Flight distance : 6670 ft
This article tells you how to get your DJI product to be recognized by Windows. http://flitetest.com/articles/dji-naza-m-windows-10 DJI's drivers are outdated or not digitally signed and Windows basically blocks DJI's driver install and does its own thing. I know it says for Windows 10, but the process is basically universal across Windows OS. It is really unfortunate as I had built a Tarot 680 Pro this Christmas and was not able to fly it for 2 months due to being unable to figure out how to install the driver. DJI's drivers expired this Christmas (2015-2016) and the issue was relatively new at the time, so I was out of luck until I saw this, I ended up using a school mac to originally set it up as it worked on a mac for whatever reason, but I got it working with my home computer the other day by following that article, and it worked, so I could configure a little bit better. Give it a shot. I hope it helps, I went through a lot of frustration because I could not figure out why my s*** was not being recognized at all. |