 Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States
Well, there's ALWAYS duct tape...
Actually I've fixed a couple of Phantom that had a similar "pucker" in the shell with some very judicious use of a heat gun immediately after the impact to persuade it back into shape. The top shell actually had a crack at the bend so it was replaced. Has been flying fine since.
Now, as to whether or not a Phantom 2 shell will fit the Phantom 3. Ahhhh... sorta. I know a guy who took the top off his Phantom 3 to look around and I had the chance to take some photos and test fit the top part of the Phantom 2 shell to the bottom of the Phantom 3. Yes, it will fit (with several disclaimers!) Not all the screw locations align and the Phantom 2 shell does not have the new locking tabs that have been added to the Phantom 3 shell.
I'm going through the photos now and I will post some of the significant differences and findings later. Of course you would need to have a replacement Phantom 2 body and this would only be replacing the top portion of the shell to help brace damage to the bottom. Please understand this would only be suggested as a workaround and the effectiveness of the repair is highly dependant on the how much damage there is in the lower portion of the airframe.
Standard disclaimers about voiding your warranty, taken at your own risk, yada, yada, yada... |