together a full tutorial thread on it.  Then everyone can come there to ask questions about that topic only, any others should be ignored or let a mod direct them elsewhere as they do now.  
Also, DJI Joe some time ago proposed an on-line forum manual or wiki type manual.  Most responded that there was some merit to that effort and he said he would work at it; thus far, nothing heard from him on this effort, is it dead or is he busy putting it together?  Anyway, they should proceed with this idea or a form of it at the least.  Call it a separate area for tech knowledge or tutorial or manual whatever but an area or thread that is set to be only about specific technical knowledge relating to the products in use.  We all know that the manuals need more work, the go 4 app could stand to have a whole lot more explanations about it, and DJI assistant 2 needs some expanded info as well.  Moreover, many other pop up technical issues that can be addressed or at least used to inform customer/users of their status.
This may mean having to hire a few more web/forum folks to work this, as noted they cannot afford for their engineers to do this, this is necessary to ensure some kind of quality control is done and everything remains on topic.  
Either way DJI needs to recognize that with their astounding success now comes some responsibility to work the care and feeding of their large customer base.  To date, there has been enough missteps to give some pause, and there is no benefit in permitting those hicups to conitnue.  Having more expert involvement (in a prudent and measured way) and expert material here can only be a plus, as I see it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-27 11:22
Alabama, good thread to start
At first I thought heck yeah, we need experts here to help sort this crap out.  However, Irate put it back in perspective, and he is right.  It is a chicken and egg problem at this point.  If the engineers are here solving problems or trying then they are not there solving them for a lot more people, when you boil it down it would not be the wisest use of resources.
However, I do agree with Alabama's assertion that it is helpful to see them lurking about, as sometimes I think there is way too much wild a** guessing going on around here.  Unless it is coming from those that I've found to be truly knowledgeable I feel it is all pure speculation until DJI confirms it in one form or another.  

Well written Genghis9. I can only second it.
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Flight distance : 162812 ft

well i think its a great idea when the problems is like the one we have had latley, if there is a big problem it may be a good idea to talk to the engeneer, explaning how thing are insted of ignore everybody,
but for smaal problems they have other things to doo.

Otto Olsen
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DJI Susan

In my opinion, it is a good idea, but might be not available for now. As Irate mentioned, the engineers are mainly devoted into software and hardware developing. As for the forum issue, including the technical issue, the Moderators will collect and forward to the designated team for further investigation or assistance. We are sorry for the previous trouble we caused and would like to offer better service and technical support in the future. Appreciate your attention and support all the time.
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Big Nana
Second Officer
Flight distance : 38632 ft
  • >>>

Ha ha, you must forget that they are Chinese engineers and they need translators...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Big Nana Posted at 2017-10-27 22:36
Ha ha, you must forget that they are Chinese engineers and they need translators...

Guess you have not spotted them among the posts, they also come from around the world as it shows on their location of the posts.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-10-27 20:11
In my opinion, it is a good idea, but might be not available for now. As Irate mentioned, the engineers are mainly devoted into software and hardware developing. As for the forum issue, including the technical issue, the Moderators will collect and forward to the designated team for further investigation or assistance. We are sorry for the previous trouble we caused and would like to offer better service and technical support in the future. Appreciate your attention and support all the time.

Susan, It's not the moderators who are the problem.  I personally think all of you do a great job!  The customer service people who are the first point of contact with the customer are the ones lacking.   I apologize if you, or any of the forum reps thought I was referring to you or them.  Keep up the great work that all of you do!
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DJI Susan

ALABAMA Posted at 2017-10-28 04:48
Susan, It's not the moderators who are the problem.  I personally think all of you do a great job!  The customer service people who are the first point of contact with the customer are the ones lacking.   I apologize if you, or any of the forum reps thought I was referring to you or them.  Keep up the great work that all of you do!

I understand your point. Actually, the issue you referred makes us pain as well. The management team are focus on the technical training and service awareness improvement, and I believe the agents will offer better customer service in the near future. Also, thanks for your positive feedback of moderators, we will keep the status and help more people.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

ALABAMA Posted at 2017-10-28 04:48
Susan, It's not the moderators who are the problem.  I personally think all of you do a great job!  The customer service people who are the first point of contact with the customer are the ones lacking.   I apologize if you, or any of the forum reps thought I was referring to you or them.  Keep up the great work that all of you do!

I would go even further than that and say that it’s not just the customer service folk. I believe it’s a culture and attitude issue that almost certainly exists right through all levels of management, starting at the top. Per some of my earlier posts, I believe that DJI is almost certainly driven by the factory rather than the marketing or sales divisions. This is similar to the way that Japanese companies used to operate prior to around the 1970s-80s.  Japanese companies have moved on and become very customer oriented but I believe that Chinese companies, including DJI, still have a long way to go.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 16722920 ft
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I disagree. The engineers have so many work to do and there will be not enough time for chatting...
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Pvt Pilot '79
Flight distance : 1000272 ft
United States

Susan, I agree with Alabama’s post that all of you are doing a great job. If I may suggest one thing, and that would be for DJI to acknowledge early on that there are (were) problems with the firmware update and that it is being sorted out. I, as well as many others on this forum thought that our P4’s were history since no one was even admitting there was a problem but rather telling us that this is the first they’ve heard about it; primarily from customer service. I am relieved that .600 Beta firmware is showing hope that our P4’s will once again fly normally. You, Susan, and Thor too, have been the most honest with us than anyone at DJI.
Thanks for what you do.
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Flight distance : 1398376 ft
United States

The forum moderators relay our messages to the engineers. Of course they don't just pass on every issue mentioned. They are the filter, so they don't waste the engineer's time.
So, we as the customers must respect and understand the forum moderator's job, so we have to be patient and understand why they need more details from you. Everyone is frustrated, but if we work diligently with the moderators, they can better assist us and better inform the engineers. That way, the communication is more efficient and less back and forth. The more information the engineers have, the better perspective they have on the problem and the faster they can fix it.
That being said, I am thankful the forum moderators are active and responsive. In the past, I've only relied on email tech support and it takes days just to get a reply. These forums are helpful because members with similar issues can essentially work together and narrow down their problems, with peer to peer trouble shooting.
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Streetmagus Posted at 2017-10-31 20:53
The forum moderators relay our messages to the engineers. Of course they don't just pass on every issue mentioned. They are the filter, so they don't waste the engineer's time.
So, we as the customers must respect and understand the forum moderator's job, so we have to be patient and understand why they need more details from you. Everyone is frustrated, but if we work diligently with the moderators, they can better assist us and better inform the engineers. That way, the communication is more efficient and less back and forth. The more information the engineers have, the better perspective they have on the problem and the faster they can fix it.
That being said, I am thankful the forum moderators are active and responsive. In the past, I've only relied on email tech support and it takes days just to get a reply. These forums are helpful because members with similar issues can essentially work together and narrow down their problems, with peer to peer trouble shooting.

'These forums are helpful because members with similar issues can essentially work together and narrow down their problems, with peer to peer trouble shooting.'

It is more than that. The long time members here have often seen the same problem arise again and again, and therefore are in a position to offer good advice as to how to solve the problem. And if you have an incident and can post the flight log to Phantomhelp, then they will give you an unbiased view of what happened on the flight. This is in contrast to DJI support who do not report back to you on the details of their investigation.
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M.C. Pilot
Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

The fact that these engineers are taking the time to review threads and see the issues that surface on here I think is a good idea; I've even provided suggestions in some cases. They'll also get to see what moderators are dealing with day-to-day and maybe, just maybe, a bit more responsive when moderators bring these issues to them.
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