Flight distance : 7411 ft
United States
When the last update was released for the Phantom 3, it was on the DJI web site fir a few days until the Google Play store was updated. Now there is an update on the Google play store (showing a date of 6/17/15) but the DJI web site still has the old version. This sure is no way to run a business and gain customer support and most of all confidence. Considering the negative comments regarding the update on the google site and all the negative comments and issues with the last couple of firmware updates, I'm really hesitant to do anything... including trust in the safety and reliability of the quadcopter. As has been the norm, there is no "official" statements or information being published anywhere. If you read through the forums, you may gain some insight, but what to believe and what not to is impossible to figure out. I have never seen such poor product support from a product in this price range. Unacceptable and extremely poor business ethics.