TIPS FOR UPLOADING FIRMWARE - SD card updating and RC Transmitter
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21023 104 2016-3-16
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

TIPS  For Phantom Advanced and Pro  as well as Inspire 1  
Updates will look like this when complete: ( Keep in mind ,I try to keep this up to date, but may fall behind )
App  version  3.0.1 I pad etc.  ( Android  ? not sure 2.9? )  
Aircraft    version  or the old FW with a + at the very end of it
RC    version 1.7. OR SOME PREFER TO Stay  AT  1.6 (On Inspire 1) 1.6 on Phantom 3 &4
If you have a + sign after the old firmware it means it has loaded but must get confimed with DJI servers. You are safe to fly.  It  may take a day or so.  When the aircraft data on the Go App  "Syncs" with the DJI servers It will roll to the proper FW versions , make sure the Device with go app has WI- Fi access  and the GO App can "Auto update" also I find by having my sytem in flight ready mode with my I pad still in range of My Wi fi that  the Go app updates quickly .  
- Keep in mind you do not have to update, I for one have found the latest update of 1.9 for the AC and 1.7 for the RC have caused some glitches in the system.  I am currently on the latest go app 1.6 for the RC and 1.8 on the AC.  So if you are happy with the performance of your sytem you can just stay put, you will have a warning in the go app that you are not up to date but no big deal.  Please keep in mind you can only rollback to the previous firmware in order, so just keep this in mind before updating, I go into more detail in the description below.

-Before updating anything  (IF  you have a NEW System) , be sure to register with DJI on the Go App First.  If you fail to do so , it can cause the motors not to start.  So register first, this will also make sure you have proper internet connection with DJI Servers.

-If you own a brand new system before you update , test fly and make sure it works,  also register with DJI, to often pilots who upgrade from the phantom line ( to say the Inspire )  immediatly jump to updates and skip the register process, this can screw things up. Just go slow , register, test the system, then update.

-  After 1.3 the update FOR the Transmitter is NOT through the SD Card it is through The DJI go app and WI-FI connection. MUST HAVE WI- FI CONNECTION WITH INTERNET ACCESS.   

-Always update the aircraft first.  This is Mandoatory in some cases during updates. For example on the Inspire 1 update 1.8 it must be done in this order to prevent problems with the aircraft getting stuck in Travel mode .  TRANSMITTER .

-DO NOT UPDATE THE RC AND THE AIRCRAFT AT THE SAME TIME.  I realize you want to do this quickly but the transmitter will still be putting out signal and the aircraft will be looking for one.  This is a sure way to damage the equipment .  DO ONLY ONE AT A TIME

-When updating theTransmitter , use a dedicated reliable WI-FI system.  Avoid using Cellular systems if possible (Phone calls , etc)  You want to make sure to close all apps besides the GO App as well.  Do NOT interupt the upload. Make sure the cable from the Transmitter to the Go App is Pristine and Perfect.

-Make sure you download the proper firmware.  If you have the Pro make sure not downloading for the  Raw,  Advanced  or Standard. Double check!

-Make sure you only download the Bin File to the FRESH FORMATTED SD CARD Root Directory. Root directory is just a fancy name for " Make sure it is not in a file or folder  " Make sure the BIN file is the only thing on the SD card.  

-Make sure transmitter is NOT on when downloading Firmware to aircraft (VERY IMPORTANT) and Aircraft is not on when uploading the Transmitter !

-When installing SD with firmware to the  Aircraft, make sure AIRCRAFT  is OFF . Then turn on aircraft, the firmware will then begin load. For example :   1- Load sd card with firmware to the  aircraft   2- turn on aircraft
-You can jump FROM 1.3 TO 1.6   or ** (1.9 )   .*** dont forget if you go from 1.3 to 1.9 there are battery updates .  You must load the batteries one by one to the aircraft, it will only take a few minutes once the Aircraft has been updated.

-All the firmware numbers for the RC - aircraft- Go App - Camera WONT  ALWAYS BE THE SAME  MATCHING NUMBERS   .     for example 1.6 for the Transmitter and 1.9 for the Aircraft.  Just understand these numbers may or may not be the same ( match )

-Sometimes only the aircraft gets an update and not RC Transmitter   Read the pdf on the downloads page so you know what’s going on for example is only for the aircraft and batteries.

-Make sure to read what each update is effecting. For example will require each battery to be updated as well. Keep Informed.

-Macs’ sometimes do not format SD cards well. When Formatting  Success is in doubt  FORMAT ON THE AIRCRAFT, go to camera settings on dji go app  main screen  open the tool icon , on near  bottom is Format SD  card option.  MAKE SURE YOU DO THE FAT 32 ON MACS IF SO INCLINED

-When Updating has begun  on the aircraft you will hear a "Four beat tone" dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd and flashing green and red lights .

-Updates sometimes take a while, wait for the tone to change to  a " One beat pause two beat  tone"  d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd  or the solid  green light even better , this idicates it is finished .  ( Phantom Camera Gimbal Assembly )

-If you hear a long  " No pause beat "   dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd  update has failed. Try again.  Remove SD card and Place in computer and look at the File "Result" or the Hidden file to get to the Nitty Gritty.  Use search tool  magnifying glass and find  "Hidden File" tutorial.

-Updating is not an option for just the aircraft, IF there is also an update at that time for the Transmitter you MUST do it.

-To find out your current Firmware: Make sure The Aircraft, Transmitter, and GO-APP are all on. Now go to the “Main Video Flight Screen” , Tap the right hand corner for “ Settings” on the Very Left Bottom of  tab icons  you will see -  - -  this is the “ General Settings   Go to  “About “  Here you will find current Firmware on each device.  If you only see the “App Version  it is because you did not turn everything on .

-If you load the firware with success but it does not update in the “About” section on the Go App “General Settings” be sure to Re- Boot your Device with the Go App, also restart the aircraft and Transmitter .  

-If you have a light blue light on the transmitter ( This can be caused by an interupted upload to the Firmware on the RC )  go to this link to help solve the problem  

-If you get a + sign after you install the firmware,  (ie: or any recent update with the + sign after it.  It is OK, re-boot and make sure your device has wi-fi  and internet access.  It should update once it is up to date with DJI servers. ( This may take a couple days though because of all the updates)

-Make sure when you are powering up to fly you always do it in theis order :   1 RC Transmitter 2 Aircraft 3 Go app     You can have your device ( I-pad ) "on"  when you place it on the RC cradle but do NOT have that Go App opened up.  Make sure you have no other apps opened in the backround.  Be sure to "Enable Hardware Decode" on the go App.  This takes some of the strain off the processor for better performance.  

-Be sure to calibrate  the IMU , Gimbal and RC before you fly . Anytime there is a FW update this is recomended. Thanks to  MJLstudios for the "Tip"

-Updates for the Phantom Standard are Only Done through GO-App and Wi-Fi, no SD Firmware to upload.
- You cant Rollback the Battery Firmware once installed. Once Installed that’s it.  ( Battery Only)

-When doing a Rollback, confirm the Current firmware on the Aircraft and then Rollback Firmware in Order.  If at 1.6 you can only Rollback to 1.5. If at 1.7 can only rollback to 1.6 etc.

- Updates are all in one , so when you update to the latest it has all the data from all the previous versions as well " All in One "   so you can jump from say 1.3 to 1.9, just remeber to update ALL your batteries as well.   

I hope this helps anyone struggeling ,  Please add your tips and I will add them to the list.

All the best to you and yours - donnie

Use props
DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Nice, thanks.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

      My pleasure Ken,  I  hope it helps at least one pilot out there

Use props
DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-17 23:14
My pleasure Ken,  I  hope it helps at least one pilot out there


I'm sure it will.
Use props
United States

Greetings, DJI-Ken and Donnie!

First of all, I'm a proud first-time DJI owner (P3 Pro), and I'm absolutely loving it!!  
Second, I can't stress how helpful this forum has beent to me, especially your folks' posts!

That being said, I have a quick question.  Donnie stated the RC must be turned off while the firmware is upgrading on the aircraft.  In my haste to get everything updated, my RC was on.  However, the aircraft updated just fine (as confirmed by the light and sound patterns, as well as the successful .TXT file), and the RC did its successful routine, too.

Could I have caused some irreparable harm by doing both upgrades at once?

At first, I was a bit worried, because the RC kept prompting me for a firmware upgrade.  However, as DJI-Ken stated, this was more of a server activation issue with DJI.  Nevertheless, I didn't know that.  So, I even went as far to do the RC reset procedure (the four-finger boot-up spiel), and then I tried upgrading the firmware again.  At one point, I received an "RC encryption error - please contact DJI for service" prompt on my screen.  However, that went away, and I got the successful beeps and green light.

After that, if I simply turned on the RC first, then the app, and finally the aircraft, there were no more requests to upgrade the RC firmware.

Does it sound I'm good-to-go?

I'm soooo afraid to take the P3 Pro out for a flight, now, as I don't want it to fall out of the sky!?!  

Please let me know your thoughts on this one!

Many thanks, in advance!!
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

shedjbeli Posted at 2016-3-24 14:15
Greetings, DJI-Ken and Donnie!

First of all, I'm a proud first-time DJI owner (P3 Pro), and I'm ab ...

  You are going to love it!  Now I dont know if you did any permanent  harm.  ( more than likely NO) If you have success on the firmware and you are not given any warnings I think you are fine.    I think you were lucky  and dodged a bullet as the Aircraft or RC was busy with its update not to notice one another.  DO NOT RISK IT AGAIN IN THE FUTURE .

Just  take you time.  Also calibrate the compass one time correctly and leave it alone , make sure transmiiter is at least 10 feet away and have NO metal on your person, not even a watch or change in pocket.  Do it in a wide open field if possible, keep in mind concrete has re-bar in in sometimes,  then only do it if you travel more than 150 miles from that site, or after a firmware upload.  

When you land just pull the throttle gently all the way to the bottom until the motor stops, you do not have to do the CSC command like when you start the motors.  When flying , if the aircraft starts to fly eratically  (RARE) simply place the toggle swithch on the transmiiter to ATTI mode and this will take away the GPS giving you full control.  Also make sure to fly on Full batteries and alwasys hover for at least 30 seconds to make sure no drop in Voltage.  Just go slow and take  your time , dont get overconfident and read all the manuals and watch the videos,  this is a lot of fun.

Send me an e-mail if you need any help and cant find the answer here, I will get back with you as soon as I can.  Ken works for DJI but I dont.  But I am more than happy to help you out anytime.
Use props
United States

ugh I too am having trouble with firmware update. here is my log  My upgrade is not working, have phantom pro, log file looks like this

[00012227][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00012363]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.03.0020.bin] resumed, card sn [0x70ce0152].
[00012395]Packet vlink 01.03.0020 <-> 01.01.0009.
[00012461]Version checking[2]...
[00024989][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00037521][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00037555][04 00][00] v1.38.0.0 -> v1.40.0.0 need upgrade.
[00050082][09 00][00] device not detected.
[00062623][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00075151][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00087681][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00100214][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00112752][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00117779][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00130306][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00142836][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00155382][19 00][00] device not detected.
[00155411][01 00][05] v1.23.3419 -> v1.23.3419
[00155440][01 01][00] v1.6.2736 -> v1.23.3419 need upgrade
[00155481][08 00][00] v0.11.0.4 -> v0.12.0.4 need upgrade.

[00155538]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00155674][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00185930][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00186788][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00719118][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00719178][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00776944][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00777011]Version checking[3]...
[00789541][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00802070][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00802106][04 00][05] v1.40.0.0 -> v1.40.0.0
[00814636][09 00][00] device not detected.
[00827163][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00839694][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00852226][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00864760][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00877293][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00887925][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00900459][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00912988][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00925518][19 00][00] device not detected.
[00925548][01 00][05] v1.23.3419 -> v1.23.3419
[00925663][01 01][05] v1.23.3419 -> v1.23.3419
[00925702][08 00][05] v0.12.0.4 -> v0.12.0.4
[00925733]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014998]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00015033]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00015066]Packet upgrade start...

[00015103]Packet checking...
[00015138]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00015240]Version checking[1]...
[00015317][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015404][03 06][00] v2.2.6.19 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[00015449][04 00][00] v1.40.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0 need upgrade.
[00015563][11 00][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.7.15.1 need upgrade.
[00015663][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015750][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015837][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015937][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028470][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028553][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028668][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028723][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028755][01 00][00] v1.23.3419 -> v1.26.4315 need upgrade
[00028787][01 01][00] v1.23.3419 -> v1.26.4315 need upgrade
[00041328][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00041384][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v2.13.0.0 need upgrade.

[00043453]Waiting for user confirm...
[00053487]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00053557]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00064798][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00014229][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00014304]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] resumed, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00014341]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00014409]Version checking[2]...
[00014488][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00014568][03 06][00] v2.2.6.19 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[00014614][04 00][00] v1.40.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014733][11 00][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.7.15.1 need upgrade.
[00014828][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015008][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015107][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015197][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00027734][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00027819][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00027939][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00027989][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028023][01 00][05] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028058][01 01][00] v1.23.3419 -> v1.26.4315 need upgrade
[00040602][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00040670][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v2.13.0.0 need upgrade.

[00040743]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00040890][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00071154][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00071201][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00120110][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00120333][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00478775][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00478841][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00532396][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00532471][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00591281][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00591356]Version checking[3]...
[00591433][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00591514][03 06][05] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00591553][04 00][05] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00591672][11 00][05] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00591772][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00591872][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00591972][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00592072][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00604610][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00604698][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00604818][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00604888][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00604921][01 00][05] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00604954][01 01][05] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00617487][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00617548][09 00][05] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00617582]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00052442]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00052551]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00052591]Packet upgrade start...

[00052630]Packet checking...
[00052667]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00052771]Version checking[1]...
[00052848][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00052928][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00052972][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00053073][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00053162][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00053237][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00053337][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00053408][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00065946][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00066017][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00066117][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00066162][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00066198][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00066235][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00078778][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00078843][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00078877]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014942]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014978]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00015013]Packet upgrade start...

[00015056]Packet checking...
[00015094]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00015196]Version checking[1]...
[00015268][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015344][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00015386][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015502][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015594][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015671][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015761][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015858][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028397][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028472][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028582][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028637][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028673][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028706][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00041349][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00041398][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00041432]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014456]========== 2016.02.15 14:36:02. boot(15) ============
[00014489]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00014526]Packet upgrade start...

[00014566]Packet checking...
[00014606]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00014710]Version checking[1]...
[00014792][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00014878][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00014931][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015057][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015141][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015222][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015315][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015412][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00027954][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028041][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028161][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028221][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028262][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028301][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00040841][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00040902][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00040939]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00090445]========== 2016.02.15 14:42:28. boot(15) ============
[00090475]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00090509]Packet upgrade start...

[00090543]Packet checking...
[00090573]Packet upgrade failed at packet checking.

[00015069]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00015109]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00015161]Packet upgrade start...

[00015209]Packet checking...
[00015249]Packet upgrade failed at packet checking.

[00015052]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00015096]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x285082d0].
[00015136]Packet upgrade start...

[00015181]Packet checking...
[00015301]Packet upgrade failed at packet checking.

[00014638]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014672]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x4c774a36].
[00014706]Packet upgrade start...

[00014744]Packet checking...
[00014777]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00014875]Version checking[1]...
[00014931][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015010][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00015057][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015157][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015250][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015325][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015399][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015505][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028041][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028120][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028240][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028285][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028324][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028356][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00040890][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00040946][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00040980]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014434]========== 2016.03.06 12:46:03. boot(15) ============
[00014468]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x4c774a36].
[00014501]Packet upgrade start...

[00014537]Packet checking...
[00014570]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00014668]Version checking[1]...
[00014745][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00014825][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00014866][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00014985][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015084][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015183][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015283][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015384][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00027916][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028012][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028158][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028203][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028328][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028365][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00040897][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00040954][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00040989]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014437]========== 2016.03.06 12:48:06. boot(0) ============
[00014469]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x4c774a36].
[00014501]Packet upgrade start...

[00014538]Packet checking...
[00014571]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00014669]Version checking[1]...
[00014746][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00014826][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00014867][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00014969][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015061][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015162][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015238][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015340][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00027875][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00027952][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028076][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028130][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028164][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028197][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00015805]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00015847]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x80b5162d].
[00015891]Packet upgrade start...

[00015940]Packet checking...
[00015979]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00016097]Version checking[1]...
[00016179][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00016279][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00016341][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00016459][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00016559][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016659][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016755][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016859][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00029406][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029504][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029644][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029774][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029816][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00029857][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00042418][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042476][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042521]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014628]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014669]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x80b5162d].
[00014715]Packet upgrade start...

[00014762]Packet checking...
[00014801]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00014914]Version checking[1]...
[00014987][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015067][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00015115][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015227][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015316][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015416][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015495][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015595][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028146][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028236][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028351][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028414][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028458][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028498][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00041044][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00041112][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00041160]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00015906]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00016021]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x80b5162d].
[00016169]Packet upgrade start...

[00016340]Packet checking...
[00016455]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00016724]Version checking[1]...
[00016879][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00016998][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00017043][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00017166][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00017248][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00017348][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00017529][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00017623][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00030167][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00030249][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00030369][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00030424][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00030474][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00030518][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00043061][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00043125][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00043174]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014641]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014682]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x80b5162d].
[00014733]Packet upgrade start...

[00014781]Packet checking...
[00014823]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.

[00014945]Version checking[1]...
[00015020][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015100][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00015152][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015279][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015399][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015499][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015599][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015701][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028248][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028330][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00028461][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00028525][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00028573][01 00][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00028619][01 01][00] v1.26.4315 -> v1.26.4315
[00041161][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00041227][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00041272]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

grantross86@gma Posted at 2016-3-24 20:37
ugh I too am having trouble with firmware update. here is my log  My upgrade is not working, have ph ...

   Grant, did you have the Transmitter  on during the Firmware Update ?  I  hate to tell you this but your machine is giving all indications that it must go to DJI for service.  Lines 0800 and 1500 are for the Video Transmission module and with the "Device Not Detected" on these lines of code it  means you   have a corrupted module.  The Only fix for this and I have never seen it work , is to try and download the previous firmware (1.5) then reinstall the current FW  and see if it will  work then.   I think  I would try this once and if it does not work, just send it in.  I am sorry.  I have heard the turnaround times have been pretty fast.

Sorry - donnie
Use props
DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

grantross86@gma Posted at 2016-3-25 09:37
ugh I too am having trouble with firmware update. here is my log  My upgrade is not working, have ph ...

Correct as Donnie said, if attempting to downgrade then upgrade does not clear up the Device Not Detected, then it will need to come in for repair.
I am sorry about that.
Use props
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-25 08:50
Correct as Donnie said, if attempting to downgrade then upgrade does not clear up the Device Not D ...

Greetings, DJI-Ken!

Happy Good Friday!!  

Just out of curiosity, how "dangerous" or "risky" is doing the RC and aircraft firmware simultaneously?

I did the same thing, and although my problem doesn't seem to be as serious as Grant's, my RC is now constantly asking for a firmware upgrade (I think enough time has elapsed since last Sunday, the 20th, for all the information to catch up and sync with DJI's servers)?

If, indeed, this is bad, why not have a prompt pop up on the Go app stating something along the lines: "please make sure aircraft is turned off while upgrading the RC?"

Any thoughts on this one?

As you can imagine, I'm very upset, as my P3 Pro is virtually brand new, I BABY it, and I just shelled out $1,000 for it!  
Use props
DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

shedjbeli Posted at 2016-3-25 23:27
Greetings, DJI-Ken!

Happy Good Friday!!  

Firstly, when I said it may take a bit for the server to update, I meant only if there's a + sign after the firmware update when you look at the About tab under General Settings"
And for the P3 Pro/Advanced you need to have the RC turned off while doing a aircraft firmware update.
Look at the About page and the RC should say 1.5.8 and it should not ask for an update.
If it's on 1.5.7, then it will ask to update, if so follow the onscreen instructions.
Use props
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-25 10:51
Firstly, when I said it may take a bit for the server to update, I meant only if there's a + sign  ...

Thanks so much for the expedient reply, DJI-Ken!

Yes, that's what's baffling me.

If I turn on the Go app first, then the RC, then finally the aircraft, I keep getting the firmware required message for the RC.  More often than not, I get a "Weak RC Signal" status, too.

However, if I first turn on the RC, then the Go app, and then finally the aircraft, everything is normal!

The bottom-line is I don't know which scenario to trust.  Is everything actually just fine, or will there be RC communication issue while in flight (because of this, I haven't dared fly my P3 Pro ... going on 6 days, now).

In your honest and professional opinion, do I have a problem, or am I good-to-go (my device is an iPhone 6 Plus, by the way ... sorry for not mentioning that)?

You are an INVALUABLE asset on these forums, and I spent hours analyzing your posts/thread, before ever purchasing my P3 Pro!

That's why I so graciously appreciate your time and feedback, Ken!   
Use props
DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

shedjbeli Posted at 2016-3-26 00:40
Thanks so much for the expedient reply, DJI-Ken!

Yes, that's what's baffling me.

I cannot replicate your scenario, In the About tab what firmware does it say the RC is on?
If it's only doing it upon app startup first, then you can delete and reinstall the app (after syncing your flight records) and see if it still persists.
Since it only happens with only the app powered up first, I think the delete reinstall may take care of it.
If not, as long as the firmware says it's on 1.5.8 your ok.
And thank you so very much for the kind words, I really appreciate it.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

shedjbeli Posted at 2016-3-25 11:40
Thanks so much for the expedient reply, DJI-Ken!

Yes, that's what's baffling me.

  If getting weak RC  signal after firmware update, do a re-link of the RC.  Also some folks have had good luck getting rid of the Firmware warning ( even though its done) by  connecting the device with the Go app to The dji website and signing in , go through the go app.   This has not happened to me but is worth a shot.    Or another option is to simply re-load the Go app.  Most of the settings are stored on the aircraft but be sure to glance at them before replacing go app to be sure.

You are good to go in my opinion, go fly , have fun -donnie
Use props
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-25 11:51
I cannot replicate your scenario, In the About tab what firmware does it say the RC is on?
If it's ...

Hey there, DJI-Ken!

I'm glad to see this is a "difficult" scenario, as it's driving me bonkers.  LOL

When I do the Go app-first start-up procedure, the firmware version for the RC says "Version Unknown."  The Aircraft is 1.7.60, and the App is 2.7.1.

However, as I said, if I do the RC-first start-up procedure,  then everything's normal, and I get 1.5.80 as the RC firmware version.

I may have to reinstall the Go app.  Can syncing the flight records be done offline, so-to-speak, or does the RC and aircraft need to be physically connected?  I just tried it at work, and I got a "Sync failed, please try again error!


Any thoughts about this additional information??  
Use props
United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-25 12:13
If getting weak RC  signal after firmware update, do a re-link of the RC.  Also some folks have h ...

Hey there, Donnie!

Once again, thanks a million for devoting the time to assist me.

By signing on to DJI's website with my iPhone, do you mean within the Go app itself?  Or, should I physicall go to www. and sign in there?  If the former, I'm already logged in there within the app.

Re-linking is definitely good to keep as a back-up option.  However, since the "Weak RC Signal" only happens when the app barfs, I think it might be related to that.

Is the order of power-up important?  As I said in my private e-mail to me, RC then Go app then P3 Pro works PERFECTLY.  However, GO app then RC then P3 Pro causes all these issues (e.g., RC firmware required prompt and occasional "Weak RC Signal).

It sounds like you have a plethora of experience and knowledge with DJI products (you should work there ... LOL), so I'll take your word when you say I should be good to fly (of course, by taking all of the necessary precautions we've discussed, and keeping the bird close).

Thanks a million, and Happy Good Friday!!  
Use props
DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

shedjbeli Posted at 2016-3-26 02:02
Hey there, DJI-Ken!

I'm glad to see this is a "difficult" scenario, as it's driving me bonkers.   ...

I am able to sync with no issues. When you get home, sync the flight records then delete and reinstall and I think you will be fine.
Use props
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-25 13:12
I am able to sync with no issues. When you get home, sync the flight records then delete and reins ...

Fantabulous, Ken ... I'm presuming that means syncing flight records must occur with everything connected (e.g, RC, Go app, and the P3 Pro), correct??  o.O
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Yes just use the Go app device  that you fly with and sign in to the DJI site, the forum for example.  And yes use your phone if that is the device you use.  Power up is important but power down with any changes made is more important.  This is because changes are actually stored in the aircraft, that is why if you re- load the go app you will notice if you made any changes to the RTH height or expo or gains that they are all saved and they will be on the new loaded go app.
Power down like this.  1 aircraft off 2 transmitter off 3 go app.  To power on:  1  transmitter  2. aircraft 3 go app   .   I think it is just a fluke in the system, the update  with go app  with DJI should bring it up to date . If not you just have to re- load the GO App to get it to work.  
P.S:  I usually just re -load the Go app becuase it only takes five minutes,  I have not had a chance to try the check in procedure but have heard other members say it works.   Re -loading the go app is simple, Unless you really need to save something that is what I would do, espescailly if you have this strange weak RC issue.  The delete and re-install take 5 minutes , that is what I advise with your  aircrafts symptoms.

-dr donnie
Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-26 02:30
Yes just use the Go app device  that you fly with and sign in to the DJI site, the forum for example ...

Donnie and DJI-Ken,

Here's the latest.

Uninstalling/reinstalling the Go app did not solve the "upgrade RC firmware" issue.  Nor did logging in/out/in various DJI websites.

As such, I think the KEY thing is starting up as follows:  (1) RC  (2) P3 Pro and finally  (3) Go app.

If I don't do that, then I get the "upgrade RC firmware" prompt, as well as occasional "Weak RC Signal" or "Weak Image Transmission Signal" error messages.

From what you folks say, though, I should be flight-worthy, nonetheless!!  ;)
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

shedjbeli Posted at 2016-3-25 19:30
Donnie and DJI-Ken,

Here's the latest.

Ok, that should have fixed it.  What Firmware is it asking for ?  That should have gone away with the Re- load of the GO -APP, Strange.  

Can you list the Firmware again that you have loaded from the About Page  . Also the sequence for starting ( That you are using )  is correct, regardless that Update should not be coming up.  This just may be a fluke.
Please go fly and have some fun, that is the best part of the Hobby.  I know yours has a practical function but it should be fun none the less.  

Dr . donnie

Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-27 01:28
Ok, that should have fixed it.  What Firmware is it asking for ?  That should have gone away with t ...

Happy Saturday, Dr. Donnie!  

As always, thanks so much for getting back to me.

I sure do hope it's a fluke.  With the correct startup sequence, I get Firmware Version 1.5.80 (and, of course, no "Upgrade RC Firmware" prompt).

If I may, I'd like to send you a short video to you e-mail address.  After all this hoopla,, I might now be PARANOID, because I wasn't happy how the P3 Pro was flying.  Granted, the winds were ~12 MPH, but I took the P3 Pro out before in such conditions.  I only went straight up ~40-50 feet max, but the P3 Pro was "dancing" all over the place.  I realize winds can be much stronger aloft, but this was not even above most of the rooflines and treelines (I was flying in my backyard).

I don't think it was the dreaded Toilet Bowl Effect (TBE), but I'm hoping you can watch the short video clip I took and tell me whether this is normal P3 Pro behavior in 12 MPH winds.

As I may have mentioned before, I do very careful compass and IMU calibrations, and that was all done after this latest firmware upgrade.  All the pertinent MC numbers looked great for this flight.

Oy vay!!!  {:3_63:}
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

shedjbeli Posted at 2016-3-26 15:19
Happy Saturday, Dr. Donnie!  

As always, thanks so much for getting back to me.

Sure, send it to me , I will look.  I find the best way to check the accuracy of my calibrations is to Hover and to Auto Land, and see how close it comes to the original takoff point.  Do this in calm weather though if just starting,  You are correct though, wind speeds can vary at altitude, also you could get some turbulence off of roof lines.  

Edit:  Just saw the video , and it looked pretty good to me in 12 mph wind, you could see it was getting knocked off course by the wind but more importantly it was tryiing to recover to the original GPS position, the bigger problem to watch for  would be drift, where it never recovers to the original gps and keep sliding away, your aircraft was trying to get back to the recorded gps position in the sky.  GOOD !     I think your aircraft looks properly calibrated.  You can also try the landing test, just be sure to takeoff with open skies around you and nothing within say 5 feet of the landing zone.  It should land within 1-2 max  feet of the original takoff point.  Make sure it is properly recorded at takeoff, try not to make any adjustments and let it autoland, this will test the calibrations .  Also in calm winds take your aircraft straight up and down using throttle only, try not to give any pitch or roll (No right stick ) go up about 100 feet, now come straight down using throttle only, Try not giving any yaw input as well, on left stick ( left to right).  See if you come straight up and down within a foot of the takeoff point.   
Now wait till this evening when it is nice and calm, and take a nice flight and take a video  with the sunsetting in the backround , that is the magic time for video and flight.  

- Dr. donnie

Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Thread bump !!
Use props
Flight distance : 2528264 ft
  • >>>
United States

Aloha Donnie,

     You have been doing a great job diving in on these firmware issues.  Do you have any suggestions regarding the 1.5.8 upgrade for the RC?  I have been grounded for almost a month now trying to get airborne after updating my firmware and app.  But, I cannot get passed the RC upgrade.  It does not want to download or upgrade in my Android tablet.  I have tried rolling back but have been unsuccessful or unable to get a complete set of 2.6.1, 1.6.004, and 1.5.7 firmware.  These worked extremely well before the recent upgrades.

     The red "No Signal" status tab displays and when I unplug the RC it says "Disconnected".  I have tried to re-bind my P3P to the RC but the system ignores the process.  In the past, I have had this same problem with earlier RC upgrades.  The re-bind problem happened back then to but the P3P and RC turned out to have always been bound.  Then one day it suddenly upgrades to the new RC firmware and everything is copasetic.

     When I press to "retry" I get a disconnected excuse for failure to download or upgrade, yet all indications are that the RC is still communicating with the app (when the USB is plugged in).  One variable may be that I have the HDMI module.  I just realized that today and wonder if that might be a problem.  

     I have tried every variation you have posted but they usually deal with the P3, app or a combination of all three.  My problem is with the RC.  The P3P update has gone very well many times now.  And there have been no problems with installing and uninstalling the app.  The permutations of the process have also shown no problem.  I tried your backwards power-on sequence with high hopes only to be bashed again.

     But when I try to install the update to 1.5.8, I get a failed download notice.  The suggestions say for me to get an network connection.  Even when I am signed in to my DJI account, have a confirmed Internet connection in Android Settings and random email notices, the app keeps telling me to get an Internet connection.  The two times I have been successful downloading the FW update, the upgrade fails.  One time I uninstalled the app with the uninstalled 1.5.8 RC upgrade and then spent a week of spare time trying to download it again.  Finally, it downloaded again when I was in an uncomfortable position - but I refused to move!  I would really not like to uninstall the app with the firmware update on it again.  This is where I am now, trying to upgrade the 1.5.8 firmware.  

     Everything worked very well before the latest upgrade.  Any suggestions would be most welcome!

Aloha and Drone On!
Use props

grantross86@gma Posted at 2016-3-24 22:37
ugh I too am having trouble with firmware update. here is my log  My upgrade is not working, have ph ...

i have the same problem.
the rc says the copter is updated to 1.7 but when i did the update it failed. now i have no camera image on my app.every thing els seems to work.
but i cannot downgrade or even re do the opdate of 1.7.
the rc says every thing is normal
dji service is so bad, the y even dont know what iam talking about.
the send me a picture to hard reset the rc, asked me a lot of stupid questions.
iam so frustrated. i will take a hammer and smash the daMNED CRAFT AND MAKE A VIDEO FOR YOUTUBE.
Use props

grantross86@gma Posted at 2016-3-24 22:37
ugh I too am having trouble with firmware update. here is my log  My upgrade is not working, have ph ...

Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-25 10:08
Grant, did you have the Transmitter  on during the Firmware Update ?  I  hate to tell you this  ...

Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-25 10:08
Grant, did you have the Transmitter  on during the Firmware Update ?  I  hate to tell you this  ...

Is there a link where one can buy just the defective camera board allone?
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Cetaman Posted at 2016-3-31 05:34
Aloha Donnie,

     You have been doing a great job diving in on these firmware issues.  Do you ha ...

My suggestion would be to try and upgrade the RC with the old method of using a thumb drive and load the FW that way.  load FW 1.5 on to the Thumb drive and start over.  This should clear everyhing and bring you up to date.    A thumb drive is just a usb  device that stores data like a sd card.   This method should work. The problem you have right now is the aircraft and the RC are on two different FW and will not work like this.  
Just load the Transmitter just like you would the aircraft.  Load the file to a thumb drive ( Just like the sd card )  make sure thumb drive is clear.  load into the usb port on the transmitter and turn it on, wiat for the light to turn green, might take a bit.  This has worked for others and will work for you too.   You may have to re link but withthe proper FW it should be a piece of cake.  I am not sure on that you will have to see if it needs re-linking.   

What FW do you have loaded on the aircraft for sure.?  Can you take a screen shot with everything on so I can see where you stand.  It is on the "About Page "  list the" versions" of them all please.  or list them on the forum manually.  
Did you say that you upgraded to an HDMI module from the standard ?    This should not make a difference as long as you have all the flat ribbons pluggedin properly.

Send me an e mail in the future,, if you need help , i will try .  I am sorry I did not see this earlier ,

Good luck- keep me posted - donnie.  

Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States
Offline Posted at 2016-3-31 18:25
Is there a link where one can buy just the defective camera board allone?

Can you send me the hidden file from the SD card.  If  you do not have it just try to load the 1.7 update on the SD card and then remove the SD card  after it tries to update.  I need to read what is on it.  I will give you a link with instructions let me know what it say on line 0800 and 1500.

Also can your aircraft still fly ?   You can fly but not see the video correct ?
-brother donnie

Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-31 21:13
Can you send me the hidden file from the SD card.  If  you do not have it just try to load the 1.7  ...

hi, so nice to hear something. wel i think the craft will fly, i didnot try but the motor starts and it wants to take off.
at 1500 i see device not found, the same at 800 device not found
Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-31 21:13
Can you send me the hidden file from the SD card.  If  you do not have it just try to load the 1.7  ...

[00015477]Version checking[1]...
[00015603][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015745][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015845][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00016008][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00016129][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016275][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016409][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016534][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00029117][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029252][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029436][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029546][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029634][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029788][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042368][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042468][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042553]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014674]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014751]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014837]Packet upgrade start...

[00014932]Packet checking...
[00015015]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015100]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015272]Version checking[1]...
[00015387][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015507][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015592][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015747][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015857][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015980][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016110][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016238][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028819][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028937][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029106][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029217][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029301][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029383][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00041969][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042078][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042160]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014696]========== 2016.03.21 15:54:46. boot(15) ============
[00014780]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014864]Packet upgrade start...

[00014965]Packet checking...
[00015044]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015126]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015298]Version checking[1]...
[00015434][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015552][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015650][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015836][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015963][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016112][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016386][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016516][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00029104][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029241][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029421][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029526][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029611][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029697][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042278][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042377][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042468]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014735]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014811]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014886]Packet upgrade start...

[00014970]Packet checking...
[00015051]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00015128]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015287]Version checking[1]...
[00015410][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015530][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.10.7
[00015616][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015770][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015910][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016044][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016174][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016298][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028879][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029004][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029164][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029255][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029336][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.26.4315
[00029414][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.26.4315
[00042004][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042097][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042177]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014739]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014816]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.04.0010.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014888]Packet upgrade start...

[00014972]Packet checking...
[00015051]Packet vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020.
[00015129]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015361]Version checking[1]...
[00015484][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015585][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.3.0.13
[00015669][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015788][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v1.7.0.3
[00015940][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.0.0
[00016073][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016200][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016328][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016485][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00029069][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029184][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029345][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029451][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029555][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.23.3419
[00029638][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.23.3419
[00042216][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042289]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014827]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014911]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014988]Packet upgrade start...

[00015074]Packet checking...
[00015152]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015234]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015397]Version checking[1]...
[00015502][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015602][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015688][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015841][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015955][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016065][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016190][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016341][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028915][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029026][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029185][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029292][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029371][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029452][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042036][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042153][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042229]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014754]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014832]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014907]Packet upgrade start...

[00014998]Packet checking...
[00015074]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015152]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015304]Version checking[1]...
[00015429][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015529][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015610][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015748][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015859][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00015982][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016108][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016217][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028800][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028923][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029079][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029179][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029258][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029338][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00041913][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042019][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042094]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014762]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014839]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014918]Packet upgrade start...

[00015009]Packet checking...
[00015087]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015168]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015326]Version checking[1]...
[00015447][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015569][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015652][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015807][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015947][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016075][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016200][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016338][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028915][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029056][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029296][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029409][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029486][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029565][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042149][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042247][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042324]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014655]========== 2016.03.21 19:32:48. boot(15) ============
[00014731]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014812]Packet upgrade start...

[00014894]Packet checking...
[00014974]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015056]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015216]Version checking[1]...
[00015350][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015497][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015588][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015755][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015864][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016001][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016121][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016271][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028847][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00028956][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029117][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029216][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029304][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029383][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00041973][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042065][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042149]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00012661]========== 2016.03.21 19:34:11. boot(15) ============
[00012736]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00012817]Packet upgrade start...

[00012903]Packet checking...
[00012984]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00013065]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00013226]Version checking[1]...
[00013347][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00013487][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00013678][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00013848][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00013997][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00014134][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00014259][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00014390][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00026975][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00027093][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00027280][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00027372][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00027455][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00027532][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00040127][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00040234][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00040313]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00211347]========== 2016.03.21 22:32:47. boot(15) ============
[00211534]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00211646]Packet upgrade start...

[00211775]Packet checking...
[00211888]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00211998]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00212218]Version checking[1]...
[00212370][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00212516][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00212644][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00212830][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00212990][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00213145][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00213350][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00213664][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00226420][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00226739][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00227105][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00227396][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00227664][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00227901][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00240529][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00240695][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00240772]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00012718]========== 2016.03.21 22:49:34. boot(15) ============
[00012798]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00012950]Packet upgrade start...

[00013032]Packet checking...
[00013111]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00013191]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00013352]Version checking[1]...
[00013483][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00013603][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00013688][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00013843][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00013971][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00014096][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00014227][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00014352][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00026942][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00027067][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00027232][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00027324][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00027400][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00027482][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00040059][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00040164][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00040244]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00044799]========== 2016.03.21 22:53:03. boot(15) ============
[00044878]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00044960]Packet upgrade start...

[00045044]Packet checking...
[00045119]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00045203]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00045361]Version checking[1]...
[00045490][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00045629][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00045718][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00045890][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00046012][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00046131][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00046257][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00046377][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00058974][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00059117][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00059274][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00059365][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00059443][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00059524][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00072216][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00072335][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00072411]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00040682]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00040760]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00040843]Packet upgrade start...

[00040928]Packet checking...
[00041009]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00041092]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00041255]Version checking[1]...
[00041386][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00041520][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00041604][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00041791][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00041928][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00042073][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00042208][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00042386][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00054970][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00055088][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00055268][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00055373][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00055452][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00055534][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00068109][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00068216][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00068295]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00106647]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00106726]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00106801]Packet upgrade start...

[00106889]Packet upgrade failed at packet checking.

[00014782]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014860]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014937]Packet upgrade start...

[00015023]Packet checking...
[00015095]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015173]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015334]Version checking[1]...
[00015453][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015671][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015758][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015936][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00016071][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016200][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016324][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016460][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00029040][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029162][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029320][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029431][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029511][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029596][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042195][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042299][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042378]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00140688]========== 2016.03.23 14:43:41. boot(15) ============
[00140767]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.05.0030.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00140852]Packet upgrade start...

[00140936]Packet checking...
[00141012]Packet vlink 01.05.0030 <-> 01.04.0010.
[00141093]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00141256]Version checking[1]...
[00141361][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00141480][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.0.5
[00141564][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00141726][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.0.0
[00141854][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00141980][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00142109][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00142234][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00154809][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00154929][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00155089][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00155185][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00155266][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.26.4315
[00155339][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.26.4315
[00167913][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00168026][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00168107]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014686]========== 2016.03.23 14:50:13. boot(15) ============
[00014762]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014911]Packet upgrade start...

[00014992]Packet checking...
[00015069]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015146]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015304]Version checking[1]...
[00015426][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015546][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015627][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015786][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015915][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016050][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016175][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016330][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028905][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029029][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029187][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029290][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029367][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029445][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042028][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042131][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042207]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014843]========== 2016.03.23 14:53:31. boot(15) ============
[00014917]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00015000]Packet upgrade start...

[00015081]Packet checking...
[00015157]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015234]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015379]Version checking[1]...
[00015504][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015624][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015705][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015864][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00016013][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016149][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016269][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016423][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028999][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029125][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029288][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029397][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029581][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029652][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042243][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042331][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042410]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014803]========== 2016.03.23 14:54:42. boot(15) ============
[00014879]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014957]Packet upgrade start...

[00015043]Packet checking...
[00015118]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015197]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015348]Version checking[1]...
[00015477][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015594][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015675][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015835][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015974][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016098][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016223][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016356][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028926][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029058][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029240][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029335][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029409][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029484][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042092][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042185][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042261]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014797]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014875]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x1890321a].
[00014955]Packet upgrade start...

[00015041]Packet checking...
[00015116]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00015195]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015352]Version checking[1]...
[00015467][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015592][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.10.7
[00015677][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015830][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00015967][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016158][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016276][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016427][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00029006][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029136][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029298][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029393][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029472][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.26.4315
[00029577][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.26.4315
[00042161][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042252][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042334]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00014872]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014945]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x365397f7].
[00015020]Packet upgrade start...

[00015110]Packet checking...
[00015185]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00015266]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).

[00015417]Version checking[1]...
[00015530][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00015654][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00015735][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00015889][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00016018][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016143][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016269][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016402][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00028983][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00029118][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00029278][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00029374][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00029454][01 00][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00029531][01 01][00] v1.29.4920 -> v1.29.4920
[00042108][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00042195][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00042274]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00015138]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00015212]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin] detected, card sn [0x017dc0a6].
[00015285]Packet upgrade start...

[00015366]Packet checking...
[00015441]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00015631]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020 (flow = 0).
i think the craft can still fly
Use props

Last edited by Donnie In 2016-3-31 19:16 Editor Posted at 2016-3-31 18:25
Is there a link where one can buy just the defective camera board allone?

Can you send me the hidden file from the SD card.  If  you do not have it just try to load the 1.7 update on the SD card and then remove the SD card  after it tries to update.  I need to read what is on it.  I will give you a link with instructions let me know what it say on line 0800 and 1500.

Also can your aircraft still fly ?   You can fly but not see the video correct ?
hi Donnie, thanks a million man for the reply.
yes i think it can fly
i just placed firmware 1.3 on a sd card and the update went on much longer all the way but failed in the end again, but now the rc says that the firmware is1.3.20+
the overall status camera requires upgrade; aircraft upgrade error. still no image from the camera
Use props

app 2.7.1
craft 1.3.20+ was 1.7
rc  1.5.80
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States
Offline Posted at 2016-3-31 19:58
Last edited by Donnie In 2016-3-31 19:16 Editor

Posted at 2016-3-31 18:25

I am sorry to tell you this but with that defective ( Line of code )  0800  and 1500  file it must be sent in for service .The video module is corrupted,  This happens if you leave the transmitter on while the aircraft is updating, not always but I have seen this quite a bit.  There is nothing that the consumer can do.  I am sorry.  
The file versions  may upload but the video module is broken for sure.  I have never seen it fixed other than going in   for service .    Is it still under warrenty ?   good luck  
You may be better off selling yours for parts and then buying a used one on e bay for about 800 us dollars.  I bet y0u could seel yours as is for 300 us dollars or more


Use props

wat can i do what is the procedure to get an rma number?
Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-31 22:03
I am sorry to tell you this but with that defective ( Line of code )  0800  and 1500  file it must  ...

thanks DONNIE
Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-31 22:03
I am sorry to tell you this but with that defective ( Line of code )  0800  and 1500  file it must  ...

HI donnie,
thanks man, how long is the warrantee period? my drone is of june the 16th 2015 from B&H
Use props

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-31 22:03
I am sorry to tell you this but with that defective ( Line of code )  0800  and 1500  file it must  ...

Use props
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